Sony: From First to Worst? One analyst's take.


132 (100%)
Title says it all. Here's the article:

And here's one quote I liked:

With the PlayStation 3 the company is going after the high-end power user. It is almost as if Coca-Cola not only decided to go with a new formula, but also decided to exit the low brow soft drink business to go into high-end wines. Of course, there is a market for high-end products but it is 1) a very different consumer type and 2) not nearly as big as the blue collar mass market. Wal-mart sells more toys than FAO Schwartz and McDonald's sells more beef than Ruth's Chris Steak House.

And here is another article I found on a survey in Japan:

And more interesting quotes:

The Japanese developer community responded overwhelmingly that the PS3 is too expensive, with 90.29% saying it's too high. One dev even made the "rent" comment in this story's headline.

These same devs aren't too thrilled with Sony's game lineup either. 55.82% said that they don't think the PS3 will sell with the current lineup of announced titles, compared to 39.32% who feel that it will sell.

I didn't want to make two different posts that looked like I was bashing Sony (which is not my intention), so I edited my original post to put them both here. I am concerned that Sony with the PS3 may go down the path Nintendo went down with the N64...
Considering more then a few people purchased the PS2 for $600 + when it came out I doubt the price will be as big of a factor as people would make you believe.

If anything it may deter people from buying 30 PS3s to put on ebay to make a quick buck.

People have to complain about something though...
6 months ago I would have definitely agreed that PS3 could finish last but since Microsoft has completely botched their "window of opportunity" (very few AAA titles and practically no freaking XBLA games since launch) I'm not so sure.
When did the PS2 retail for $600?

Think who is going to have more AAA titles come Xmas 2006?
PS3 will have approximately zero and the 360 will (hopefully) have a few.

One thing's for sure...this generation is going to be a big battle!
[quote name='javeryh']6 months ago I would have definitely agreed that PS3 could finish last but since Microsoft has completely botched their "window of opportunity" (very few AAA titles and practically no freaking XBLA games since launch) I'm not so sure.[/QUOTE]

Yes, since PS3 will launch with sooooo many outstanding games. :roll:

P.S. This was the first time I ever used the Roll Smiley. Give it up :)
[quote name='javeryh']6 months ago I would have definitely agreed that PS3 could finish last but since Microsoft has completely botched their "window of opportunity" (very few AAA titles and practically no freaking XBLA games since launch) I'm not so sure.[/quote]

I am a little surprised that MS has not been able to take better advantage of their head start so far. Really there is very little buzz about Xbox 360 outside of gamers. We really won't know, though, until Christmas who is able to capitalize better. I really think Nintendo has the chance to build the most momentum, if they play it right. That is the key. Nintendo should give away lots of VC downloads with their system. It won't cost them that much, but would spur sales and really drive word of mouth buzz.
[quote name='musha666']Considering more then a few people purchased the PS2 for $600 + when it came out I doubt the price will be as big of a factor as people would make you believe.

If anything it may deter people from buying 30 PS3s to put on ebay to make a quick buck.

People have to complain about something though...[/QUOTE]
If you're referring to a scenario like the 360 launch where a good amount of people paid over a grand for a $400 product, that's not going to help Sony any. Sure people will always pay a premium and over and above cost to get something they perceive a need for, but the number of people this includes will drop as you get more expensive. And looking back to the 360 launch, the people on eBay paying excessively was measured in the thousands. Sony needs numbers in the millions willing to pay that much to win the console war.
Before I say anything else, I want you all to know that I am a Nintendo fanboy. I have no issue admitting that the only system that I will be purchasing is Wii, and the only PS3/XBox360 content that I will be playing is whatever will be available on my PC and Wii (if any). I will also say that I hold a useless piece of paper that claims that I have a Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics, and that I also really hate people who use bullshit rhetoric to justify that their opinion is better, or somehow special.

[quote name='Bullshit Article']While our matrix has only 4 out of 10 variables that deal with software, obviously software is crucial.[/quote]
Oh, forgive me. You can disregard everything I said. What can I possibly argue against if they got a MATRIX? There is no way to battle such amazing "skillz" on their behalf.

Okay, so this is what they claim: They have A MATRIX (read: a simple system of diff eqs, hopefully, unless it's all just linear). Thus, they should have control variables that would yield percent chance with an error control. No such thing is found anywhere in the article.


First: SHUT UP. Second: No, they posted A RESULT, with no basis or error control. In other words: the math is fake, and the fact that they throw the word MATRIX at you is insulting. Yes, you should be insulted, because GameDaily BIZ is telling you "Since we know you GTA fans do not know dick from shit when it comes to mathematics, we can just include a word and get mad publicity." I am willing to bet that no math is done yet, and what will be carried out is questionable at best, considering their analysis.

The rest is filled with false dichotomy, metaphors that do not work, and bullshit on top of bullshit.

You know, if I was to use diarrhea ink on poop pressed into sheets and print out the entire copy of Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace, it still would be only half as full of shit as that article.
[quote name='CheapyD']When did the PS2 retail for $600?[/QUOTE]

Well the PSX (PS2 with the DVR) retailed for around $1000 and $800 respectively when it first was released.
[quote name='musha666']Considering more then a few people purchased the PS2 for $600 + when it came out I doubt the price will be as big of a factor as people would make you believe.

If anything it may deter people from buying 30 PS3s to put on ebay to make a quick buck.

People have to complain about something though...[/quote]Those people bought a $300 PS2 for $600. Do you think people are gonna buy a $600 PS2 for $900? No chance in hell. And it wouldn't surprise me if the PS3 is even harder to find than the PS2 was during it's launch.
N64 was great. The PS3 with the Final Fantasy and Metal Gear and maybe some others that are unexpected will also be great. But Nintendo's virtual console and there promised first 6 months was designed to, or at least is, appealing to the japanese consumer. Nintendo will retake Japan because all those RPG's and other games on the VConsole and with the momentum from the DS they are the current favorite. Unless of course Nintendo's secrets there keeping close to the nest aren't that great and Sony has a number of real surprises. But with the one (IMO) great PS3 game, Assasins Creed now multiplatform... I don't think many intelligent people are going to be betting on Sony in terms of dominance this next gen. At least not in this moment in time.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Yes, since PS3 will launch with sooooo many outstanding games. :roll:[/quote]

Sony's launch lineup is completely irrelevant - people buy Playstations simply because of the brand. It takes a lot more for these same people to be talked into buying a 360. I am hoping there are a bunch of must-buy AAA titles by Christmas but so far all I really see as a must have is Lost Planet.
[quote name='furyk']Well the PSX (PS2 with the DVR) retailed for around $1000 and $800 respectively when it first was released.[/QUOTE]

And if I recall, the PSX was a miserable failure that Sony stopped producing not too long after it's release.
[quote name='javeryh']Sony's launch lineup is completely irrelevant - people buy Playstations simply because of the brand. It takes a lot more for these same people to be talked into buying a 360. I am hoping there are a bunch of must-buy AAA titles by Christmas but so far all I really see as a must have is Lost Planet.[/QUOTE]

Gears of War? Yea I mean thats not gonna be a big game or nothing. To me Lost Planet is Balls. Not good at all.
[quote name='javeryh']Sony's launch lineup is completely irrelevant - people buy Playstations simply because of the brand. It takes a lot more for these same people to be talked into buying a 360. I am hoping there are a bunch of must-buy AAA titles by Christmas but so far all I really see as a must have is Lost Planet.[/quote]
No, people buy Playstations so they can play Madden and GTA, at least, that's why the casual gamers buy them. Now, why would someone buy a $600 PS3 to play GTAIV, when they could get a $400 Xbox 360 and play it? And by the time November rolls around, the Xbox 360 will have built up enough notoriety that it's brand name will be just as strong as the Playstation 3's.

Oh, and Lost Planet ain't coming out until 2007. And the only thing it will take for people to be "talked into buying a 360" is looking at that price tag. $200 is a big difference.
Well the PS3 setup might be faulty but in light the true reason why Nintendo and Microsoft decided to make new consoles was to battle the PS3.

I am not really surprised at all since the PSX was born on Nintendo stabing Sony in the back side and them using the SNES2 as there own machine.

I for see the future and that future is a Nintendo system with Sony parts or a Sega System with Sony parts and it shall be dubbed.

The Super Saturn or The S4( Sega Sammy Sony Saturn)

The point is sony has had many tricks up it's skrit. Maybe they are lying about everything and is planing something big.
Sony could sell a steaming pile of shit in a box for $600 as long as it said "PS3" on it. It's going to sell well based on the "Playstation" name alone. Personally I'm not going to buy any system over $200 but lots of people will.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']Maybe they are lying about everything[/quote]

wouldn't surprise me in the least. i think all 3 companies are liars, but Sony seems to lie with the most bravado.
Nintendo was all arrogent shit when they were leaving the Snes and going into the N64 and look what happened. Market dominance means nothing is what that showed. And unless you were sleeping under a rock you couldn't have missed all the publicity and love the 360 got from everyone. At the moment it's anyones game and anyone who thinks or says otherwise hasn't been paying attention to the news and shit.
[quote name='furyk']Well the PSX (PS2 with the DVR) retailed for around $1000 and $800 respectively when it first was released.[/QUOTE]

And nobody bought it...

I'm beginning to see where the comparison comes in ;)
[quote name='RegalSin2020']Well the PS3 setup might be faulty but in light the true reason why Nintendo and Microsoft decided to make new consoles was to battle the PS3.

I am not really surprised at all since the PSX was born on Nintendo stabing Sony in the back side and them using the SNES2 as there own machine.

I for see the future and that future is a Nintendo system with Sony parts or a Sega System with Sony parts and it shall be dubbed.

The Super Saturn or The S4( Sega Sammy Sony Saturn)

The point is sony has had many tricks up it's skrit. Maybe they are lying about everything and is planing something big.[/QUOTE]

You should probably never talk again. Or type, in this case.
Sony: What they need, save for what they already have with the Playstation name, seems to be a strong launch lineup. Failing that, one or two "must buy" titles for the casual gamer could do them sickeningly well. The pull of the name itself is strong and, as far as I've seen in retail, not too many people are really big on spending wisely most of the time.

Microsoft: Good lord, I thought with the announcement of having the best arcade game-producing companies all on board with XBLA that it would have opened the floodgates to the classics. I was hoping for something akin to one or two new, unique XBLA games a month along with one or two updated classics. As of right now...where is everything? Microsoft has only so much time to really push XBLA to its limits before the PS3's launch and N's Virtual Console. May as well push your strengths to the forefront. That and, if they happen to have a strong Christmas lineup, they may be able to bring more people to the table. They really have to get out there to catch the public's eye, though. Gamers know but...that's about it.

Nintendo: Increased 3rd party support would be most appreciated, especially in filling in holes in genres found throughout the N64 and GC era. A low MSRP, innovation, and some top-tier titles at launch may bring a lot of people to the table and the VC sounds like no slouch. However, we're still working off a lot of talk so we'll have to wait and see what will really be coming, when, and whether it's worth it.

Honestly, all three seem like they have their potential advantages and disadvantages. I love the 360 but I want a slight price drop and some better titles out before I jump. The Wii looks fascinating and, if it touches upon areas I feel strongly about (ie: playing with friends around the country), I'll probably jump on that ASAP. The PS3 looks interesting but there's no way I'm paying that much, it's just not happening. I have a feeling it'll have a strong library in the future but, in the meantime, I have enough games to wade out even a 2 year wait or 3 year wait until the price becomes reasonable enough.

I just hope that Sony keeps up that strong library.
I still don't buy this "People will spend $600 for a PS3 because of it's name" arguement. Spending $150 on a PS2 because you wanna play 3 games a year is one thing, but shelling out $600 for something just because you know the brand is another thing. Plus, as far as America is concerned, the Xbox 360 brand name, along with a price point $200 lower, is more than enough to fight off (or even overtake) the PS3's name value and it's wallet bursting price.
[quote name='javeryh']Sony's launch lineup is completely irrelevant - people buy Playstations simply because of the brand. It takes a lot more for these same people to be talked into buying a 360. I am hoping there are a bunch of must-buy AAA titles by Christmas but so far all I really see as a must have is Lost Planet.[/QUOTE]

This is true. I WILL buy a next-gen console, but I'm not sure which one yet. I know that I will not be getting the Wii, as it seems like a gimmicked console to me, and it does not support HD graphics (a HUGE no-no for my tastes). I am very dissapointed with the 360. I once had it pre-ordered, but when I demo'd it I became disguested and cancelled the pre-order. Since then, my playtime on 360s has only confirmed that my past decision was a wise one.

However, the PS3 doesn't seem much better (and it's more expensive).

Neither the PS3 nor the XBOX 360 lineup impresses me - not a single game that I am excited about. I actually am pumped about finally having HD movie playback ability with either console . . . but isn't that a shame? I should be excited about the GAMES, not the movies!

Honestly, and you will probably laugh at me for this . . . but the single strongest factor in determining which console I pick up is . . . get ready . .. WHICH CONSOLE, IF ANY, WILL ALLOW ME TO PLAY NFL 2K5 ONLINE. Yep, that's right. My favorite all time game, one that will probably not see a sequel, from a past console generation, is actually driving my decision between a 360 and a PS3. Right now, with the PS2 chip apparently being incorporated, PS3 has the lead. HOWEVER, M$ can get my purchase by making NFL 2K5 BC.
Look, you people are just not understanding, this is Sony's strategy (which will undoubtedly succeed):

Phase 1: Release the PS3 at $600 with shitty games

Phase 2: ?

Phase 3: Profit

Get it?
anyone's game?

Lets pretend that Microsoft had 100% marketshare in both America and Europe. That is to say, it was the only console sold and everyone bought it. Even with that, they're only competing in 2 out of 3 of the largest markets, their success is capped - I would say at no more than 60-70%.

Of course with much less than 100% marketshare, its not going to be anywhere near that ceiling.
The people that buy at launch will pay obscene amounts, but it will trail off if they stick that $600 tag. People paid stupid prices for the PS2 at launch at it had games like Summoner at launch. So, it is fair to judge that people will buy the PS3 at launch. After the craziness, I see their sales slowing down. Who knows though. I'll probably buy one sooner or later, but not for around 2 or so years for some games to come out and to see if the price happens to drop. I have a 360 to tide me over now, and a stack of games for the current systems out to play for a while. I am however going to buy a Wii when it comes out, that just looks awesome to me. To each his own though.
[quote name='SpazX']Look, you people are just not understanding, this is Sony's strategy (which will undoubtedly succeed):

Phase 1: Release the PS3 at $600 with shitty games

Phase 2: ?

Phase 3: Profit

Get it?[/QUOTE]

Well, hundreds of people bought a Neo Geo and it still tanked. All I know is, I'm not spending $600 for a PS3.

Hm, that's almost two 360 core systems...
[quote name='gunm']Well, hundreds of people bought a Neo Geo and it still tanked.[/QUOTE]

It tanked *because* hundreds of people bought it.
[quote name='gunm']Well, hundreds of people bought a Neo Geo and it still tanked.[/quote]

only hundreds of people bought a Neo Geo and that's why it tanked.
[quote name='mykevermin']How is it that I post first and end up indebted? :lol:[/quote]

um... it's... crap, you got me. i just like soda.
well micro is launching HDdvd add-ons for the 360, retailing around 200, sooo for people who actually cares about movies, both 360 and ps3 costs 600.

and Sony is targeting "kids who buy a mp3 player for 400 bucks just because of the name ipod", which btw, is a HUGE market.
[quote name='omegaweapon7']and Sony is targeting "kids who buy a mp3 player for 400 bucks just because of the name ipod", which btw, is a HUGE market.[/QUOTE]

'twasn't in the beginning. It took the iPod Mini, which launched at $250, which marked the third generation of iPods, along with the shuffle and nano (later on), that made iPods so widespread. You can't compare that with an item whose lowest price is $500, especially when it is two different markets entirely.

I won't argue that the PS3 isn't worth it, because it is a technological marvel. However, I do know that Bose home theater systems are technological marvels as well, and I can't afford, and thus don't own, that either.
[quote name='Mook_Dawg']This is true. I WILL buy a next-gen console, but I'm not sure which one yet. I know that I will not be getting the Wii, as it seems like a gimmicked console to me...[/QUOTE]

Gimmicky? Do you consider the DS a gimmick? Because its kicking Sony's ass.
Overall I don't see why anyone wouldnt get a Wii. Besides the first 6 month games that are going to come out I mean the backwards compatibility looks fantastic. I mean theres all kinds of games that I missed on the old systems that will be coming out for it. Plus theres the likely possibility of games like Starfox 2 and Mother (Earthboud) and a bunch of other games that have been mentioned on joystiq that were translated but never released that I thought looked fantastic.
[quote name='CoryCubed']I think so long as Sony as that your not cool if you don't have our system image, they'll be okay.[/QUOTE]
Unfortunately for them, half the people that go for that image probably can't afford the system without their parents. And intelligent parents don't spend their mortgage payment on coolness for their kids.
[quote name='botticus']Unfortunately for them, half the people that go for that image probably can't afford the system without their parents. And intelligent parents don't spend their mortgage payment on coolness for their kids.[/QUOTE]

But fortunately for Sony, there are a lot of whiny bitch kids and unintelligent parents who'll buy their kids something to shut them up.
I know a lot of those parents and none of them are rich enough or stupid enough to spend that much money on themselves let alone there kid. And the ones that are... The PS3 will have the same problems as the PS2 and I think as soon as people learn, and they will fast, that they might be spending $600 for a system that doesn't even work that they Sony will have some serious problems. Either the Wii or 360 or both will definetly domitate.
no one seems to mentioned how large of a percentage the Hip Hop/Urban Culture make up when it comes to the Playstation brand. within that, the phrase "Playstation" has become as ubiquitous as "Nintendo" was in the 80s/90s. when i worked at TRU, every 2 out of 3 PS/PS2 purchases were made by youths who seem to subscribe to the whole Urban Culture thing. they would basically buy it blind, as long as it carried the Playstation logo somewhere.

i think Microsoft's Xbox is slowly chipping away at that demographic, but, at least around here, Playstation is seen as the "yo yo, what up, holla at me" brand of choice.
[quote name='allyourblood']no one seems to mentioned how large of a percentage the Hip Hop/Urban Culture make up when it comes to the Playstation brand. within that, the phrase "Playstation" has become as ubiquitous as "Nintendo" was in the 80s/90s. when i worked at TRU, every 2 out of 3 PS/PS2 purchases were made by youths who seem to subscribe to the whole Urban Culture thing. they would basically buy it blind, as long as it carried the Playstation logo somewhere.

i think Microsoft's Xbox is slowly chipping away at that demographic, but, at least around here, Playstation is seen as the "yo yo, what up, holla at me" brand of choice.[/QUOTE]

Well, they also fall under the 'buy what's cool' catagory IMO. And honestly, I think the Xbox has already won them over from the last generation.
Urban and cool factor is Xbox not sony now. For the past couple years it's been that way. I'd say since Halo 2 was released. Whenever gaming is mentioned by those car shows or hip hop stars and shows etc... it's always Xbox. And I think the crazy hype from this last X-mas sealed it for them. Sony can't really on brand alone to carry them. They still have that as an advantage but they need more, and it's not going to be BlueRay. I think like Nintendo there still sitting on some big news and/or games so I think by the end of next month we should have it revealed. It depends on what Microsoft does I think. If they start to sell like 2 million copies of multiple games in August and September and start to completly dominate before Sony and the big N are even out the door I think the news, information, and hype machine will start immediatly.
bread's done