Someone hit my car. help?


1 (100%)

My car was parked and some dude that tried to park next to me hit my left taillight and dented the area near there.

I got all of his info, license plate number, insurance etc. It's been about 4 days and I still did not receive a call from his insurance company because that's what he said he was going to do. So, I call him today to ask what is going on and he gave me an attitude problem saying I'm supposed to call my insurance company first ..... so I was like WTF , haha. Why do people get so aggressive when they were THEY were the ONES that hit my car, shouldn't I be the aggressive one? Either way, his attitude just pissed me off and I wanted to ask CAG what shall I do, call his insurance company, talk to mines, or just call him again and cuss him out for fun? I honestly don't know what to do in this situation.

Just wanted to make suree...
[quote name='lnguyen831']I got all of his info, license plate number, insurance etc...I honestly don't know what to do in this situation. [/quote]
Well, you got all of the other guy's info...that's good. I'm thinking you file a police report (because your insurance company will want one) and then after you get your copy of the paperwork (should only take a day or two depending on how big an area you live in) you call your insurance company.
Cry on a message board.

Now that I've got this thread's obligatory asshole post out of the way, I'd say you should do what Spruce said.
Here in Chicago, police scoff at coming to the scene of an accident. It's not necessary to file at the scene. You can file after the fact.

I'd also call the guy and say you're trying to be nice and not go through your insurance because it's not really fair your rates should go up for the next 5 years because he was careless. But say if necessary, you will.
Definately call your insurance company ASAP. Not having a police report is not good. But since he took full responsibility at the scene you must call ASAP to get your insurance on his insurance company's ass to get money to fix your car. He's playing well with others now, so take advantage of it.

It's always a good idea to call your insurace ASAP. Even if nothing really happened, it's good to at least have it documented so that if something goes wrong a couple weeks down the line you have a report of it and the insurance knows that you aren't just jerking them around.

Actually I might even suggest you call now and leave a message on their answering machine if they're not in the office. The longer you wait, the more chance there is of you not getting shit fixed.
Will his rates go up? I've had three cars totaled that I had parked outside of my house and since I wasn't driving the car at the time, my rates stayed the same.

I don't understand why you waited four days though. I would have had his insurance and my own called ASAP. fuck waiting.
In situations like these you could always call your insurance for advice and suggestions on the next step. You employ them partially for this reason and calling to ask for advice and suggestions will not make your rates go up. At the very least your insurance will most likely contact his to get a claim started, which should cost you nothing as well.

Edit: Like Jobbercho said, waiting around was pointless too. In the future don't wait around to contact your insurance agent, it will probably make things go much smoother and faster.
Some cheapass insurance companies will raise your rates regardless of fault. Someone hit our car in a parking lot. They got everything taken care of through their insurance company but our insurance company found out and wanted more money the next time we extended our coverage. Their issue was that they didn't know that we parked in our apartment's garage so we became "high-risk customers".
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']Seems a bit high[/QUOTE]
Its not that crazy. I live on the corner of where two main/busy streets intersect. Over the years a lot of parked cars in front of my house have been hit by buses and bad drivers during the morning and afternoon rushes. People just make a right turn and stay too close to the sidewalk. They finally painted the part closest to the corner red about a year ago, but even since then people still hit cars making that turn. My dad's work truck was crashed into twice already.
[quote name='browneyedgal68']Here in Chicago, police scoff at coming to the scene of an accident. It's not necessary to file at the scene. You can file after the fact.

I'd also call the guy and say you're trying to be nice and not go through your insurance because it's not really fair your rates should go up for the next 5 years because he was careless. But say if necessary, you will.[/QUOTE]

I don't care if the police scoff at shit, without a police report at the scene or any other witnesses to confirm what happened, the victim could potentially be skating on some very thin ice.

I do agree with the rest of your post, however the OP is crazy for just waiting and not contacting his insurance company until the fourth fucking day.
[quote name='sevdustflyer']Get your mom to sue him.[/quote]

bread's done