Someone Jacked My DS Lite.


CAG Veteran
Alright. I'm a freshman in high school. Anyways, yes, someone jacked my DS. I can go along and get another one, But I don't want them to get away with it. I'm seriously done wasting my money on bullshit like this. I need suggestions or advice on what to do.

Alright, 3 weeks ago, for my birthday, my loving parents bought me a
Black DS Lite, an R4, a 2 gig stick for the R4, and a case, which equals to exactly $250.

Well today, 6th period (Band), someone jacked it.

This is all I know:
  • It was stolen in 6th period.
  • Everyone leaves their backpack inside the instrument room.
  • One person, named Tony, went to the bathroom.
  • A bunch of goody two-shoe girls went inside the practice room to chatter. I know they wouldn't steal it because they don't even know me.
  • I went to the bathroom for a few mins to blow out my nose because I have a cold.
  • The only people I would suspect are the bad dudes: Jay, Nathan, Jermiah, Tony, and Michael. Everyone else in my period are goody two-shoes.
  • My DS has a 2GB Sandisk memory stick inside the R4
  • R4 has a custom theme background

I don't know what to do from here, should I ask the security, counselor, or what?

I know I can deal with it, I just don't want the person to get away with it.

Yes, I know, I know. Sucks for me. Shouldn't have brought it to school. Deal with it, Whatever. I just don't want the person to get a way with it.
Whoa, that stinks, sorry to hear that. Yeah, don't worry about people telling you, "Shouldn't have taken it in the first place!" It's perfectly reasonable to be able to take a DS with you to school...but I guess the real mistake was leaving it in your backpack (keep it at your hip at all times!), but you can't focus on that now, you need to focus on getting it back.

Will you, I don't know. Seems unlikely. I'd talk to both the security AND the counselor. They'll tell you what options you have. They might tell you you're SOL, or they might tell you that they have some legit options you can take to figure out if any of those d-bags took it.

Do whatever you can. The worst case scenario is that you won't get it back; you might as well try anything possible to make sure you can at least TRY to get it back.
I'd talk to the principal, but you'll come under fire for having it at school. I'd take the punishment for bringing it to school as long as it was found.

And yeah, it kinda goes without saying to never bring it to school.
Does your school have some security guy that deals with stuff like this? I don't know what they're called, but when I was in high school, I know all the local high schools would have a person (usually some large tough looking man) that specifically dealt with these sorts of situations. I think our high school had some ex-cop who would magically find people's stolen stuff. I know all this is vague and not very helpful, but I say definitely go talk to school administration.
[quote name='mr ryles']take a gun, and if none of them turn it over after that start firing.[/quote]

Hey man, some idiot threw a stink bomb into my room yesterday and stole my iPod, what should I do to get the iPod back?

[quote name='hootie']Hey man, some idiot threw a stink bomb into my room yesterday and stole my iPod, what should I do to get the iPod back?


well you know who did it, so find out where he lives and huck 20-30 stink bombs into his bedroom window. Then enter his room with your gas mask in hand and take back the ipod.
Forget security, they're worthless.

Call the police and report it. They'll send a detective to class and you can line up the suspects and have the cop question them until one of them squeals like a pig, err, I mean confesses.

If that doesn't work beat them up at recess.

You work out?
[quote name='keithp']Forget security, they're worthless.

Call the police and report it. They'll send a detective to class and you can line up the suspects and have the cop question them until one of them squeals like a pig, err, I mean confesses.

If that doesn't work beat them up at recess.

You work out?[/QUOTE]

Heh, recess.
Wow, something like this happened to my friend back in my freshman year of high school. He had a white GBA (goes to show how long ago this was :)) taken from him, which he had only owned for about a month or so. Like you, he didn't know who took it or when they did it (just that it happened some time in the afternoon).

After he told me and our other friends (he was the only one that had a GBA, but he always shared it with us), we kept our eyes and ears open for anything in relation to this incident. And just a few days later, I happened to be staring right at it once again.

It turns out that the guy who sat right next to me in my 2nd period class was the one who stole it. This was a pretty big high school, so it was pure coincidence that things turned out like this. Anyway, the guy was stupid enough to keep bringing it to school, and play it in class no less. Heck, he even let me play it, giving me confirmation that it was my friend's system (my friend only had one game, Tekken Advance, which was the only game this kid had as well, and it had all of me and my friend's initials in it under the top scores).

This is the part where I messed up, but oh well, everything still turned out good. I basically came straight out and told the guy that he stole it, and that it belonged to my friend. I should have just took the damn thing myself, but instead I let him leave class with it and just went and told my friend during lunch. But the kid was stupid enough (or smart enough I guess, since he would have got his ass kicked otherwise) not to go hide it or anything, and eventually my friend got it back from him.

So I guess the point of this story is to say that one of the best things to do is just to get the word out. Tell all your friends to keep a lookout for it, and you may be surprised by what results you get. You should probably do all the other things people are suggesting as well, but this could work for you as well.

As for taking it in the first place, I don't see anything wrong with that, but like Oops! said, you should keep it on your body at all times. It takes no time at all for someone to take something out of your backpack, but it's pretty hard for someone to take something off your body.
I remember someone stole a wallet from this kid in 5th back in 11th grade. The guy always used to show off how much money he had everyday, so he had it coming. Unfortunately we had to be locked in the class, security was called to search people and the room for the wallet, and it was such a boring waste of time. They found the wallet but it had no money in it..PWNED!

You shouldn't leave expensive items in your backpack unattended. Rather you should keep it with you at all times. At college people are always reporting lost/stolen items most of which happen when people leave their backpacks or electronic gadgets unattened for a few minutes. An opportunist then makes a move. Just the other day someone's video ipod was stolen from their car because the window was left open.

You should have told the teacher before the class ended if you noticed it then. They may have kept the students to check them which would probably have worked if the person didn't stash it somewhere other than on themselves or in their backpack. Sadly you are out of luck. Nothing you can realistically do to find your DS.

The worse thing that happened to me in high school was some punks broke into my gym locker which had a combination lock on it. Idiots didn't take anything other than my credit card, which they bought some subs at quiznos. Since it was only an $11 charge if i remember correctly which is petty theft, no one bothered to investiage; I'm sure quiznos had cameras which could have been chekced to see who used my card at that time.
I had something stolen from me once in school in like Grade 5. (Only one other thing stolen from me lately...worth about 80-100$ :(). But anyway, back then I had this stuffed toy I was going to donate to kids in Africa or something and I brought in a bunch of other stuff to donate as well. I left the class for recess, and when I got back all the stuff I was going to donate was GONE! So I got pretty mad about this, and I was a pretty smart kid :p, so I investigated the rest of the day watching other people's emotions and stuff. One kid I suspected especially cause I recalled him stealing a friends POKEMON cards haha, so when he left the class for bathroom or a break, I dug through his belongings and bam it was right there in his backpack.

Since this kid clearly was a few bricks short, always harming others, trying to punch teachers or swear at them, I figured it's best to just give him the 1$ stuffed toy I liked. I THINK I just left it in his backpack. My school was would chase you with sharp objects or older grades would come after you. I was the fastest kid in school, so that saved me mannnny times. (But not my fatter/slower friends...but thats another story...=/)

Hmm but ya, I suggest you watch the people you suspect stole it for the next couple days, take the 1 or 2 most likely suspects(shouldn't be too hard considering you have it narrowed down to 5...just pick the 2 rudest/retarded personalities) and if you think you have a chance to take a peek through their stuff, DO IT! (Just don't get caught...especially if that suspect is mental/has a little gang/is a druggy/etc...)
wow. I do have to say that really sucks and I'm sorry to hear that.

My suggestions would be either:

1. talk to the principle and teacher of the class. I know you're probably not supposed to have that stuff at school, but some student stole it and that's against school policy anyway, so I would bring the attention to them first.

if they fail to do anything about it, then

2. tell the police and file a police report. they'll search who they think is responsible for it and most likely find it since the total steal is worth over $250.

personally, that's what I would do because I know for sure that I would probably cry if my ds lite got stolen, and I'm 19! also, if you have the serial number for the ds, that helps a great deal too.
people at my high school used to steal shit from the practice room all the time!

some dudes we sat next to at lunch stole this guy's keys that they hated, went home and stole his whole system, brought the car back and put the keys back. :/

you needa keep that shit on you all the time, even if it makes your pockets bulge.
[quote name='Thedarkhorse']May i ask why you have your backpack with you anyway? dont you have a locker?[/QUOTE]

A lot of high schools have done away with lockers. I graduated in 2001 and my high school had no lockers. We had a set of books we kept at home and there was another set in the classroom. We pretty much had no choice but to use a backpack.
Band kids are evil. Our bus got raided (well one of three) at a tournament, I lost an Ipod mini :cry:. At least we got first place...
oh the irony.

You steal games using the R4, despite complaints from Nintendo for people to stop.
You end up getting your DS+R4 stolen.

lol, I can't talk I got a G6Lite, but sucks for you, I always keep all my valuables in my pocket, no matter what.
[quote name='crazytalkx']Band kids are evil. Our bus got raided (well one of three) at a tournament, I lost an Ipod mini :cry:. At least we got first place...[/QUOTE]

This ONE time, at Band camp....
"Har har u gotz a R4 n ur ds gotz stolenz cuz of it!"


I'm sure you have all illegally download movies, music, and so forth. Do you then deserve to have your computer/mp3 player stolen?
Do a lot of schools not allow stuff like the DS Lite and whatnot at school? I can't think of a single school around where I am that does that.
Not reporting this right away means you are probably shit out of luck.

ALWAYS keep stuff that is small enough to fit in a pocket, in your pocket.
Don't ever leave expensive things sitting around ANYWHERE unattended.
Additional obvious advice that would have been great last week.

Your only recourse is vigilante justice.
"I'm sure you have all illegally download movies, music, and so forth. Do you then deserve to have your computer/mp3 player stolen?"

well I was just pointing out the irony, like I said, I got G6, and I got bunch of movies and MP3s downloaded illegaly
How could your parents get you an R4? Are they even sold in stores? (Unless they can use the computer unlike mine lol). Actually I've never even heard of it, but it sounds like a NDSLite cartridge that allows you to download ROMS onto it...
hmm I searched it a bit what I got was like you need some "MicroSD" card to hold the roms...then you do something in between, and maybe transfer them to the R4 card? Then you play them with the DS. You can also get this homebrew stuff, which seemed neat, but apparently the R4 doesn't have good support for them. Don't know how the transferring would work or what this microsd card is for...but it sounds neat cause you can even put media on it and music from what I got..making the DS almost like a PSP :D
There was a friend of mine in middle school that stole something before we headed to school.

I chewed him out in shop class the next day in front of everyone. He shows up the next day and it is returned.

Do not underestimate the power of public humiliation.

If you have a suspect, trail him and your DS may be found. Parents still hold some control, so arm yourself with the serial number to prove it if all else fails.
I got a G6 Lite, I can play NES, Game Boy, GBA, GBC, SNes, and Genesis roms. And of course all DS roms. The only thing, as of now all SNes and Genesis games aren't fully compatible. I don't really care for the homebrew stuff, I just use it to play actual games.

I've always been surprsied that this has not been talked about more on a CHEAPASSGAMER website. Im surprised the hosts of our cagcast don't even know about it.
[quote name='bardiya27']I've always been surprsied that this has not been talked about more on a CHEAPASSGAMER website. Im surprised the hosts of our cagcast don't even know about it.[/QUOTE]Because talking about ROMs (and piracy in general) is a no-no here.
Not surprising as it is a less than grey area and most sites discourage rom discussions, etc. because of the legality issue.

Having backups of games you already own isn't the problem I believe.
I had an NES-style SP stolen w/ a Supercard in one of my lecture halls a few semesters ago. I was more upset that it was the NES SP since I had found one used at Gamestop and they were kind of rare.

For the record, I wouldn't brand every R4/G6/etc user as a rampant pirater. A lot of great games aren't released in the US and are hard to get from import sites, so it can be nice to play it before you pay upwards of $50 for a game you might not even enjoy.

Same goes for domestic releases if there aren't demo stations available for a game, when you have limited funds then it's nice to get to play something before you buy it. Granted, tons of people don't do that, they just download games with no intention of ever buying them, and that's not good.

I'd say something about homebrew, but it kind of speaks for itself. And to the OP I hope you get your stuff back.
The real irony, or rather, keystone to that side of the story is that his parents are the ones that bought it for him.

So parents, at least google what your kids want you to buy.
[quote name='yukine']"Har har u gotz a R4 n ur ds gotz stolenz cuz of it!"


I'm sure you have all illegally download movies, music, and so forth. Do you then deserve to have your computer/mp3 player stolen?[/QUOTE]

Oh hell yea I have downloaded a bunch of shit. If someone stole my zune or computer I would also see the irony. It's all just replaceable stuff, nothing but objects for me to waste my time on until I die.
[quote name='keithp']Call the police and report it. They'll send a detective to class and you can line up the suspects and have the cop question them until one of them squeals like a pig, err, I mean confesses.

[quote name='2poor']Just tell the cops it's grand theft because it was $300 worth of stuff.[/quote]

[quote name='SL4IN']tell the police and file a police report. they'll search who they think is responsible for it and most likely find it since the total steal is worth over $250.

personally, that's what I would do because I know for sure that I would probably cry if my ds lite got stolen, and I'm 19! also, if you have the serial number for the ds, that helps a great deal too.[/quote]

Thanks. Yes, thank god I have my box with me, it has the serial number on it.

What would I ask or say if I called the cops? Do you think they'll believe or hell, even listen to me?

Thanks for the advice guys, I really want to get it back :(
I remember playing shit during high school in class when I wasn't supposed to :D

However once people start catching on and knowing you're going to bring it every day... that's when you should STOP bringing it alltogether. It might suck that you can't play it during class sometimes but at least you wont get it stolen.
There's not much the cops will be able to do. They're not going to come into classes looking for suspects but since it is technically grand theft (and therefore, a felony) they might take it seriously and at least call the kids you suspect and whatever.

In any case, there is no irony, and that's a dumb thing to say to a kid that just had his DS stolen.
If you have an R4 with illegal stuff on it its definitely NOT a good idea to call the cops and ask for your stuff back, for obvious reasons. I suppose it might be ok if you were only using the R4 for homebrew apps and weren't using it for any sort of piracy whatsoever, because it does have other purposes than being able to play commercial roms. The school is probably also really against piracy, as most schools are nowadays, and if they find out you have an R4 and know what it is you might be in a lot of trouble for using one.

If they know you have an expensive device, and there are lots of other people that don't have it, then once they find out you have it you will become a target for theft, this can happen anywhere and with any device. My advice would be if you really want to keep playing in a high risk environment like school to get an old, original phat ds, because those aren't as desirable to steal as ds lite's and no one really wants them. Or an old gba, if you want to play gba games, no one is going to go through the trouble to steal a gba thats worth 10$.

Colleges are a paradise for thieves, its been reported that the average college student carries about 2k worth of stuff on them at all times. Most do not know how to handle the belongings in a safe manner either. Do not leave any expensive device unattended or just in a backpack, people will pick through your backpack so make sure you always have it where you can see it at all times. Never leave anything unattended even if its for a few min. If its a small expensive device I suggest keeping it on your person in some form at all times. Theft happens most at the beginning and ends of semesters, especially the end of semesters and before summer break.

If you are female you can put expensive things in your purse, but make sure you have the proper kind of purse, I have been carrying things in my purse since I had a Game Boy color and I have never had a problem with someone trying to reach into it to take something! Always get a purse that zips close, do not get a messenger bag with a flap, sure it looks cool but its not really safe as an experienced pickpocket could get into it easily. Always keep your purse in front of you so its harder for someone to get into it rather than just hanging it at your side. Try to use as small of a purse as possible because a larger purse indicates more stuff which more likely makes you a target for theft. Put money in different places if you have to carry a large amount of cash at one time, some in your wallet, some in your jeans pockets, or wherever else you can find to stash it, this way if someone pickpockets you, you will still have money in another location and won't be totally broke.

Above all DO NOT WALK THE STREETS WITH WHITE EARBUDS!!! Use some other sort of headphones, I use a standard old sony headset from the 90's (and I don't even have an ipod). White earbuds tell people that you are using an ipod and that you have an ipod on you, an Ipod is expensive and in demand, so you may become a target of theft if you are using them.

Yeah... I'm just a bit paranoid, but when you pay for your own stuff, you tend to get like that.
You're pretty much fucked. When I was in band, people had stuff stolen from them left and right. Luckily we had lockers installed my freshmen year to prevent this from happening.

Sorry you had this happen to you and at least you know better now to keep a good eye on your stuff(this means your instrument and accessories too). I'd notify someone in charge of the band to put up that you're missing it, even if it won't be a fruitful move.
I would still tell the cops, if most people on cheapassgamers are not aware of the R4's and G6's I am pretty sure cops will not know what the purpose of an R4 is.
[quote name='SaraAB']its been reported that the average college student carries about 2k worth of stuff on them at all times.[/QUOTE]

Geez, is that true? If so, I may quit my job and go roll college kids all day.
i'd think that 1200-1500 was a better average, a decent number of people would have laptop $1k, cell phone $200, ipod $200, textbooks $200.
bread's done