Sony controller rips off Nintendo

[quote name='Z-Saber']It's a joke because it's nothing new. Our industry will die if we rehash everything ad nauseum.[/QUOTE]

but...but, Dante will have much more realistic HAIR...and TATS, baby!
[quote name='Z-Saber']It's a joke because it's nothing new. Our industry will die if we rehash everything ad nauseum.[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure he is being serious judging from his recent posts...
[quote name='whoknows']How is DMC4, MGS4, Final Fantasy 13, VF5, and Tekken 6 make it a "joke". Name a different console with a better lineup.[/QUOTE]

what the hell do u mean by lineup, this isnt a launch lineup, we have no idea when any of these games are coming out. Heres a lineup, Zelda, Mario, PunchOut, Metroid Prime 3, Kid Icarus, etc. I am sure all of these are coming out eventually and that would be a better lineup.
I posted a few things in the PS3 thread, but I still can get over this...

Sony doesn't know who they are or what they're doing. Should they do HD with Microsoft? Motion Sensing with Nintendo? Aw, hell, do them both, combine the prices and there you go!

Stupidity, plain and simple. I'd like to know how much their losing on each console.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']what the hell do u mean by lineup, this isnt a launch lineup, we have no idea when any of these games are coming out. Heres a lineup, Zelda, Mario, PunchOut, Metroid Prime 3, Kid Icarus, etc. I am sure all of these are coming out eventually and that would be a better lineup.[/QUOTE]
Hey, I took what he said and called it a lineup just like him. I know they arent coming out at launch or probably anytime near launch, but they are still coming out, and to call those games a joke is pretty asinine IMO.
[quote name='TimPV3']Well this is an interesting article...[/QUOTE]

The tech isn't the point, it's the context. Sony is always saying how Nintendo means nothing to them, and they don't matter. Suddenly, their super secret awesome innovation for the nex-gen is a watered -down version of what Nintendo is doing? That's some bad storytelling, period. It wouldn't matter if Nintendo slapped a giant rubber dick on their controller; if Sony shoved one onto theirs it'd be some copy-cat shit, plain and simple.
I was always told cheaters never prosper. Too bad that doesn't work in the real world.

Sony's like the big slob fat kid that sits next to you in grade school and never does any homework, but cheats off your test and gets by.

Nobody ever told sony that that shit catches up with you. Their time is over, as of now.
Reality's Fringe;1879272 said:
The tech isn't the point, it's the context. Sony is always saying how Nintendo means nothing to them, and they don't matter. Suddenly, their super secret awesome innovation for the nex-gen is a watered -down version of what Nintendo is doing? That's some bad storytelling, period. It wouldn't matter if Nintendo slapped a giant rubber dick on their controller; if Sony shoved one onto theirs it'd be some copy-cat shit, plain and simple.
Sony's dick would be flacid, as opposed to Nintendo's rockhard, uncut... you get the picture.
Geez, I'm a big fan of Sony AND Nintendo, but this is just dumb. They'll make Nintendo look like it's copying them when they show off the Wii. Ugh. Stealing ideas this quickly just isn't cool, Sony. Well, at least it's too late for the 360. :)
[quote name='Z-Saber']Sony's dick would be flacid, as opposed to Nintendo's rockhard, uncut... you get the picture.[/QUOTE]

At $599.99, I already know a lot of people who've crossed out PS3 on their wish lists. It's just too damn much money for a *VIDEO GAME* System. Ask 3DO.

That's what it should be called. The Sony Playstation 3DO.
I don't think Nintendo has anything to worry about from the dualshock 3.

Plus, we should see some awesome Reggie action tomorrow at the nintendo press conference
We should make a list of what Sony hasn't ripped off.



And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the list.
I never vehemently hated Sony until tonight. I'll still play with my PS2, and probably get a PS3 once it's down to $200 or less, but darn it, they MADE me hate them.
Ok, this is slightly off topic, but the $500 console won't have HDMI, right?

Isn't that needed to play their super-duper Blu-Ray movies?
[quote name='daroga']Ok, this is slightly off topic, but the $500 console won't have HDMI, right?

Isn't that needed to play their super-duper Blu-Ray movies?[/quote]

I think that was a rumor and it was dispelled.
I think Sony's dominance is coming to an end... they don't know what the fuck they are doing... jack of all trades, master of none...
When Sony announced the PlayStation 3 at last year's E3, one of the most impressive parts of the machine was its specs. The console was a gearhead's dream with three Ethernet parts, two HDMI ports, six USB ports, and a host of other features. Many wondered how Sony could pack so much into a sleek box and still price the system competitively.
How things have changed in a year.
According to the latest specifications released by Sony, the PS3 now only comes with one Ethernet port and four USB ports. Also, the lack of a second HDMI port means that the dual-screen setup running 1080p function that was shown off last year is no longer a possibility.
The PlayStation 3 will come in two configurations, one will have a 20GB hard drive and the other will have a 60GB hard drive. However, losing 40GB isn't the only downgrade with the 20GB version. The 20GB version, priced at $499, will not have Memory Stick, SD, or Compact Flash inputs, Wi-Fi capabilities, or any HDMI output.
The new motion-sensitive controller, included standard in both the 20GB and 60GB models, will lack a feature that was present in the PlayStation 2's DualShock 2 controller--vibration. Citing the new "six-degree," a statement from Sony says "vibration itself interferes with information detected by the sensor."
The removal of vibration could also have something to do with the lawsuit won by Immersion Technologies, which sued Sony for copyright infringement based on the rumble feature in PlayStation controllers. Microsoft faced a similar suit, but settled out of court.

Confirmation from Gamespot about the redone specs and whats missing and what isnt. No controller vibration = fail.
Really? No vibration? Will the Wii controller have vibration? That's one of those things that really added to the effect imo.
So in other words, Sony completely decided to lie during the conference by saying the only difference was the size of the harddrive. $500 buys you something horrificly stripped down. I bet none of the industry magazines talk about that little nugget too much. I'm sure EGM is still throbbing over the pre-rendered videos.
bah, Sony is beginning to piss me off more and more. If it wasnt for that damn Hideo Kojima I would cut all ties completely. Too bad the 'six-degrees' will most likely end up a gimmicky feature used in a few niche games. I wouldn't worry about it, it seems pretty clear that its a last-minute addition to steal some of Wii's thunder... I hope people call them on this. What a douchebag move.
I just watched the Warhawk segment. And Nintendo has nothing to worry about. Not at all.

If anything, Sony should start worrying.

Granted, the 360 is going to be the underdog, trash-talked system of this generation, but admittedly coming out first will prove to be a good strategy for them. Their console is inferior to both Sony's and Nintendo's products, but is significantly cheaper than the PS3 and by the time the Wii comes out, it will likely drop to a similar price. I actually think Microsoft thought this through.

Nintendo's cheap and awesome console looks set to pwn up.

But Sony... well... they've got uberleet graphics. And a $600 price tag.
I asked since it kinda made sense that the vibration could interfere with the motion detection and the wii controller has some of the same stuff inside it. If there's a way to make both work then of course it's just sony's cop-out explanation (I would find it hard to believe that they would take out vibration just to have the tilting feature anyway, so it's all just a cop-out).
It's so patheticly stripped down you have to wonder why they even bothered.

But the fucked up part is Sony had said, roughly one hour before they debuted the tilt-functions, that Sony didn't use "gimmicks."

That's what pisses me off about Sony. They have CONTEMPT for gamers. Contempt. They think throwing in some last minute, obviously tacked on features will appease the masses, then they have the nerve to accuse gamers of being ignorant to not realize the brilliance of their half-assed designs. Defective PSP button, anyone?
It's really not even funny anymore. Any gamer who doesn't realize that Sony has and will continue to copy Nintendo time and time again is living in a bubble. Regardless of innovations made by any company (Logitech, M$, etc.) Nintendo has always taken what's available and made it better by doing two things:

1. Creating software that works with whatever new feature absoutely flawlessly.

2. Making that software fun.

All in all innovation is great but what good is it without quality software to back it up? With sony they've added something to their controller but to me they don't contain the imagination to make it into something more than a fly by night attempt to steal Nintendo's thunder. Lame.
the sad thing is that the mass market latches onto the tard sony version of nintendo's innovations, because of the name recognition and image.
I can't think of a reason for them to bother with this other than these 2:

1. They want people to think the controller can do what the Wii controller can do. They can fool people that don't actually try the Wii (I think this one for marketing of course, but also that crazy deceptive demonstration makes me think this).

2. They couldn't put the vibration into their controller so they had to stick something in there to make it seem like they weren't downgrading it (a possibility because of the immersion lawsuit).

Maybe some of both, but they certainly didn't do it for games since merely adding tilt isn't good for much. If Nintendo can put vibration plus sensors in their controller I don't see Sony's "we can't put both, so we're leaving out vibration" as a valid reason (plus it makes no sense to take out vibration for something that probably 5 games will use well).
Ye of little faith. You must realize the important thing to take away from all this: Sony has just validated everything Nintendo has been saying all along.

The graphics are amazing, yes. Technology is great. But the gameplay needs a kick in the pants. Tomorrow's going to be interesting.
[quote name='sleepy180']they closed my topic? WTF. ok i dont want to discuss sony with sony fanboys. i want to discuss sony with nintendo fanboys. thats why i didnt post in the "huge ass ps3 topic"

now let it be lamo


nice gonna use that as part of my sig on another board

my only question is what Goldeneye sequal did Sony kinda of steal from Nintendo

[quote name='Survivor Charlie']LMAO, it sounds like some of the kiosks at the E3 'event' had problems and crashed several times.

Welcome to amature hour, seriously.[/quote]

The more I think about it, the more I realize how great this is!

Sony just GAVE the show to Nintendo! Seriously!

It's backfiring horribly. The show is a good as won by Nintendo. Awesome.
i really dont care either way...

but to trade out rumble for a cheap tilt mechanism obviously because of nintendo... thats just dumb
bread's done