SO who getting Iphone June 29 offical date

I'm listening to Leo Laporte's blogcast right now, and they kind of talked about Cingular and the iPhone a little. Another point would be that it is using an internal antenna. If you compare phones on any given carrier (especially Cingular), with an external antenna and internal.. you'll see that there is a difference in reception. Streaming video and whatnot is going to be really heavy on network bandwidth, and depend greatly on an uninterrupted and strong signal. Plus.. I'm wondering if they are going to be heavily dependant upon Cingular's 3G service (which.. mind you.. is spreading through markets at a slow rate).

What scares me? People constantly asking me how to make their iPhone work better because they have an elementary understanding of technology and plunked down $600 for this thing (just like they come to me and whine about their computer running slow with Vista installed and only 512mb of RAM running off a 478 socket Celeron or something). I'll point to the carrier and internal antenna at fault, and get some "no way man! Rollover minutes is teh roxxorZ!"

You could easily get an unlocked Sony Ericcson or Motorola with a media card slot and a Creative Zen.. and save roughly half the cost of this thing. Plus, they have external antennas (I'm currently using a SE W300i, and I have to say... the huge external loop antenna at least yields a maximum signal compared to other phones).

Oh yeah.. that Youtube video was hillarious. Use it as mace!
[quote name='Apossum']only $500 for temporarily elevated social prestige?[/QUOTE]

Its on Cingular/ATT/Whateverwe'recallingourselvesthisyear. That service is terrible here. My Brother used to have them. He called it the "Every Other Call Plan".
[quote name='TC']Its on Cingular/ATT/Whateverwe'recallingourselvesthisyear. That service is terrible here. My Brother used to have them. He called it the "Every Other Call Plan".[/QUOTE]

Good to know it isn't a problem just here, where Cingular/Bellsouth originated (the south).

Fewest dropped calls on any network? Hardly a valid claim. I can see where it's called "every other call plan", where "every other call" sounds like somebody sitting on top of a washing machine while flying on a C-130 at 30,000 feet and talking on the phone through a larynix voice box.

I can't wait to see the reviews for this thing :)
Yea Cingular is really crappy around a lot of areas here too. I'm currently on Verizon and theres two people I call regularly on Cingular. Everytime I call them the very first ring is a crackly LOUD ring. Likes its struggling to make a connection. When I call other people and hear the "magic cingular ring" I instantly know they're on Cingular.

And my one buddy on cingular, when he calls me from home theres always a buzzing in the background. I'm the only one who can hear it and it only comes from when he's at home. It annoys the fuck outta me. Its amazing the kind of quips cingular pulls off.
When I first heard of the iPhone I was like ok cool, lets see what Apple can do to revolutionize the cell phone market. Yeah now after looking at the videos, I came to realize the iPhone is mainly for those people who want to look like assholes by trying to look ultra cool. You can get a video iPod and a good cell phone with the same capabilities for less. Now unless proven wrong it seems that the iPhone does nothing revolutionary (and who the hell needs the touch screen controlls anyway), all it does is jack up the price for things that should of costed less.
I don't like this hate of it because it will make one "look like an elitist asshole," as some of you believe.
The fact of the matter is, should the Iphone do everything that it claims it can without a hitch, it will be revolutionary and an amazing product, that looks good while doing it.

The cost, however, is the problem here. The average consumer can't afford it. But it hardly will make you look like an elitist asshole if you can.
Hell, I'm in high school, and I work. I could save up and get one, and so could any other high schooler, but I'm not going to because there are a lot better things that I could spend my money on. Now how much of an elitist asshole-making phone can it be if a high schooler can afford it?
[quote name='Graystone']:lol:

Newton FTW!

IMO its to expensive. Plus why buy something thats only going to have a better one come out in 6 months. I know that technology is always getting better. But Apple is the only company that refreshes its product lines twice a year. I'm an Apple fan but the iphone can kiss my ass for $600.[/quote]
exactly, by the time they come out with one that works for tmobile (im not leaving them for cingular, i did cingular before) itll be more refined and cheaper and then i might consider picking one up. but until then im not even going to think about it.

luckily my brother is an apple fanboy that lives at home with a decent job, i expect him to get this on day 1, so i can play around with it then.

[quote name='LiquidNight']
Hell, I'm in high school, and I work. I could save up and get one, and so could any other high schooler[/quote]

ahh the days before rent, bills and student loans...
This is basically the PS3. Something that would be cool to have but is waaaaay too fucking expensive.

Do I want one? Yes. But I'll wait for atleast the second generation and a price drop.
[quote name='Yoohoo1231']This is basically the PS3. Something that would be cool to have but is waaaaay too fucking expensive.

Do I want one? Yes. But I'll wait for atleast the second generation and a price drop.[/QUOTE]

A $600 PS3 is much more reasonable than a $600 phone.
[quote name='rodeojones903']A $600 PS3 is much more reasonable than a $600 phone.[/quote]


What i want to know is just how easily and quickly the face of the Midasphone will get scratched and damaged. You scratch the face of a normal phone and all the buttons are unaffected, but what happens when you chip the giant dollar sign and can't dial 1-800-I-AM-COOL anymore.
[quote name='LiquidNight']I don't like this hate of it because it will make one "look like an elitist asshole," as some of you believe.
The fact of the matter is, should the Iphone do everything that it claims it can without a hitch, it will be revolutionary and an amazing product, that looks good while doing it.

The cost, however, is the problem here. The average consumer can't afford it. But it hardly will make you look like an elitist asshole if you can.
Hell, I'm in high school, and I work. I could save up and get one, and so could any other high schooler, but I'm not going to because there are a lot better things that I could spend my money on. Now how much of an elitist asshole-making phone can it be if a high schooler can afford it?[/QUOTE]

Well.. the total argument isn't just that purchasing one would make a consumer an elitist asshole, but the iPod's sales have been heavily dependant upon its association with pop culture or as a status symbol. It's priced very highly compared to products of comparible capability (hell.. almost every MP3 player is compatible with the iTunes file format that I know of.. Creative being among them.. as well as other file formats purchased from similiar services). The people that have told me that they plan on purchasing it haven't the slightest idea what it is fully capable of; they merely know that they have to get one as soon as possible. I'd say half of those people have or do own an iPod. This just translates to marketing.. the product has been associated as the "to have" gizmo from pre-release buzz. Right now, Apple is a huge case study in many business education curriculums at universities for a reason (the huge supposed "success" of the iPod, although Forbes recently had an article about Apple fucking up by putting too many apples in one basket). The early sales of the thing were abysmal.. until three things occured: the launch of iTunes, the buzz created by the early adopters as it being a hip & rogue device to own because it was Apple w/ high storage capacity, and Apple began it's massive media blitz associating it with pop culture (also, check the wikipedia entry for the iPod.. they have a copy of the sales chart for the thing... sales were abysmal in the early years).

As for high schoolers being able to afford it.. part of it is due to the minimum wage getting such a hike in the next couple of years. When I was in HS, the minimum wage was still sub $5 :) Technology and average used vehicle prices have actually fallen in real terms adjusted for inflation (a top of the line PC or used vehicle of comparable age purchased 10 years ago was higher than now, and more reliable to boot). Costs of living and CPI may have gone through the roof.. but that doesn't affect typical high schoolers (note I said typical, not all), in that they are dependents.

Another thing that gets me is that the iPhone isn't doing anything overly revolutionary.. a typical PDA/Smartphone has almost all of the capabilities of an iPhone, at half the price. They're using solid state storage (flash memory) instead of a hard drive, so that's part of the reason it's only 8gb... but almost every phone has an SD card slot now, so memory is practically only limited to the number of microSD cards you can carry. Plus, solid state storage is fastly getting larger and cheaper to produce. Basically, it's just a smart phone running OSX and 8 gb of onboard memory.. on one of the worst cell carriers in the US known for its problems with a previous merger and a history of very poor customer service.

Don't get me wrong.. the iPhone is going to sell like a mofo, especially on the back of iTunes (many people purchased the RAZR for having iTunes support.. and ended up with disfunctional devices at a high premium). It's just that other devices have similiar capabilities out there, but standalone devices will still outperform it (MP3 players with larger capacities, or smart phones that work on alternative cell carriers).

Shit.. I forgot my point, just use the damned thing as a hand grenade or shaver.
Great points all around and I must say that I am on the fence about picking one up. I want it because I do think the thing looks fucking amazing, but on the other hand its going to turn into the RAZR all over at first but then everyone has it in every shad of color possible.

The only other phone I am even considering is the Helio Ocean, which is getting some very good reviews but I will make my final decision once some reviews start to show up on the iphone and I am hoping someone can do a comparison on the helio ocean and the iphone because that would help out a lot.
[quote name='rodeojones903']A $600 PS3 is much more reasonable than a $600 phone.[/QUOTE]

I have trouble seeing your logic, but because I don't want this turn into another one of those price debates I'm ending this here.
[quote name='nharmon91']
I was agreeing with you in a way, but apparently you were to blind to see that.[/quote]

Yeah, sorry, I can't interpret you agreeing to anything by you quoting my post and saying "Um, no." I must be blind to not be able to understand that "um, no" really means, "yeah, I was agreeing with you in a way, but now I don't".

I want again. Visual voicemail is the best thing in the world.

I think I set my budget for the iPhone... I would only buy this current model for $300 after the plan or for $400 if it were unlocked to use on other services conveniently.

If they make a killer upgrade though all bets are out the off.
[quote name='Skylander7'](just like they come to me and whine about their computer running slow with Vista installed and only 512mb of RAM running off a 478 socket Celeron or something).[/quote] :rofl:
[quote name='Prepster']but on the other hand its going to turn into the RAZR all over at first but then everyone has it in every shad of color possible.[/quote]
QFT, I hated the RAZR sooo much and everyone always bragged that they had it and I didn't. Even though they payed like $25 or nothing for it. So gay. It was to fuckin big to start out with.
I waited to get a RAZR(and was a huge letdown) for $10, so hopefully I'll be able to score and iPhone on the cheap too.
You may also be disappointed that the iPhone can't open Microsoft Office documents


Cingular still charges a deposit of up to $750 for some customers who have bad credit. Add up $599 for the phone with a $750 deposit and you have one expensive little telephone.
Of course, I have to point out that you can earn your deposit back after a year of good standing with Cingular, but still - that's one heckuva a barrier to entry.

[quote name='dallow']DEAL BREAKER!


Lmao, if you have bad credit to begin with, you should definitely not be looking into getting a $600 cellphone ;).
[quote name='Prepster']Lmao, if you have bad credit to begin with, you should definitely not be looking into getting a $600 cellphone ;).[/QUOTE]

No kidding. I'm very happy with my Blackjack. Visual voicemail? I didn't want to talk to you, what makes you think I want to look at you while you're doing it?
bread's done