Soul Calibur IV - PS3 £17.99 , 360 £19.57 (360 Offer Ends in under 24 hours)


CAG Veteran
Gamestation's deal of the day is for Soul Calibur IV

Xbox 360 owners may be interested in the deal for £19.57:
Note that the deal is a daily offer. I'm guessing that the offer will probably stop around late morning tomorrow.

PS3 owners however can get it cheaper for £17.99 from Play:
This deal doesn't have a time limit.

I think one good thing about the recession is that so many relatively new games are going so cheap. Even the retail shops like Gamestation are lowering the prices to match that of internet deals. Insane!
I just bought MK vs. DC for £20 (courtesy of, so I'm good on the fighting game front for a while. Good find though! :D
[quote name='adam501']
I think one good thing about the recession is that so many relatively new games are going so cheap. Even the retail shops like Gamestation are lowering the prices to match that of internet deals. Insane![/quote]

Yeah, the recession is really doing its thing price-wise. It's really great and it proves that normally the revenues are way too high.

Remember - we need to educate sellers that we want to buy our games for next to nothing. This also applies to when the recession eventually will be over. The world needs cheapassgamers.

As a cheapassgamers we normally have to live with the fact that the "normals" (of which there are zillions) keeps buying games at "the asking price". As long as there are plenty of "normals" with plenty of money we won't get general price cuts - thank God for the recession.

Always try to convert your friends and family into becoming cheapassgamers. Everybody wins.
[quote name='TheToiletDuck']is cheapassgamer a religion now?[/quote]

Yeah, I kinda made it sound like that didn't I? Well of course not, but I think you know what I mean. We need to teach retailers and game companies that we don't want to pay insane amounts for a game - by acting cheapass we're not only getting the cheaper games, but sending the message.

And no - in general I DON'T like the recession. People are losing jobs and stuff. But gamingpricewise it ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuules!
I totally agree about spending money only when games are cheaper. Hopefully, if more people become price aware and not buying games at full price, game companies will be influenced in a positive way. That's why, thanks to the cult of CheapAssGamer :)D), I mostly only buy decent PS3 games when they reach 20 pounds. It's not like we're saving the world or anything, but hopefully the gaming realm will become a better place! :)
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