so is buying a ps3 a good choice at this point?


i'm thinking about buying it for thew bluray....but i keep hearing that its better if i just go for a higher end bluray..idk i'm confused at this point.

but gaming wise
what does the ps3 have to offer to someone who likes to buy games cheap like me?
all ps3 games never go down in price why????
even the ones that are multyplat go down faster onn 360...
i already have a 360 btw.

here are the games i want

tekken 6
grand turismo maybe i guess......

i don't like killzone or lbp...soccom looks boring
resitancelooks like more of the same.

what are some good titles coming up????

oh and i love love love ARCADE games!!!!

would noby noby boy justify the purchase?????

oh and don't mention that new katamari tradgedy......
but i still want to know more about buying a ps3...but idk if i shoulod wait or not?
If the only games you have real interest in are MGS4 and Tekken 6, I would just recommend you buy a standalone blu-ray player if you already have a Xbox 360. If you don't have either system, than I would definitely recommend buying a PS3, it does work great as a blu-ray player and gives you the benefits of playing games.
I like using the PS3 as a blu-ray player because it's a lot more powerful than the majority of standalone players on the market. I never have to manually upgrade the firmware (it's done automatically with updates), it loads a LOT faster, and it's got interactive features where you can communicate with other PS3 users, depending on the movie.

As far as games never dropping in price, that's just not true. Games drop the same time as 360 games, if not FASTER than 360 games (for instance, at GC, Fear 2 on 360 is $49.99 used on 360, $39.99 used on PS3).

New arcade games are released every week for the PSN.

I have both a 360 and a PS3. I use the PS3 primarily as a Blu Ray player (I am a moviephile) and for communicating with friends that don't have a 360. I'm also a huge fan of MGS4 and LBP. Killzone's okay. I also enjoy Home. If 360 released something similar to Home, I'm sure I'd get hooked on that.

You've got Ratchet and Clank, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, MGS4, inFAMOUS, Gran Turismo, upcoming Jak games, upcoming Sly Cooper games.. all are great exclusives.

Maybe you should wait until E3 and see what Sony has on their plate for the next year then make your decision.
[quote name='garc4475']Oh and MGS 4 IS A STRONG SELLING POINT!!!!
but i still want to know more about buying a ps3...but idk if i shoulod wait or not?[/QUOTE]

If you're not sure, don't. It's a lot of money to sink into something you might just use as a big paperweight.

I've got both a PS3 and a 360. I've played more games on the 360, but for shorter stints than the 1 game I've really played on the PS3- that's more a testament to the awesomeness of Little Big Planet than anything else. I honestly cannot put one system over the other- it's all just personal preference.
I got mine in December and so far I've only played Uncharted (loved it). Infamous looks awesome - I'll be picking that up too. God of War 3 will be a day one purchase. I'd get MGS4 but honestly, I don't have the patience to sit through hours of cut scenes. I really want Hot Shots Golf but unfortunately it will only display in 480p on my TV. Same with Heavenly Sword. I'm waiting for Ratchet to go down to $20 and I'll pick that up. Ummm.... that's about it for me.
The price of the ps3 will need to come down noticeably before i buy one. My 360 is more than enough entertainment, along with the ps2...
I got mine when the MGS bundle came out. The only games I have (had) for it are MGS4, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, Killzone 2 and Dark Sector.. I also have a 360 that gets most the playing time, the ps3 is used mainly for blurays and sony exclusives. I still am fairly happy with my purchase, it gives me more variety and if you have the money with at least 5 games you know you want then go for it..

If you are not huge on blu rays (im growing to love them more and more each day) and if you cant put a list together of at least 5 games you know you want to play then id say skip on it. Having a 360 already brings about a vast amount of entertainment.
right now it's okay to buy a ps3. i bought an 80gb ps3 complete with box and hdmi on craigslist for $300. it was the backward compatible ps3 [software backward compatible]. it's okay because there is a good amount of software for it as compared to it a year ago.

i bought it because capcom didn't make a resident evil 5 for wii. i would have not bought it if it wasn't for resident evil 5 and street fighter 4. metal gear solid 4 felt generic and has actually moved away from that top down view that one found fondly in metal gear solid 1 and 2. as metal gear solid aged, i found it less interesting.
Refer to the quote above about E3. DO NOT buy a PS3 until after its over. There is a very strong chance of a $100 price drop. It's not in stone, but it's being rumored very heavily, and its not a long wait. I imagine it'd come into effect virtually immediately as well, especially considering Sony just posted a huge profit loss and Sony won't say "Price drop in October", and people end up waiting till then.

Outside of that - I've had my PS3 since Feb 2008. I also have a 360. While I still play my 360 more (mainly because of friends), the PS3 is very close to catching up and has surpassed it in many respects. In terms of "cheap games", I would say it's pretty slim pickings in comparison to the 360. I'll use Target as an example. I shop there regularly for their clearance games and while you'll see a few strong PS3 titles on clearance from time to time, it does not compare to the 360's selection in that regard. Usually, the PS3 clearanced titles are pisspoor, whereas there's regularly at least some good stuff for the 360.

I use my PS3 far more as an entertainment machine than a gaming machine. While there are some serious AAA titles on the PS3 (Uncharted, MGS4, + all the third party/cross platform stuff), its big power to me is the perks. The built in wireless, obviously blu-ray, the ability to upgrade your hard drive to whatever size you want, and I like it a lot because its quiet! I use my PS3 as a poorman's TiVO in some respects and if you're like me and download a lot of stuff, the ability to stream over the network is a big plus. The 360 does it too, but its lacking in areas in comparison, notably M$ making you shell out for wireless adapter.

If you're going to use the machine for more than gaming, and when I say this, I mean that you'll be using the other features of the system regularly, I think a PS3 is a smart choice, as while the 360 has a lot of the capabilities that the PS3 does, I don't think it does it as well, plus add on that if you want to go wireless you have to shell out for an adapter + no blu-ray.

If you asked me this a month after I got my PS3, I'd have had a completely opposite opinion. It took me a while to really start to like the PS3 because the gaming (IMO) was really rough for a while there.
As i say, any day is a good day to buy a ps3!

Well im not sure when will the PS3 slim will come out. It would be cheaper since the cost to make it will also be less. If you want to watch movies just make a HTC (home theater computer entertainment system) and slap on a blu-ray player on it. I have a computer hooked up to my 52' TV. I can browse through CAG, watch MKV files, and play games ect. You get the point. If your not going to play much games on it, i would recommend you not to get it.

But good games like God of War 3 will be out.

P.S. you know whats the coolest thing ever? PLAY SNES AND N64 GAMES ON THE COMPUTER HOOKED TO A TV! Ahh...... brings back good memories!
I'm the exact opposite I see tons of clearance games at Target for the ps3/ps2. Can't go wrong with a 60 gb model if you can find one!
if you're looking for cheap games look no further because the ps3 sure isn't the place to be, the 360 is. if you're looking for cheap thrills then you've gone to the wrong spot, the wii is. if you're looking for an all around then you'd come to the right place, the ps3 is.

you can find 20gb and 60gb at craigslist. trust me, there are enough people who are selling them and they aren't selling them any much different then what the 80gb backward compatible ones [either 300-350] with possible games included. i one time found a guy with 60gb ps3 with no controller, but he sold it for $250. with buying a new/used controller, it'd still end up around $300. not bad, right.
here is a nyc craigslist ad for 60gb ps3, . $300 for the full ps line series [ps1,2,3]. i should have waited instead of getting the 80gb version.
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Got all three

If playing Blu Ray movies is one of the selling points for you, then DO NOT get the older models. They run hotter and the fans are pretty loud when they turn on. Better to get the newer model with the smaller and cooler chips.

As mentioned already, at this point of the year, I'd personally wait until after E3, and see what future offering SCEA has in mind for us, like future games or confirmation/absolute denial of the price-drop rumor.

As for the cheap-games bit, that's really a mixed-bag. Since the 360 has matured for quite a bit, the library of budget titles for the 360 is bigger than the ps3, as a gross generalization. But, a lot of the deals and price drop revolves around a crap-load of factors, such as the current mood of whatever sales manager has toward clearancing the stagnant ps3 games in a Target.

I know that when MSG4 dropped down in price, I was really shocked with that moved. It's a really good game, and an auto-buy for any fans for the series. A lot of the other "budget titles" can be found in the PSN Store, so it's not that bad.
Also, the most I have ever spent on a PS3 game is $46 and that was Killzone 2 brand new. The average price I get my games are $30. I have Little Big Planet - $35 brand new, had Uncharted for $20 used, have Folklore $30 brand new, Eternal Sonata $30 brand new, Valkyria Chronicles $46 (OK, another expensive one, but it keeps its value), Warhawk brand new with headset $20, Ninja Gaiden Sigma black label used for $25 (it retails as a greatest hit for $30), had Assasins Creed for $10, Gran Turismo 5 Prolouge $20 brand new, Prince of Persia $20 used, have Devil May Cry 4 Collectors Edition for $30 used, Ratchet and Clank for $34 but was on sale at blockbuster for $20 brand new recently, etc etc...the point is, you can get PS3 games for pretty cheap, I bought most of those from eBay.
I'm thinking of picking one up if that $100 price drop is true, and for any future Jack & Daxter games. God I want me a good platformer.
Actually, I like the PS3 system, but really, I'd wait and see what new options are coming out w/ the PS3. So I'd definitely recommend buying one, but I wouldn't buy one immediately (i.e. this weekend), wait, until after E3 and see if there's going to be any price drop, or see if you like the newer model that's rumored to be released.
Holding your breath for a price drop on the PS3 is going to leave you dead. Expecting a $100 price drop at E3 is right up there with expecting Sega to announce their re-entry into the hardware business.

If you want a PS3 for cheap, head to Craigslist. I had a friend find one for $300, and it was a 60GB BC model, complete with box and Motorstorm.

My policy is that if there are at least 5 console exclusive games that you really want for a system, then you should go for it. For me, those 5 were MGS4, Warhawk, Disgaea 3, Resistance and Uncharted. LittleBigPlanet and Valkyria Chronicles came out after I got the PS3, and have been the icing on the cake.

Also keep in mind that the PS3 is still the best value as far as Blu-Ray players go. Spending $200 on a stand-alone Blu-Ray player might seem like a bargain, but many apparently have plenty of not-so-charming quirks, like higher-than-normal fail rates and non-upgradable firmware.

Another thing to keep in mind is that, while PS3 may be more expensive than 360 to begin with, it comes with WiFi and the hard-drive can be replaced with any other laptop hard drive. X360's 'only-for-360' hard drives are often grossly marked up.
The moment you get a console, suddenly a lot of shit looks more awesome than before. Previously you'd dismiss, but then you want it.

Same thing happens constantly with the PSP. I could name a half-dozen different titles for each of you that you want to play, but you'll still hem & haw.

Just go for it if you can afford it.
I have the ps3 and 360

360 if far better for shooter games and racing games
ps3 is better for sports and fighting games
I only bought my ps3 for the blu ray player at first but now Iam really looking forward to that MAG game coming out it looks dope.

Ps3 is better hardware. Iam on my second xbox and had to send away twice! I cant put down halo 3 though. I finally got my 45 the other day!
If you can wait for a few months for a price drop go ahead, but I absolutely love my PS3. Ratchet and Clank was a very nice refreshing experience and made me laugh my ass off(don't let the cutesy exterior fool you). Valk Chronicles is another awesome game. Since your jumping on the bandwagon kind of late, alot of the AAA titles should be relatively cheap for you(GTA4, MGS4, COD4, Valk Chron, Uncharted can all be obtained for under $40). The BR player is much faster at loading times on movies(I didn't know that BRs had loading times until I used my parents BR player). Another great thing that I dig is the media streaming options. I have workout videos and TV shows loaded on mine, and you can plug in a USB hard drive and play videos from there as well. Thats my .02
I love my PS3 but you should wait until E3 and then make an educated decision.

The problem is, you really shouldn't be spending hundreds of dollars on something you're on the fence on. If there's doubt, just save the cash and pay off bills or take some classes. If you have to ask, you don't need it.
I would say you should DEFINITELY look into getting a PS3, but like everyone else has said wait til E3 to see if there will be a price drop. The PS3 just gets no love (or at least it seems) and I'm not sure why. I really enjoy it but I still think the 360 is better depending on your tastes. I think the PS3 has several great exclusives that are worth a look

-Valkyria Chronicles
-Resistance 2 (I know you said it didn't look good) I really loved the multiplayer in this game as well as single player
-Killzone 2
-MLB The Show (if that's your thing)
-Metal Gear Solid 4
-Socom (Pretty good if you like tactical team shooters)
-Little Big Planet
-Heavenly Sword
-Rachet and Clank

There are also a lot of games coming up that look good
-Uncharted 2
-God of War 3
-Ratchet and Clank
and probably some others I'm not thinking of right now.

It's also a great blu ray player. I agree that some of the first party titles seem to stay at retail price for quite awhile (ex. Heavenly Sword) but if you look around you can usually find a good deal.

If that list of games interests you I'd say go for it, but if all you want is blu ray I'd just get a blu ray and save some money.
[quote name='keithp']Why WOULDN'T you wait for 2 weeks to see what's announced at E3?

I mean, it's like...2 weeks?....[/QUOTE]Couldn't agree more with this sentiment. I actually don't think Sony will announce a price drop, but what's the harm in giving it those 2 more weeks just in case?

Got my PS3 about a year ago as a birthday gift. I game more on my 360, but I've played (and really enjoyed) Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted, LBP, MLB 08 The Show, Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, and Hot Shots Golf. Several of those can be found cheaply now. I've used the PS3 as a Blu-ray player quite a bit, and love it. I've never once wished I had a higher-end stand-alone player instead.

Two other considerations that I don't think have been mentioned yet: You said you have a 360. Have you had to send it back yet for repairs? Odds are you will at some point, and it's really nice to have another system to game on if (when) that happens. My 360 is currently in Texas being repaired, and I'd be lost without my PS3. The other thing I wanted to mention is one more upcoming PS3 exclusive that I haven't seen listed yet- Heavy Rain. Don't know if that's one you care about, but it's a day one purchase for me.
I can't believe no one has said this, but if I were you I'd invest in some English lessons before a PS3.

That said, wait 'til E3 as everyone has said, and also check craigslist. I got a 60 gig on there with a bunch of games for ~$350.

[quote name='rumarudrathas']
If playing Blu Ray movies is one of the selling points for you, then DO NOT get the older models. They run hotter and the fans are pretty loud when they turn on. Better to get the newer model with the smaller and cooler chips.[/QUOTE]

Runs hotter, probably, but loud fans, not so much. I have a 60 gig, and I can't really hear the thing at all, especially if I'm watching a Blu-Ray.
[quote name='FrankySox']I would say you should DEFINITELY look into getting a PS3, but like everyone else has said wait til E3 to see if there will be a price drop. The PS3 just gets no love (or at least it seems) and I'm not sure why. .[/QUOTE]

It doesn't get any love because of how awful the launch was and how crappy the (espc the 3rd party) games were up until about a year ago. The PS3 is catching up fast. I've had mine over a year and when I first got it, I was a bit regretful outside of the Blu-Ray player, now I'm playing my PS3 a lot more, still play the 360 more because of friends and the fact that there are more games.

To reiterate: Wait until E3. Anyone who goes out and buys one with the knowledge that E3 is just around the corner is an idiot. There is more likely to be a price drop than not. Sony posted their first profit loss in almost 15 years and they're still getting clobbered by the 360. It'd be one thing if E3 was six months away, but its so close. If there is a drop, it should happen almost immediately. They're not going to announce a drop for October as people would wait until then.
[quote name='Danimal'] The other thing I wanted to mention is one more upcoming PS3 exclusive that I haven't seen listed yet- Heavy Rain. Don't know if that's one you care about, but it's a day one purchase for me.[/QUOTE]

Indigo Prophecy was awesome. I think I'm more excited about Heavy Rain than a lot of those other games. Also, Tales of Vespera is coming to the PS3 and most likely to the US, White Knight Chronicles is on its way, and then End of Eternity is coming out for both systems. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is on its way, and suppose to be new and improved over the 360 version (I'm very excited for this game). Then you have some good PSN titles like Fat Princess. And, nobody has mention Warhawk which is still a very fun yeah a PS3 is a good idea, but wait 2 more weeks to make a decision.
[quote name='garc4475']
what does the ps3 have to offer to someone who likes to buy games cheap like me?
all ps3 games never go down in price why????
even the ones that are multyplat go down faster onn 360...[/QUOTE]

There are far more cheap games on the 360 for two reasons. First the year head start gave 360 gamers an entire year of games head start. Also you have to consider the first year of the PS3's life was pretty lean. So almost two years of titles can be found in the $10 range. Second, the 360 is the current market leader(in NA). That means there are far more copies of games pressed and sitting on store shelves than the PS3 counterpart, which leads to deals, clearance sales, more copies at GS/on ebay, etc.

I'm still baffled as to why Ratchet, Uncharted and Heavenly Sword still demand a $60 SRP price tag. All three are great games but they are going on two years old in the next few months. Crazy. Sure you can find them cheaper if you look hard enough, but a price drop across the board would mean even better deals.

Like you I already owned a 360, so the PS3 is for exclusives and BD usage. I love PSN offerings, and love that they go on sale as well. However I would have to say that Noby Noby Boy is not worth a $400 purchase. :lol: It wasn't worth the five bones I dropped on the game.
[quote name='GoAWAYImBaiting']
... 360 if far better for shooter games and racing games...I cant put down halo 3 ...[/QUOTE]

Why is 360 better for shooters? Because you like the joystick better or because you love halo 3?

Also, why you say racing games are better for xbox? You have a larger selection of steering wheels for PS3 and all racers that I'm aware of are multi-platform. Plus, I thought Burnout paradise was better on ps3?

Anyway, I find it ridiculous that you state your opinions as facts.
[quote name='Teh Nitwit']Why is 360 better for shooters? Because you like the joystick better or because you love halo 3?

Also, why you say racing games are better for xbox? You have a larger selection of steering wheels for PS3 and all racers that I'm aware of are multi-platform. Plus, I thought Burnout paradise was better on ps3?

Anyway, I find it ridiculous that you state your opinions as facts.[/QUOTE]

I find it ridiculous that you can't accept that people have opinions other than yours.

Alot of people prefer shooters and racers on the 360 because of the standard controller. It has nothing to do with Halo 3 or racing wheels or all that. Simply, the triggers feel a tad bit more realistic on the Xbox controller.
[quote name='depascal22']I find it ridiculous that you can't accept that people have opinions other than yours.[/QUOTE]
I wish CAG had an ignore list, so I could limit my exposure to sheer stupidity.
So forget all the bickering above. Just wait 2 more weeks until after E3 and then make an informed decision. I think it's a good time to get a PS3 since the library is good. But all signs point to big things happening at E3 and through the year after, so you should wait until you have all the information.
Yeah wait and see if they do price drop at E3 or announce a new system(slim design)

But, either way, PS3 is a good choice. Especially if you have an HDTV. Blu-ray plus awesome exclusives plus free online = good times.
[quote name='optimusprime8062']Dont buy one now, wait until E3 (June 1) and then make a decision. You never know what they might say.[/QUOTE]


maybe sony will have a price drop or something crazy like a new ps3 2000 or something
yeah i'd wait as well but if nothing is announced in the form of a price drop i'd still pick one up. i hardly play my 360 anymore now that i got my ps3. i've fallen in love with blu-rays and it makes it that much sweeter of a deal to get a ps3. but i like watching movies so it's really up to the person's personal prefrence.
bread's done