So whats the deal with component cables?


3 (100%)
Hey, I just got my Wii today and am loving it for the most part. I would, however, really like to get some component cables for my HDTV. Ive been trying to hold back from playing Zelda until then since I want to play it with the best picture quality. Hopefully Trauma Center and Monkey Ball can keep me going until then.

Anyway how can I get component ASAP. I sadly missed out on ordering online. If I ordered now when would they ship? When are they releasing them in stores? When are 3rd party cables going to be released? Does anyone know how their quality stacks up against 1st party cables?

Also, for those who were lucky enough to order from nintendo early, how does the picture quality with component in 480p compare to composite?

Any component cable info at all would be appreciated.

Nintendo's store is supposed to have the component cables back in stock on the 28th.

I've got the component cables and yeah.... absolutely ridiculous difference from composite.
Yea i was gonna try to wait for the component cables for zelda to, i just couldnt. I said to my self ill just start it up and play like 15 minutes and shut it off. Played like 4 hours today so far, its a great game.
I did what chodax did but only got through fifteen minutes because the blurriness bothers the hell out of me. Can't play this without component cables. If anybody sees third-party cables available ANYWHERE, please post here and PM me just to give me hope. I'm going to order some from Nintendo, but there is no way I can just play Wii Sports on this thing for a week. fucking Christ.
Please, anyone who sees component cables post here. I really NEED them ASAP... I really want to play Zelda but I would really like component cables first.
bread's done