Sony is going to buy me a Wii

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Actually, holding onto it until closer to Christmas might be a bad idea. With the 360, it was highest the day before launch, and then it slowly trickled down from there. This time there are two alternatives on the market, so you risk having your potential buyer base lost to that as time goes on.

If you can get a good price on day 1 or day zero, I'd say to ditch it right away.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's probably right, but I do put a bit of stock in the theory that everyone is going to be doing this after the 360 thing last year which many missed out on (that is, selling on ebay). I know there will be a LOAD of PS3's on ebay Nov 17 - it is a matter of how much demand there is. I think it will definitely be higher than for the 360, but I'm not sure if it is enough to offset the numbers that will be listed for sale. The thought on waiting 2 weeks or so is that the number of listings might be a fraction (1/10th - 1/20th as a random guess) of what they are on day 1.

The next question is do you go for a Buy It Now, or a regular auction and takes your chances :lol:. I really have no idea (and I have been selling various things on ebay for 7 years now).
To those of you claiming that re-selling a PS3 on eBay is immoral and taking advantage of people, please, shut up. No one is forcing anyone to bid on a PS3 for $400 or more above the retail price. People pay those prices out of personal choice; they wouldn't buy something so expensive if they weren't willing to pay for it. This applies to any consumer good/service. You're not taking advantage of anyone if they are willing to pay such prices.
The key factor is if Sony can get a second shipment of the PS3 out before christmas. I am sure a good number of people that buy the PS3 on launch day are gamers that will keep their systems. There will be a lot of gamers out there that will miss out and be looking to obtain one, that number will increase even more when parents and spouses are going to be looking for it for the holidays. Making a profit off of reselling a PS3 is going to be money in the bank. Especially if you put it on sale a week after Black Friday.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']What the hell is with some of you people? The PS3 is only as valuable as what the person on eBay is willing to pay for it. "Oh, you're ripping them off, blah blah blah." Well, they don't have to buy one now, do they? You're paying more money for the convienience of not having to spend weeks searching every electronics department in every store in your 50 mile radius. You're paying more money because it's in limited supply. If every store in America had 50 untis on their shelves, then you wouldn't need to spend more money. Don't give me this "It's a ripoff" bull$hit. These people pay these enormous prices for a reason, because they WANT TO. I don't know of many people who willingly spend $1000 on something as frivalous as a PS3, and then go "Eh, I was ripped off!" Get over yourselves.[/quote]
If ebay resellers didn't buy them all up then the people who want the system at launch would not have to search every store in a 50 mile radius and then resort to paying out the ass for it on Ebay. I'll never understand why buying a new console simply to sell on Ebay is accepted here, but "hoarding" games from a clearance or sale is so frowned upon.
If I am able to save up $600 by then, i will be in line for one. If they aren't selling well, I'll just return it on the 19th and buy all my wii stuff with the $600. No problem.
Heres a thought. If it weren't for assholes like you creating artificial shortages, then Little Billy and Jane's parents wouldn't have to pay $1200 for a console.

[quote name='VanillaGorilla']How is it a ripoff? $1200 to make Little Billy and Jane smile on Christmas Eve? A child's smile is more valuable than any dollar amount.[/quote]
I am trying to think how much money it would take for me to camp out in a wal-mart for more than 24 hours. It would have to be at least $2,000.
[quote name='kdunn77']If ebay resellers didn't buy them all up then the people who want the system at launch would not have to search every store in a 50 mile radius and then resort to paying out the ass for it on Ebay. I'll never understand why buying a new console simply to sell on Ebay is accepted here, but "hoarding" games from a clearance or sale is so frowned upon.[/QUOTE]

Because 90% of the "CAGers" here are hypocritical douchebags.

It's sad but true these days.
I don't see a problem with anyone buying as many PS3s as they can and reselling on eBay. They are going to be tough enough to get. Anyone who really really wants one should be able to get one on launch day - all you have to do is stand in line. If you aren't the first on there, you didn't want it bad enough.
[quote name='Kayden']Heres a thought. If it weren't for assholes like you creating artificial shortages, then Little Billy and Jane's parents wouldn't have to pay $1200 for a console.[/quote]

Its not like little Billy and Jane HAVE to have a PS3.
Hoarding games from a clearance sale is stupid because you're wasting a lot of time to make a couple dollars from each sale. Reselling a PS3 is a lot different, because you're practically guaranteed to make a few hundred or even a thousand dollars by camping out for a day. Most people here don't make that in a day, so to them it's well worth it. And if a CAG didn't buy a system to resell its just as likely that another reseller would just buy another one as it is that someone who really wanted to play it would get it.
[quote name='Kayden']Heres a thought. If it weren't for assholes like you creating artificial shortages, then Little Billy and Jane's parents wouldn't have to pay $1200 for a console.[/QUOTE]

If Little Billy and Jane's parents are going to wait outside a store for 24 - 48 hours, then sure, but chances are they aren't.

I've got a feeling some people don't mind throwing down all the extra money just to have one early and not have to deal with ANY of the hassle of getting one from a store. Shit, I know if I had a ton of cash sitting around and I was rich as fuck and wanted a PS3, I'd just buy one off of Ebay than dealing with any retail store.

I guess their time > money.

The shortage isn't artifical at all, Sony created that themselves by being fuck up's and not creating enough to exceed demand. PSP was well stocked, Sony just fucked up on the PS3, they know EVERYONE is going to want one yet they make the bare minimum they can. Nintendo sure has them beat in this regard.
[quote name='Eastsidecracker']I cant wait to see all the bullshit bids that come up with the ebay ps3 sales.[/QUOTE]

Unless their a Rtard they will put "buy it now" + "immediate payment required"
I think I will put one on EBAY if I get it....#1 at GameRush. I'll put restrictions on my auction about +10 feedback required and immediate payment. We'll see how it goes.
[quote name='Jeoff']I think it might be different this time. Since the 360 even retards know to sell the system on release day. There will be 100k+ on ebay within a day and the prices will crash. There was a lag with the 360's (not too many on ebay) until news broke that people are morons and were paying $700+ for premiums. Within a week 30k+ units were up.

Other than the smart people who post their auctions before or the day of release you'll be lucky to make $150 on the system. They'll still sell because the Sony fanboy morons will all want their precious Blu-Ray drives but I doubt it will be worth your time.[/QUOTE]

I thought it would have been different when the 360 was released, but nope. The Ps2 was going for $200 - $300 over MSRP a couple months after release as well.

I sincerely doubt any Ps3 resellers are going to get screwed. 400,000 consoles means that just over 0.1% of Americans can own one at launch. And lots of them big pockets.
It'll be funny when/IF so many people decide that buying/selling it on ebay is the why to go and then on launch day there are tons of systems and they sell for the same price instore
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I've decided that, if I have PS3 Launch Eve day off, I'm gonna hit up the same Wal Mart that sold me my launch 360, at about 6 a.m. the day before, and just sit in their designated Layaway area waiting. I'll purchase a PS3, then turn around and sell it on eBay for a sizeable profit. I figure $600 profit is more than enough for me. I will then take that money and buy myself a Wii, making it "free", in a way.

Anyone else thinking of using this strategy? And do you think it would be possibly to make even MORE than $600 on the PS3?[/QUOTE]

For me they are buying me 360 with GEARS OF WAR!
[quote name='Noodle Pirate!']
Think how crappy your childhood would have been if you had to wait in line for days just to get the new transformer or star wars figure because 95% of the douchebags buying them were trying to make a profit. Doesn't sound too fun does it?[/quote]

Actually, the Christmas toy black market has been firmly in place since the early 80s. I remember people beating the crap out of each other to buy Cabbage Patch dolls in the 80s and people were selling them for 10x retail in the newspaper classifieds and in hobby shops/flea markets. Same with other popular toys over the years, many of which were pretty much impossible to find at retail. Of course, as a kid, I didn't really care. I was just happy to get some presents to open...if I got ANY Transformer or GI Joe guy I was happy.

I think Ebay actually drives black market toy prices down, since there's more people selling them. Instead of paying 10x the value of the new Tickle Me Elmo Extreme from a local seller, you can now get on Ebay and find one for 3x retail instead. Oh, and I remember the demand for NES systems that first Christmas or two was pretty high too...I heard of people selling them for double retail...and they were already pretty damn expensive at launch.
I can't fault the resellers, because it's Sony's damned fault. If they wanted to kick the reseller's in the ass, they would have launched with a million-two million units. Or they would have waited till could. If anyone is stupid enough to pay more then $600 because they -just- have to have it, well boo on them. Really, any parent willing to blow 600+ on something save for saving bonds for collage or a outright PC to make a child happy is stupid unless that child is termaly ill . I know a lot of parents want to be the best parent ever, but you don't buy a child's love with items and if they do, well, they should have to deal with the camping and resellers. This shit only happens every four years anyway. Why dis on the resellers, most of em are dumping the money right back into games or other things. If I had a open credit card, I'd have bought a PS3 and be looking for ways to resell it too!

Stop ripping on the resellers, Sony created this clusterfuck themselves because they like any big retailer can't bare the thought of missing the hoilday season when they should just rely on the goddamned PLAYSTATION name brand and do a proper launch say in summer. But no, they want to burn though those 400k units at quickly as possable.
[quote name='jasonlives13']Little Billy and Jane shouldn't need a PS3. They should be getting a baseball bat/glove and a barbie.[/quote]

[quote name='gandhrav']I just don't understand how does this work. Don't you have to send your recipt to the buyer also so they would get a one year warrenty with it. But the problem would be that your recipty would have much lower price you paid for the system. The buyer might feel rippe off.

Or you don't have to send the recipt with the system? But than how would the buyer have a proff of purchase which would be necessary for the one year warrenty?

Am I missing something?[/QUOTE]

It's supply and demand. Supply will be short. So Mom and Dad will be looking for a PS3 for their kid's christmans present. They won't find any because there is not enough supply. Mom and Dad have lots of money so $1000 for their rich spoiled rotten kid is not much money to them.
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']Anyone remember furby?

If I get my hands on one I will ebay it for sure.[/QUOTE]

Don'y bother, Furby isn't as popular these days. They released a new version last year but it didn't sell as well as the TMX Elmo.
I don't have a problem with selling a PS3 on Ebay for true cheapass gamer would buy one to play at SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS. My problem is with people being hypocritical about it's okay when they do it but bad when everyone else does it, which is basically what the OP said.
bread's done