Soul Calibur III General Info Thread


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check out all the 'making of videos'.... especially the character creation.... insane!

new info

total character customization!---
--choose character sex, job (as in Ninja, preist... etc), and weapon... amazing!
--upgradable and customizable movesets
--color affects mood/personality
--amazing amount of variations of color and clothing as well as skin tone and faces
--main characters have customization also

new additions as well as bring backs!---
--just like soulblade, cutscenes can be manipulated by the player and will altersituations
--breakable grounds and arenas
--time of day changes in all stages as time goes by
--more alive stages

more info as I find out more! awsome!


I know this game is way off from release, but there is no denying of the information that will be available at this years E3. The first main info is here:

from what is known:

-#: 3 new characters

(for full character list so far go to:

-#: Total character customization, (including appearance and move-set)

-#: Unique fights, such as fighting the large (and I mean LARGE) Greek statue seen in Sophitia's stage

-#: Total Pre-match customization (think of customization for a FPS multiplayer game... but for a fighting game instead)

-#: Final Fantasy type of overworld exploring and story branching for each individual character, but all with one individual ending for each character

-#: More homage to SC1 than SC2

-#: Only on PS2

-#: No online due to the fact that Namco decided on more game and less online (good choice in my opinion, but I can't say that for everyone)

-#: Flashier Characters (more colorful, in otherwords... like the new look Asteroth has), much like the Tekken series.

-#: November Release (unless changed with an announcement at E3)
I'll pick it up, since I'm a fighting game whore...but DOA online has me pretty spoiled. The quest mode and customization sounds kind of interesting...
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I can't believe it's going to be PS2 exclusive. It's just a bad desicion all around.[/QUOTE]

Why is it a bad decision because the GCN version sold better because of link? The soul series started on PS1 with Soul Blade now its home.
[quote name='Apossum']I'll pick it up, since I'm a fighting game whore...but DOA online has me pretty spoiled. The quest mode and customization sounds kind of interesting...[/QUOTE]

yeah, i certainly think alot of people have been overspoiled and don't realize how good Offline games are.
Yea this games totally ps2 exclusive.....hey did you hear resident evil 4 is comming to ps2, nintendo better get some new box art.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']yeah, i certainly think alot of people have been overspoiled and don't realize how good Offline games are.[/QUOTE]

I know I'm not spoiled, because I'd take a game WITHOUT a cool, popular feature over a game WITH a cool, popular feature anyday.
[quote name='Archaic']I know I'm not spoiled, because I'd take a game WITHOUT a cool, popular feature over a game WITH a cool, popular feature anyday.[/QUOTE]

I really hope this is just a temp exclusive I really hate 3D fighting games on the PS2.
I don't understand the reason for Namco to be doing this. Had the PS2 version of Soul Calibur II sold far better then the GameCube and Xbox combined then I could see the reason. But when the Cube version out sold the PS2 and the Xbox wasn't that far behind the PS2 version it just doesn't make any sences. Soul Calibur III should be Multi-platform.

Hey Nirvanaguy Did you hear, Resident Evil 4 looks like shit on the PS2 comparied to the GameCube version which will have been out for a year by the time it comes out on the PS2. And they have cut out alot of models. The game it self is a big downgrade. Capcom really had should have put all that effort into a new game insted of a seriously downgraded port.
[quote name='whoknows']They best put Dante in it or I be very sad :sad:[/QUOTE]

Hmm...I don't think a Capcom character would end up in a Namco game, but it's entirely possible I suppose.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I can't believe it's going to be PS2 exclusive. It's just a bad desicion all around.[/QUOTE]

Second'd. It doesn't even make sense from a business stand point. SC II far and away sold the best on the GameCube.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']No shit? You gonna be in it?[/QUOTE]

Yea, I'll be there. I dont have any chance of winning though. It was advertised properly so the pros in town will come and get their free money. I expect I should be able to get reasonably far if I get a good draw though.

Regardless of the sales numbers, for whatever reason, its only played competitively on the PS2, with Xbox a distant 2nd and GC a distant distant 3rd. Also, most of the people who play competitively use an arcade stick, so the controller isnt an issue. This is because normally these games come out in the arcade before console release and that is how and where they got good.
The only reason the GC version outsold the PS2 was because of Link. Many fanboys, who don't even like fighting games, bought for that reason. This time around there's no Link, so it actually makes sense to concentrate on one version, and have it be the best it can be.

Game looks fantastic, can't wait for this. This series has always been one of my favorites, and I'll be there on launch for this one.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']The only reason the GC version outsold the PS2 was because of Link. Many fanboys, who don't even like fighting games, bought for that reason. This time around there's no Link, so it actually makes sense to concentrate on one version, and have it be the best it can be.

Game looks fantastic, can't wait for this. This series has always been one of my favorites, and I'll be there on launch for this one.[/QUOTE]

yes, most of my friends who never even play fighting games only picked up the game (for gamecube) to play as link... almost everyone I knew got it on GC for Link while I think I was the only guy who got it on PS2 (thus learning to dominate with heihachi and nightmare).

Also, it's not a matter of sales always when making a game for a system. It's sometimes decided on how easy it is to program a certain game for a certain system. Also, namco has alot of good code used with their older fighting games that appeared on the PS2 already, and they would waste alot more time just writing up 100% new code compared to just 50-70% new code. Really, they would be dumb to not do it on PS2.

also, i don't even have to check the news to answer this one, yes nightmare will be in the game... possibly as the final boss in the game (his siluete is on the title for this game... not to mention the soul blade seems to be bleeding).
hopefully this is a temporary exclusive, SC is one of my favortie fighting series and the reason i bought the cube version is becuz i actually like the buttons better, i also got it on the xbox first, after playing on the cube i bought it for the cube, and i dont use link at all, played the ps2 version and the load times are unbearable to me.
[quote name='greyzieoriental']hopefully this is a temporary exclusive, SC is one of my favortie fighting series and the reason i bought the cube version is becuz i actually like the buttons better, i also got it on the xbox first, after playing on the cube i bought it for the cube, and i dont use link at all, played the ps2 version and the load times are unbearable to me.[/QUOTE]

geeze... the load times weren't that bad! only a second or two...

i applaud you for getting it on GC not for Link.

also... i doubt you'll be lucky that they port it over. two reasons:

1. Namco has yet to port over any of their fighters unless it was already a multiplatform release.

2. For Namco, this is probably the last fighter you will see from them on the PS2 since Tekken 6 for the PS3 is already in development and partially consists of the same team who do Soul Calibur
[quote name='greyzieoriental']hopefully this is a temporary exclusive, SC is one of my favortie fighting series and the reason i bought the cube version is becuz i actually like the buttons better, i also got it on the xbox first, after playing on the cube i bought it for the cube, and i dont use link at all, played the ps2 version and the load times are unbearable to me.[/QUOTE]

I though the cube controller was perfect for SC, easiest one to hit every possible combination without mapping them to shoulder buttons. Of course the PS2 controller was (a distant) second best, with the xbox's button feel relegating it to last place as usual.
If you use the 3rd costumes, the load times can get crazy long. I learned the game on the cube, and later on I played it on the PS2 for the first time, I seriously thought it was frozen for a moment. Id say a good 4-5 seconds.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I though the cube controller was perfect for SC, easiest one to hit every possible combination without mapping them to shoulder buttons. Of course the PS2 controller was (a distant) second best, with the xbox's button feel relegating it to last place as usual.[/QUOTE]

I tend to disagree, but oddly enough when it comes to SC, the choices for the best controller to play on are all very mixed. No one controller seems to be the best. I personally have a harder time playing on the GC controller, partially due to how the face buttons are mapped out slightly different than both the PS2 and Xbox controllers. I do say this though: for fighting games in general (and don't say smash brothers is a fighter, it's a platformer/beat-'em-up), the GC controller is by far the worst.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']If you use the 3rd costumes, the load times can get crazy long. I learned the game on the cube, and later on I played it on the PS2 for the first time, I seriously thought it was frozen for a moment. Id say a good 4-5 seconds.[/QUOTE]

(double post... sorry!)

actually, the load times kick ass on the PS2... though not as fast as both the Xbox or GC, it's not like "Stuntman" load times...
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I though the cube controller was perfect for SC, easiest one to hit every possible combination without mapping them to shoulder buttons. Of course the PS2 controller was (a distant) second best, with the xbox's button feel relegating it to last place as usual.[/QUOTE]
I actually bought the cube version along with ps2-cube controller adapters because I couldn't stand to play with the cube controller. I play with 2 fingers above the 4 buttons and I found it much more difficult to do all combinations with the cube controller. I also prefer using the d-pad over the joystick, and I hate the cube d-pad.
[quote name='Mistik']Hmm...I don't think a Capcom character would end up in a Namco game, but it's entirely possible I suppose.[/QUOTE]

Apparently, Capcom used the Soul Calibur engine for a boss fight in DMC3, and made some sort of deal for Namco to use Dante in SC3.

Namco has been hinting about it.
[quote name='whoknows']Apparently, Capcom used the Soul Calibur engine for a boss fight in DMC3, and made some sort of deal for Namco to use Dante in SC3.

Namco has been hinting about it.[/QUOTE]


... also, namco and capcom have been hitting it off pretty good, thus the result of the making of Namco X Capcom or the PS2
While the whole Capcom owing Namco for DMC3 is true, they've already stated that there will be no Dante or special characters like that. Unless they are keeping it under tight wraps or lying about it in the meantime. The folks at dont even talk about it anymore.
[quote name='whoknows']just a quick google search and I found

I'll look for a more up to date article later.[/QUOTE]

:lol: that's enough for me to conferm he's in game. He's already got a pretty wide veriety of sword moves, so he should fit pretty well in the game. The only 2 things I hope for when they place him in the game:

1. Let it be the older dante... the younger is cooler, but older seems to fit better in the sol cal world

2. His projectiles (ie: Ebony & Ivory, or for those who don't know, his guns) better not be cheap like a certain green clothed pointy eared nintendo character.
However, we also have the following from an interview with the Producer

"That’s correct. We’ve decided not to have any guest characters, and it’s only going to come out on PlayStation 2. The guest characters and the 3 different consoles were great and I’m glad that we did it, but it was also pretty tough. "

Even though he's not a console specific guest in the same sense as SC2 because its PS2 Exclusive, Dante would be considered a Guest.

And Also, Spawn has projectiles too. :p
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']However, we also have the following from an interview with the Producer

"That’s correct. We’ve decided not to have any guest characters, and it’s only going to come out on PlayStation 2. The guest characters and the 3 different consoles were great and I’m glad that we did it, but it was also pretty tough. "

Even though he's not a console specific guest in the same sense as SC2 because its PS2 Exclusive, Dante would be considered a Guest.

And Also, Spawn has projectiles too. :p[/QUOTE]

I wish there was a date on that (maybe I missed it). All I know is that that interview was before E3...would there happen to be a date for it?
[quote name='Zero_Kirby']This series has always been one of my favorites. and i put 10 bucks down already. cool changes[/QUOTE]

that reminds me... I still need to put down some cash for this game so I won't forget to get it.
in EGM the rumors say that there could be an updated version on next gen consoles i think its the xbox 360 issue or the zelda issue, i read it recently, sounds like i'll get to play it without getting a ps2 after all
[quote name='TheUnsane1']Looks like a winner so far. Online would still go a long way to keep me hooked on the game tho.[/QUOTE]

still... the damn customization is almost too good. I like how namco is approaching this... hope this is implimented in Tekken 6!
Wow...Can't go to the site to check the videos right now (It's blocked here at work), but that sounds amazing! This is looking like one I'll be getting on release day.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento'] (and don't say smash brothers is a fighter, it's a platformer/beat-'em-up)[/QUOTE]

it is in fact a fighting game, regardless of your genralization. Just becasue several facades of its core gameplay vary from your sterotypical fighter, does not mean it is NOT a fighter, that stigma is absurd.

Anywho, back on-topic, SCIII looks quite dissapointing to me (so far). Big whoop for custamation, at best it's a midly coll side attraction, at worst it'll break the fighting engine, depending on how Namco plays it all out. Besides custimation and some lame looking newbies, there's nothing on new modes, no info on how they play to up replay value (especially without online play). Buying your character a new hat didn't work for VF4:evo and it sure as hell won't help SCIII. Hopefully I'm wrong, after all I thought Tekken 5 was going to blow and was pleasently suprised.
bread's done