So you finshed Halo 3 what are your thoughts? Warning spoilers within!

I posted this in the "skull and terminal locations" thread but I wanted to see if anyone here has found any other interesting "secrets/stuff" in the game....

It is a family of monkeys you can find in the first level at the part where the jackals are sniping you from the cliffside. Its on the left side of the cliff right before you find Johnson...

[quote name='daroga']That was absoluetely fantastic. I could probably find a post of mine on here from not too long ago complining about the wholly anticlimactic ending to Halo 2 just being a bullet-sponge boss compared to the steallar ending of the first Halo. When I turned that corner and Cortana said, "Johnson's Warthog!" I thought, "Oh, hell yes!"

The endgame with the floor dropping out was fantastic. I loved every bit of it. Can you capture video from a campaign level? I had one or two oh-so-close to death moments that I'd like to save. ;)

The tie-in with Marathon are interesting as I've never played those games. Is the one on the Live Arcade the whole expierence or just one of three? Is it worth nabbing or more just reading up on the story?[/QUOTE]

I think the marathon games are fantastic, as long as you're not turned off by the simple graphics. The levels are a bit more mazelike and confusing than doom, and the writing is just fantastic. Sound is also top notch. The XBLA one is the second game in the series. Probably the best choice since the 1st one had more limited scope in levels and Marathon Infinity would confuse the hell out of anyone who hasn't played the others, and the later levels are brutally difficult.

All three of them were made available for free by bungie, and I'm pretty sure they provide links to download them on their website. You will need a program called "Aleph One" to play them on modern machines however. There are high res texture packs and updates available as well. The marathon story page website is great if you just want to read up on marathon without playing the game.

As for the end boss of Halo 2.. I find it a much more fun and challenging battle if you only use the sword to kill him. ;)
Jer, I found some interesting information that might massage your Marathon Connection bone.

In Marathon, there's a part of the game/manual where it says:
"You pull out your pistol, and pound the switch to open the door. Oddly , this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."

Question: What part of the game does Master Chief smash a switch to open a door?
I don't know that bungie referenced that part of marathon exactly, but rather were alluding to that your character in marathon has memories of past lives/experiences that are repressed.
[quote name='jer7583']I don't know that bungie referenced that part of marathon exactly, but rather were alluding to that your character in marathon has memories of past lives/experiences that are repressed.[/quote]

Which would be evidence to my theory that Master Chief was the subject to which the 10 Mark IV cyborgs were created.
could be. I don't think bungie would ever really directly tie the two series together that closely, just because of the massive market of morons that the game does sell to will have no idea what's going on if the story ever reached Marathon levels of intelligence or complexity..
[quote name='NamelessMC']Jer, I found some interesting information that might massage your Marathon Connection bone.

In Marathon, there's a part of the game/manual where it says:
"You pull out your pistol, and pound the switch to open the door. Oddly , this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."

Question: What part of the game does Master Chief smash a switch to open a door?[/QUOTE]

he does it in halo 1, first mission i believe.
I fucking loved the last escape scene. Sweaty fucking palms but oh so amazing. I was pissed off and pleased since Guilty Spark was the last boss/enemy that I had to kill.

Ending sucked though, I, like most people, like conclusiveness.
I loved this campaign. I just beat it on Legendary (solo), and loved almost every bit. The Warthog ending was just fantastic.

I think some of you are out of your minds on your thoughts of the Legendary ending - it was clearly the back half of Cortana and Chief's ship hovering over Earth. You can see the pacific coast in the dark, and as the Sun rises it reveals futuristic structures over the whole planet, including the seas. So Master Chief and Cortana have floated back to Earth... hundreds or thousands of years later. (Actually, since they were outside the galaxy, and not going what appeared close to the speed of light, it should be more like a million years.)
Finished the game today and I must say, it is a fantastic game. Loved every moment in the game (except the level where you rescue Cortana, like everyone said. That level was a pain in the ass). Last part in the game where you drive the warthog was pretty intense. I wished the game was a bit longer, but I will get my money's worth out of multiplayer.
It was almost tear-jerking, honestly.

Master Chief floats toward the cyrogenic sleep hub. He hangs his weapon on the rack. Then he puts Cortana on the panel and closes the door as she's saying "I'll miss you."

'Wake me... When you need me."

And then you see him laying down, like he was in Halo 1.
No way in hell I'm going to play Mission 8 again, unless I'm hammered or someone puts a gun to my head (and maybe for the skull... ugh).

That's all I have really. Because I didn't finish the first game and played little of the second, I feel any more ranting I make is due to ignorance of the story. (which I don't think the game did a terribly-good job of explaining for newbies)

But I'll say that while the last Warthog scene was great fun, it was also one of the more horrible looking areas I have ever seen, and I just couldn't get the "Epic" vibe due to that. Again, this is probably due to my ignorance with Halo architecture or something.
I thought the ending was amazing, i thought every level of campaign were a million times better than halo 2. Bungie did an excellent job. Online co op at 4 people is perfect i am glad they didn't leave it at only two. This is game of the year for sure.
[quote name='Bathory']The only thing that I wish the campaign had was more levels....maybe more levels that were on a halo instead of earth...other than that itz all good...[/QUOTE]

I actually wish there were more levels in different parts of earth. When Halo 2 had the fight coming to earth, I was picturing MC fighting in destroyed parts of Los Angeles or London or something like that. I guess it would be a big plot hole if the flood touched down in Downtown LA and they didn't immediately infect the whole surrounding area...
Halo 3 was great. I mean, there were parts that I hated, but at least I got a feeling of accomplishment out of all of them. I'm proud that I beat the game on heroic, to be honest. I caould barely beat Halo 2 on normal.

It would've been better if I hadn't went to this thread and spoiled myself >_>....Level 9 was my favorite level, though. The battle with 343 Guilty Spark was just great.

The ending ( past the credits ) really made me feel sad for some reason. It's just the thought of MC and Cortana sitting in there for years...idk.
I'm actually happy they did that to Master Chief...better than getting back to earth and then there being a lame speech and he gets a medal. I hate those types of endings.
Yeah, that would've been lame. I liked the ending, but it just made me feel really, really sad. They should make another game starring him in like 20 years, just because.
kind of wanted more cortana and chief interaction. but i did enjoy that little moment they had together just before he went into stasis.

and about that flood level, am i the only one who just ran the fuck through it? i put up a fight about a third of the way through and realized im getting my ass kicked. so from that point i just try to run it to the next check point. it pretty much worked, but i did die a quite a few times trying to find the route and so on. i played on heroic, i could just imagine it on legendary...
Just finished up the Campaign solo, on Legendary, got all 13 skulls, all 7 terminals, watched the extra ending, and honestly:

I'm satisfied. I thoroughly enjoyed myself playing the game, both in challenge and entertainment value. I agree with the previous comment of it being a better ending of the Chief drifting in space instead of just arriving home and getting a medal, but I don't agree with the planet at the very end being Earth.

First off, our planet is nowhere near a blue nebula. Secondly, I don't see it resembling anything like Earth, but instead it resembles more like the Covenant Homeworld (the one you see behind High Charity in the opening of Halo 2).

Also, when the ship does approach the planet in the ending, the music gets kind of sinister. (Master Chief has returned home, OH NOES!)

But hey, then again, it could be like in Marathon where computers have taken over Earth, who knows. Wait for Halo 4 like everyone else, or sleep with a Bungie employee.

[quote name='Punk_Raven']Yeah, that would've been lame. I liked the ending, but it just made me feel really, really sad. They should make another game starring him in like 20 years, just because.[/QUOTE]

The hell with them doing that in 20 years. I say 2 or 3 tops. With that ending they never really did end it. Atleast not for MC. I think the only ending that they should have had was him geting killed or turned into one of the flood.
I still don't buy that explanation that firing that one ring destroyed all the flood.

For example, there's still flood spores all over the place. There's flood spores on every ring as far as we know. And the gravemind could have infected many planets after it had gained control of the ship and could travel at will.

Yes, it would have destroyed the gravemind. But as they've already established, the gravemind can rebuild himself anywhere the flood have infected enough people. As established by the gravemind rebuilding himself on the ark.

Heck, the gravemind is smart, it would have dropped a few flood pods on the surface of earth before going through the portal, it certainly had plenty of flood pods that it dropped before the control room. One flood pod would be enough.

As such, Bungie never really established exactly what kills off the flood. If it's simply the death of the gravemind that does it, they should somehow have established earlier that the gravemind is a singular entity and that when he dies so goes the rest of the flood.

However, there's still the glaring plot hole of why the gravemind didn't die off when the all the rings were first fired, thus destroying the flood.

If firing the ring only stopped the flood from spreading again, but didn't kill all of them, then they should have established that at the end too.

It really looks like that for all their high budget to produce this game, they forgot to hire a decent writer. Because really, this is just sloppy writing that just a few sentences of dialogue could have fixed up. For example, Cortana could have gotten some info from the gravemind while they were linked up about how even his power has limits. If he's seperated from the main flood mass after having formed into a concentration, if he then dies with no flood mass nearby to transfer to, the whole the flood goes with him.

And for that matter, where did the flood come from? What were the sins of the forerrunners? Etc.. the list of plot holes and goes on.

The gameplay is great, and good gameplay can carry a bad story, and Halo's story, unless in novel format written by competant writers, is pretty poor on its own.
Well then, they really should put in a segment into the ending where the Covenenat and USMC ships go around nuking the hell out of every single ring they find. That'd eradicate the flood.

But that still doesn't counter my argument about the flood on Earth. Simply put, one flood pod in a populated area = flood controlled Earth. We know the gravemind loves to drop those things and wouldn't pass up some more flood reinforcements. If there was no more flood drops on Earth, what was the point of the whole human's last stand on Earth speech?

The only reason I can think of why there weren't a bunch of flood laughing around that monument at the end was that killing the gravemind somehow killed all the flood in the galaxy.

Not to mention the flood are one of the least liked aspects of the Halo universe. Bringing them back for a fourth game would be a slap in the face to fans.

It's still pretty poor writing.

Oh, and let's not forget the pointless deaths of Miranda Keys and the Sarge.
I think both deaths were lame and anticlimactic. It seemed like they put them in there just so it wouldn't be as " happy ending " -y.

Oh, and I wonder what The Arbiter and all of the other elites are going to do on their planet. Just chill and shit, I guess. Do elite things....
Give me an M!
Give me an E!
Give me an H!

What's that spell????

[quote name='triforcer']well to be honest johnson was living on borrowed time since halo 1.[/quote]

Borrowed time? I haven't played Halo CE.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']I think both deaths were lame and anticlimactic. It seemed like they put them in there just so it wouldn't be as " happy ending " -y.

Oh, and I wonder what The Arbiter and all of the other elites are going to do on their planet. Just chill and shit, I guess. Do elite things....[/QUOTE]

I could see some Elite Chillaxing.

We just finished it last night--decent enough I would say. The commercials lead me to believe (like many of you) that it was going to be a knock-down, drag-out battle for Earth, when that in fact did not happen.

I did like the terminals, as they brought the whole Halo/Marathon connection together a little bit better.

And also like a bunch of yall, 8 was some of the most confusing ass level design--and I actually LIKE fighting the flood.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']Borrowed time? I haven't played Halo CE.[/quote] well it's just that all this shit happen in the first halo and some how johnson survived. but apparently it's explained in the halo comics.
It wasn't explained in the comic I read. All he did was blow away some flood and run down a corridor.

With how many times you have to save his ass in Halo 3, I wonder how he ever survived the first two games. It's another little bit of bad storytelling when you emaciate a well liked character.
the last few levels were amazingly fucking crazy!

That inside of some alien's stomach thingy was fucking crazy. Stupid me hit those bubble/egg things and unleashed those little fuckers. Pissed off my friend when i co-opped with him lol.

Anyways... prepare to die a minimum of 10 times during a level!

The fights against the huge walker thingies was crazy as well.

One thing that just kept on pissing us off was the arrow/mission direction icon not showing up for a long time while we both try to backtrack/explore to find out where to go next. Since both of us had the volume down very low, we couldn't hear shit.

The computer visions was just getting too damn annoying :(

The flood looked creepy as hell. One level room looked something out of Silent Hill (bloody/rusted walls)!

Weapons were great, that Hammer kicked ass.

The ending was meh.

but then again, I was never really a halo fan, but the graphics were so amazing!
That inside of some alien's stomach thingy was fucking crazy. Stupid me hit those bubble/egg things and unleashed those little fuckers. Pissed off my friend when i co-opped with him lol.

You weren't inside of an alien's stomach, the Flood contaminated and coated the entire inside of High Charity, a Covenant flagship.

[quote name='HotShotX']You weren't inside of an alien's stomach, the Flood contaminated and coated the entire inside of High Charity, a Covenant flagship.


well see, this is what I get for playing late at night with the volume mute and no idea who the hell the flood was about til I read it on wiki.

still a creepy level...reminded me of some of the organic wall stuff from Doom 3/Prey
I wanted to MC face. But other than that It was fun. The flood level was easy for me. It was the same path you took to enter the place so if you paid attention you just exit through the entrance basically. Slight change at the end though. The ending was meh though. I wanted more brutes as well, also wanted more rocket launchers, and also they could've thrown in more spartan lasers.
[quote name='ITDEFX']The fights against the huge walker thingies was crazy as well.[/QUOTE]
I loved the two-Scarab battle on the Ark. There's nothing more bad ass than destroying one of those with a hammer... except doing it twice.

What was the deal with the Hunters? Some jackass decided to make them 10 times more damage resistant, and gave them weapons they can fire at close range. I loved fighting them in CE, but they were just tedious this time through.
It took me a long time to figure out that I could just blow off the back of the Scarabs and shoot the weak spot with the plane. longer than I care to admit! I kept kamikaze-ing into the first one, then trying to take out the legs of the second one with the warthog, which always got me killed.

The scarabs are awesome though. Reminded me of Shadow of the Colossus :)
[quote name='cindersphere']I wanted to MC face. But other than that It was fun. The flood level was easy for me. It was the same path you took to enter the place so if you paid attention you just exit through the entrance basically. Slight change at the end though. The ending was meh though. I wanted more brutes as well, also wanted more rocket launchers, and also they could've thrown in more spartan lasers.[/quote]what diifficulty did you play on?
it was ok...the flood parts were just hard and repetitive....fighting the flood just pisses me off to the point where large chunks of the game arent fun and I just want to get through them.....i just finished Bioshock a few days ago and enjoyed the game much more and had a bigger feeling of accomplishment at the end...still a good game though i dont understand how Halo 3 is getting such high ratings - maybe everyone is afraid to score it the way it should be stop The orange box, assassin's creed and mass effect with a sprinkle of PGR4
Many people speculate that the planet seen in the legendary ending is none other than the Marathon, from Bungie's previous game.

Marathon was actually Diemos, one of the martian moons hollowed out and used as a one giant colony "ship". A way of repopulating humanity through the stars.

Could be that they're remaking Marathon and tying it back into the Halo mythos.
Halo 3's art design is stunning. It makes halo more epic feeling than any other game.

I was a little disappointed that there wasn't as much new music in halo 3 as there was in halo 2. Halo 3 had a ton of main theme reduxes which I thought were a little overused and should have been saved for the ending warthog sequence.
i really enjoyed the few new peices of music introduced in halo 3. as for the flood part, running to the next sphincter was the only way to go for me.
I would have preferred to not be fighting The Flood for the last two stages, but overall, I really enjoyed Halo 3.

I was kinda let down with the last level, though. I mean, we're talking about the very last stage in the very last game of the story arch for Halo. I expected the biggest and craziest level ever. Instead, you work your way up to the base fighting more Flood, walk though some big ass empty halls, stuff happens, then you drive off and escape. It was very underwhelming, and it only last about 20 - 25 minutes. I enjoyed Halo 2's last stage better.

The Ark and The Covenant levels were the two best stages in the game, imo.
[quote name='dastly75']Just beat it on legendary(solo). Loved it although the little twist at the end puzzled me a bit.[/quote]

I just beat it yesterday on Legendary with friends, and the little bit at the end gave it an almost Halo 2 "like" ending.
I gotta question the sanity of people who didn't like the final race. It was by far one of the most epic gaming moments I've ever had.
[quote name='Greetard']I gotta question the sanity of people who didn't like the final race. It was by far one of the most epic gaming moments I've ever had.[/QUOTE]

bread's done