So I just found out a girl I knew from high school is a porn star

[quote name='ITDEFX']

"See you in your nightmares!"
Sorry to beat a dead horse, but that post is still cracking me up. I found a new favorite:

" She is probably a playboy or tried out to be a playment....MNAybe you have seen her back in early 97 or 2000.."

Ok, first: playment. WTF. I don't really know what to add to that one. Second, maybe we saw her in early 97 or 2000...that is a bit of a jump in years! In early 97 I was a freshman in high school; I was done in 2000. I mean, how do you get those two years mixed up?

Please, please, please write another post!
[quote name='Tybee']"See you in your nightmares!"[/QUOTE]

this is one of those situations where a paper bag will be required over her head before any bed romping begins.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']Yeah I knew a girl who called herself a slut when in truth it was a cry for help.
This guy kept telling me how her father would rape her and her brother would also at times. Then this fucker at times would try to start a fight with me proclaiming that he hits her and before that was trying to make me go after her seeing how he was telling me this girl liked me. People said all kinds of crap about her like she would go to nightclubs and stuff. I don't know if it is her but I saw this girl who resembles her but was fatter and taller and look diffrent like she was pregnant.

Another girl I knew from Freshmen year was okay and beautiful but I had to go to nightschool and that was in my softmore year I sawed her outside with her sister saying that some ugly fuck is her boyfreind who did not even talk or said anything with his pugly sconny slef. I later found out that she was pregnant and at the same time the bigger sister was gettign scolorships. I swear her big sister was pimiping her out for money. I mean come on. When she came back to school she was wearing a wig and skin was really darker almost tanned or unclean but diffrent.

Then another girl who I was tlaking with in Summer school but this one is diffrent. She is a self proclaimed slut ( as in a girl who like to have sex ) wear she looked terrible and worked hard to gain that Playboy look which she did but was kinda up close PLayboy creepy. I would talk dirty to her telling her how I would do her and stuff and comparing her to a make em up fruit as she would do with me. I never really got a chance to help her out and ended up haing a conversation about Pokemon with a couple of guys....( Which I feel is super duper Homo ).... She works for a living at a certain chiken place to make up for the rent seeeing how her folks kicked her downstairs and the whole Basement is hers. Yeah I never made it with her when I Knew I could have seeing how she carried protection all the time. She is probably a playboy or tried out to be a playment....MNAybe you have seen her back in early
97 or 2000.......I missed having sex with a playmate wanna be who carried her own protection:bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

Again my own father had met girls where they have problems. He probably convinced some girls to have abortions or his family said no.

Again most of the girls I knew grewed up around all kinds of crap and creppy figures. Only a few handfull had wealth and looked good. I hope I never turned any girl I knew into a porn star or stripper.[/quote]

[quote name='Zewone']This is beautiful.[/QUOTE]It's a work of art. Simply amazing.
You must post more Regal.
Here is something interesting I saw on Wikipedia about Porn Stars and STDs...

However, accurate information about the extent of infection among those in the adult industry is unknown because no organization has ever done rigorous studies. The existing data suggest that pornographic actors have a much higher rate of STDs than the general American population. The Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation administered voluntary tests to a group consisting primarily of adult film workers. Of 483 people tested between October 2001 and March 2002, about 40% had at least one disease. Nearly 17% tested positive for chlamydia, 13% for gonorrhea and 10% for hepatitis B and/or hepatitis C.
I know some former strippers, they are nice people. Strippers and porn stars aren't the same but they are treated as such. The first one fit it perfectly, cute, hung, and a dumbass. The second is cute, nice ass, and pretty nice.
I don't really give a crap about all these slutty girls most of you guys have known... I'm only interested in the ones RegalSin2020 has encountered.
I would do her, well before the porn thing I would have why didn't you OP.

[quote name='David85']I know some former strippers, they are nice people. [/QUOTE]

I think you forgot the mental problems, constant bad relationships, really hard drug habits, 5-9 kids, and many other problems. They can be nice people, but most of them have really fucked up lives. If you don't think I know I do, my parents run 2 strip clubs.
[quote name='CitizenB']I would do her, well before the porn thing I would have why didn't you OP.

I think you forgot the mental problems, constant bad relationships, really hard drug habits, 5-9 kids, and many other problems. They can be nice people, but most of them have really fucked up lives. If you don't think I know I do, my parents run 2 strip clubs.[/quote]

Well, I wasn't really the type of guy to just randomly have sex with a girl. But the main reason I didn't try to have any kind of relationship with her was because she had a lot of personal crap going on in her life that she told me about from time to time, and I thought it'd be best for me to not get involved.

However, had I gone there, it would be a pretty interesting story to tell my friends, although I doubt anyone would ever believe me.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Well, I wasn't really the type of guy to just randomly have sex with a girl. But the main reason I didn't try to have any kind of relationship with her was because she had a lot of personal crap going on in her life that she told me about from time to time, and I thought it'd be best for me to get myself involved.

However, had I gone there, it would be a pretty interesting story to tell my friends, although I doubt anyone would ever believe me.[/quote]just drop her drawers and fuck her, dude!!
[quote name='thagoat']just drop her drawers and fuck her, dude!![/QUOTE]

You remind me of those frat guys on the bus in borat. I think MOST guys would say no to a girl with mental problems and is a whore. Gotta have standards, just cause she says yes and isn't fug doesn't mean it's worthwhile..
Holy shit, this thread got 15x better after Regal posted. I swear to god he was beaten with english textbooks as a child or something.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']Yeah I knew a girl who called herself a slut when in truth it was a cry for help.
This guy kept telling me how her father would rape her and her brother would also at times. Then this fucker at times would try to start a fight with me proclaiming that he hits her and before that was trying to make me go after her seeing how he was telling me this girl liked me. People said all kinds of crap about her like she would go to nightclubs and stuff. I don't know if it is her but I saw this girl who resembles her but was fatter and taller and look diffrent like she was pregnant.

Another girl I knew from Freshmen year was okay and beautiful but I had to go to nightschool and that was in my softmore year I sawed her outside with her sister saying that some ugly fuck is her boyfreind who did not even talk or said anything with his pugly sconny slef. I later found out that she was pregnant and at the same time the bigger sister was gettign scolorships. I swear her big sister was pimiping her out for money. I mean come on. When she came back to school she was wearing a wig and skin was really darker almost tanned or unclean but diffrent.

Then another girl who I was tlaking with in Summer school but this one is diffrent. She is a self proclaimed slut ( as in a girl who like to have sex ) wear she looked terrible and worked hard to gain that Playboy look which she did but was kinda up close PLayboy creepy. I would talk dirty to her telling her how I would do her and stuff and comparing her to a make em up fruit as she would do with me. I never really got a chance to help her out and ended up haing a conversation about Pokemon with a couple of guys....( Which I feel is super duper Homo ).... She works for a living at a certain chiken place to make up for the rent seeeing how her folks kicked her downstairs and the whole Basement is hers. Yeah I never made it with her when I Knew I could have seeing how she carried protection all the time. She is probably a playboy or tried out to be a playment....MNAybe you have seen her back in early
97 or 2000.......I missed having sex with a playmate wanna be who carried her own protection:bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

Again my own father had met girls where they have problems. He probably convinced some girls to have abortions or his family said no.

Again most of the girls I knew grewed up around all kinds of crap and creppy figures. Only a few handfull had wealth and looked good. I hope I never turned any girl I knew into a porn star or stripper.[/quote]

Whigiddy Whigiddy What the fuck?
I tried to read regalsin's post over the phone to my girlfriend, who was sitting at her desk at work, but I couldn't get the words out of my mouth without bursting into crazy fits of laughter. She had no idea what I was trying to say. I think I should thank regalsin for the entertainment he added to my day...

And I swear I nearly lost it when I read the comment about Gears of War and how he "sawed" that girl in night school. I love that game...

I nominate my own thread for Thread of the Year. Not for anything I did, but for the literary genious that is RegalSin.

Regal, please write a book. I would buy it and read it everyday.
[quote name='jer7583']... just cause she says yes and isn't fug doesn't mean it's worthwhile..[/QUOTE]

Admit it. You like men.
[quote name='CitizenB']I would do her, well before the porn thing I would have why didn't you OP.

I think you forgot the mental problems, constant bad relationships, really hard drug habits, 5-9 kids, and many other problems. They can be nice people, but most of them have really fucked up lives. If you don't think I know I do, my parents run 2 strip clubs.[/QUOTE]

Well they would both be gay stripers so they already mental problems I can deal with. :lol:

Neither one does drugs, or obviously has kids, and I didn't ask about their relationships. But it's a good thing you group all stripers into a fucked up group just because your parents employ losers.
[quote name='David85']Well they would both be gay stripers so they already mental problems I can deal with. :lol:

Neither one does drugs, or obviously has kids, and I didn't ask about their relationships. But it's a good thing you group all stripers into a fucked up group just because your parents employ losers.[/QUOTE]

Does drugs>Check
Dad raped you as kid>Check
Been Beat as kid>No Check

"Sorry, you're not qualified for our establishment"
[quote name='nickmad']a chick that graduated a couple years after me was on Flavor of Love 2. [/QUOTE]
Which one was it?

i watched the entirety of both seasons 1 and 2 when they aired :oops:
[quote name='David85']Well they would both be gay stripers so they already mental problems I can deal with. :lol:

Neither one does drugs, or obviously has kids, and I didn't ask about their relationships. But it's a good thing you group all stripers into a fucked up group just because your parents employ losers.[/QUOTE]

oh I insulted your friends :cry: then you tried to take a stab at me. :applause:

The difference between me and you. I don't give a fuck what a stranger says to me on the internet.

Its more then just my parents "losers" once your in the strip club scene you get to know all of the stripper from different clubs. I dare say only 20% are straight, just there for the money, and go home at night. Some came in clean, and end up dead, from a drug OD, murder etc. That was one of my good "loser" stripper friends. What did she do so wrong to be a "loser" well she had a the same boyfriend for 8 years, and took no drugs, she worked at the bar cause it was good money for her kids. Damn her sould for being a "loser."
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Which one was it?

i watched the entirety of both seasons 1 and 2 when they aired :oops: [/quote]

It was Toastee or Toasty (sp?)
I found out over the summer a girl from my high school is in the comedy central girls gone wild commercial.

I like to say she's on comedy central more than jon stewart with how often they show that damn commercial all night.
I know a girl from high school, which also so happens to be one of my friend's little sisters, is now a porn star. The brother and sister dont really talk much anymore. When I found out what she did, I ask him what ever happened to his sister. He said she was in "modeling", so we made sure to send him all the pics/movies we could find. Anyways, her porn name is MAYA HILLS. I guess she is pretty popular.
[quote name='afedock']I know a girl from high school, which also so happens to be one of my friend's little sisters, is now a porn star. The brother and sister dont really talk much anymore. When I found out what she did, I ask him what ever happened to his sister. He said she was in "modeling", so we made sure to send him all the pics/movies we could find. Anyways, her porn name is MAYA HILLS. I guess she is pretty popular.[/QUOTE] Never heard of her, so I just did a search. She's kinda fuckin' ugly.
I must have had a deprived childhood. None of the girls I grew up with ever turned to porn or anything close to it. At least not yet, there are a couple candidates I keep my eye out for.

As for RegalSin, I have to know if it's all a schtick. No one could possibly butcher the English language so much and still get a point across. Or does he use voice recognition software? A heavy accent and that software could be responsible for some of the best reading on the internet.
[quote name='afedock']He said she was in "modeling", so we made sure to send him all the pics/movies we could find.[/quote]

[quote name='depascal22']As for RegalSin, I have to know if it's all a schtick. No one could possibly butcher the English language so much and still get a point across. Or does he use voice recognition software? A heavy accent and that software could be responsible for some of the best reading on the internet.[/QUOTE]

Not a schtick. You're in the presence of greatness. As the useweb prophets once decreed, "Dread the passage of RegalSin2020, for he will not return."
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Never heard of her, so I just did a search. She's kinda fuckin' ugly.[/QUOTE]
You've never heard of a porn star? That's saying something :lol:
[quote name='daphatty']Admit it. You like men.[/QUOTE]

I hope you're kidding and the concept of having standards in women isn't completely lost on desperate internet geeks..
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Never heard of her, so I just did a search. She's kinda fuckin' ugly.[/QUOTE]

Ya i never found her attractive in high school. Anyways, she drives around in a 100k porsche, so she must be fucking her way to fame. Too bad I read she got Gonorrhea after only a couple of months. One of the extra perks of the porn industry. But, I do applaud her for her breakout performance in "Stick Your Pole In My Rear Hole # 2" ...I kid you not
No porn stars from my high school class that I know of, but at least three girls from my class work or worked in the "adult entertainment" industry. Two of them I've seen modeling nude on various internet sites, and one I ran into in person at a Gentlemens Club in Sacramento. She was cute in high school and good looking when I saw her at the club!
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']No, I don't but she looks exactly the same, only she didn't have mounds of make up on back then.

She was a really nice person, but wasn't so good at Algebra. I guess she found her talent though.[/QUOTE]

Like Katie Morgan said on that HBO special: "All a girl needs is a bottle of lube and a smile.".
Since we're going on about Porno can anyone recommend a Porn with some fineass BluBlack girls? I'm talking lovely Satin skin, hair that's NOT nappy like Alek Wek, curves and the rest, beautiful face et al. If not maybe I should set up a Porno company based on that.
bread's done