So what shit games did you buy?

I wanted to like Red Steel but the controls just suck. Which is weird because the on-rails shooter parts of Rayman are pretty awesome. Seems Ubisoft could have just slapped on control for the analog stick to that and called it a day.

Zelda, Wii Sports (bowling is amazingly accurate - I suck in the same way at fake bowling as I do at real bowling), Rayman, Trauma Center, and Monkey Ball are all pretty damn sweet. The only clunker I got is Red Steel, but I'm willing to give it a bit more time.
[quote name='JOELPATRICK']Bought Zelda and Super Monkey Ball Today. To be honest, I haven't even played Zelda because I've had friends over and its not really a "party" type game. We played the hell out of Wii Sports and I would honestly have paid for this game. Tennis by itself kept us entertained for hours. Super Monkey Ball was "ok" at first but now it just "AWESOME". However, at some point during the day we got bored and ran down to blockbuster to rent some games. I rented Red Steel, Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance. As of now, I think Red Steel sucks and is way to annoying. Tony Hawk is alright. Marvel Ultimate Alliance seems to have some potential if I got into it a little more. I am actually having trouble playing all the new games I have gotten. Aside from the 6 games I have for Wii(including the 3 I rented), I bought those 3 burger king games for the 360 and I still need to beat Gears of War on Hardcore and Insane. I guess I have my Thanksgiving holliday planned out.[/quote]Awesome, I was hoping Blockbusters had Red Steel and Marvel. Madden I feel confident in opening, but those two I want to try out before I make them ineligible for return.
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']I picked up Red Steel and I found that after getting used to the controls, that I liked it. Even the sword fighting. That's after an hour or so of play so things can still change.

I too wanted to try an FPS at launch, and so far, I don't regret my purchase at all.

As a side note, if you play this game and stop before accomodating to the control scheme for guns and swordplay, you will not like this game. From there, it's your own opinion.[/quote]

I agree... Although it only took me about 1/2 an hour to get used to the controls... At first glance it feels clunky but I really wanted to give it a chance... Same thing with my friends.. now we play 4 player split screen Red Steel reminiscent of Goldeneye multiplayer minus the proximity mines... Good times... =D I also enjoy the single player very much... and that's all that matters... if anything... rent it =D
I would have to agree with Red Steel being a bit of a disappointment. I played it in single player and also multiplayer. Multiplayer was okay, but all off us did not enjoy it as much as playing 4 players with tennis. Also, there was a bit of slow down in multiplayer mode, and you could actually see some of the scan lines lagging (in 480i mode).
Jesus. We passed up Trauma Center because the DS one is so fucking hard, but y'all are starting to make me change my mind...
[quote name='daroga']Did anyone get Madden? I'm curious if those new controls are fun or just annoying.[/quote]
I got madden and I am really enjoying it. It is quite fun and it only takes about 10 minutes to learn all the controls.

I also picked up zelda (awesome), monkey ball (great), and trauma center (haven't played it yetr). I hopefully plan on picking up rayman and/or cod3 if i can get my hands on some cheap trade fodder for the rhino 2 for 1 deal.
The games I've gotten so far haven't been bad.. stay far, far away from Nickelodeon stuff obviously.

Red Steel included. I've enjoyed it and I never play FPS games.
I bought Zelda, Red Steel and Monkey Ball

I haven't opened Zelda yet in fears that I will stop playing everything else. I'm enjoying Red Steel but... I haven't had much fun with Monkey Ball.

Is there something I'm missing? It's getting great reviews and people who got it are also enjoying it. Am I picking the wrong mini games?
[quote name='zaxo']So far, I'm not super impressed with ExciteTruck. Despite all the negativity about Wii graphics, I think it looks pretty cool, but the gameplay isn't all that fun yet. I'm going to give it a couple more hours over Thanksgiving break in case it's one of those games that just takes a little getting-used-to. If it ends up that I don't like it, I don't know what I'll do with it.[/QUOTE]

I bought this game after deciding against it originally due to having company last night when picking up my system.. Then I went home and really didn't like it at all... I hated the crash slowdown screens etc... Then after getting a few hours of sleep I was hooked on it. And played it for close to 9 hours last night. I have yet to play multi player and am disappointed to hear that its you against the other person and no AI players in two player mode... In single player mode its awesome in my book. I rarely crash and have had a blast playing to get all S rankings.
Out of the 3 I have I would have to say the only one I am on the fence about is Super Monkey Ball. Zelda was fun, Sports which I didn't have a choice with anyway was a blast.

Super Monkey Ball is pretty fun so far, but several of the mini games we have played so far are a miss. It is still very fun, but being the CAG I am I continue to wonder if I should have spent my $50 on something else and waited for it to drop. Overall though, that being the worst means I am feeling really good about my purchases, because I love my games.
[quote name='daroga']Did anyone get Madden? I'm curious if those new controls are fun or just annoying.[/QUOTE]

I did and I love it. The controls take a little to get used to but it's much more intuitive than a standard controller setup. Passing is lots of fun and so is running while juking and stiff-arming defenders.

Lots of people have commented on the graphics compared to the 360 and other new-gen stuff but they're really not bad.

My only "complaint" is that my throwing arm hurts :)

I want to get Madden, but I think ill wait till next years version, just seems like it could use a bit more polish from what I hear.
[quote name='zewone']Didn't your Wii not work?[/quote]Must mean it's a hell of a launch to overcome that. ;)

I think just his internet functionality was fubared pending a new system.
bread's done