So, Lil' Wayne attracts dumb people. (Music vs SAT scores chart)


5 (100%)

All this shows is that intelligence level (and that's HEAVY with sarcasm when speaking about the SAT) does not account for good taste. 80% of those bands/people listed suck the same if you got a 200 or a 1500.

I wouldn't listen to S.Stevens even if it would get me laid.
Facebook data about the favorite bands of students of various colleges and plotted them against the average SAT scores at those schools

so, instead of getting people's actual SAT scores, they grouped them with all the other people at the university they go to?

That seems like a very stupid (and lazy) study!
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Act > Sat[/QUOTE]

Most scientific research on the issue has suggested that both tests essentially measure the same construct of general intelligence and the difference is negligible. Using one test or the other is more of a regional issue. On average, people's scores on one test or the other is equivalent when you consider them in terms of the percentile of total test takers.

This music result is probably just confounded with culture and economic class as opposed to meaning anything all that much. The "smart" end is mostly just what white upper middle class kids like (Counting Crows, Guster). Rap is generally at the bottom. If you control for economic class and probably ethnic group I doubt any real effect would be found.
I dabble in Lil Wayne but my SAT score is above that chart, so I guess I don't count. I can see where the trends are coming from though. I don't listen to much rap as I find a majority of the lyrics are retarded (perfect for people who get 900s on their SAT).
It's pretty methodologically flawed, if the grad student who did this is placing the artist individuals listen to as relating to the *average* SAT score at each school. Unless he/she can compare it with the students' actual score, he's making a gross misspecification in the correlation he's claiming.

I hate, hate, hate to be put in a position where I'm forced to defend Lil' Wayne, but this dogshit statistical plot has forced my hand.

Lesson learned: use proper research methods, fuckers.
Although I would agree that is fairly flawed statistically. I do find it hilarious that Classical Music scored really low on this. I hate those snobs that only listen to classical because they say it is so much more intelligent than all the others forms of music.
1. Lil Wayne is the best rapper alive, I listen to him daily
2. I dont know how to read that chart, too many lines and cluttered
[quote name='Poor2More']1. Lil Wayne is the best rapper alive, I listen to him daily
2. I dont know how to read that chart, too many lines and cluttered[/quote]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I would put this in my sig, but it wouldn't be as funny out of context.
[quote name='Poor2More']1. Lil Wayne is the best rapper alive, I listen to him daily
2. I dont know how to read that chart, too many lines and cluttered[/quote]

Totally made my day.
Virgil Griffith? This just adds data to my study about how people with weirdass names conduct poorly thought-out research about pop culture in order to alleviate their feelings of estrangement brought on by years of ridicule.

According to my SAT scores, Rage should be at the top of that list (out of the people on there), so I declare it null.

And how shitty is that article when it says rap makes people dumber and asks the question "does rock make you smarter than rap?" when people who listen to "rap" are smarter than people who listen to "alternative" and just as smart as people who listen to "rock" (and all of them are about the same, which is about average, which is what you would expect anyway)?

I'm guessing (hoping?) this whole thing was just a joke anyway. Kind of irresponsible for a graduate student to even represent this as any kind of research.
[quote name='Poor2More']1. Lil Wayne is the best rapper alive, I listen to him daily
2. I dont know how to read that chart, too many lines and cluttered[/quote]

This quote speaks for itself.
Music is highly cultural, and admissions is not solely merit based, so it's impossible to chalk this up to intelligence. Correlation to IQ would be much more interesting.

For example, URMs (primarily blacks, hispanics) are more likely to listen to hip hop than suburban white kids: URMs get an admissions boost so their averaged admitted SAT might be 200 points lower than the white kids. Not because they're dumber, but because the school wants more of them so they're less selective, letting most applicants in... then when surveyed of course their average SAT is gonna be lower.
If they are saying that U2 is smart music they are crazy out their collective minds. I listen to pop, dance and house all the time. I scored a 1430 on my SAT and went to NYU. So what does that say about me?

I do think that anyone that thinks Lil Wayne is the greatest rapper of all time (MTV) is crazy. Just cause he's on every song in the world doesnt make you great. Look at PAris Hilton. She's in every newspaper and magazine but she's not great. THe top three to me are BIG, Nas and JAy-Z.

Biggest DOUCHE BAG goes to:
Kayne West

There are already tests supporting the theory that rap make you dumber. It works the same way classical music does, only backwards.

Classical music features complicated, constantly changing sounds that keeps your brain active. Rap has one single, repetitive beat throughout the whole song that trains your brain into stupid repetitive patterns.
[quote name='PhrostByte']

Funny, if that graph was depicting penis size, then that will be total opposite (asian smallest, to largest black) thats god sense of humor right their, well done....well done ;)
bread's done