So today I just acceptted a promotion at work.....but I have an interview tomorrow


(Note that both of these positions are in the same building)

I work in a call center and on 8/19 there was a job posting in RTA, dept that manages the people on the phones for those not familiar with call centers. It pays minimum $10 an hour(i make $9.25 currently) I turned in my application and hadnt heard anything.

A week ago, there was also a new team being assembled in my department that's called "Mentors." We would basically have a new hire listen with us everyday while they are in training and when they are in transition, would be buddied up with them while in transition. $1 an hour more(which i later found out wouldnt be paid to my paycheck, but in the form of a gift card.) I was told Tuesday they would pull my stats and inform me ASAP on if they wanted me. The supervisor on this came up to me and offered the job, which i accepted.

Here's the thing, I also found out today that I have an interview for the RTA position tomorrow at 3pm. How bad would I look if in some chance, I got this job and resigned from the newly acquired position? Also any tips on the actual interview itself? Im a little nervous on this. Thanks for any and all responses.
go with the position that has more pottential outside of your current employer. in other words, the one that'll give you more experience so that you can keep on applying other places and make more $$. advancement, advancement!

but be cool and if they ask you what you consider to be your weekpoints, tell them you like to eat too much cotton candy at the fair. be cool.
Never hurts to do interviews. Especially since you're only making ~$10 working at a call center. I feel your pain.
[quote name='kittie']Never hurts to do interviews. Especially since you're only making ~$10 working at a call center. I feel your pain.[/QUOTE]

Not only that, it helps to build your skills for other interviews.
Also, no one is ever going to look out for you except you. Do whatever serves your best interests long-term.
[quote name='javeryh']Also, no one is ever going to look out for you except you. Do whatever serves your best interests long-term.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. I'd expect that call centers plan for huge amounts of turnover anyway...
[quote name='JSweeney']Exactly. I'd expect that call centers plan for huge amounts of turnover anyway...[/QUOTE]

I agree, Go with what is best for you. Take the other job if the pay is better, however don't burn bridges put in your two weeks and talk to the person above you when and if you do. Also tell the other job that you have put in your two weeks and you can start in two weeks.
Uh... go with the green.

I had an interview with a company offering 16.60 but I told them to chill because I was waiting on another company that was offering 17 and let me travel.
Sorry, i dont know if i explained right, but they are the same company. Just different departments. The 2 week thing still apply?
[quote name='bostonfrontier']how do you survive making $10/hour?........ you live at home with the parents?[/QUOTE]

I used to make $10 a hour and survived, although I starved a lot during my undergrad :)

It can be done though with lots of quick pasta meals, keep the lights off in the apt., don't leave the water running, etc. ... you learn to live like that after a while :p

Eventhough I have a nicer place and make a ton more money I am still a cheapass as far as electricity and stuff is concerned.
[quote name='bostonfrontier']how do you survive making $10/hour?........ you live at home with the parents?[/QUOTE]

You can survive at $10 an hour if you are working 40 hours a week. Barely, but it can be done.
If you're living by yourself, ~$20k/year isn't hard to live off of. Depends where you live though, I guess.
Dunno, brother. If it were me, and I'd be you, thus you'd be me; I'd walk away from the working class. I don't want a job anymore, man. I'm going to try and figure out a way to physically transcend our species.
[quote name='Brak']Dunno, brother. If it were me, and I'd be you, thus you'd be me; I'd walk away from the working class. I don't want a job anymore, man. I'm going to try and figure out a way to physically transcend our species.[/QUOTE]

well thats good. If you figure out how to do so successfully, send me the documentation describing how to do so.
The instructions would be so heavy that no piece of paper could hold the ink.

Construction paper and Jumbo Crayola Crayon, however...
[quote name='kittie']If you're living by yourself, ~$20k/year isn't hard to live off of. Depends where you live though, I guess.[/QUOTE]

I would think $20K a year would be rather difficult to live off of most anywhere.
I mean, in most areas, rent alone would kill you.
I only pay roughly $400/month in rent, so I'm lucky.

Average rent around here is only like $5-600 for decent apartments, though.
[quote name='kittie']I only pay roughly $400/month in rent, so I'm lucky.

Average rent around here is only like $5-600 for decent apartments, though.[/QUOTE]

Must be nice. "Decent" apartments around here are in the 700 range. I pay 845. Yeouch.
You should just quit.

Actually, I would hit the interview, just tell your current supervisor. There should be no hard feelings if it is the same company and all.
The only way I'd get an apartment is if I roomed with a girl -- not a guy. For many reasons. The most important reason being that a guy would play all of my video games, touch my DVDs and all of my other shit. A girl, I assume, wouldn't have much interest in touching/stealing that kind of shit.

Also, a male would bring males over -- who would steal my shit.

That and I could rifle through the girl's underwear drawer while she was out. 8)
[quote name='kittie']Of course, the girl could just sell all your gaming shit when you're gone.[/QUOTE]

Then I'll sell her onderwarz on eBay. ;o
[quote name='Brak']The only way I'd get an apartment is if I roomed with a girl -- not a guy. For many reasons. The most important reason being that a guy would play all of my video games, touch my DVDs and all of my other shit. A girl, I assume, wouldn't have much interest in touching/stealing that kind of shit.[/QUOTE]

It works out, because girls can't live together for long without clashing ... from what I've seen many women's ideal roommate is a gay guy. Obviously this is so he can give them fashion advice and because he won't try to fuck them. :lol:

Not that you're gay, I'm just saying. :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']It works out, because girls can't live together for long without clashing ...[/QUOTE]

All women secretly hate eachother.
[quote name='Kayden']It was supposed to be a secret?[/QUOTE]

Apparently, since they'll so quickly deny it.

Women are very primal creatures. They're in constant competition with eachother in order to get the best mate.

Not to say that men aren't primal, either. But at least we admit it.
Also, there are two stages to female insanity. Three, if you coun't them being insane at birth, which is a given.

The first (or second) stage is when they become pregnant and give birth to a child. The pregnancy thing is a huge blow to their psyche.

The last stage is age. I think this is why the men generally pass away first -- so they don't have to deal with female insanity all the way to their grave.
[quote name='Brak']Dunno, brother. If it were me, and I'd be you, thus you'd be me; I'd walk away from the working class. I don't want a job anymore, man. I'm going to try and figure out a way to physically transcend our species.[/QUOTE]

I Googled "transcend species" and found this:

Now I may never sleep again.
bread's done