Sony Says All Future Sony Games Will Require Code To Play Online

Ugh, what a pain in the ass. This is going to really hurt my rentals. At least its just Sony games and not all PS3 titles.
I approve. Honestly, developers (and publishers) have a right to try and recoup as much money on their investments as possible. It's a simply 12 character code that takes all of 30 seconds to enter. If done right, similar to Codemasters, I would like to see small, but useful features unlocked like Youtube uploading, etc.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']... and people cheer the erosion of property ownership.[/QUOTE]

It's either that or the number of developers will continue to erode...
[quote name='SynGamer']It's either that or the number of developers will continue to erode...[/QUOTE]If there is one thing we are not missing these days, it is a large number of quality games. The truth is that used game sales have helped create a much larger market for new games than would exist without the ability to trade used games.
I'm fine with it. Developers can finally recoup something from the used game market. With that said it sucks for those who buy used games, which is many on this site.
I blame Gamestop. But I have no sympathy for the publishers either as they tend to give GS better preorder bonuses and exclusives such as Assassin's Creed Revelations Signature Edition.
I don't really care. I don't play a lot of games online, and if there is a game that I want because of the online I'd probably be buying it at release anyways.
Only in the gaming industry can you pull something like this. Movies and books have been able to still survive regardless of the inabilty to recoup costs. Even if Games became 50 percent cheaper to make, I don't see developers removing the online pass program.
[quote name='Calinks']Only in the gaming industry can you pull something like this. Movies and books have been able to still survive regardless of the inabilty to recoup costs. Even if Games became 50 percent cheaper to make, I don't see developers removing the online pass program.[/QUOTE]

Movies are a completely different industry. There's not cost to support a movie once it's released on DVD/Blu-ray (no patches or anything like that). They also get two MAJOR chances to make their money back; box office, and then retail. Games have one chance, that's it. Next time try to come up with a better comparison ;)

[quote name='blitz6speed']I dont purchase any games with online passes, so i guess no more first party sony titles till its changed. Their loss.[/QUOTE]
Excuse me while I enjoy Uncharted 3 this fall :)
[quote name='Calinks']Only in the gaming industry can you pull something like this. Movies and books have been able to still survive regardless of the inabilty to recoup costs. Even if Games became 50 percent cheaper to make, I don't see developers removing the online pass program.[/QUOTE]

Your comment reminded me of the Delivery Fee pizza places put in place when gas shot up, and claimed it went to the drivers and was just for gas. Then when gas dropped by $3, unsurprisingly the Delivery Fee didn't go away.
So, I have a couple questions for those that know more than me on this topic.

How much is an online pass?

What is to prevent someone from just giving someone else their online pass code to use? (I'm guessing it's username specific?)
[quote name='GuyWithGun']So, I have a couple questions for those that know more than me on this topic.

How much is an online pass?

What is to prevent someone from just giving someone else their online pass code to use? (I'm guessing it's username specific?)[/QUOTE]

These passes are usually $10. They are also one-time use codes (last I checked).
[quote name='SynGamer']These passes are usually $10. They are also one-time use codes (last I checked).[/QUOTE]
Gotcha. So is the code attached to your console or username?

It would suck if you had more than one username for a console, and bought a game, and only one of those usernames was able to play online.
I think it's just the username, sadly. If Sony wanted to be proactive, they would make it attached to your console AND username that way households with multiple gamers can all play online. Baby steps ;)
It is a necessary evil in my opinion. Developers need to try to make as much money as possible, especially these days with game development costs in the millions. It hurts the used game market but Gamestop will survive, obviously.
this doesnt affect the used market THAT much. it screws over people who rent more than people who buy used. the 2 biggest used markets are gamestop and ebay. when gamestop prints you out your own online pass on the receipt now its only going to hurt individuals who are selling used and not the corporation (surprise!).

if i was going to sell a game used that had an online pass, id go to gamestop, buy that game used, get one of their online codes printed out for me, keep that code and take the game back, then use that code to sell with my game. there is always a way around the system.
[quote name='8bitArtist']
if i was going to sell a game used that had an online pass, id go to gamestop, buy that game used, get one of their online codes printed out for me, keep that code and take the game back, then use that code to sell with my game. there is always a way around the system.[/QUOTE]

That is return fraud. You are taking away something of monetary vaule for free from gamestop while wasting their time and productivity by purchasing and returning a product.
I'm glad they're doing this. I'm glad they release DLC like a week after the game launches for $60 so they can get another $10 on top of that. I also love extreme DRM with 5 levels of authentication and minimum customer service. I am the masses. I have no brain.
So will Sony be selling passes for people who buy used copies? Or will everyone have to get a new one?
[quote name='8bitArtist']this doesnt affect the used market THAT much. it screws over people who rent more than people who buy used. the 2 biggest used markets are gamestop and ebay. when gamestop prints you out your own online pass on the receipt now its only going to hurt individuals who are selling used and not the corporation (surprise!).

if i was going to sell a game used that had an online pass, id go to gamestop, buy that game used, get one of their online codes printed out for me, keep that code and take the game back, then use that code to sell with my game. there is always a way around the system.[/QUOTE]

Actually, the codes come printed on slips that are inside the game case...if you want to buy a pass, you do so via PSN.
[quote name='Josh5890']That is return fraud. You are taking away something of monetary vaule for free from gamestop while wasting their time and productivity by purchasing and returning a product.[/QUOTE]

Ehh, I wouldn't consider this return fraud. As long as he's taking the item he purchased with the receipt for that item to the store/chain he bought the game at, I consider that a valid return.

I do doubt that Gamestop is printing out online codes on their receipts for used games, though. That would mean they're paying money directly to Sony/EA/Whoever for each used sale right away. Even then, they'd definitely amend their return policy to account for this, thus killing the little loophole proposed.
I havent checked in a while, have used prices reacted to this? Are the used copies of games with online passes selling at a discount?
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']I havent checked in a while, have used prices reacted to this? Are the used copies of games with online passes selling at a discount?[/QUOTE]Resistance 3 was the first first-party game from Sony to use the PSN Pass and I don't think it's affected it's used price at all.

I saw this coming miles away though. When Sony first announced the PSN Pass for Resistance 3, it was pretty obvious that it was only a matter of time before all first-party games from them went this route.

I can't even think of a single Sony exclusive that I've bought used these last couple years, so I don't expect this to effect me much, if at all.
when you buy a game that requires an online pass used at gamestop, they print you out a pass on the receipt. its really no big deal unless youre going through ebay/craigslist.

even then, buy a game from there and if it doesnt have a psn pass, go buy the game again used at gamestop, redeem the code, then take it back right away and say it didnt work. problem solved.
I would be pissed about this but more and more developers are doing it and I can't see it going away anytime soon. It's not a huge deal to me anymore though since if there's a game I really want, I'll buy it day one anyway. If I buy it used, and have interest in playing online, I'll just have to keep the cost of online pass in mind.
[quote name='8bitArtist']when you buy a game that requires an online pass used at gamestop, they print you out a pass on the receipt. its really no big deal unless youre going through ebay/craigslist.

even then, buy a game from there and if it doesnt have a psn pass, go buy the game again used at gamestop, redeem the code, then take it back right away and say it didnt work. problem solved.[/QUOTE]

More return fraud? Why not just buy the online pass off of PSN...or you the game new and support the devs. :roll:
this hurts me, im a gamefly member. ea charges $10 for those codes, too steep!
hopefully publishers wont completely shut off games that arent entered with a code, like no trophies, or patches :cold:
haha, why do my posts keep getting deleted? thanks syngamer for confirming they are getting deleted.

it really isnt fraud. it says right there in plain print if you dont like the game you can return it within 7 days. so you dont like it. personal opinion, not fraud.
Oh well, I normally wait for games to go down, but if its a game I know I will just play for a short time and resell then I probally wont get it now as It will lower my resell value. But I get a lot of games anyway so passing on a few wont bother me. Publishers wont miss my sale either as someone who was gonna buy used will buy the game instead.
Does it really lower the TIV though? I never noticed much (if any) difference with other online pass games such as Resistance 3, the Maddens, and Bullestorm...
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']... and people cheer the erosion of property ownership.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SynGamer']It's either that or the number of developers will continue to erode...[/QUOTE]

This is not going to grow gaming. This is going to create less customers and therefore developers will "erode" faster.
[quote name='willardhaven']This is not going to grow gaming. This is going to create less customers and therefore developers will "erode" faster.[/QUOTE]

I don't really consider used games customers to be actual customers. At some point, someone is going to buy the game I'm trading in, which ultimately hurts the developer.
As long as they don't requiring you to pay to just access the game you have a valid PASS for, (hmmmm xbox live...) I don't think it's too much to ask. I personally would like to see gamestop profiting off gamers.
[quote name='musha666']This is great, I dont play games online so it will make it easier to sell my used copies that still have the code unused.[/QUOTE]

Me either, so this doesn't affect me one way or another, I know that sounds like gibberish to those who can't fathom not playing online, and I'll buy new if it's at a price I'm willing to pay, I don't believe in $60 unless its something I really, REALLY want. Before DX: HR, I hadn't bought a new (eg. full priced new that is) game since Contra: SS on PS2.

[quote name='HeSaveDave']I'm glad they're doing this. I'm glad they release DLC like a week after the game launches for $60 so they can get another $10 on top of that. I also love extreme DRM with 5 levels of authentication and minimum customer service. I am the masses. I have no brain.[/QUOTE]

Facetious, but truthful, I like it. ;)

But DRM has driven me from PC Gaming, if and when it pervades its head into console gaming, I will quit buying new systems and games (Lord knows I have enough to last for years now anyway...:roll: )
[quote name='willardhaven']This is not going to grow gaming. This is going to create less customers and therefore developers will "erode" faster.[/QUOTE]

Proof? EA has been using online passes for quite some time now. Activision is switching over to a similar model. Sony saw a chance to make a profit (just like many others have) and followed suit.
This is not unique to Sony but I find it interesting as a consumerist that developers, publishers, and/or distributors are more than willing to stick it to the consumers but yet they are completely unwilling to even float the mere thought of cutting out used games sellers by...oh I dunno...not selling them games in the first place.

The reality is that there are used markets which exist for nearly every single damn industry in the world. Deal with it or don't play ball with those who resell but don't shit on the hapless consumers trying to save a buck. (and I don't even sell games or buy them used cause, ya know, they smell funny;))
bread's done