So I'm going to get into Final Fantasy XI...advice?


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Hey guys, I finally have a computer capable of handling modern games (Dell XPS--yes!), and I've been thinking about getting into FFXI. I've been a fan of the series since its debut on the NES, and it's always annoyed me that I haven't been able to play this one yet. I didn't want to play it on PS2 b/c it seemed cumbersome w/out a keyboard, and expensive (HDD+netwok adapter+maybe a keyboard).
So, who has some advice for a beginner? Is it worth getting into after all this time, if only for a few months?
Assuming I get in--which I probably will--does anybody have any recommendations for a new guy? Job classes that are a good idea?
Bear in mind that I don't know much about the game, and don't have any MMORPG experience (though I've played dozens of rpgs).
it is pretty hard and can be tedious at times, but can also be alot of fun

what don't care for is that it will take you 10 minutes to walk across the towns and the lack of quick transportation can be a pain

It probably gets a little less tedious once you get your chocobo which isn't until around level 20 or so if I remember correctly. I didn't play much longer after I completed the chocobo quest.

there is also virtually no soloing that can be done at the higher levels and if you die, you get experience removed and you can actually de-level

Unfortunately, ffxi should not be in the ff sequence, there is a storyline but it seemed to be pretty vague

I play eq2 and there is no deleveling and supposedly world of warcraft is the same way. Instead, when you die in eq2, you incur an experience debt. 75% of the debt is erased if you get your spirit shard back (which is left where you die) and while your paying the debt, you only get like 50 or 75 percent of your normal exp from a kill and all your items lose 10% of their durability. THIS IS MUCH BETTER THAN LOSING A LEVEL!!!

those games also offer a more soloable approach to the game as well

ffxi has also died down quite a bit since wow and eq2 have come out

plus, as of now, the only pvp you will get is in wow
I just got it a month ago. I picked a warrior job and the hume race. Warriors are probably the easiest job to jump into (maybe less expensive too). Hume is a race that is pretty good for any job. Don't worry too much if you pick a job you don't like because you can play with all the jobs using the same character.

I am level 20 and just got my chocobo liscense. I admit, it is a pain in the ass to walk around everywhere but my friend tells me now that i have my choc it'll be alot better.

As far as whether you should get it or not, I love it. I have only played xbox live once in 2 weeks because i am so into it (i ususally play mech2 every night).

Like a previous poster said, not much of a story line unless you do quests and missions. You can spend all your time leveling up if you want and do the bare minimum of quests/missions. When higher levels it is important to get in parties but IMO it is more fun to be in a party.
I played FFXI for about 6 months last year before quitting. I found that unless you played one of a few class+race combos, you really couldn't get past the mid-30s.

I found the utter lack of variety among the monsters very tedious. Seriously, there are maybe 25 monsters that just get repeated with different names.

And I found that trying to solo anything at all past level 30 was such a chore that it robbed the game of a lot of fun for me. It wasn't a game I could just play for an hour or two, since it took at least an hour to get somewhere and to find a party, and then another half hour to get to where you wanted to xp.

It's a beautiful game with a lot of promise, but for me it's broken on a very fundamental level.
[quote name='poormojo']I played FFXI for about 6 months last year before quitting. I found that unless you played one of a few class+race combos, you really couldn't get past the mid-30s.

I found the utter lack of variety among the monsters very tedious. Seriously, there are maybe 25 monsters that just get repeated with different names.

And I found that trying to solo anything at all past level 30 was such a chore that it robbed the game of a lot of fun for me. It wasn't a game I could just play for an hour or two, since it took at least an hour to get somewhere and to find a party, and then another half hour to get to where you wanted to xp.

It's a beautiful game with a lot of promise, but for me it's broken on a very fundamental level.[/quote]

Agreed, I'm cancelling my FFXI content id at the end of the month. I will have to hold a funeral for my Mithra.

And World of Warcraft is just as beautiful if you have a decent graphic card on high settings.

I'm going to play WoW instead...I don't delevel/lose experience when I die, I can solo if I want to, and me and my buddies can corpse camp real time money sellers (gold/gil/sellers) and make thier life living hell. Its payback time !

I should also add, you have more travel options in WoW can catch rides on griffins, boats, blimps, a subway train, plus buy your own mount in later levels...none of that lame walking 30 minutes between towns, spending an ungodlly amount of time or money to get a crappy airship pass, or only temporarily renting a chocobo crap. And thats not even including the sweet summon/teleportation spells that WoW mages and warlocks get....
Ive been playin about a year its a really fun game besides the fact you have to party almost the entire game but if you are a ff fan you should get it
bread's done