Sometimes digging up the past is a good thing


I wanted to tell my fellow CAGers about a website I found all about the death of Kurt Cobain. Yes, I know that this was quite a long time ago, but I just recently came across this site. After reading through every detail, I am entirely convinced that Kurt Cobain was murdered.

Edit: Also, as Scorch mentioned,
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i always figured courtney love did it or was involved on some level since there was tht rumor going round that he was leaving her. sucks how she whored out his music.
never liked nirvana, but i always found this stuff interesting. especially about the note being written in two separate hand writing styles. course that could be disproved by the fact he could have written part of it, shot up, and then finished writing it while high which could have affected his hand writing.. but who knows.
Check out as well.

There's a lot of things in the case that don't make sense, especially when you look at the greenhouse diagram.

- The shell's trajectory path would've placed it likely to the right side of the room, above his head. Why was it all the way on the left side of the room on his jacket?

- Why did he have a lot of shells? Multiple sources have stated that he felt someone was coming to kill him. The shells support that theory - perhaps he was loading up to defend himself.

- His shoes were tied.. how did he pull the trigger?

There's also a lot of other things related to the case that you can discover. It's a fascinating read (how the greenhouse was burned down a month after his "suicide", how the lead officer was killed that June, how the original guy Courtney paid to kill Kurt (''El Duce'') was killed himself, how the bassist for Hole (Kristin Pfaff), the girl Kurt was rumored to be having an affair with, was found dead two months later.. the list goes on and on.

Like I said, it's a fascinating read, and the more you discover, the more interesting it gets.


The whole handwriting changing after being shot up thing is not feasible. He injected three times the lethal amount of heroin into his system, enough to send him into a coma immediately. I think someone entered and killed him, yes, but if they hadn't, he would've died anyway from a drug OD.
[quote name='Malik112099']Wow! Who cares!? If there was any actual evidence of murder I think the case would have been re-opened by now. Move on. Christ...[/QUOTE]

Not true, if the Seattle police were found to be wrong on their claim of suicide, they would face harsh criticism and possibly be held accountable for the "copy cat suicides" that took place shortly after Kurt's death. So, they've been hesitant to open the case back up.
In other news, Courtney Love tweeted that she would sue Activision for using Kurt Cobain in GH5. Activision replied by telling how Courtney Love was the one to sign the contract for him to be in the game. What an idiot, I am sure she killed him.
But yet the mystery remains on what happened..... like the JFK assassination, Lochness monster, the great stone henge, and all..... one of the greatest mysteries the world has offered to us....

bread's done