Sony Exec: "People will buy a PS3, no matter what"

[quote name='MarioColbert']I really want to know what in the world does the Skelah's quote refer to. I understand what it means, mind, but I'm not sure about its' placement.[/QUOTE]

I think it's in reference to people's general stupidity. Which, ironically enough, seems to be carried in the vast majority of his posts.

[quote name='MarioColbert']I(to those that have problems with my posts, this one is "out of character")[/quote]

Well, you're certainly no "Narrator's Apprentice," that's for certain.
[quote name='psiufoxx2']Thanks guys - I think this thread shaved 10-15 years off of my lifespan. You'll be hearing from my lawyers.[/quote]

We GAVE you cancer. Its a GIFT
[quote name='botticus']But back when I was a kid, any video game system was cool.


[quote name='Rei no Otaku']
Back when I was a kid video games were anything but cool...

[quote name='botticus']Maybe not with the 10 year old ladies, but with your video game playing friends, no one cared which console you had.


I know this is dredging up stuff from several pages back and is dreadfully off-topic :roll:, but I'm supposed to be working and haven't read through the rest of this wondeful thread yet. (And who knows what direction this thread has turned since the above posts! I can't wait to find out!)

I just wanted to chime in that I agree with Rei - and maybe it's an age thing. But when I was a kid playing video games was definitely NOT cool. And god forbid you even TOUCHED a computer - you were a complete social reject :D. (Of course said touching now supports my family of 5.)

I'm talking early 80's here...

Granted, the white trash 9 year olds in my apartment building thought I (as a 13 year old) was cool because I had an Atari. But that hardly qualifies :lol:.

Edit - I guess I should have read the rest of that page at least:

Reality's Fringe said:
Back when I was a kid I used to eat bags of candy and touch myself. This was usually an ancillary event.

[quote name='camoor']LoL - who would listen to anyone with a 'Sepiroth' avatar anyway. I found your post mildly entertaining - I mean does anyone really care about how well a console does beyond the risk that you may be buying a lemon?[/QUOTE]

what the fuck is wrong with sephiroth?
[quote name='camoor']I mean does anyone really care about how well a console does beyond the risk that you may be buying a lemon?[/quote]

I actually personally care how well the company that makes a console I own does, because the better they do, the more 3rd parties they might woo into putting games on the system.

Up to now, I've personally convinced....5 people now to buy a DS Lite, along with a few copies of Brain Training. When I visit a game store, I end up doing for free what people get PAID to do.
[quote name='jer7583']We can blab all we want on the internet, but our dollars speak the loudest. And none of my dollars are going to Sony this gen.[/QUOTE]
I'm surprised by that statement.
[quote name='jer7583']
That's just my experience from a year and a half of videogame retail in one area, though, so maybe it means nothing.[/quote]


although I love the made up statistics, they make you seem so smart, must be that internal "anti idiot" calculator you got there.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Up to now, I've personally convinced....5 people now to buy a DS Lite, along with a few copies of Brain Training. When I visit a game store, I end up doing for free what people get PAID to do.[/QUOTE]
... sick.
[quote name='psiufoxx2']Thanks guys - I think this thread shaved 10-15 years off of my lifespan. You'll be hearing from my lawyers.[/QUOTE]

I hit your weak point for MASSIVE DAMAGE.
It is so easy to say 5million.
it's like an inexpensive blueray player and a game machine.
But to me it will be the hottest thing out and i must have it. Still trying to figure out if i should sell my ps2 now, before the price drops again.
I just decided, sell now!
I have always loved these message boards because there are so few posters like metal boss and solid snake..

Anyway, sony will win and there's nothing we can do about it. Im just going to enjoy my Wii60 and stop worrying about what sony does.
[quote name='jer7583']I have always loved these message boards because there are so few posters like metal boss and solid snake.. [/quote]

Whoa, you must feel all tingly and special in light you cast yourself in.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I look at it this way.

You work at Wal-Mart and no one else is hiring but you hate your job, and you complain about it everyday. Truth is Wal-Mart is paying your bills, and that's what you need to put food on the table and pay your bills. Since theres no other job openings you have to stay where you are.

I'm going to be alittle extreme here, but your going to buy a PS3 by the same logic. The PS3 is going to be the only system with all those sequels you desire for, and Metal Gear is only going to appear on the PS3. There is no substitute system to get those games, so you go out and buy a PS3. Metal Gear was a system seller for the PS2 as was GTA, but now Metal Gear looks to remain exclusive to the PS3 and that alone with a few other sequels is going to sell the system because? You can only get them on the PS3.

At E3 MS announced GTA would be avaible on the same day for the 360 as it would for the PS3. Now this was probably the biggest blow to Sony because now people could spend half the price and play the same exact game. The only way its going to get worst for Sony now is if Konami announces they will be porting Metal Gear or Namco announces Tekken for the 360, or worst, the next Final Fantasy will be 360 as well.

Well duh. Captain Obvious needs to play a role in all this.[/QUOTE]

Not going to happen until MS pulls their head out of their ass and realizes you can't even win the American market without strong Japanese dev. support. Not all Americans may like RPG's for example, a common staple of the Japanese gamer diet, but look at the amount of people that bought a Gamecube for RE4. Face facts, the Japanese can match and even throw a nice twist on a used and abused dead mule Western genre such as the FPS, see Breakdown, Condemned(was this developed by Japanese?) and Maken X. By no means here am I ripping on Valve since I've heard HL and HL2 are both great games, nor F.E.A.R. which I haven't played but plan to and have heard good things about.
This is the next level of Sony's hype machine: Jedi mind tricks.

"The wii is not the controller you are looking for. You will buy a PS3, no matter what"

"I will buy a PS3, no matter what"
[quote name='MarioColbert']I really don't mean to break the flow of good argumentation, and epobirs's insight is worthy of nothing less than attention (to those that have problems with my posts, this one is "out of character"), but I really want to know what in the world does the Skelah's quote refer to. I understand what it means, mind, but I'm not sure about its' placement.[/quote]

'people will buy sony cause its sony'

'people will vote for bush cause its bush' ...his father was president as well.
Reality's Fringe;1907478 said:
David Reeves (CEO of Sony Europe) had something interesting to say about the Ps3:

"We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even it didn't have games."

That's marketing!

Well of course people will buy it. People will eat their own poop too if they are dumb enough.

[quote name='Metal Boss']Problem is, Bush didn't win the peoples vote[/QUOTE]

Laff at people still bitter over something that happened over half a decade ago.
I wonder though, is MGS really going to be only on PS3. I remember, MGS2 was suppose to only be on PS2, and then Substance came out on the Xbox. I was really keeping my fingers crossed that MGS would make an Xbox 360 appearance, that would make my decisions really easy.

5 million, Sony is right. I wanted to come here and rip them for being conceited, but they are right. They will sell 5 million PS3's with no problem. It's Blue-Ray player will sell to many people, and the promise of the games will sell to others. Heck, they might be able to raise the price to $1,000, and still sell 5 million.

But, 5 million will not win a generation. Heck, everyone will sell 5 million (just like every MLB team wins 40 games a year). But, you need 10-20 million to make a big impact.
I'm actually inclined to purchase a PS3 at some point. I'm ready for either HD-DVD's or Blue Ray- unlike most people here, I never bought into DVD's because I knew that they'd be releasing a higher def version of all the movies back 5+ years ago.

Plus, I never owned a PS2, so I could pick up a few games that I'd like to play on it.

Blue Ray is sweet because of the 1080p, and now with the news on the net being that HDCP is going to be delayed until 2010, I can happily use my 62 inch 1080p DLP, and I'll just buy another 62 inch when HDCP requires it. (73 inch set is too big for my current living room)
[quote name='friedram']I never bought into DVD's because I knew that they'd be releasing a higher def version of all the movies back 5+ years ago.

This seems to be very strange reasoning. There might be some other technology advance/refinement in the audio/video arena within the next 5 years. Why not wait for that and pass on BR/HD-DVD?

Its like why buy a GeForce 7900 when they will have another better graphics card within 6 months
Because back when DVD's were released I was a student and poor like Kenny.

Now the next gen DVD's are being released, I have a sweet DLP that supports 1080p, and actually collecting movies now makes sense.


That and I'm not poor anymore.

Oh, and yes, I am enjoying my BFG GeForce 7900GTX 512 OC- it's a sweet card.
[quote name='friedram']Because back when DVD's were released I was a student and poor like Kenny.

Now the next gen DVD's are being released, I have a sweet DLP that supports 1080p, and actually collecting movies now makes sense.


That and I'm not poor anymore.

Oh, and yes, I am enjoying my BFG GeForce 7900GTX 512 OC- it's a sweet card.[/quote]

So it's really just circumstance, not some deliberate decision.
Sony has one thing going for them.

They are the only company to be bold enough to tell the true story of Japanese historical warfare, replete with real-time weapon change and ashen battles with giant crabs that you hit for massive damange!
[quote name='Backlash']What is all this Giant Enemy Crabs talk? Can someone clue me in?[/quote]

At the Sony Press conference at E3 2006, one of the most quotable quotes was:

"This is Genji 2, it's an ACTION game, and it's based on Japanese History. The battles that are the levels for this game are based on actual battles that actually took place in ancient Japan." (Showing off gameplay) "...And here comes this Giant Enemy Crab."

The URL below is biased as hell, but some bits of it are hilarious. If you have your heart set on buying a PS3, and if you think that Sony bashing is inappropriate, you can watch the cheap shots below, and bitch about them... Why, on this very forum!

Hope that answers your question.
[quote name='Sarang01']Face facts, the Japanese can match and even throw a nice twist on a used and abused dead mule Western genre such as the FPS, see Breakdown, Condemned(was this developed by Japanese?) and Maken X. [/QUOTE]

Because Maken X and Breakdown had a huge stranglehold on the US consumer market.

Condemned was developed by Monolith Productions (and published by Sega of America?), the same company who put out F.E.A.R. and No One Lives Forever.
[quote name='MarioColbert']At the Sony Press conference at E3 2006, one of the most quotable quotes was:

"This is Genji 2, it's an ACTION game, and it's based on Japanese History. The battles that are the levels for this game are based on actual battles that actually took place in ancient Japan." (Showing off gameplay) "...And here comes this Giant Enemy Crab."

The URL below is biased as hell, but some bits of it are hilarious. If you have your heart set on buying a PS3, and if you think that Sony bashing is inappropriate, you can watch the cheap shots below, and bitch about them... Why, on this very forum!

Hope that answers your question.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Kind of a lame video, but part of that lameness is Sony's fault. Part of it, OTOH, is the work of people who should be fucking around a lot less.
Its a shame that it's not the games that are getting the attention but the doof spokespeople.

But i'm loving these droning ameteur edits telling me what to buy.
Let's take a minute to talk about psychological conditioning.

Pavlov's dog trained his dog to respond to a bell, which was a signal for
dinner, at which point he'd get food. After repeated instances of this, he eventually noticed that the dog's mouth would water merely by the sound of the bell, regardless of whether or not food arrived thereafter. This has become a fundamental study in the theory of psychological conditioning, wherein someone can be made to respond to various situations in pre-planned ways, dependent on previous stimuli.

So I ask you two, when Sony fucks up, do you guys instantly sport a hardon?

Because I have little doubt that you don't. It's like you hear about them making blatent shit up and lying to customers, and the best you can respond with is "SONY IS FOUR LETTERS. COOL IS FOUR LETTERS. COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT."
I've said a few words on that in previous posts, I seems as though they over-shot their capacity for what they can manufacture, what they previously thought could be possible turns out not so.

It's easy to state that it comes off as a lie,, I don't see it as Sony insulting me as you like to put it. I am still interested in the games...
[quote name='Strell']Let's take a minute to talk about psychological conditioning.

Pavlov's dog trained his dog to respond to a bell, which was a signal for
dinner, at which point he'd get food. After repeated instances of this, he eventually noticed that the dog's mouth would water merely by the sound of the bell, regardless of whether or not food arrived thereafter. This has become a fundamental study in the theory of psychological conditioning, wherein someone can be made to respond to various situations in pre-planned ways, dependent on previous stimuli.

So I ask you two, when Sony fucks up, do you guys instantly sport a hardon?

Because I have little doubt that you don't. It's like you hear about them making blatent shit up and lying to customers, and the best you can respond with is "SONY IS FOUR LETTERS. COOL IS FOUR LETTERS. COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT."[/QUOTE]

Somehow *I'm* the pretentious academe of this thread because I didn't feel the need to condescend and explain who Pavlov was and what he did. Oh well, let me be that asshole. I'll gladly be an asshole who can form a coherent string of sentences that follow each other in a logical fashion.

Strell, this post doesn't do many favors to your claim that you aren't what I, *ahem*, "told you you were." I calls 'em as I sees 'em, and despite your denials you have shown yourself, *yet again*, to be a reactionary fanboy who starts with the conclusion that all Sony is bad, and all Nintendo is good, and fashions your reactions to any and all business decisions, news, etc., based on those conclusions. That's pretty pitiful. Almost a "RIIIDGE RACER!" level of pitiness.
[quote name='Strell']

Mark my words. Sony will use that.
[quote name='Sarang01'] Face facts, the Japanese can match and even throw a nice twist on a used and abused dead mule Western genre such as the FPS, see Breakdown, Condemned(was this developed by Japanese?) and Maken X. By no means here am I ripping on Valve since I've heard HL and HL2 are both great games, nor F.E.A.R. which I haven't played but plan to and have heard good things about.[/QUOTE]

Condemned was made by Monolith, who are either a US or European based studio, who also made F.E.A.R and No One Lives Forever. The game was just published by Sega.

The Japanese FPS's don't come anywhere near being as good as the US based ones, and the FPS genre is far from "used and abused". Like any good genre, you have the hot awesome games, and then all the run off shit... by your logic, the Japanese RPG genre is used and abused, as well as the platforming genre.

I would say that Half Life 2 and F.E.A.R do alot more for the FPS genre then the "nice twists" of some shit like Maken X.
You know, I think the best ways to display your intelligence and pomposity is on an Internet forum. In fact, I am about to do just that. And I'm going to use mykevermin as an example, because he belongs to this rare minority of CAG forum users that seem to really like flame wars. I'd use Metal Boss, but he's a MACHINE, and that makes him a liberal. Furthermore, his talks about Bush losing the people's vote sets him just where he needs to be: next to Hillary Clinton and Jack Thompson, singing Kum-Ba-Ya My Lord.

[quote name='mykevermin']Somehow *I'm* the pretentious academe of this thread because I didn't feel the need to condescend and explain who Pavlov was and what he did. Oh well, let me be that asshole. I'll gladly be an asshole who can form a coherent string of sentences that follow each other in a logical fashion.[/quote]

Now, on the surface, this appears to be an angry adolescent statement of a person who "can form a coherent string of sentences that follow each other in a logical fashion", correct?

Here comes the clue train, last stop is YOU, mykevermin. The previous statment is:

Oh well, let me be that asshole.

What does that refer to?

Somehow *I'm* the pretentious academe of this thread because I didn't feel the need to condescend and explain who Pavlov was and what he did.

So, let's put it back together:

1. First sentence: You're the pretentious academe who didn't feel the need to condescent who Pavlov was, and that is what makes you an asshole.
2. You are happy to be that asshole
3. You can make sentences follow each other in a logical fashion.

I ask you, mykevermin: what is the relation of sentence number 3 to sentence number 2 and number 1? The use of the word "asshole" is not enough. Your third sentence is about your proficiency with "coherent sentence-based writing" while the previous two deal with your lack of response to Pavlov and being an asshole...

Listen, oh dear child of English proficiency and fair believer in a supremacy clause... If you want to connect the sentences LOGICALLY, try defining a "theme." You're much better with that when it comes to accusing Strell of being a fanboy:

[quote name='mykevermin']
Strell, this post doesn't do many favors to your claim that you aren't what I, *ahem*, "told you you were." I calls 'em as I sees 'em, and despite your denials you have shown yourself, *yet again*, to be a reactionary fanboy who starts with the conclusion that all Sony is bad, and all Nintendo is good, and fashions your reactions to any and all business decisions, news, etc., based on those conclusions. That's pretty pitiful. Almost a "RIIIDGE RACER!" level of pitiness.[/quote]

I'm glad your sentences are complete, just as are your logical fallacies. If your words were a piece of code, the Internet would die.
I'm not going to get into the marketshare debate, and I do think Sony's right that some gamers will buy the system based just on the name.

I'm just going to say that I won't be buying the PS3 ever if it turns out to be true that you won't be able to play used games on the system.

I'm a CAG. I'm not going to spend $600 for a system and $60 per game. Will I miss some great games? Probably, but maybe 360 will get ports of them. In the last generation, I played 70% PS2, 30% Gamecube, and I haven't made the newtgen leap yet.

It's looking more and more like I'll be switching to the Microsoft camp this time around. I have no animosity to anyone who passionately loves the idea of PS3, I just don't see what there is to love.
[quote name='MarioColbert']You know, I think the best ways to display your intelligence and pomposity is on an Internet forum. In fact, I am about to do just that. And I'm going to use mykevermin as an example, because he belongs to this rare minority of CAG forum users that seem to really like flame wars. I'd use Metal Boss, but he's a MACHINE, and that makes him a liberal. Furthermore, his talks about Bush losing the people's vote sets him just where he needs to be: next to Hillary Clinton and Jack Thompson, singing Kum-Ba-Ya My Lord.

Now, on the surface, this appears to be an angry adolescent statement of a person who "can form a coherent string of sentences that follow each other in a logical fashion", correct?

Here comes the clue train, last stop is YOU, mykevermin. The previous statment is:

What does that refer to?

So, let's put it back together:

1. First sentence: You're the pretentious academe who didn't feel the need to condescent who Pavlov was, and that is what makes you an asshole.
2. You are happy to be that asshole
3. You can make sentences follow each other in a logical fashion.

I ask you, mykevermin: what is the relation of sentence number 3 to sentence number 2 and number 1? The use of the word "asshole" is not enough. Your third sentence is about your proficiency with "coherent sentence-based writing" while the previous two deal with your lack of response to Pavlov and being an asshole...

Listen, oh dear child of English proficiency and fair believer in a supremacy clause... If you want to connect the sentences LOGICALLY, try defining a "theme." You're much better with that when it comes to accusing Strell of being a fanboy:

I'm glad your sentences are complete, just as are your logical fallacies. If your words were a piece of code, the Internet would die.[/QUOTE]

It's in reference to absolutely nothing if you want to ignore Strell's posts, the one I quoted in the post you quoted, as well as others in this thread. If you want to take apart my posts as if it existed in some vacuum devoid of context, well, then you're certainly going to find questions about it that don't make sense (because, simply, you're willfully ignoring those circumstances that led me to that post). You want to act as if my post was some spontaneous occurrance, rather than a reaction to something else.

You seem to fancy singling me out, as you've done it on several occasions. I don't mind, but I do find your gimmick awfully boring, and truthfully neither funny nor enlightening. I suspect you'll be gone in short order, either due to a lack of reaction from others on this site, from your preference to stop role-playing, or from some other circumstance. When I said, earlier, that you were no Narrator's Apprentice, I meant it. Consider this a lesson on how to make yourself a worthwhile and wellknown character in under 30 posts. I challenge you to do the same in 100.
[quote name='mykevermin']It's in reference to absolutely nothing if you want to ignore Strell's posts, the one I quoted in the post you quoted, as well as others in this thread. If you want to take apart my posts as if it existed in some vacuum devoid of context, well, then you're certainly going to find questions about it that don't make sense (because, simply, you're willfully ignoring those circumstances that led me to that post). You want to act as if my post was some spontaneous occurrance, rather than a reaction to something else.

You seem to fancy singling me out, as you've done it on several occasions. I don't mind, but I do find your gimmick awfully boring, and truthfully neither funny nor enlightening. I suspect you'll be gone in short order, either due to a lack of reaction from others on this site, from your preference to stop role-playing, or from some other circumstance. When I said, earlier, that you were no Narrator's Apprentice, I meant it. Consider this a lesson on how to make yourself a worthwhile and wellknown character in under 30 posts. I challenge you to do the same in 100.[/QUOTE]

Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

And stop with the fighting and macho gesturing already. Christ. How's this for macho gesturing of how we've contributed to CAG-
Did you start a deal thread with over 800 replies and nearly 30,000 views?

We all know the PS3 will win because the masses will flock to it. Like it or not, that's how it goes. It doesn't mean we'll enjoy our nintendo or microsoft games any less.

I'm hoping I can pay off my Wii and some games with the demand for the sony idiot box come christmas. You bet i'll be in line for a PS3. And the fools that eat it up from me on ebay or amazon will have me laughing all the way to the bank.
[quote name='mykevermin']You seem to fancy singling me out, as you've done it on several occasions. I don't mind, but I do find your gimmick awfully boring, and truthfully neither funny nor enlightening. I suspect you'll be gone in short order, either due to a lack of reaction from others on this site, from your preference to stop role-playing, or from some other circumstance. When I said, earlier, that you were no Narrator's Apprentice, I meant it. [/quote]

Wow... Do you feel like a man now? Did you pop a hard one when you typed that in?

If someone is singling anyone out, that would be you talking about Strell after he specifically asked you not to. The joke was in the fact that your sentence about logical connectedness of sentences did not follow the logic of the very paragraph it was in. Cheap shot? You bet. Could have been anyone? Sure. But it was you.

I could not care less whether or not you find my comments funny, and even vacuum is not a good enough descriptor concerning my involvement with whether or not you get something out of my posts. Don't give me links to your "bad-ass" forum-based accomplishments, it makes you look like a bragging douchebag, and I still don't care at the end.

Please, this isn't a flame war. This isn't even a verbal warning of any sort. If you write something that makes me laugh, YES, I have every incentive to point out how funny that was. And if you are tired of not getting enlightment out of my posts about video games on an internet forum, the Ignore button is calling your name.
bread's done