So.. How's your upcoming list look? (56K Beware)


72 (100%)
Mine looks insane and it's giving me headaches.. I may have to sell some stuff just to get all the great games this season! Here's the ones I'm looking forward to.. (I played the UK version, it wasn't TOO bad.. well, yeah, it was, but it was still fun. The voice actors sound white, which was really weird.. it's one of those games that you put in when you just wanna shoot some stuff) (PLEASE let this turn out good.)

Okay, that's MORE than enough. That's just through the end of the year, with Forza coming out in January. I have NO clue how I'm going to get all this money. What about you guys? What are you guys holding out for?
Thought I'd post Gabe's ( thoughts on this exact same topic:


Are you fucking kidding me?

Mon, September 06 2004 - 5:35 PM
by: Gabe

During the entire summer I purchased maybe three or four games tops. I was in an EB yesterday looking at all the coming soon boxes and it got me thinking. I went home and compiled a list of all the games coming out just in September that I really want to play. Take a fucking look at this:

Guilty Gear X2 - 9/7 - 19.99
Burnout 3 - 9/7 - 49.99
Fable - 9/14 - 49.99
X-Men Legends - 9/22 - 49.99
The Sims 2 - 9/14 - 49.99
Star Wars Battlefront - 9/20 - 49.99
Myst IV Revelation - 9/21 - 39.99
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - 9/28 - 49.99
Sly 2: Band of Thieves - 9/14 - 39.99
Mega Man X Command Mission - 9/21 - 39.99

Then take into account the fact that I already purchased Star Ocean and Phantom Brave this month. That means that if I wanted to buy all the games I want this month I’d have to spend over five hundred bucks. That is totally fucking insane. What in the hell is wrong with the videogame industry? If they spread these games out over the course of a year I’d probably buy every one of them. As it stands now, I’ll end up having to rent 90% of these.

In the movie industry you have a few big summer blockbusters, but decent movies come out year round. Imagine if every single movie worth watching came out in July. Imagine if you had to spend five hundred dollars in one month just to see the movies you were interested in. People wouldn’t stand for that. Why is it that the videogame industry is able to get away with this bullshit?

I’m not even talking about October and November here. 99% of all the games worth playing in a given year come out in the space of three months. THAT IS fuckING RIDICULOUS! I keep looking at that list I posted above and shaking my head. It’s hard to believe that they can get away with this level of banditry. I’m not going to take a loan out just to buy the games I want this month. That means I’ll only be purchasing one or two of the titles on that list. I know for a fact I’m not the only one who will be make some hard decisions in the next few weeks.

I’d love to hear an explanation for this. If you work in the industry and you have some light you could shed on this please share it with the class.

-Gabe out

Gabe Some feedback from a developer

Mon, September 06 2004 - 6:44 PM
by: Gabe

I’ve got a great letter here from a developer. I’m not going to say where he works but you’ve probably played his games.

Hi Gabe,

Most of us in the industry are as puzzled about these release schedules as you are. Why would you release games in such a way as to get them buried under a landslide of other great games? From a money-making standpoint, this makes about as much sense as releasing the pilot of a new TV series during the SuperBowl. No TV producer in their right mind would ever do that. However, this happens every year in our industry and there's really only one reason I can think of. It's the same reason so many sequels get made for games -- people like to play it safe. And it drives most of us in the trenches mad.

Now I know what you're thinking "What? How is 'getting your title buried in a shit heap of other games so that it doesn't sell nearly as well as it could have' playing it safe?" I have a theory on this that I call "The Christmas Decoration Phenomenon." As near as I can tell, there are legions of trolls that sit in marketing offices all day crunching numbers. They are really sensitive to patterns, even ones that the normal human eye is incapable of seeing. It would seem that, at some point a few years back, some clever marketing troll said to himself "hmm... a lot of games sell around Christmas, because people go and buy toys for kids at Christmas. I know! If we sell our game at Christmas, we'll make tons of money!" And it worked. For years, it seemed that the maxim was "lets push this game and get it out the door at Christmas." And, like the decorations at department stores, the definition of "Christmas Time" keeps getting pushed back sooner and sooner and lasting longer and longer. Now, "The Holiday Season" begins in September and ends in January.

Well this year, I think what happened is that everyone did as they normally did -- scheduled for Christmas -- oblivious to the fact that everyone else was doing the same damn thing, and all of a sudden there's a crisis. "Oh shit, you mean GTA4, Half-Life 2, Metroid Prime 2, Halo 2, AND OurGameX are coming out in the same week? Crap! How did this happen? Lets shuffle around some deadlines... release a week later.. a week earlier.. a month earlier... and so forth."

It really just comes down to some crappy planning based on the stagnangy of marketing philosophies. Releasing during the holidays is "safe"... even though tons of other games are coming out... I dont know if you can hear it, but my eyes are rolling back in my head right now.

At any rate, I think there is some light at the end of the tunnel. From rumblings that I hear, you'll probably start to see more games released mid-year than before to avoid just this sort of thing. Nintendo has been doing this for a long time. They'll step out the release of their awesome first party titles throughout the year to avoid a pile-up at Christmas... like intelligent people.

That's just my theory, though. I'm sure someone involved in marketing would be able to help you out much better than I could.

~ Dodger

I'll post more good ones if I get them.

-Gabe out
-SLY 2

Chances are I'll get Halo 2, Burnout 3, & San Andreas & wait for everything else to drop in price.

I'm trying to finish as many games as I witnessed by my "please help me plan my next four weeks of gaming" thread ...just so I can play these games!
On the plus side...all of the games that bomb during the holiday season because of the overcrowded shelves will be much cheaper come January and February.

My "want list" is too crowded...and I've just got my GBA and PC. I'm not made of money, but if I was, I'd have about 20 or so new games by the end of the year. Everything that I've been looking forward to is coming out at once, which means I'll have to skip a lot of it. Stupid publishers...
You might want to try not getting the crap games OP. NHL 2005? You've got ESPN which has gotten much better reviews, is already out and is $30 cheaper. Just a suggetion.

Waiting for price drops will be required this year for all CAGs.
[quote name='sj41']You might want to try not getting the crap games OP. NHL 2005? You've got ESPN which has gotten much better reviews, is already out and is $30 cheaper. Just a suggetion. [/quote]

Yeah, I realize that. I like the series, though. ESPN just doesn't have.. the right feel to it, I guess.
You just gotta plan and looks for steals. There is a way. Here is my list:

Fable- preordered for 30 dollars
Star Wars Battlefront- free from Madden 2005 trade in at gamerush
Kingdom Under Fire- Free from birthday giftcard
ESPN NBA 2K5- preordered for 20 dollars
Halo 2- 44 dollars for Collectors Edition.

This may still sound like a nice chunk of cash, but this has all been paid for over a stretch from April 2004 to now. Another key is to quickly trade in or sell any duds you come across so value doesn't decrease too much.
[quote name='"shadow711711"']dude, there is more to life than videogames[/quote]

Yeah, I got to go to work to get money to pay for the video games.

For me its:
Burnout 3
Tiger Woods 2005
Halo 2 CE
the rest will wait
[quote name='"Scorch"'][quote name='"sj41"']You might want to try not getting the crap games OP. NHL 2005? You've got ESPN which has gotten much better reviews, is already out and is $30 cheaper. Just a suggetion. [/quote]

Yeah, I realize that. I like the series, though. ESPN just doesn't have.. the right feel to it, I guess.[/quote]

I can imagine myself getting over 40 games in these three months alone. Luckily, I'm press so most of if not all those will be free :)
I have a list like this
Donkey Konga
Metroid Prime 2
Paper Mario 2
Mario Tennis

Call Of Duty{ Console}
Army Men RTS ( bet im the only one with this on their list)
Call Of Duty Expansion
Rome: Total War
Doom 3
Zelda: Minnish Cap
Tell me about it! It really does suck, although I will be waiting for most of these to drop in pricea



Looks like business as usual to me. The majority of the several dozen games I bought this year were released in 2003 or earlier. They play exactly the same for me as they did on the day of their release, except I only paid $20 or less for any one of them. The ones over $10 are in the minority.

All of the games listed that interest will continue to do when they're cheap. I won't be anywhere close to finished with the existing lot when that happens.
I think I've decided not to buy any new release games untill after Christmas except:

Fable (already preordered)

Halo 2 (preordered)

ESPN NBA 2K5 (it's just too cheap to pass up)

all other games i will wait on i think.
Halo 2 CE
Ninja Gaiden (Praying for Price Drop).
MechAssault 2 (Maybe.)

Metroid Prime 2
Donkey Konga

Half Life 2

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories OR
FF 1+2 Advance

Nintendo DS (Maybe...)
The rest I can wait for. I'll probably pick up older games (i.e. SC:pT, NFSU, PoP: TSOT, MechAssault, etc.)
thanks scorch!

im gunna list how much ill pay too
(there are alot more games i want than i thoguht i would!)
here goes:

Star Ocean (30 or less)
Phantom Brave (30 or less)
Silent Hill 4 (20 or less)
burnout 3 (10 or less)
sly cooper 2 (15 or less)
nhl 2005 (if best buy order comes through)
gungrave (pending reviews)
def jam 2 (15 or less)
ddr extreme (prolly pick it up for retail unless theres a deal)
megaman x command mission (25 or less, pending reviews)
x-men legends (25 or less, pending reviews)
shadow hearts 2 (25 or less)
crash: twinasity (10 or less)
growlanser (35-40 or less)
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (30 or less)

thug 2 (20 or less)
midway arcade treasures 2 (GGC at BB)
king of figters max impact (25 or less pending reviews)
paper mario (40 or less hopefully ^^)
gta:san andres(30 or less)
ninja turtles 2 (15 or less)
ape escape (maybe retail)
castle shikagami 2 (pre ordered)
bard's tale (30 or less)
time crisis:crisis zone (40 if mtv order comes through)
neo-contre (20 or less pending reviews)

king of fighters 02/03 (25 or less)
godzilla:save earth (20 or less)
ratchet and clank 3(maybe retail)
Gretzky 2005 (10 or less, i want to know how diffrent this is and i love hockey games)
guilty gear isuka (25 or less pending reviews)
metal gear solid 3 (maybe retail)
metroid prime 2 (35 or less)
atari anthology (eventully)
sega classics collection (bb GGC)
jak 3 (20 or less pending reviews)
prince of persia 2 (25 or less)
digital devil saga (pending reviews)
pirates! (35 or less)
viewtiful joe 2 (20 or less)
megaman x8 (15 or less pending reviews)

ill also be getting a nintendo ds and animal crossing ds ^^
[quote name='epobirs']Looks like business as usual to me. The majority of the several dozen games I bought this year were released in 2003 or earlier. They play exactly the same for me as they did on the day of their release, except I only paid $20 or less for any one of them. The ones over $10 are in the minority.

All of the games listed that interest will continue to do when they're cheap. I won't be anywhere close to finished with the existing lot when that happens.[/quote]

exactly. i listed games i want. ill get them eventully, i can see buying many of them at full price
I was thinking the same thing as the OP, but this happens alot with games around this time of year. I will definetly be getting:

Halo 2
Bard's Tale
My XBox is getting alot of love from me to. Almost 80% of the games I plan on purchasing from now till March are XBox games. Silent Hill 4 Fable Def Jam: Fight for NY SVC Chaos Otogi 2 Halo LE SF:AC

I'm sadly holding off on: DOA Ultimate, MK Deception, Burnout 3 (although trying to make room for it), Froza Motor Sport, KOTOR 2, Jade Empire, Conker Live and Uncut/Reloaded, Outrun 2, Doom 3, Fatal Frame 2, KOF 02/03 and a few other games due to cash reasons.
here is mine

WWE Smackdown: Smackdown Vs raw

Halo 2

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

The only games im getting for the full 50 this year
Dead or Alive Ultimate with Bonus! XBX
Gran Turismo 4 PS2
King of Fighters 02/03 PS2
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2
100 Bullets XBX
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom XBX
Nintendo DS
King of Fighters: Maximum Impact PS2
Star Wars Battlefront with Bonus! XBX
GoldenEye: Rogue Agent with Bonus! XBX
Red Ninja: End of Honor XBX
Midway Arcade Treasures 2 XBX
Star Wars: Republic Commando XBX
Final Fantasy XII PS2
Resident Evil 4 GC
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes GC
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door GC
Killzone PS2
Need For Speed Underground 2 with Bonus! XBX
Viewtiful Joe 2 GC
Killer 7 GC
F-Zero: GP Legend GBA
Geist GC
Mario Tennis GC
Star Fox GC
The Legend of Zelda (working title) GC
Halo 2 Limited Collector's Edition XBX
Conker: Live and Reloaded XBX
Dead to Rights II: Hell to Pay XBX
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect PS2
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 with Bonus! PS2
Tekken 5 PS2
Time Crisis: Crisis Zone PS2
Devil May Cry 3 PS2
Mario Pinball GBA
Death by Degrees PS2
Under The Skin PS2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus PS2
Rumble Roses PS2
Donkey Konga GC
Virtua Quest GC
Sega Superstars PS2
Game Boy Advance Wireless Adapter GBA
OutRun 2 XBX
Blood Will Tell PS2
Sonic Mega Collection Plus PS2
Forza Motorsport XBX
Street Fighter Limited Edition Chun Li Controller PS2
Mortal Kombat: Deception Kollector's Edition XBX
DK Bongos GC
Gungrave: Overdose PS2
Metal Gear Acid PSP PSP
Ridge Racer PSP PSP
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater PSP PSP
Darkstalkers 3 PSP PSP
Project S PSP PSP
Twisted Metal PSP PSP
Gran Turismo 4 Mobile PSP PSP
Project Rub DS DS
Sonic DS DS
PictoChat DS DS
Mario Kart DS DS
Metroid Prime: Hunters DS DS
Super Mario Bros. DS DS
WarioWare Inc. DS DS
Super Mario 64x4 DS DS
Pac 'n Roll DS DS
Pac-Pix DS DS

Thats my entire wish list from Will I get all of these? HELL NO... does anyone here even have enough money to get all these games?
here are the games that I am getting for sure, I have a lot more, but these are the ones that I HAVE TO GET no matter what.

Halo 2
Star Wars KOTOR II
Burnout 3
Kingdom Under Fire
Star Wars Battlefront
ESPN Basketball 2k5

Metal Gear Solid 3
Grand Thef Auto San Andreas
Gran Turismo 4
WWE Smackdown vs. RAW

Half Life 2
World of Warcraft
Sims 2
Call of Duty Expansion
LOTR Battle for Middle Earth

Paper Mario
Donkey Konga
Metroid Prime 2
Mario Tennis
Resident Evil 4
I was trying to tally this up yesterday at work.

Halo 2
Splinter Cell :Chaos Theory
GuiltyGear XX Reloaded
Silent Hill 4
Burnout 2
Mortal Kombat Deception
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Leisure Suit Larry :Magnum Cum Laude
Tron 2.0
Bard's Tale
Prince of Persia 2

Gungrave Overdose
Star Ocean
Katamari Damacy
Shadow Hearts
Under the Skin
Time Crisis: Crisis Zone
Neo Contra
Ratchet and Clank :Up your arsenal
Shadow of Rome
Kareoke Revolution 3
Gran Turismo 4
Digital Devil Saga
Vietiful Joe 1&2

Donkey Konga
Tiger Woods 2005
Mario Tennis

There's probably alot more but thats about all I can think of off the top of my head. It's pathetic..theres no way I can get all this crap.. -sigh-
So many that I had to actually sit back and say to myself why bother, i'm only going to play Fable, Halo 2 and KOTOR2, the rest will sit collecting dust. So that was cleared up pretty fast.
I was just talking about this with my friend and writing up a list.

Preordered already -
Halo 2 SE
Fable - 4 for 1 trade in
SF Anniversary Collection with Tshirt woohoo

NHL 2k5
MK Deception
Kingdom Under Fire
Doom 3 (XB)
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Blinx 2

Definitely picking up
Guy Game
Def Jam Fight for NY
SNKvCapcom 2
Leisure Suit Larry PC - just wouldn't feel right on a console =/
I have to pick up alot of older games before I get these newer ones. I got Star Ocean for cheap, and paid for Halo 2 months ago, so right now I'm only looking to buy Donkey Konga.
Yeah I'm gonna wait for the reviews of a lot of these games. The only one's I'm 100-percent certain of are Halo 2, Fable and THUG. I'll probably end up picking up some other stuff, but I'm in wait and see mode on those. Really once Halo 2 comes out I may not need a new game for a while.
[quote name='magilacudy']Leisure Suit Larry PC - just wouldn't feel right on a console =/[/quote]

That was my thinking. That, and the fact that the PC version is $20 cheaper than the console versions.
Games that I need to get that are already out:
Zelda Wind Waker
Metroid Prime
THUG (Xbox)
Tales of Symphonia
Pikmin 2
Viewtiful Joe (GameCube)
Panzer Dragon Orta

And much more. Plus all the games that I own but am not anywhere close to finishing. Don't need to pick up many games untill the end of the year but the GameRush preorder deal is going to force me to get more than I should.
Halo 2
MP 2
ESPN NBA 2k5 ($15 you can't pass it up)
Neo Contra
GuiltyGear XX Reloaded ($15 you can't pass it up)
Resident Evil 4

Those are the games I"m going to purchase first day...other then that everything will depend on how CAG can some though!

Still shit..even just a small list like that totals up to a few hundred dollars....i can't imagine how much others pay for their games.

-Halo 2 Collector's Edition already preordered ($35..I used the $20 gift voucher from preordering the UT2004 SE)

-NBA 2k5. Can't beat the price. Wallace on the cover = good.

-Rocky Legends. So sue me, the story mode has me pulled in because I'm a sucker for Rocky films. Online play is nice too. Too bad the voice acting I've heard so far is so bad I want to throw up. Why couldn't they at least hold over the real voices they DID have from the first one?

-MK: Deception. Still pissed about the splitting of MK 1 and MK 2 & 3 on the Midway Arcade Treasure 2 disc, but I'll probably still buy MK:D. Dunno if it'll be regular edition (which annoyingly enough has the best looking cover) or the limited.

-Ninja Gaiden (if/when it price drops)

-KOTOR II. If it's out for XMas.

-Fable...that is, if I can find an awesome deal on it and KOTOR II slips past XMas. Between the two though I'll take the KOTOR sequel.

-Street Fighter Anniversary Collection. I know this one probably won't be out until after XMas, but still..come on! Online SF II! (don't mention how you can already do that with emulators... ;) )

-Guilty Gear X2 #Reload. Not sure on this one, but hell, for a $15-20 price and online play it's hard to go wrong.


-Half-Life 2. If the damn thing ever actually comes out.
Second Sight is a good game i've had it for about a month now and i'm almost done with it i like it alot, it's almost exactly like Psi OPS but better. Headhunter Redemption sucks my ass i can't stand the control, i can't stand just running from one rooms to another, there is no desire to finish that game. Lesiure Suit Larry is fing hilarious and i love it although you guys wont' get the uncensored version with the uncensored models :p. Juiced is a amazing game, SRS is crap, Juiced owns it in so many way don't pass it up. I've had burnout 3 for 3 weeks now and it's absolutely amazing, i'm 44% into the game and i'm not bored at all, it's amazing. If halo 2 and half life 2 wasn't coming out this year i would give it Game of the Year in a fing heartbeat, it's still possible if halo 2 and half life 2 lick my ass. IMO half life 2 will get it, anyway Kindom under fire, refer to my review of it. Conflict Vietnam, ITS ACTUALLY GOOD, i like it alot totally enjoyable they fixed all the bs that f'd up the originals. everyone makes fun of me for it but one of my fav games lately is Pure Pinball, IDC about the reviews its still kick ass pinball! rawr!

Alright guys, here we are.. halfway through. This is the calm before the storm.. in a few weeks, GTA: SA, LOTR: Third Age, Halo 2, NFSU2, Bard's Tale, Metal Gear Solid 3, DOA: Ultimate, Goldeneye 2, KOTOR 2, Ghost Recon 2, Goldeneye, Metroid Prime 2, and so, so many more hit. How have you guys fared thus far?

I've managed to get quite a few games. I still owe on some of them, some of them I did trades to get. Out of my original list, I've gotten Silent Hill 4, Burnout 3, Fable, Kingdom Under Fire (On order), Star Wars: Battlefront, Def Jam: FFNY, X-Men Legends, DOA: Ultimate (on order), Tony Hawk's Underground 2, Mortal Kombat: Deception, and Leisure Suit Larry: Magnum Cum Laude. Great season so far, every one of the games above was worth it. In a few weeks, I'm going to shift more games around and hopefully walk out with Halo 2, NFSU2, Bard's Tale, and Third Age. Hopefully. I never thought I'd walk out with THUG, MK:D, Battlefront, and Leisuire Suit Larry in one day, but I did.. so I'm going to do the same thing. The only worry I have is if Halo 2 will be in-stock..

..anyways, how have you guys fared so far?
Well, I have preorders on GTA:SA and Halo 2. I will also give serious thought to Bard's Tale, KOTOR 2, Shin Megami Whatever, Midway Arcade 2, and Goldeneye Rogue Agent. The rest of the games on my list will probably wait.

Already bought this season:
*Burnout 3 and X-Men Legends (Meijer's BOGO 50%)
*Def Jam FFNY (EB trade-in)
*Fable (Best Buy XBL starter kit $20 off promo)
*ESPN NBA 2k5 ($10 @ Best Buy)
*Guilty Gear X2 Reload and Katamary Damacy ($20 each, whee!).
Halo2 CE
SP:CT whenever it comes out.
Ghost Recon 2

already beat
Second Sight

plus i have some stuff from blockbuster and other games i want to beat
fatal frame
metal slug 3
mgs:2 substance
Jedi Academy
Crimson Skies
Metal Arms

maybe one or two more if i can get them cheap, at gamerush.
I have a modestly big list for the fall season, I'm not one to trade my games away though. I like playing them later on and like having a collection too. Here's what's definite for me coming up:
Halo 2 CE
Kotor 2
LOTR 3rd Age
A Gamecube, with several older games and Paper Mario 2
Possibly a DS with several games

Not too big a list, but I did just pick up SW Battlefront, Thug 2, Katamari Damacy, Fable, Second Sight and Silent Hill 4.

My question to everyone is do game companies think it's smart to battle eachother during Christmas season? I'd think it's wiser to wait to release a game when there's less competition.
I have to say I've done ok. I haven't bought any new releases. I've bought.
ESPN NHL 2k5. ($16 at BB with XBL coupon.)
Super Mario Sunshine ($13 from EB)
Ninja Gaiden ($30 from EB)
Call of Duty ($10 from EB)
JSRF/Sega GT 2002 ($3 at Gamestop)

I figure I can pick up most of the other games I want cheaper in Jan/Feb.
Halo 2 CE
Metroid Prime 2 Echoes
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (maybe)
Nintendo DS (maybe)
NFSU 1 (When it hits $20)
XBL Starter Kit
MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf

Mostly I've been saving money.
bread's done