So I just bought Ico....


I messed around with it for about 30 minutes then had to jet for work. Its different, but in a good way...the only problem I have is that I can't decide if its too different.

I mean, I know its the critical darling, and I LOVE the photography/backgrounds. Simply gorgeous...ESPECIALLY when you consider it came out back near the launch of the system.

But am I going to play this game because I want to, or because I feel like I should?

It's like I feel the need to play this game because it will educate me. I'd compare it to an English major who feels the need to read The Great Gatsby just because, come on, it's a classic.

Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?
I passed this up at my K-Mart once. I should probably track it down...although it will probably just sit in my room, unplayed, like everything else!
Hey now I'm not even that far into it, I was just posting to see if anyone else felt the same when beginning this game.
I felt the same way. I started the game after hearing so much about it. It felt more like work than play though. When I started, it did look great but, to me, it didn't seem like it as good as some people say it is. I don't think I realized how great this game was until I was close to the end. It is a short game but definetly worth it.
[quote name='bapti2529']But am I going to play this game because I want to, or because I feel like I should?

It's like I feel the need to play this game because it will educate me. I'd compare it to an English major who feels the need to read The Great Gatsby just because, come on, it's a classic.

Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?[/quote]

I do, and I never really got past that feeling.
heh, just got Ico today too. noticed it behind a whole bunch of crap at Gamestop.

Can't wait to start it, but i've still gotta get through Deus Ex:IW and Xenogears first
When I first played it I was just kinda in awe from the graphical presentation. I wanted to keep playing just to see what else they'd show me.

When I got right down ti it I fielt like I want playing an updated prince of persia (which is what tombraider was supposed to be back in the day but got over shadowed by huge breasts) solving puzzles and navigating large dungeonal areas using your brains more than brawn.
Never could get into it. I kept playing because my buddy told me "it gets better, man." So I played, and played until I realized I beat the game, and I was just like, oh. Not for me, but some love it.
I guess I never had that feeling (though, I rented it when it first came out, and then bought it later). Really, though, after the first hour or two, I really don't know if it gets better. I enjoyed it about the same the entire way through.

At most, this is about an 8 hour game (if you struggle with some of the puzzles, if you don't, maybe closer to 6). To me, it was a fully enjoyable 8 hours. If you aren't enjoying it after you play it some more, I wouldn't keep playing. But, it's one of my favorite games this generation.
Sometimes games are so under-rated by the public, that they de facto become somewhat over-rated. I can say the same thing about games such as Rez, Frequency, and to a lesser extent Katamari Damacy Indeed they are all excellent experiences, but their reputations proceed them...and are larger than them
Loved it! It forces you to think and figure things out instead of the hack and slash or shoot 'em up no brainers.

So you will have to give it more than a few minutes before work to really get into it. Keep at it and you will enjoy it more each time you play.

The scenery, music, and puzzles are cool. It is one of my favorites!
haha I recently bought dat game too!!!

sadly in between Tekken, SMT Noctrne (still havent beat argh!), and DMC3 it wont get played for like a year...
I thought that the first Prince of Persia, of the current generation, had tinges of Ico in had ethereal moments and similar puzzle elements...aside from the tedious fighting sequences.
I didn't really like it at first but by the end (when you have to ride the dragon and then it dies - so sad) I really enjoyed it.
yeah you did. there's this button in the upper right on the post. it should say "edit" use it. :roll:
Ico, I forget where I am in this game but I do have a halfway or more save.

The thing that I like about this game beyond the graphics and atmosphere is the sense of dread. You really fear when the ghost like black things come to suck you or the girl up. They remind me so much of the demons that came out of the shadows on the movie "Ghost".

Say what you want about that film but that was the scariest rendition of what happens if you go to hell I've seen.
I thought it was a good game, not great or living up to the hype around it, but a game with solid gameplay, good puzzles, and a beatuiful envionment...try it for a total of 2 hours, if you still aren't enjoying yourself set it aside
I find it odd when people say games that are simply loved by the people who enjoyed them are "overhyped". Frankly, I think the phrase is "overused". When you have a billion posts a day about a game that's piss poor months before it comes out? THAT'S over hyped, but a game that comes out and has to have people tell their friends it's a good game because it got next to NO advertising at all?

That's UNDERhyped.

[quote name='Backlash']Oh crap I forgot to warn about spoilers![/quote]

If you ruined something for me I'm going to be very upset. If you're joking, and that doesn't happen in the're still a meathead.

I thought is was a very surreal game and I enjoyed playing it. The graphics and presentation are really top notch. I definetly agree with Prince of Persia comparisons but more emphasis on puzzle solving and not platforming and combat.

I really helped launch a buddy system and having to take care of and solve puzzles using two characters. Which I am now seeing again in Resident Evil 4 with Ashley.

Another thing I did like is the length of the game. It might of needed to be a little bit longer but I felt the pacing and length of the game was almost perfect.
This is one of the games that really drove me to buy a Playstation 2. I thought the game was a really good length also. It was just long enogh to play thru in a casual weekend, and it left you with the same feeling you have after you see a great movie... you knew what you just experienced was something a little special.

The thing that really impressed me about the game was the amount of emotional involvement with the characters that you develop over the course of the game. These two children are vulnerable and it pains you to see these evil shadows relentlessly pursue and overwhelm them. Ico and the Princess are just two kids trying to escape a dire situation over which they have no control, and its hard not to feel something when you watch them succeed or fail.
[quote name='Professor Oreo']This is one of the games that really drove me to buy a Playstation 2. I thought the game was a really good length also. It was just long enogh to play thru in a casual weekend, and it left you with the same feeling you have after you see a great movie... you knew what you just experienced was something a little special.

The thing that really impressed me about the game was the amount of emotional involvement with the characters that you develop over the course of the game. These two children are vulnerable and it pains you to see these evil shadows relentlessly pursue and overwhelm them. Ico and the Princess are just two kids trying to escape a dire situation over which they have no control, and its hard not to feel something when you watch them succeed or fail.[/quote]

I liked the queen-castle metaphor of decay as well. Pretty cool. The Getaway should take note - this is how you get rid of status bars without sacrificing gameplay.
someone once compared this game to earthbound for me. I love earthbound, so could someone else draw the parallel for me?
I too feel obligated to play this game based on the fan feedback and respect it gets.
However, I'm still looking for it new at a cheap ass price...
Your pathological obligation to the game should only take you about 7 hours to subside anyways, so just play it and enjoy it. This kind of game only comes around once in a while. I've played through it more times than I can count.

Also, make sure you stick around after the credits roll.
[quote name='Run4Fun']I too feel obligated to play this game based on the fan feedback and respect it gets.
However, I'm still looking for it new at a cheap ass price...[/quote]

Fry's Eelctronics $14.99 new.
[quote name='Professor Oreo'][quote name='Run4Fun']I too feel obligated to play this game based on the fan feedback and respect it gets.
However, I'm still looking for it new at a cheap ass price...[/quote]

Fry's Eelctronics $14.99 new.[/quote]

Thanks Prof!
I'll have to head to Fry's on my way home from school for spring break.
bread's done