Sony PS1 Screen Only $22.49 Shiped Ebgames!

HAD them, meaning its not available anymore right? anyone know where i can find one currently for cheap.
Some kid was in front of me at EB today and was trading in a PSOne combo. Out of curiosity, I asked the clerk how much the trade-in value of the screen was.. he said $6. I was SO tempted to offer that kid $10 for his screen.. but I'm guessing that woulda gotten me banned from the store.
[quote name='BIG5']Wow, that kid is dumb! Why in the world would you trade that in for $6? He'll live to regret that.[/QUOTE]

Actually I'm not sure if he traded it in. The clerk decided to let me buy my game before he did that kid's trade-in because he had to test all the stuff.
I got mine today and headed out to RadioShack to buy AV and power stuff. I've noticed that the backlight fails (requiring unplug and replug to restore) when the speakers output a loud noise. I'm not sure if this is just a product of my generic universal power adapter or these LCDs in general. Try turning down the volume a bit if you have backlight problems. It might just keep the power draw low enough to keep the backlight on.
[quote name='BIG5']Nice. If only those weren't in a Ford Focus...[/QUOTE]
What are they, velcroed on. It looks like crap to me.
[quote name='BIG5']Wow, that kid is dumb! Why in the world would you trade that in for $6? He'll live to regret that.[/QUOTE]

He needed some moneys for the crack rock
[quote name='enlightenedgamer']I got mine today and headed out to RadioShack to buy AV and power stuff. I've noticed that the backlight fails (requiring unplug and replug to restore) when the speakers output a loud noise. I'm not sure if this is just a product of my generic universal power adapter or these LCDs in general. Try turning down the volume a bit if you have backlight problems. It might just keep the power draw low enough to keep the backlight on.[/QUOTE]

Unless the screen is defective, its the generic adapter. Tried a few different ones and none of them did the job quite right.
[quote name='dpatel']would be kinda cool as decoration but also kinda useless. Want to see some other options. Is there a way to hook these up to a DC?[/QUOTE]
I checked the aforementioned thread about hooking one up to any console using cables, but does anyone have any idea if the ports align with the back of a PStwo?

I would definitely buy one of these (and a mini PSTwo for that matter!) if it did!!

[quote name='Gameboy415']I checked the aforementioned thread about hooking one up to any console using cables, but does anyone have any idea if the ports align with the back of a PStwo?

I would definitely buy one of these (and a mini PSTwo for that matter!) if it did!!

No dice. And there is already a PStwo screen comming out soon if its not out already.

Edit: I don't think its by sony though.
Got mine, but it was pretty smashed up with a cracked case. It worked though. Fortunately for me, I had another one I got cheap that was in mint condition, but the flourescent tubes were dead, so I opened them up and switched the screens and now everything is fine.
I posted this in the Target clearance thread but it bears repeating here. My Target has Eddie Bauer (Audiovox) 5" LCD screens on clearance for $34.98. I got a PSOne screen from TRU awhile back but I think I like this one better. The good thing about it is that it has "regular" AV inputs (red,white,yellow) so no Radio Shack adapter needed. The built in speakers sound as good as the PSOne's.
[quote name='Gameboy415']I checked the aforementioned thread about hooking one up to any console using cables, but does anyone have any idea if the ports align with the back of a PStwo?

I would definitely buy one of these (and a mini PSTwo for that matter!) if it did!!


We have's called a PSP.
I just received this... but no power supply. Should I email EBGAMes about it? or are we not supposed to get power supply?
If I need to shell out another 10-20 for power supply this is quickly becoming a non-deal...this will be one large bundle of wires/adapter/coupler.. but then I am a cheapass....
[quote name='rocky76']I just received this... but no power supply. Should I email EBGAMes about it? or are we not supposed to get power supply?
If I need to shell out another 10-20 for power supply this is quickly becoming a non-deal...this will be one large bundle of wires/adapter/coupler.. but then I am a cheapass....[/QUOTE]
You don't get a power supply.
I think they assume you're only going to use it with a PSone maybe, and you can use that power supply (even though they are slightly different). They should really include a the power cord with these if they aren't because new ones come with it.
I thought the power adapter for PSOne wasn't powerful enough to power both the LCD and PSOne. Wasn't that the reason they were shipping new power adapters with these LCDs?

Well, worth a try I guess. I will give them an email.. but I don't expect to get anything out of it since it's not like they can ship me a power adapter by itself. I guess Radioshack is the only way.. One with big enough amperage is $20+.......
back again. Got in on 2 this morning. Looks like theres 4 left. These work great vga modded in a pc as a second monitor for winamp/pc temps, etc....
wow! thats a good deal. does anyone own this? what do you think? i know it would fit a little weird, but can you use it with other systems (xbox, gamecube, etc.)?
[quote name='highwaypatrolman']wow! thats a good deal. does anyone own this? what do you think? i know it would fit a little weird, but can you use it with other systems (xbox, gamecube, etc.)?[/QUOTE]
I've got two and I'm trying to think of what to do with them. I'm thinking about installing one in the wall across from the toilet, sometimes I'm in there long enough to watch a 30 minute sitcom.
I bought one of these back during the Toys R' Us Deal for around $20 and I regret it. The truth is that the screens are okay, and they do work with any system, but they are shaped such that you will need to come up with some way of propping it up, and it usually is not a great solution. The screen is not very high-res either and many of my games look less than sharp.

Quite frankly I will never use it. Can't think of a time where I would. PSP/DS/GBA suits me fine on the road. I just bought it because it was a good deal and I had delusions of taking it apart and putting the screen part into something else. Once I saw how complicated that was I said forget it and it now collects dust.
I think for a $30 LCD screen these are great. I plan to use the two I have as a Car Ent. System. It will probably look ghetto the way i set it up, but if it keeps the kids occupied on a long drive, it's worth it. I plan on building a box to house a XBOX, PS2 and maybe cube. It will sit between the front seats and the Screens (with speakers) will be velcroed to the back of the front headrests. We are driving to Salt Lake in Sept, so it will definately be complete by then.

Haha it's funny to think of all the crap I do to keep the kids happy. When I was a kid we had to play slugbug or count trees or something. :lol:
[quote name='hotwls13']I think for a $30 LCD screen these are great. I plan to use the two I have as a Car Ent. System. It will probably look ghetto the way i set it up, but if it keeps the kids occupied on a long drive, it's worth it. I plan on building a box to house a XBOX, PS2 and maybe cube. It will sit between the front seats and the Screens (with speakers) will be velcroed to the back of the front headrests. We are driving to Salt Lake in Sept, so it will definately be complete by then.

Haha it's funny to think of all the crap I do to keep the kids happy. When I was a kid we had to play slugbug or count trees or something. :lol:[/QUOTE]
[quote name='juice22']these work good with jamma systems too(superguns)[/QUOTE]

ROFL...using a Supergun on a 5" screen :D

I'm sure it works great, but, ya know thats kinda defeating the purpose!!!!!
[quote name='hotwls13']I think for a $30 LCD screen these are great. I plan to use the two I have as a Car Ent. System. It will probably look ghetto the way i set it up, but if it keeps the kids occupied on a long drive, it's worth it. I plan on building a box to house a XBOX, PS2 and maybe cube. It will sit between the front seats and the Screens (with speakers) will be velcroed to the back of the front headrests. We are driving to Salt Lake in Sept, so it will definately be complete by then.

Haha it's funny to think of all the crap I do to keep the kids happy. When I was a kid we had to play slugbug or count trees or something. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Edit: It's not my car. It's actually Hot Like Wasabi's car. He posted a link to it earlier in the tread, I just reposted the picture.
[quote name='DT778']

Haha, that's exactly what I'm talking about.

Is this your setup DT778 or did you just find the pic somewhere?

They really stand out on those black seats, my seats are grey, but if mine were black, I would paint the plastic black.

The perfect ghetto setup. :applause:
man.. I bought PSone just to try this.. and it doesn't work. time to return it. now what do I do with PSOne...without a monitor.
These monitors are actually pretty nice, they make some of my old games look better than I remembered them being. I just played SotN last night on it. I'm interested in how everything goes with hooking them up your car DTT, but I like the idea of velcroing them on there. Its gotta be a lot easier than reupholsering the seats, plus you can just take the monitor off when you're done, like a detachable faceplate. That picture looks sweet too, just kind of embarrasing that there are actually "Ford Focus Fanatics" out there. Don't get me wrong its a solid little car, but not exactly something I would see someone getting that excited over.
[quote name='lionheart4life']These monitors are actually pretty nice, they make some of my old games look better than I remembered them being. I just played SotN last night on it. I'm interested in how everything goes with hooking them up your car DTT, but I like the idea of velcroing them on there. Its gotta be a lot easier than reupholsering the seats, plus you can just take the monitor off when you're done, like a detachable faceplate. That picture looks sweet too, just kind of embarrasing that there are actually "Ford Focus Fanatics" out there. Don't get me wrong its a solid little car, but not exactly something I would see someone getting that excited over.[/QUOTE]
I think this would be better.


You can take them out whenver you don't need them and you just have to plug it in to the cigaret lighter. The dvd player also has AV inputs so you could hook up any system to it.
bread's done