So Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros. Brawl are delayed until the fall?

[quote name='dallow']Who's going to complain about a new one?
If they had gone out and Capcom'ed it, then yeah, the luster would be lost.

One game inbetween Melee and Brawl would not have done that.

And besides, it's business. Nintendo wants to sell games.[/quote]

In your opinion.

Nintendo felt differently, obviously.

It's thier IP, so.....their call.

If they felt they couldn't develop another SSB game on GC, either because it would harm their future business plans or because they felt they couldn't do any better than the existing game (and would just "cheapen" the IP by churning one out)....that's a good enough reason for them.

Again, maybe not for you, the consumer......
Don't we all feel it's a bit ridiculous?
I can't be the only one.

I just imagine the day when I'm playing Brawl.

I'll transport myself back to 2004 when I should have been playing it.
It'll be easier since I'll have to use my GameCube controller to play that Wii game.
[quote name='dallow']I knew you were going to say something like "the first one continued to sell well, why make another?"

Why make any sequels then to games that extremely popular?
Same reason God of War 2 will sell like crazy on PS2, same reason it's not on PS3.

It will sell is basically it.[/quote]

I think you're skimming again.

Not SIMPLY because it was selling well.

But because it was selling well AND there was a new platform on the way AND they felt the dev time going into it wouldn't be justified. So do you use your resources to supplant a game that's still earning you a good chunk of revenue? Or do you use them to try to sell your new platform to the masses and create a NEW revenue stream?

They're balancing all the factors we know, and about 200 we don't.

On sequels: Again, you're talking from consumer standpoint. I'm not arguing a sequel to SSB wouldn't have SOLD on the GC, just that Nintendo didn't feel it would sell ENOUGH to justify the resource useage.

Other devs make their own decisions on that front....for GOW, for're selling a sequel on a console that WON the console wars. The market is huge. For the GC, not as huge...and MOSTLY it's software stream was 1st party. Completely different business model and decisionmaking factors.
[quote name='pilferk'] Other devs make their own decisions on that front....for GOW, for're selling a sequel on a console that WON the console wars. The market is huge. For the GC, not as huge...and MOSTLY it's software stream was 1st party. Completely different business model and decisionmaking factors.[/quote]

I'm a skimmer, yeah.

The Wii will also be a mostly first-party software system.
So I guess it will be seeing extended breaks inbetween whenever Nintendo throws me a bone.

Still, I'm happy to get table scraps over nothing.
[quote name='dallow']Don't we all feel it's a bit ridiculous?
I can't be the only one.

I just imagine the day when I'm playing Brawl.

I'll transport myself back to 2004 when I should have been playing it.
It'll be easier since I'll have to use my GameCube controller to play that Wii game.[/quote]

As a consumer, yes.

Just like I feel that it's ridiculous that Phantasy Star hasn't gotten a decent solo rpg "sequel" in a decade or more. Just like I feel it's ridiculous that we've never gotten a Kid Icarus sequel. Etc, Etc.

From a business standpoint, though....nahhh, not really. Having worked in software (business, though) development, and being involved in project management on the finance/business side of things I try to understand the decisionmaking process and it's tough to really work up a lather of outrage. Some of the reasoning, as a consumer, sucks...I'll agree. But it's hard to get worked up when you understand where they're probably coming from.
[quote name='pilferk']As a consumer, yes.

Just like I feel that it's ridiculous that Phantasy Star hasn't gotten a decent solo rpg "sequel" in a decade or more. Just like I feel it's ridiculous that we've never gotten a Kid Icarus sequel. Etc, Etc.

From a business standpoint, though....nahhh, not really. Having worked in software (business, though) development, and being involved in project management on the finance/business side of things I try to understand the decisionmaking process and it's tough to really work up a lather of outrage. Some of the reasoning, as a consumer, sucks...I'll agree. But it's hard to get worked up when you understand where they're probably coming from.[/quote]

I understand.

But can you say something about my clever use of bold and underlining to make a backhanded comment?
[quote name='dallow']I'm a skimmer, yeah.

The Wii will also be a mostly first-party software system.
So I guess it will be seeing extended breaks inbetween whenever Nintendo throws me a bone.

Still, I'm happy to get table scraps over nothing.[/quote]

Right NOW it's mostly 1st party. I'm not sure that will be the case in the long run. Maybe, but the way it performed this holiday season is going to give the 3rd party devs pause and get them to take a look.

And yes, you'll have to get used to extended breaks between Nintendo's hot Intellectual Properties. They only have so many resources to throw around...and they need to space things out so that if what you suspect (1st party mostly supported console) is true, they have enough ammo in the chamber to carry the console along....which means a "big gun" quality release every quarter-ish or so. If you get more quality 3rd party development, that might actually speed things up (though they have to be careful to protect the 3rd parties, too).
[quote name='pilferk']Right NOW it's mostly 1st party. I'm not sure that will be the case in the long run. Maybe, but the way it performed this holiday season is going to give the 3rd party devs pause and get them to take a look.

And yes, you'll have to get used to extended breaks between Nintendo's hot Intellectual Properties. They only have so many resources to throw around...and they need to space things out so that if what you suspect (1st party mostly supported console) is true, they have enough ammo in the chamber to carry the console along....which means a "big gun" quality release every quarter-ish or so. If you get more quality 3rd party development, that might actually speed things up (though they have to be careful to protect the 3rd parties, too).[/quote]

With all the units sold, I'm sure we'll see lots of devs jumping onboard. So that'll be good.
I just hope it leads to quality, and not what I see now from 3rd parties, which is mostly trash.
[quote name='dallow']I understand.

But can you say something about my clever use of bold and underlining to make a backhanded comment?[/quote]

Yeah, I know...that got me too. The fact the game is going to use the GC controller (a further reason to keep my wavebirds, I guess) is pretty funny. Not ha ha funny....sad, odd, funny.

I'm hoping it changes. While Ultimate Alliance's execution was odd, at times, at least it proved that fighting moves through gestures "works".

SOMEONE is going to figure out how to do a "real" fighting game with the Wii controller, and I bet it ends up being fantastic.
[quote name='pilferk']Yeah, I know...that got me too. The fact the game is going to use the GC controller (a further reason to keep my wavebirds, I guess) is pretty funny. Not ha ha funny....sad, odd, funny.

I'm hoping it changes. While Ultimate Alliance's execution was odd, at times, at least it proved that fighting moves through gestures "works".

SOMEONE is going to figure out how to do a "real" fighting game with the Wii controller, and I bet it ends up being fantastic.[/quote]

I hope so, that would be interesting.
Anything's better than Wii Boxing.

It can't be a precision fighter, it'd have to be something a little more loose and free. Let's hope for the best.
[quote name='dallow']With all the units sold, I'm sure we'll see lots of devs jumping onboard. So that'll be good.
I just hope it leads to quality, and not what I see now from 3rd parties, which is mostly trash.[/quote]

Eh, I'm encouraged.

The first round of 360 games, from the 3rd parties, was mostly trash. Ditto on the PS3 games. I think that's par for the course with new consoles. What worries me is that it's gonna take the 3rd party devs a bit to catch up on the curve, so we're gonna get 3rd party "1st gen" titles right around the time we're getting 1st party "2nd gen" titles. That's gonna lead to the 3rd party titles getting ignored (cause they're crappy) and then the 3rd parties leave in droves.

Hopefully it won't happen and hopefully the Wii will continue to sell enough units to compel them to both stay and produce some good stuff.

The Wii DOES throw the gaming paradigm on it's would lend itself to some very creative game play. Here's hoping the 3rd parties make use of it (man, I long for the early days of Shiny Entertainment and the rest of the small, creative dev teams).
[quote name='dallow']I hope so, that would be interesting.
Anything's better than Wii Boxing.

It can't be a precision fighter, it'd have to be something a little more loose and free. Let's hope for the best.[/quote]

Yeah, I mean it couldnt be a VirtuaFighter.

But something similar to Tekken or even Mortal Kombat (old school) or a new Street Fighter would work.

I mean.... (Pointing) Left Left Up Down Right Down Circle "thrust" works just as well as pushing Left, Left, Up, Down, Right, Down, clockwise rotation Triangle button.

Somebody's gotta be able to work out the biomechanics, etc....
[quote name='pilferk']The Wii DOES throw the gaming paradigm on it's would lend itself to some very creative game play. Here's hoping the 3rd parties make use of it (man, I long for the early days of Shiny Entertainment and the rest of the small, creative dev teams).[/quote]

I think we're both from the old school of gaming.
Yeah, I had my fave devs back then too, Shiny was definitely one of them.
[quote name='dallow']I think we're both from the old school of gaming.
Yeah, I had my fave devs back then too, Shiny was definitely one of them.[/quote]

It just seems like we got more creative stuff. Some of it sucked, true...but even some of the stuff that sucked resulted in great ideas that were brought to fruition on something great.

Gaming then went corporate (EA-ified). Which is why we just had the discussion we did, above. Now it seems like there's so much sequelitis, and less creativity...everything looks and plays the same. There's just a lot less "art" to it, now a days.

Eh, I'll stop moaning about the "glory days" and how the grass was greener. It's off topic.....and it's pointless moaning to boot.
[quote name='pilferk']Yeah, I mean it couldnt be a VirtuaFighter.

A four wiimote setup.

Two wiimote shoe attachments and a wiimote in each hand.

Jeffry, here I come!!!!
[quote name='hufferstl']A four wiimote setup.

Two wiimote shoe attachments and a wiimote in each hand.

Jeffry, here I come!!!![/quote]

Sorry for shushiing you.

Good comment, we need shoe attachments pronto.
[quote name='pilferk']It just seems like we got more creative stuff. Some of it sucked, true...but even some of the stuff that sucked resulted in great ideas that were brought to fruition on something great.

Gaming then went corporate (EA-ified). Which is why we just had the discussion we did, above. Now it seems like there's so much sequelitis, and less creativity...everything looks and plays the same. There's just a lot less "art" to it, now a days.

Eh, I'll stop moaning about the "glory days" and how the grass was greener. It's off topic.....and it's pointless moaning to boot.[/QUOTE]
While I agree to an extent, I think many people forget that along with the "creative" games we used to get, we also got legions of mindless 2D action games. The truth is always skewed in hindsight.
[quote name='elwood731']While I agree to an extent, I think many people forget that along with the "creative" games we used to get, we also got legions of mindless 2D action games. The truth is always skewed in hindsight.[/QUOTE]

Amen to that. There were tons of shit games back in the day that we've all forgotten. The NES had some of the shittiest shit games of all time. It's just that shittiness tends to evolve over time. Generic platformer with shoddy collision detection, lag, and piss poor graphics (yet also hard as hell) has evolved into shoddy 3D generic platformer with piss poor camera work, shitty story, and so forth. Bad titles always outnumber the good ones on practically every system in history. Things have changed a bit, but now it's just incredibly mediocre titles out numbering the good ones.
[quote name='furyk']Amen to that. There were tons of shit games back in the day that we've all forgotten. The NES had some of the shittiest shit games of all time. It's just that shittiness tends to evolve over time. Generic platformer with shoddy collision detection, lag, and piss poor graphics (yet also hard as hell) has evolved into shoddy 3D generic platformer with piss poor camera work, shitty story, and so forth. Bad titles always outnumber the good ones on practically every system in history. Things have changed a bit, but now it's just incredibly mediocre titles out numbering the good ones.[/quote]
No doubt there were TONS of pure non-sense 2D sidescrollers. Cartoon and Movie licences galore.
Don't know how I ate them up when I was younger, can't stand them now.

I do remember really liking a Muppet game on NES though, and TMNT is a classic. I'd buy that on the VC.
[quote name='furyk']Amen to that. There were tons of shit games back in the day that we've all forgotten. The NES had some of the shittiest shit games of all time. It's just that shittiness tends to evolve over time. Generic platformer with shoddy collision detection, lag, and piss poor graphics (yet also hard as hell) has evolved into shoddy 3D generic platformer with piss poor camera work, shitty story, and so forth. Bad titles always outnumber the good ones on practically every system in history. Things have changed a bit, but now it's just incredibly mediocre titles out numbering the good ones.[/quote]With a few rare occassions, I think out of a library of, say, 500-800 games over a consoles' life, there are only ever bwetween 20-45 that are really great games. The rest are all crap. It was true in the 2600 days, it will be true this gen as well.
[quote name='daroga']With a few rare occassions, I think out of a library of, say, 500-800 games over a consoles' life, there are only ever bwetween 20-45 that are really great games. The rest are all crap. It was true in the 2600 days, it will be true this gen as well.[/quote]

The PSX and PS2 have thousands of games in their libraries.
I think the ratio is a bit higher than that though for truly great games.
[quote name='dallow']Can anyone explain WHY Brawl will take so long?
Is there a reason?

You have the levels, and you have the characters, how long does it take to tweak the fighting from all that they know from the previous two games.
Why can't I play the game I should have been able to play on my GC two years ago?

This is the first time I'm going to say this.
The Wii is the new GC.
It has become my secondary console just as Nintendo didn't want again for this generation.
The upcoming release schedule is so sparse and vague it's laughable.[/QUOTE]

Brawl will take as long as it takes for Masahiro Sakurai to be satisfied.

He was the main person behind the first two games and he overall wasnt happy with the prospect of just another sequel. After Melee he left HAL and created both Lumines and Meteos. Nintendo didnt make another game for the GC because all of their development teams were busy with other projects.

Nintendo finally had to give Masahiro the freedom of his own company Sora to get him back to work on the new Smash Bros and they didnt start until after E3 2005. Development didnt begin until late 2005 meaning that Brawl has been in development for barely a year.

Whew... there's the short version. Basically Nintendo didnt have enough bodies after Masahiro left and they managed to lure him back, but its only been a year in development for Brawl.
[quote name='dallow']The PSX and PS2 have thousands of games in their libraries.
I think the ratio is a bit higher than that though for truly great games.[/quote]
As of right now the PS1 and PS2 only each have about 1250 games in their respective libraries. Saying each system has "thousands" is not really true. But, I was just throwing out the numbers as "for examples" anyway. :)

The PS1 and PS2 may have bigger libraries, but in those bigger libraries I'd almost say the ratio is lower than, say, Gamecube or Xbox titles that are worth having. Same holds true for the massive Gameboy library. Most games on any system are just crap.

I'd be really hard pressed to find 25 games worth actually owning on the PS1. Then again, one of the Playstation's highlighs, RPGs, by-and-large do not appeal to me. The same goes for the PS2, because if a game was cross platform, by-and-large, the PS2 version was the crappy looking, long-loading one which was to be avoided at all costs.

Even for my "pet" system the DS, I only have 16 games. And I could easily knock 3-5 of those out as not really worth owning. Of course, this whole debate is pretty darn subjective. If you can find 200 PS2 games you want to pay money for, go for it. :)
[quote name='foltzie']Brawl will take as long as it takes for Masahiro Sakurai to be satisfied.

He was the main person behind the first two games and he overall wasnt happy with the prospect of just another sequel. After Melee he left HAL and created both Lumines and Meteos. Nintendo didnt make another game for the GC because all of their development teams were busy with other projects.

Nintendo finally had to give Masahiro the freedom of his own company Sora to get him back to work on the new Smash Bros and they didnt start until after E3 2005. Development didnt begin until late 2005 meaning that Brawl has been in development for barely a year.

Whew... there's the short version. Basically Nintendo didnt have enough bodies after Masahiro left and they managed to lure him back, but its only been a year in development for Brawl.[/quote]

Ah, thank you. Good to know all that.
Well, at least the "Master" will have his hand in the game.
It's too bad I won't be able to play with my old friends anymore as most have moved away, gone to college, gotten jobs, married.
Gosh. How weird.

As of right now the PS1 and PS2 only each have about 1250 games in their respective libraries. Saying each system has "thousands" is not really true. But, I was just throwing out the numbers as "for examples" anyway. :)

The PS1 and PS2 may have bigger libraries, but in those bigger libraries I'd almost say the ratio is lower than, say, Gamecube or Xbox titles that are worth having. Same holds true for the massive Gameboy library. Most games on any system are just crap.

I'd be really hard pressed to find 25 games worth actually owning on the PS1. Then again, one of the Playstation's highlighs, RPGs, by-and-large do not appeal to me. The same goes for the PS2, because if a game was cross platform, by-and-large, the PS2 version was the crappy looking, long-loading one which was to be avoided at all costs.

Even for my "pet" system the DS, I only have 16 games. And I could easily knock 3-5 of those out as not really worth owning. Of course, this whole debate is pretty darn subjective. If you can find 200 PS2 games you want to pay money for, go for it. :)

Haha, you're right. When it comes right down to it. There's games I would buy, and games I kinda want to play, but wouldn't buy unless cheap. (which is why I'm at this site in the first place).

I can easily take more than 25 games per system though, but nowhere near 200. :D
As many responses in this thread repeatedly prove...

Nintendo minions :: Nintendo's releases/delays


Repressed, unsatisfied white-collar Rush Limbaugh-doppleganger husbands :: the spanking, insult-hurling dominatrix they see 'on the way home'

"Oh, thank you, (whip-tash!) Ms. Nintendelay! May I have (whap!) another??"
[quote name='mrchainsaw']Well until those two games come out I have no reason to buy a Wii, I can't justify $300 for Zelda.[/QUOTE]
I stopped playing Zelda in the Water Temple. :cry: Maybe I'm getting old, but it wasn't as fun as OoT and I got bored with it. I don't feel like I wasted my money because my friends and I play Wii Sports every day.

Someone please reassure me that Zelda becomes amazing after the water temple. I want to love the game. I have beaten every Zelda game since the NES and I stopped playing the Wii version of TP to play final fantasy xii and now I can't get back into it.
[quote name='tayaf69']I stopped playing Zelda in the Water Temple. :cry: Maybe I'm getting old, but it wasn't as fun as OoT and I got bored with it. I don't feel like I wasted my money because my friends and I play Wii Sports every day.

Someone please reassure me that Zelda becomes amazing after the water temple. I want to love the game. I have beaten every Zelda game since the NES and I stopped playing the Wii version of TP to play final fantasy xii and now I can't get back into it.[/QUOTE]

Wait... you stopped at the Water Temple in Twilight Princess, not in Ocarina of Time?
[quote name='tayaf69']
Someone please reassure me that Zelda becomes amazing after the water temple. I want to love the game. I have beaten every Zelda game since the NES and I stopped playing the Wii version of TP to play final fantasy xii and now I can't get back into it.[/QUOTE]

It does get a bit better as the world opens up more after the 1st 3 dungeons are done with (like pretty much every Zelda game, and the Water Dungeon was my least favorite as well as it was hard to remember where to spin the thing around to get to certain rooms.
[quote name='tayaf69']I stopped playing Zelda in the Water Temple. :cry: Maybe I'm getting old, but it wasn't as fun as OoT and I got bored with it. I don't feel like I wasted my money because my friends and I play Wii Sports every day.

Someone please reassure me that Zelda becomes amazing after the water temple. I want to love the game. I have beaten every Zelda game since the NES and I stopped playing the Wii version of TP to play final fantasy xii and now I can't get back into it.[/quote]The water temple is, I think, the most convaluded of the temples in the game. It gets much better. Use a FAQ, guide, whatever, but get through that place and enjoy the rest of the game. It's fantastic. :)
[quote name='daroga']The water temple is, I think, the most convaluded of the temples in the game. It gets much better. Use a FAQ, guide, whatever, but get through that place and enjoy the rest of the game. It's fantastic. :)[/quote]I continue to share your views of Zelda.
[quote name='botticus']I continue to share your views of Zelda.[/QUOTE]

Damn, people, I *just* stopped at the entrance to the Water Temple last night. Is it really that bad?
[quote name='io']Damn, people, I *just* stopped at the entrance to the Water Temple last night. Is it really that bad?[/QUOTE]

I didn't think so. but Zelda is weird like that. some people find things difficult that others find easy and vice versa. I finished the Water temple with no problem, but needed to use a walkthrough step by step on the first temple.
[quote name='io']Damn, people, I *just* stopped at the entrance to the Water Temple last night. Is it really that bad?[/quote]It's not really that bad, but it did have a few "Huh?" moments to it. I got through it (and the rest of the game) without a FAQ for the most part (one lone puzzle got me :p), which is kind of a rarity for me and games of that magnitude.
[quote name='io']Damn, people, I *just* stopped at the entrance to the Water Temple last night. Is it really that bad?[/QUOTE]
I went through the first 10 hours of the game without looking at gamefaqs once. I got to the water temple and just stopped playing (I didn't try it for more than five minutes). I guess it was because I got FFXII and wanted to play through it. By the time I got back to Zelda I felt lost and now I am just sitting in a temple (and not a good one IMO). I will continue through this temple though and will give the next part of the game a try.
[quote name='io']Damn, people, I *just* stopped at the entrance to the Water Temple last night. Is it really that bad?[/quote]It's not BAD, but it's probably my least favorite. It's somewhat difficult to keep your bearings when switching from walking to swimming and back again.
[quote name='daroga']The water temple is, I think, the most convaluded of the temples in the game. It gets much better. Use a FAQ, guide, whatever, but get through that place and enjoy the rest of the game. It's fantastic. :)[/QUOTE]

I agree its a little tedius, but I completed the level without a guide in a single setting. It, along with the last dungeon are the "puzzle" dungeons. Put your thinking cap on and it isnt too bad. That being said, the game becomes much more action oriented and straight forward after that level.
[quote name='Apossum']No way they'd release Mario Galaxy and Brawl in the same season. I'm not expecting those games this year at all, actually.[/QUOTE]

I have this sneaking suspision that Brawl will get pushed back to 08 :(
[quote name='botticus']It's not BAD, but it's probably my least favorite. It's somewhat difficult to keep your bearings when switching from walking to swimming and back again.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, its not bad, but it's hard to keep your bearings with that and remembering which way you need to spin the water spout thing to get to certain rooms etc to it gets a bit tedious running back and forth spinning the damn thing.
It's not that tedious. If anything Poe hunting in the next dungeon is much more tedious. The boss fight more then makes up for it though.
[quote name='elwood731']While I agree to an extent, I think many people forget that along with the "creative" games we used to get, we also got legions of mindless 2D action games. The truth is always skewed in hindsight.[/quote]

No, I know we did.

But if you look at what we get now, compared to what we got then....

It just seems the creativity level then was quite a bit higher. I know there were plenty of churned out 2d platformers and action games, but....

I'm not sure it's better then the churning out of 3d fps/action games that we get now...all with a roman or cardinal numbers attached to the end. AND we get less creativity, it seems.

Which isn't to say we don't get GOOD games, still. We do.
Brawl... they should just push that to the back. If they continue on the path Melee took from the original it will be nigh unplayable. As for Mario.... sooner rather than later would be hawt.
[quote name='The Crotch']Wait, what? I don't get it. Are you say it hasn't been in development for long enough? Or that Melee was so bad, Brawl needs an extra six months to protect itself from the stench of mediocrity that surrounded its predocessor?

'Cause I don't think many people here will agree with either of those. So long as it comes out ready-to-go online, I'm thinking people will be happy.[/QUOTE]

Melee is by far the better of the 2 smashes.
I'm not sure where crystalklear64 was going when he said that, but in my experience, people that gave up on melee were the ones who cried because their character in melee was nerfed. You can usually expect that when a sequel comes out. SSB64 was so broken they HAD to overhaul the physics and all that so that you couldn't just die from a Ness back throw -> spike. That's just retarded.

I think anyone who complains about the advanced techniques in Melee have either A) never taken the time to learn them And/or B) learn how to defend against them.

I call those people quitters.
Melee added far too many new features which completely changed the game from the fun pick up and play battles of the N64 to a technical fighter. The biggest problem was to gigantic nerf to everyone's throws.

From looking at the video of Brawl it looks like they're adding even more stuff making the game even more complicated (picking up the smash symbol for an uber attack)
I'll probably be turning off those "Uber-Attacks". (after seeing them all first, that is)

Also, no health items, or any items.

Just a nice fight.
Of course there's balancing issues and the characters are on a Tier system, but hey, big whoop. It didn't stop me and my friends playing with the crap characters every now and then just for fun.

Nintendo, please don't hurt my precious Peach.
[quote name='io']Damn, people, I *just* stopped at the entrance to the Water Temple last night. Is it really that bad?[/QUOTE]

I actually liked this temple (of course, I thought all except the 2nd to last were great). I understood the complaints about the Water Temple in Ocarina, but I honestly don't get them here. It was perfectly fine.

[quote name='dallow']I'll probably be turning off those "Uber-Attacks". (after seeing them all first, that is)

Also, no health items, or any items.

Just a nice fight.
Of course there's balancing issues and the characters are on a Tier system, but hey, big whoop. It didn't stop me and my friends playing with the crap characters every now and then just for fun.

Nintendo, please don't hurt my precious Peach.[/QUOTE]

1. I HATE people that insist on turning off items. The game's way more fun with them. Why turn off one of the series' biggest distinguishing features from other fighters?

2. I agree with you 100% about Peach, though!

Anyway, back on topic...I honestly don't know what they're going to do about this release schedule. PArt of me thinks they'll push Brawl into '08 to polish online play and give Metroid and MArio some breathing room...but another part of me thinks Nintendo might think Mario doesn't have as much carrying power he used to, and Brawl would be a better "big holiday game" for '07 (I'm as big of a Mario fan as anyone here, and I know Galaxy will be awesome, but it's a sad fact that, while having name recognition, I don't think Mario moves units the way he used to). Of course, if this IS the case, I have no idea where Mario might fall into the release schedule.

Really, if they need more time to assure quality online play for Brawl (I, too, have many old Smash pals that have moved away after college, etc.), I'm more than willing to sacrifice it this holiday season...let's hope we don't have to wait almost TWO years for it, though.
The reason people turn off items in competitive play is simple, and it is the same reason they remove hazardous levels:

To try to isolate as much as possible, individual player skill. To do that, you have to get rid of as many of the other variables as possible.

Its a completely legitimate way to play, but its certainly not for everyone. The whole point is that there are options to tailor the gameplay to your liking. Who the hell plays Coin and Stamina mode? No one thats who.

I'm a Peach player too, my biggest fear is that they give her PMS moves from Super Princess Peach
[quote name='Blind the Thief']IAnyway, back on topic...I honestly don't know what they're going to do about this release schedule. PArt of me thinks they'll push Brawl into '08 to polish online play and give Metroid and MArio some breathing room...but another part of me thinks Nintendo might think Mario doesn't have as much carrying power he used to, and Brawl would be a better "big holiday game" for '07 (I'm as big of a Mario fan as anyone here, and I know Galaxy will be awesome, but it's a sad fact that, while having name recognition, I don't think Mario moves units the way he used to). Of course, if this IS the case, I have no idea where Mario might fall into the release schedule.

Do you really think a new Mario game is not a bigger deal than a new SSB (at least in terms of general appeal and for pushing Wiis next Christmas)? I mean, I honestly wouldn't think SSBM was such a well-loved game if I didn't read so on CAG all the time. I think to the mainstream consumer the Mario title will be the bigger deal. SSBM seems to be more of a Nintendo fanboy kind of thing whereas Mario has wider appear. I dunno, maybe that's just me. I know SSBM sold well (and continues to do so). Was it the best seller on the GC (or at least more than SMS)? I guess that would be some proof to it being a bigger deal than I think it is. :shrug:. Sorry, I could live without it. It is really my least anticipated big Nintendo release for the Wii, though my kids will be thrilled with it (they do play SSBM constantly). It has certainly had longer legs in my household than SMS given the multiplayer aspect, but I definitely thought SMS was a better game. What SSBB could be, though, is Nintendo's first killer app online game so they need to make sure they nail that part of it, however long that takes. Though, for me personally, I can't see playing it as such ;).
[quote name='io']Do you really think a new Mario game is not a bigger deal than a new SSB (at least in terms of general appeal and for pushing Wiis next Christmas)? I mean, I honestly wouldn't think SSBM was such a well-loved game if I didn't read so on CAG all the time. I think to the mainstream consumer the Mario title will be the bigger deal. SSBM seems to be more of a Nintendo fanboy kind of thing whereas Mario has wider appear. I dunno, maybe that's just me. I know SSBM sold well (and continues to do so). Was it the best seller on the GC (or at least more than SMS)? I guess that would be some proof to it being a bigger deal than I think it is. :shrug:. Sorry, I could live without it. It is really my least anticipated big Nintendo release for the Wii, though my kids will be thrilled with it (they do play SSBM constantly). It has certainly had longer legs in my household than SMS given the multiplayer aspect, but I definitely thought SMS was a better game. What SSBB could be, though, is Nintendo's first killer app online game so they need to make sure they nail that part of it, however long that takes. Though, for me personally, I can't see playing it as such ;).[/quote]

Sales for Melee and SMS (Japan, US, Europe, Total)
Smash Bros Melee GC Nintendo 1.44 3.60 1.06 6.10
Super Mario Sunshine GC Nintendo 0.85 3.42 1.29 5.56

Pretty close (Smash was released almost a year earlier), would be interesting to know which was responsible for more console sales. Tried to look it up, but since Smash was practically a launch title, in the first holiday season, it's impossible to compare month-to-month hardware sales.
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