So what're you playing?


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Hey guys, just wondering what's in your PS3? I have all 3 consoles, and have been busy with COD 4 on the 360 and Mario Galaxy, but my PS3 is sitting pretty waiting for Uncharted, even if it has to compete for my time with Mass Effect... So what's in your machine now, and any suggestions for some PS3 love? Played through Heavenly Sword, and pick at Warhawk...
[quote name='JCally']How are you liking Assassin's Creed so far?[/QUOTE]
I'm really enjoying it. The twist at the beginning made me lose a little interest, but the rest of the game really makes up for it.
Assassin's Creed right now and then The Tournament next week.

I almost forgot about Kristen Bell being in the game, until I took a closer look at the female doctor in the beginning. She so purty.
Beat Ratchet & Clank Future a few days back - it's so good I plan to play through at least once more. Almost done with Folklore - also great with interesting story and art direction. Both are well worth picking up.
Ratchet and Resistance. Resistance online has been taking up a lot of my time.
Oblivion, Oblivion, a thousand times Oblivion. That game is unbelievable. I have almost every skill I use for my character mastered, a few houses and businesses, quite a few horsies and will soon be embarking on the main quest. The game is amazing. I just wish it had better NPC's and maybe an option to co-op.

Folklore is coming up next and then I'm planning to blaze through Ninja Gaiden Sigma after that. Following those I'm looking at Assassin's Creed and Uncharted.
Oh shit. Forgot to mention I plan on picking up the PS Eye or whatever it's called for the sweet PSN games from Europe. EoJ holds no appeal for me whatsoever but I really and truly find making crap resolution stop motion videos appealing. I should be able to dig quite a ways out of my backlog in time for spring when the next wave of stuff hits. Oblivion is a huge timesuck but after that I should be pretty ok.
PS3: Lego Star Wars
PS2: -- nothing regularly --
360: Puzzle Quest... man that's fun.

I hope to add R&C and Uncharted soon. :)
I'm playing:

PS3: Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
PS2: Nothing regularly, Sometimes Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
PSP: Puzzle Quest, great game
[quote name='StrandedBrit']Currently playing COD4 and Warhawk. I'll have Uncharted and Assassins Creed tomorrow though, so should be a fun weekend.[/QUOTE]
How are you getting Uncharted tomorrow?
[quote name='whoknows']How are you getting Uncharted tomorrow?[/quote]

Pre-ordered from Gamestop, and they called today saying it would be in by lunch tomorrow. Sweetness. :D
Wii: Super Mario Galaxy
DS: Mario & Luigi 2
PSP: DJMAX Portable 2, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
PC: Battlefield 2142, Half-Life 2 Episode 2

Yeah, it's getting out of hand.
[quote name='whoknows']Playing COD4 and Assassins Creed at the moment. Will be playing Uncharted next week.[/QUOTE]

same here.. with a dash of motorstorm
my xbox 360 exploded..not just ring of death, but a big spark and yea, im playing my old ps2 backlog, im at the end of fallout : brotherhood of steel , and then im gonna do fatal frame 2..then maybe devil summoner and suikoden tactics
bread's done