Sony Playstation Home - Gen. Discussion & Info - Open Beta Available Now

Person A has read about the program.
Person B has read about the program, and is actively participating in the Beta.

If anyone is more qualified to judge the product, it would be Person B (Myke) at this time. That's all Myke was getting at, if I understood correctly.
[quote name='BustaUppa']Person A has read about the program.
Person B has read about the program, and is actively participating in the Beta.

If anyone is more qualified to judge the product, it would be Person B (Myke) at this time. That's all Myke was getting at, if I understood correctly.[/quote]Nicely put. But what can you do? TMK will be TMK.
[quote name='pimpinc333']How I read what Myke has been posting is that he was passing judgement on the Beta being absolute crap. Sure they can change and patch all they want but in his opinion it's not going to be enough thus falling into the catogory of still being crap.

I haven't tried Home myself but from what Myke and Zew posted, Home sounds pretty cheesy/corny. Who knows though, I guess there is a slim chance it could be good. Right?[/QUOTE]


I just put myself in the shoes of the developers.. you work hard trying to get this shit to run and before you can even finish people talking trash.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']:lol: wow, talk about my own thread shitting on itself.[/quote]

Yeah sorry man. People here always take the chance to spin threads totally away from the main topic just because.
[quote name='Thomas96']Precisely.

I just put myself in the shoes of the developers.. you work hard trying to get this shit to run and before you can even finish people talking trash.[/QUOTE]That's sort of the point of a public beta though, right? To get feedback from users and figure out what the problems are?
[quote name='NamPaehc']Yeah sorry man. People here always take the chance to spin threads totally away from the main topic just because.[/QUOTE]

I've gotten use to it. I'm just surprised at the passion people have towards/against this subject.
[quote name='BustaUppa']Person A has read about the program.
Person B has read about the program, and is actively participating in the Beta.

If anyone is more qualified to judge the product, it would be Person B (Myke) at this time. That's all Myke was getting at, if I understood correctly.[/QUOTE]

Good point.. and in that thinking then no one's qualified to judge the final product.
I didn't hear anyone saying that they didn't like the "Beta" Its I didn't like HOME, Accomplishments are stupid..

don't support idiosyncrasies of idiots...
I moved you're posts here from the "Accomplishments" all you want about Home here, also...keep it civil, I also removed some insults from a few of you.
is the HOME still coming out in the spring any info would be great
[quote name='BustaUppa']That's sort of the point of a public beta though, right? To get feedback from users and figure out what the problems are?[/QUOTE]

Good point, Sony did address the issues by the beta testers. Also, people who're making complaints aren't even giving constructive critisism... that would be most respectable. Instead of shooting the entire concept of HOME down, give an idea of what would make it enjoyable.
It'd be awesome if they could turn it into a "GTA Utopia". I'd love the freedom of going anywhere in their virtual space in a car or a plane, minus the violence. Or have continents where you step in an airport and you get "transported" into a completely different part of the world with its own style and architecture. I could see getting into that.
I think it's supposed to be like that for the various regions McQueen.
Plus different worlds, "Homespaces" as they call it, for various games and such.
:lol: at the people hanging in the trees:


it must be the goth section of Home.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Why are there furries in the tree?[/QUOTE]

Probably the side effects of popping pills in home.
Although CAG is the number 1 home for HOME hate. I still cannot wait for Home, it's gonna be neat having something free to do when there is downtime and instead of looking at my friends list I could go hang out and watch new trailers ect. with my friends.

It's gonna be good fun.
N4G says this site has some new info/pic/videos. Server is kind of iffy so it might take a few tries.

Sony has updated Home again, this time bringing in many new features, including the marketplace, along with a brand new interface.
The Marketplace area is set up to look like a mall. There is a clothing store, with different items based on if your avatar is male or female. Another store offers furniture to decorate your home. Speaking of your home though, there is also a store that sells new property, with a Summer Home being available, allowing you to have two Home areas at a time (it is unclear how many more will be supported, as only two are available right now). The items are available for "purchase," but are all free, so I'm not too sure how Sony plans on offering it. There is one store that is yet to be opened, so Im not too sure what it will be...

Available in both the Summer Home and the standard Home, is an outdoor patio area. More room is always appreciated, and it gives a nice view.

A lot of people are wondering about streaming music and video, and its not in this build as far as I can tell. but there is a new "Appliances" tab, with a picture of a TV, so a logical assumption would be that its coming soon.

Also new to this beta is an Inventory, where you will be able to carry items around with you. The only item available now is a Bubble Machine, which does exactly what you would think it would. It should be quite clear in some of the videos below.

The [Meeting Area] is basically the same as the last build, with the obvious difference being access to the mall. One building is still inaccessible. The theater and game rooms are the same as well, nothing recognizably new to see.

The interface itself has taken some time for me to get use to. There are the same options as were available before, but I actually prefer the old interface, it was just cleaner, and responded quicker. Jewelry is available to your character, though again, there is very little to be had. Some of the old clothing and furniture options are gone, but there are new ones to replace some of the (useless) old ones. The lights works now!

It was pointed out to me by Dot50Cal of that the models have a slightly different look then they had before. The difference is subtle, but is obvious if its been pointed out. The lighting and detail makes the models look less cartoon-like. He also pointed out that picture frames can have custom pictures now, which is pretty sweet.

The newest build brings a lot of issues though. The game crashes quite a bit, either freezing, or totally exiting. I do get lots of connection drops, but Id wager on that being an issue with my school's wireless being absolute crap. There are some strange glitches too, from couches flying through walls, to the main menu being absolutely unrecognizable, all of which can be seen in the glitch video below.

Speaking of videos, you'll find 3 different ones below. The first features character creation and moving furniture. The second features many of the areas, including the new marketplace. And lastly, there is the glitch video, which has 3 different clips together, so be sure to watch it all! All of these videos will be available in HD by the end of the week, the 3 videos of around 35 minutes are almost 2 gigs how they are compressed now. Youtube videos should be up briefly as well. Enjoy!
Holy mother fudge.
That's exactly what I wanted Home to do.

The Uncharted thing sounds damn nice.

Kotaku......if you lyin............
The Warhawk thing sounds very cool in theory, but I don't see it getting a lot of real use, at least as far as CAG Warhawk goes. Hardly anyone uses mics, and even if we did plan out an overall strategy, it would probably go out the window almost immediately. Also in order for it to be really useful, there would need to be predetermined teams with separate Home meetups, plus a map list that had been decided upon and announced beforehand.

Basically, you'll probably need an incredibly serious Warhawk clan to get a lot out of this. I think most of us just show up to have fun. :)
There's some serious WarHawk guys out there who would definitely get a kick out of it.
I like the Uncharted stuff.
Can't wait to see what things look like a year from now.
[quote name='metaly']The Warhawk thing sounds very cool in theory, but I don't see it getting a lot of real use, at least as far as CAG Warhawk goes. Hardly anyone uses mics, and even if we did plan out an overall strategy, it would probably go out the window almost immediately. Also in order for it to be really useful, there would need to be predetermined teams with separate Home meetups, plus a map list that had been decided upon and announced beforehand.

Basically, you'll probably need an incredibly serious Warhawk clan to get a lot out of this. I think most of us just show up to have fun. :)[/QUOTE]

:( we could have used the War room on the night we played against Neogaf. We'll never have serious warhawk clans... unless an environment for them is made to exist. Its gonna take a clan one time to get their ass whopped, by another clan that used the war room. I know if CAGe has to play NeoGaf again we'll definitely be in there talking about something.
Wow, this is pretty great news. I just hope it runs well, but I don't have ultra expectations since its free.

Also, the Uncharted thing sounds kickass.
Ah, finally Sony is demonstrating something I can get excited about for Home! Uncharted is one of my favorite games, and now I'm a lot more interested in picking up Warhawk (although I was going to get it anyway once it hits "GH" status), too!
The problem with Home is that Sony didn't bother to get the basics down before starting up this ambitious program. The delays are obvious signs of struggle to get it to work. I sure hope it turns out ok, but not holding my breath :)
The 0.8.3 update added some nice things - the menu revision is a very nice change of pace - and the LittleBigPlanet video I saw (demonstration level building and uploading/ranking levels) was awesome. I don't know if it's available elsewhere, though - a short and sped-up level making video with a developer w/ a thick Irish brogue talking over it.

It did crash on me as I walked into a random theater room. It's nice to finally see who is actually online from within Home (that's the bloody point, isn't it?). They've made some big strides, but I'm still unconvinced by the whole concept of Home as it is. If they update the stuff in it regularly, it will be a cool thing (yes, contrary to everything I've said earlier); if they don't, it will be panned and as stale as the once-a-week-and-you-still-get-shit PSN Store updates.
I'm looking forward to the Warhawk idea. It would be nice to get a group going and easily hop in a game. Hopefully the voice support is fixed too. That Uncharted thing sounds really cool too.
Another run down of what was added.

This was interesting:

One thing that's interesting about the Create-a-Game menu is that when selected it seems to pull up a list of games that the player may own. The list from the video includes such games as Call of Duty 4, Virtua Tennis 3, SuperStar Dust HD, Motorstorm, Flow, and a few others. Are these games already using Home integration or can Home use any game you own for the PS3?

We know once Warhawk's next update hits, beta users will be able to use the home integration. So it looks like things are coming along.
I want a first person shooter where you can use your home avavtar instead of some ol shmuck. Like me in a badass uniform killing other peoples home avatars of themselves. It would add a whole new element of funess. Cod5.....
Im really exicted about home, the warhawk is idea is awsome. Im eager to play that Uncharted mini-game. What im just waiting for is a date, I NEED MY HOMEZ NAO!
bread's done