Sonic The Hedgehog $29.99 Shipped @ Amazon


170 (100%)

$29.99 with Free super saver shipping.
I have heard so many bad things, but I'm a huge sonic fan and despite that I STILL want to buy it. I think I'm going to regret it but I'm most likely going to order it.
I'm going to hold off on this until it drops some more, especially with the Wii version coming out next week.
Still too expensive. I"m holding off until I can find this piece of crap for $20 or less. Even then I might buy it used just so I don't give Sega any money for this.

I'm a Sonic fan and want to see how this is, but I've heard it's so shitty that it'll only make me cry and destroy my childhood.
[quote name='Firestorm']Still too expensive. I"m holding off until I can find this piece of crap for $20 or less. Even then I might buy it used just so I don't give Sega any money for this.

I'm a Sonic fan and want to see how this is, but I've heard it's so shitty that it'll only make me cry and destroy my childhood.[/QUOTE]

I swear to god I am so sick of people saying so and so "destroyed my childhood".

Boo hoo, cry me a river.
[quote name='Firestorm']Still too expensive. I"m holding off until I can find this piece of crap for $20 or less. Even then I might buy it used just so I don't give Sega any money for this.

I'm a Sonic fan and want to see how this is, but I've heard it's so shitty that it'll only make me cry and destroy my childhood.[/quote]

In the past week, I've seen playable demos at BB and EB. While waiting for my son who was playing some GC demos, I spent some time with Sonic.

Honestly, I don't know how it got through Q&A. I spent more time unintentionally jumping to my doom than playing the game. The so-called homing attack is as likely to send you flying off in any direction (and most likely to your death) as opposed to what you're supposed to hit right in front of you. It makes Sonic Heroes look like a model of control and precision.

Find a demo and try it yourself. It'll save you some money and a lot of headaches.
[quote name='panasonic']this game isn't worth any price above $5 to me and i just found out my CRACKDOWN i preordered shipped on friday :)[/quote]it's not even worth that...
It baffles me how there are still Sonic "fans" out there who still want to play this crap. Are you always going to be a Sonic diehard no matter how many times Sega screws you in the butt?
Anyone who liked Sonic Adventure will probably like this. They really tried to make this Sonic Adventure complete with the Egg Carrier, the last fight against Eggman on Sonics story being strikingly similar to the Egg Viper battle, and a killer whale chasing you in the first level.

The loading times are annoying though, but you'll get used to it eventually.
I actually agree with Shane at EGM. He said there is a good game buried in Sonic the Hedgehog. The game isn't for everyone, but if you like the previous 3D Sonic games, this one is the best... as long as you can stomach the awfully long load times. I paid $50 and don't feel ripped off, so $30 is a good buy, but only for certain gamers.
[quote name='VernlovesMaria']I actually agree with Shane at EGM. He said there is a good game buried in Sonic the Hedgehog. The game isn't for everyone, but if you like the previous 3D Sonic games, this one is the best... as long as you can stomach the awfully long load times. I paid $50 and don't feel ripped off, so $30 is a good buy, but only for certain gamers.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, and that's why I bought it.

I LOVED Sonic Heroes...I loved it so much that I bought it for PC as well just so I could play it at work. I thought Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 were absolutely amazing games. They were all just as good as Sonic 1 & 2 on the Genesis, but I don't care for Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles.

And melvoin, if you don't like this type of game, don't play it. I want to play it, and if you don't like that, I don't care. Just don't come in here with your "holier than thou" attitude because I like something that you don't.
It baffles me how there are still Sonic "fans" out there who still want to play this crap. Are you always going to be a Sonic diehard no matter how many times Sega screws you in the butt?

The answer, obviousy, is a resounding "Yes."

I would say that maybe there's something to the 'To each his or her own' rhetoric here, but after looking at what's reviews have to say about it, I think it's a lot more people in denial (to the point of not realizing it) than it is a game that polarizes based on tastes. But again, no one can stop those of you who vote for this sort of game with your dollars. I'm just grateful that you're not collectively fucking up a franchise that I still care about, so thanks for that.
I played the demo quite a bit and I don't think the game is that bad at all. The camera issues are annoying but if you played Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 then they're nothing new and the controls that make you fall all the time that's actually supposed to be like that. That's where the difficulty of the game lies, otherwise it'd be really hard to die. At first I fell a lot too but having played the demo a lot I can now finish the level with S-Rank with ease. Famitsu gave it 7s and 8s and I probably trust them more than any american publication. I held off on buying it because I knew the bad reviews would make it drop very quickly.

It's really to each his own because after playing the Crackdown demo, I don't think that game is worth the DVD it's pressed on
its a shame that sonic franchise has sunk absolute low and i thought of about getting thise sonic game right now when it hiit 30bucks but i feel it can drop much low before i pick up one.
Sonic and the Secret Rings is the last best hope for a positive 3d Sonic experience. Impressions have been generally very positive so far, and I have my fingers crossed...
I played the demo, it definitely sucks, but it's not like the worst game ever like some of you are making it out to be. I'd say it's a little worse than Sonic Heroes (which I'd give about a 7/10). It'll definitely be worth buying at about $10
I recently sold my copy on eBay

I'd like to mention the load times are bad only on certain consoles: yes, they're long, but that video floating online is about 3x as long as my load times..

Second of all, the game is MUCH harder than Sonic Rush [DS] and Sonic Adventure [DC, Gamecube] and certainly much harder than the original Genesis games. If I sold it, that's because I spent an entire month playing it and didn't finish one story.

Now, I mostly play RPG's, rhythm games, and fighting games, so these action/platforming games aren't exactly what I'm used to, but the game borders on impossible: mind you, I beat Shinobi on PS2 [which is hard, most people hate because of it's difficulty]

The level where I failed to progress in Sonic's story was the running level between kingdom valley and the aquatic base, it's TOO fast and I always miss one jump and end up dying.

Otherwise, it's a good game: I'm actually going to rent it on PS3 and see if it's any "better", but I'll gladly buy the 360 version when it's $19.99, it has good music, great graphics, and it is a CHALLENGE.
i didn't like the demo mainly from camera issues leading me to my death. once it hits under $20 sometime i may pick it up if i don't find anything else i really want to try. like i said though, the camera will be the cause of your death unless you have the patience to stop and adjust is every few seconds.
I'm probably going to pick it up at that price. I played it when it was $60, and didn't want to buy it at that price, but now that it's half that, I'll seriously think about it. It wasn't great, but I've already beaten Sonic Adventure a bunch of times, and I need more.
[quote name='wampa8jedi']And the freefall drop begins... I'm not touching this one until it gets to to a sub-$10 price.[/QUOTE]

Ditto, and this is coming from a lifelong Sonic fanatic.
They gave me a free Sonic t-shirt to play this game at E3 and I still thought it sucked... I had a blast playing Secret of the Rings though.
For those saying that the demo was bad/not bad, I hear they took out some of the fun parts of the demo from the final game.

Just read the impressions in that thread on the final few pages. Even the hardcore Sonic fans who were holding out saying it would be good because they liked Sonic Adventure 1/2 (I liked SA2) just basically threw up on the game.
Deal is dead at (it's back to $54.99), but still good at Deep Discount.

[quote name='blandstalker']
Honestly, I don't know how it got through Q&A. I spent more time unintentionally jumping to my doom than playing the game. The so-called homing attack is as likely to send you flying off in any direction (and most likely to your death) as opposed to what you're supposed to hit right in front of you. It makes Sonic Heroes look like a model of control and precision.

Please do not blame QA for the quality of a game; you don't know what's going on behind the scene unless you witness it in person. As a former senior tester, I can tell you the constant battle behind the QA department and the developers.

First of all, most of the time we are not allowed for "suggestion bugs". Second, 90% of the time if we submit a bug trying to improve the game, it will come back "as designed" or just flat out "will not fix". Most of the bugs/probems in a game are being reported by QA, it's just the lazy ass developers won't listen, or don't have time because the deadline imposed by the studio heads.

So don't blame QA for a bad game, blame the corporate heads for not giving the developers enough time.
Well either way, Sonic and the Secret Rings for the Wii will wash the bad taste out of Sonic fans mouth that the 360/PS3 left. Seriously it might not be mind blowing, but its exponentially better than the 360/PS3 game. Its got a more or less "God of War"(for lack of a better term) style dynamic camera so you dont get crappy angles, and the controls from what most critics have said are great and responsive. Not to mention its one of the first wii games to actually try and push its graphic ability.
[quote name='Teknoman']Well either way, Sonic and the Secret Rings for the Wii will wash the bad taste out of Sonic fans mouth that the 360/PS3 left. Seriously it might not be mind blowing, but its exponentially better than the 360/PS3 game. Its got a more or less "God of War"(for lack of a better term) style dynamic camera so you dont get crappy angles, and the controls from what most critics have said are great and responsive. Not to mention its one of the first wii games to actually try and push its graphic ability.[/QUOTE]
I really liked Sonic The Hedgehog, so no bad taste needs to be washed away for me. And even if Sonic and The Secret Rings tries to push the Wii's graphics capabilities, Sonic on PS3/360 still looks better.
Sega needs to take the God Hand angle with this one.

"But it's supposed to be bad! Sheesh, you just don't get it, do you?!!!??!" :shame:
[quote name='whoknows']I really liked Sonic The Hedgehog, so no bad taste needs to be washed away for me. And even if Sonic and The Secret Rings tries to push the Wii's graphics capabilities, Sonic on PS3/360 still looks better.[/QUOTE]

Graphics don't matter *that* much.

I just bought this through deepdiscount to review how this game is (starting up a game site in a few months). Unfortunately my brother has my 360 atm so I won't be able to play this for a month.
There's a huge difference between a game being difficult because the developers put creativity and thought into the difficulty of the game and the game being difficult because of camera and control problems.

Take Ninja Gaiden for instance, it is hard AS fuck but the game was solid and you can tell it was meant to be hard for a reason. It felt like Team Ninja said "This is for hardcore gamers... period. We want them to get pissed off." So they made bosses engaging and hard to the point where you had to have tactics and actually be skilled in the game to defeat them.

Now Sonic on 360 on the other hand... It was difficult because of the clumsy controls and camera angles. The homing attack was fucking ridiculous and as another CAG put it, it will send you to your death quite often. That's not intentional difficulty, that's bad game development. And Jesus Christ man the fucking camera angles are atrocious. How some of you tolerated that blows my mind. Load times were pretty bad on my 360. Every different sequence in the game had a load time.

PLEASE don't buy this game. This is the type of garbage the game industry and the consumers do not need. Buy something else and support a publisher (I say publisher because I feel it was SEGA pushing Sonic Team to put something out as fast as possible) who put real effort and time into a great game. Buy Viva Pinata, God Hand, Okami, or something else that totally went unnoticed this last holiday season and is worthy of your game time. This game is not worthy of your time. That's all.

I really hope Sonic on Wii is good. I've been dying for a good Sonic for years now.
I'm surprised (and a bit worried) that we haven't seen reviews yet for Sonic and Secret Rings. It comes out in 2 days and there's nothing so far (just the generally positive previews but I've learned to disregard those). Well, hopefully they will start popping up in the next few days. As for the 360 Sonic, sounds like a $5 purchase for me ;). It may never get that low, but I've been surprised before and found actual good games for that cheap. Though this will probably sell well enough (like Shadow the Hedgehog) to not ever get THAT cheap. I've been waiting on that kind of price for Shadow for a long time.
I feel there's no reviews for Sonic and the Secret Rings yet because SEGA doesn't want the kind of backlash that Sonic got before releasing on 360. It might be a good game but if it isn't, I'm sure they want to sell as many as they can and let people find out through their $49.99 that the game sucks. Just sayin'.

I hope it's good though. I don't pay attention to "previews" of games at all anymore. They're always positive even if the game sucks shit when released.
[quote name='io']I'm surprised (and a bit worried) that we haven't seen reviews yet for Sonic and Secret Rings. It comes out in 2 days and there's nothing so far (just the generally positive previews but I've learned to disregard those). Well, hopefully they will start popping up in the next few days. [/quote]

There's been an embargo on all reviews on Sonic and the Secret Rings till the 20th. However, that does not point to a good sign for the game being any good as movies that aren't shown to reviewers are usually complete crap as well.

On topic however, this would show that further price drops for Sonic for the 360 isn't far behind either.
[quote name='wampa8jedi']And the freefall drop begins... I'm not touching this one until it gets to to a sub-$10 price.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't even touch it then!
[debates] $29.99 isn't BAD... and lots of the hate is sort of unwarranted, imho... hardly an amazing game, but definitely worth a "Greatest Hits" play...
[quote name='dstan']Deep Discount has it for a dollar cheaper with free shipping...[/QUOTE]

Update on the DDD page, I tried and got a email later stating I ordered Charlotte's Web for GBA. Calling customer service up, they won't honor the screw up and wanted to charge me $58.99 for that.

So no-go to DDD, just like Zelda: TP for GameCube, they want to cover their butts on it.

OP, deal is dead no matter what....unfortunately or fortunately.
bread's done