so what are your thoughts on conker live and reloaded?


the graphics look nifty. looks like it could turn out decent. looks like it might be worth a 10 buck purchase when the time comes.
I have 2 thoughts on this game. #1 I'm pretty bitter it's X-Box only. #2 It sucks that it's basically a port of the N64 game. The multiplayed sucked in that version and I imagine it will suck in the X-Box version. The single player is great though. One of the most fun games ever made, I'd kill for a true sequal. Even if it was X-box only, I'd probably buy one if it had an original Conker's game.
From what I've seen and heard, Live and Reloaded is mainly a multiplayer game that happens to have a port of the original included.
aaahhh, you're right. i just went back and read the article. revamped multiplayer, and upgraded fur day. still worth 10 bucks. maybe 15 after a ggc.
aaahhh, you're right. i just went back and read the article. revamped multiplayer, and upgraded fur day. still worth 10 bucks. maybe 15 after a ggc.
Oh yeah it's definately worth getting if you have an X-Box and haven't played the original. IMO Conker's Bad Fur Day is one of the best games ever.
eeehh, definitely worth a mention. one of the most entertaining, yes. gameplay was good and memorable but not one of those you just gotta have games.
I thought it was very solid. My only knocks on it are replay value, and length. There really isn't any incentive to play the game again once you've beaten it. It's also a little bit too short for my liking. Other then those two things though I think that CBFD was awesome. Gameplay was rock solid, graphics were awesome, story was cool, and the humor was great.
I remember way back when seeing the first multiplayer screens for the new game. The models looked not too different from the n64 version in terms of style, and the visuals had a WWII feel.

E3 comes and goes, and I sit around trying to think of what games I wanna check for news on. I download the latest Conker gameplay movie, and it looks ripped straight out of Terminator. I thought I had downloaded a movie for a totally different game, then I see a squirrel leap out of a hover vehicle and plummet to the ground.

I then download the actual trailer and see that they are trying to spoof Terminator (and doing a good job of it IMO). Me thinks I'll be picking this one up, even if I have already played the single player to death.
I already own the original and had alot of fun playing it solo, not multiplayer though. I might run out and buy it again if the price is like $10-15. If its virtually the exact same game with just some updated graphics I see no reason to really buy it again, much less pay full price for it.

And how much better could the multiplayer really be? It would have to be really really damn good for me to even consider rebuying it just for that reason.
Wow, I loved the multi-player. Me and my friends always played it. I dominated with the chainsaw.

I will defintely be picking it up, if just for the new scenes that Nintendo cut out.
Im buying the game mostly for the multiplayer. I played the N64 one with my friends a long time ago. I miss those days.
I miss the N64 days in general. When cartridges were $60 =/

The game looks good, I might give it a whirl if I can get some extra $$$.

Conker on the N64 was hugely underappreciated. Part of the problem was Nintendo itself. The game was so radically out of character for Nintendo that many ignored it just by virtue of its platform. It seems Nintendo itself wasn't too sure of this new course and failed to market Conker properly.

With the current market demographics, especially on the Xbox, it should get much better exposure. It also helps that it looks great on Xbox. Rare doesn't skimp on exploiting their platform's hardware. I spent some time with the game at E3 and saw a little of nice little details that would be very difficult or impossible to repicate on the other platforms.
Should be a fun game, if the multiplayer is decent I'll probably pick it up, as I liked the MP in BFD, it was kinda like a fuzzy Unreal Tournament...head shot!
Got to try it at E3...the mulitplayer was a blast! My plane took damage, was gonna crash so i parachuted out, landed and started blown ppl away. I was shocked because my expectations of the game were very low. This was a top 5 pick by some of our staffers....definately one to pick up. :lol:
Conker's humor was immature, middle-school level crap and I don't particularly care for it.

I won't be going anywhere near the remake.
bread's done