So when will there be an update to "arcade hits"?


10 (100%)
So, as the title explains, is this going to be a monthly thing? or something they feel like updating when their bored? sorry if this is already posted somewhere else.
Let me go to the future, brb.

Anyways though, it seems like something that will be updated every few months, or when game sales slow down to the point where they need to drop their prices.

I'm personally hoping Boom Boom Rocket goes down to 400 points soon, and there's a few others I could get I guess if the price is right.
I'd be content with getting 1 a month. I mean we have like 70ish games out there now? Maybe less. Maybe more.. ::shrugs::

Going 1 game per month (while adding 4-8 more to the library) is NOTHING!
[quote name='lordwow']I'd say June.[/QUOTE]

That's what I was thinking. Probably get a few games every six months.
[quote name='Corvin']That's what I was thinking. Probably get a few games every six months.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it'll be monthly, or even bimonthly. MAYBE quarterly. Even then, it'll probably be stuff like UNO and Robotron next.
I doubt they will drop the $5 priced games like Uno & Robotron, but who knows? There are many overpriced $10 games already, those will more than likely see a drop first.
Look for Street Fighter II to drop to 400 when the HD redux one comes out. Of course, then no one will want it. I guess that's the point.
I would buy Boom Boom Rocket and Street Fighter II if they were 400 each. I've played Boom Boom Rockets demo and its fun. But with Rez HD and Ikuraga coming out soon. I gots to try and save money somewhere. Rock Band has been kicking muh ass in DLC.
[quote name='Logg']I was thinking about getting that Marble game this week.[/QUOTE]

I recently bought that. It's VERY MUCH worth the 400 points.
bread's done