SoulCalibur IV - (10.17.08) - Vader/Yoda DLC set to release on 10/23 [400 points]

how lame, they don't wanna get ringed out.

nothing's more satisfying than ringing out with setsuka's umbrella. i've gotten a ton of wins like that. 33B, backdash into 214~3b:A.
Finished going through story mode with everyone. Fooled around a bit customizing Mitsurugi. Will probably practice with him some and work on the Tower next. Tried Story mode on hard and got thoroughly owned in the first match so definitely need a lot of practice. :D
Shit I dont think I'm ever going to get that last stage. I tried to get an impact for i dont know how long and never got it. You have to do 4 of them and still win correct?

I'm trying to buy everything in CAS but that is just taking so long that the game is starting to get old. It is starting to seem like the game gets harder the more I play it. In some games I can get an S ranking in others I only get a C with the same character and against the same people. I will end up just getting hit over and over and not be able to get up. Other times I just get perfect after perfect.

I want to learn one maybe to characters combos after I get all of them to level 9 but dont see that happening also. Hell some of them that I try dont even work. The arcade stick I have seems like at times it does not even respond. It is not like I press it and expect it to do one thing and it does something else. I can move the stick around and go no where. The character just stands there yet I'm moveing the stick. Anyone know when the US is going to get a good arcade stick for the 360?
[quote name='sendme']Shit I dont think I'm ever going to get that last stage. I tried to get an impact for i dont know how long and never got it. You have to do 4 of them and still win correct?

I'm trying to buy everything in CAS but that is just taking so long that the game is starting to get old. It is starting to seem like the game gets harder the more I play it. In some games I can get an S ranking in others I only get a C with the same character and against the same people. I will end up just getting hit over and over and not be able to get up. Other times I just get perfect after perfect.

I want to learn one maybe to characters combos after I get all of them to level 9 but dont see that happening also. Hell some of them that I try dont even work. The arcade stick I have seems like at times it does not even respond. It is not like I press it and expect it to do one thing and it does something else. I can move the stick around and go no where. The character just stands there yet I'm moveing the stick. Anyone know when the US is going to get a good arcade stick for the 360?[/QUOTE]

Sounds like you're burned out. Just play a bit each day.
Yeah I am burned out. Online is no fun to me at all with all the spamers or players that are good. I try not to be a spamer yet at times it seems like thats all I do because they are the ones that I play against 90% of the time.

Hell I would be done online once I get 100 games played, played on all stages, and the level 20 achievements. 100 games would be no problem I just get sick of the people playing. Like I said it is just spam a move over and over or when you beat them with out spaming the bitch about it call you names over the mic or send a message calling you a name after the match. If that doesnt happen then I play someone that is actually good and get my ass handed to me. The achievement for the stages I dont see me getting due to the fact that I can not grasp the guard impact. I have played on all of them it will let me select so unless it has someone else select and the pick that one as of now I'm screwed. As for the level 20 hell I get to the point I will level but I dont because they stop you from leveling untill you win the next round. I end up getting my ass handed to me by spamer after spamer then win only due to getting beat I have lost atleast 20 points so I have to win 2 more games to get them back and level. Point is online is full of spamers and the match making sucks ass.

As of now I think I'm going to work on getting everything in CAS bought then play around with it. Has anyone bought the pack online yet? I really dont want to spend the points on it because with it comeing out just after the game to me that says that it should have been with the game. I think they should have held off on it for atleast a month then 2 months come out with a star wars pack. I still think when Vader/Yoda come out for the systems they are not on they will have a pack with them for CAS and it will be around 400-800 points.

After I get everything bought I think I'm done with this game for some time. that is unless by the time I have everything Vader comes to the 360.
Any advice on rooms 45 and 46? Especially 45, i cant even beat her or come close. Any advice on which characters to use, what powers, anything would be helpful.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Any advice on rooms 45 and 46? Especially 45, i cant even beat her or come close. Any advice on which characters to use, what powers, anything would be helpful.[/quote]

is that the one with the guys with health that barely goes away? use the venom/poison thing class A... it drains health. even better if you can get unblockable class a or b.
I was sad I didn't get one of the faceplates from GameCrazy when the game launched... but Namco sent me a surprise package today...

[quote name='MarkMan']I was sad I didn't get one of the faceplates from GameCrazy when the game launched... but Namco sent me a surprise package today...


Whats the story behind this =O
Have all the stuff unlocked and the guys just really got shafted here. This shouldn't be a surprise to any, just, the girls got so many better options. Really have to be creative with the guys.
Tower of lost souls is really annoying. Especially at the higher levels, enemies just get cheap. Im sick of them doing move after move and i have no chance to block or make a counter attack. Im sick of when my character dies and the next guy runs in only to get whooped on before i can even enter the screen. At this point, ill only beat these levels if im lucky enough. Someday if i actually keep trying over and over, ill get lucky enough to get passed it. Another thing thats annoying is that each floor has its different powers. So you have to sit and plan what powers you want to use, then find the right armor that will allow you to use those powers. Its really more work than i want to do.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Probably because i believe thats the only level you cant perform a ring out.[/QUOTE]
That's stupid (Not you, the people online). That's one of the key skills of SC that is very necessary: knowing your position in the stage and that of your opponent's. What a bitch move.:roll:
On that subject: anyone else feel like there's a low amount of stages? I feel like past SC games have either had way more stages or at least more interesting ones. I hope there's free Downloadable Stages eventually. Because as it stands, the current ones are very disappointing.
I CAN'T GI ONLINE! :bomb::bomb:

I finally defeated Michael Jackson, at least.

I feel the same way about the stages, too. It seems like most of the basic floorplans are covered, but they're just not that interesting. I'd love to have the pirate ship from SC3 back. That stage was just exciting to fight on, and had a great song as well. Plus a small, triangular stage would be nice.

I have mixed feelings about saying this, but hopefully Namco releases tons of DLC for the game. Custom parts, stages, music, whatever. Most of it will undoubtedly be overpriced but there's bound to be some good stuff eventually. Also I'm a sucker for new CAS parts. (Just not goofy helmets.)
But then I got beaten by Evil Britney. :cry:

Also ha @ picking the cathedral stage after I got xxx twice with Siegfried's cheesy 1B. :lol: I have to admit I felt a little guilty the second time (OK, both times, since he had almost full health), but I can't resist doing that move.
I need to work on Evil Britney's and Rihanna's move sets. :cool:
You probably noticed I couldn't pull off any half-decent combos, and they move rather blocky and predictable. ;)
[quote name='metaly']

I feel the same way about the stages, too. It seems like most of the basic floorplans are covered, but they're just not that interesting. I'd love to have the pirate ship from SC3 back. That stage was just exciting to fight on, and had a great song as well. Plus a small, triangular stage would be nice.

I have mixed feelings about saying this, but hopefully Namco releases tons of DLC for the game. Custom parts, stages, music, whatever. Most of it will undoubtedly be overpriced but there's bound to be some good stuff eventually. Also I'm a sucker for new CAS parts. (Just not goofy helmets.)[/QUOTE]
Exactly. Most of the levels in SC4 are just plain boring and uninspired (The only ones I really like/recall are the Ship Level, the level that looks like an arena with walls that get knocked down, and a carousel). It's alright to have a small amount of stages if they're both memorable and fun, but SC4's are just boring. I want levels like the castle courtyard level from SC2 (With a river on one side, and two little pools in the corner) and the church level from SC2 also. Hell, I want all of the levels from SC2. They were easily my favorites of the series.

And I don't know if I would want stages to be priced DLC. Especially since not everyone would have them online, so they wouldn't get played as much (by me at least). Not to mention that since the stages in SC4 are half-assed as it is, I feel owed better stages. However, I think more CAS parts are great for DLC, since not everyone wants every piece, so it's perfect to put them up as DLC. I personally think the music DLC is useless and overpriced, but I guess some people like it.
Good point about the DLC stages. It would be annoying if both people had to buy them to play.

And man, why did you have to remind me about that SC2 courtyard? That was a great stage.
Has anyone bought the DLC for CAS that is out now? I'm wondering if it is worth it. As of now I think this game is lacking alot that will end up being added in DLC. They know every one wants to make their on Jedi or Sith so like I said in another post that will chances are come out when Yoda/Vader come out for the systems they are not on. I guessing it will be atleast 400 points maybe even 800 or more. I also agree that the stages are lacking and I see a patch that makes TOLS not as hard as it currently is. This game is going to have so much DLC that should have been on disc it wont even be funny. Bad thing is as much as I don't want to buy it unless I get Vader I will end up getting it at some point. I'm thinking Vader/Yoda can be bought in about another month maybe 2.
[quote name='sendme']Has anyone bought the DLC for CAS that is out now? I'm wondering if it is worth it. As of now I think this game is lacking alot that will end up being added in DLC. They know every one wants to make their on Jedi or Sith so like I said in another post that will chances are come out when Yoda/Vader come out for the systems they are not on. I guessing it will be atleast 400 points maybe even 800 or more. I also agree that the stages are lacking and I see a patch that makes TOLS not as hard as it currently is. This game is going to have so much DLC that should have been on disc it wont even be funny. Bad thing is as much as I don't want to buy it unless I get Vader I will end up getting it at some point. I'm thinking Vader/Yoda can be bought in about another month maybe 2.[/quote]

I bought the extra DLC custom gear. But all i remember is Yoshimitsu helmet. Maybe some of the old Nightmare helmets were a part of the pack too. I know i saw a list of what it contained, but now i cant find it.
Was it worth it? I know on the 360 it is only around 100 points but I just can't get over the fact that it came out a week after the game came out. To me all of it should have been in game. If this came out in a larger pack that was about 400 points and came out a little over a month after the game came out I would get it.
[quote name='freakyzeeky']I need to work on Evil Britney's and Rihanna's move sets. :cool:
You probably noticed I couldn't pull off any half-decent combos, and they move rather blocky and predictable. ;)[/quote]
you got a pic of Rihanna?
[quote name='metaly']
I CAN'T GI ONLINE! :bomb::bomb:

I finally defeated Michael Jackson, at least.

I feel the same way about the stages, too. It seems like most of the basic floorplans are covered, but they're just not that interesting. I'd love to have the pirate ship from SC3 back. That stage was just exciting to fight on, and had a great song as well. Plus a small, triangular stage would be nice.

I have mixed feelings about saying this, but hopefully Namco releases tons of DLC for the game. Custom parts, stages, music, whatever. Most of it will undoubtedly be overpriced but there's bound to be some good stuff eventually. Also I'm a sucker for new CAS parts. (Just not goofy helmets.)[/quote]

That's because you caught Jacko with his pants down! After that, it's just easy. I'm glad I didn't have to play him because I was dying of laughter when he first popped up on my screen.

Also, in a small interview in this month's EGM with Katsutoshi Sasaki (the director), when asked about DLC he says that "We have plans for customizable parts, but stages and modes aren't likely."

Evil Britney creeps me out.
dang. mario kart be killin' them.

played around with amy some more. i can't figure out what attacks hit low when they're on the ground. maybe she doesn't have any, but i'm stuck with a mixup of throws and 33B or 66A+B, with the occasional 4A+B unblockable to techtrap. 6BB is still great but i wish i knew the mixups you get from that. i wanna check frames but i don't have a friend to.

i like cassie but she doesn't seem to have a lot of variety. it seems like everything is followed up by 4BB:A. and i'm not sure but is 1A 236B an NC? that's sick.

also i was playing story on hard mode and... why does it seem like X's story mode was really hard? i had no problems with anyone else until then. maybe because i don't know how to play X.

i really like the graphics though. and i'm not really a graphics person.
i'm gonna be out of town this weekend, but my bro would like to play under his own gamertag. i'll have him check this thread for updates.

Cag Name: typeRJ
System: 360
XBL Gamertag or PSID: outlawrz
Time Zone: CST
if anyone ever sees me online, feel free to shoot me an online invite.

also, the honor where you play on all stages... I've played on every stage online twice (I made sure of it) but it dosn't unlock..? I'm guessing there's a stage still to go or what???
Rolento, I'll try to send you an invite later so you can beat me with your lizard policeman.

Also, there's one stage you have to unlock in the Tower of Souls. Are you missing that one maybe?

the SoulCalibur IV

Tournament of Souls

8/7/08 - Tournament bracket will be posted friday at 8pm PST.
8/7/08 - signups close in 36 hours.
8/7/08 - We could use a few more 360 players.
8/7/08 - PS3 signups will close if 16 players are reached.
8/7/08 - People in both 360/ps3 tournaments might be removed to make room. (doubtful)
8/7/08 - Placements on the tournament bracket will be random.
8/5/08 - Matches will be played in standard mode.

Tournament Rules:
Best of 3 matches (3 rounds in a match)
You have 48 hours to complete your match or be disqualified

Tournament Schedule: *subject to change*

8/08/08 11:59pm PST ----- Registration Closed

8/09/08 12:00am PST ----- Round 1
8/11/08 12:00am PST ----- Round 2
8/13/08 12:00am PST ----- Round 3
8/15/08 12:00am PST ----- Round 4
8/17/08 12:00am PST ----- Round 5 (depending on # of entree's)
8/19/08 12:00am PST ----- Round 6 (depending on # of entree's)

Match Rules:
Matches will be played in standard mode only.
Default time limit
Default weapons
Random Map (or one agreed upon by both players beforehand)

All characters (including customs)
All maps

custom weapons

360 - 9 Souls ************

CAG Name: MarkMan
Gamertag: SD TEKKEN 619
Time Zone: PST

Cag Name: Akilshohen
Gamertag: Akilla05
Time Zone: CST

Cag Name: Dwhelan
Gamertag: Tiny 415
Time Zone: EST

Cag Name: Renegade_Zero
Gamertag: Renegade Zer0
Time Zone: PST

Gamertag: SAB CA
Time Zone: EST

Cag Name: danked
Gamertag Danked
Time Zone: CST

Cag Name: B:L
Gamertag: KEF Trigg
Time Zone: PST

Cag Name: Rieter
Gamertag: Rieter
Time Zone: CST

Cag Name: typeRJ
Gamertag: outlawrz
Time Zone: CST

PS3 - 13 Souls ************

CAG Name: MarkMan
Time Zone: PST

CAG Name: Azumangaman
PSN: Azumangaman
Time Zone: EST

Cag Name: RelentlessRolento
PSN: Rolento
Time Zone: EST

Cag Name: Rei no Otaku
PSN: Rei_no_Otaku
Time Zone: EST

Cag Name: Esper
PSN: qwikkiwq
Time Zone: PST

Cag Name: jonlubbe
PSN: jonlubbe
Time Zone: PST

Cag Name: B:L
Time Zone: PST

Cag Name: Jest
PSN: Jest311
Time Zone: EST

Cag Name: tiggerkiddo
PSN: shdwtorn
Time Zone: MST

Cag Name: sprintsucks5892
PSN: sprintsucks
Time Zone: EST

Cag Name: bornrunnin31
PSN: x3x1x
Time Zone: EST

Cag Name: Hidden Fury
PSN: Hidden Fury
Time Zone: EST

Cag Name: bobo2k4
PSN: bobo2k4
Time Zone: CST

This tournament is just for fun! All skill levels are welcome to join. Just post your info.


Registration: Please use this format to signup for the tournament by August 8th.

Cag Name:
XBL Gamertag or PSID:
Time Zone:
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']if anyone ever sees me online, feel free to shoot me an online invite.

also, the honor where you play on all stages... I've played on every stage online twice (I made sure of it) but it dosn't unlock..? I'm guessing there's a stage still to go or what???[/quote]

Yeah its that seesaw level. Its almost like the one with the cage walls that fall down if you knock someone into it. I was missing that one, but thankfully i played someone who had that level and used it.
[quote name='metaly']Rolento, I'll try to send you an invite later so you can beat me with your lizard policeman.

Also, there's one stage you have to unlock in the Tower of Souls. Are you missing that one maybe?[/quote]

what stage is it to unlock and any tips?
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']what stage is it to unlock and any tips?[/quote]

According to GameFAQs, you have to do three GIs on 14F, which is a pretty merciful requirement.
Ahhh fine! I'll join, but I can't make any promises on my internet working since I moved in 2 days ago.

Cag Name: Heavyd853
System: PS3
XBL Gamertag or PSID: HeavyD853
Time Zone: PST
Hi, I have this game for the ps3, and I´m looking for some friends to have some fun online machtes with, so if any of you want a new to play with add my psn: BloodM, I mainly play as either my customized Siegfried or Nightmare.
Looking forward to meet some of you. :)

P.S. I´m not so good at this game, but I keep practicing. :)
Last edited by a moderator:
[quote name='The 7th Number']i cant seem to find the video. :([/quote]
Click on Aug 6 and then set the time to 10:30 pm. It goes until 5 in the morning D:

The guy wouldnt stop. He wouldve just gone straight until he had to go to work if I didnt put an end to it. Madness.

Played Ivy a bit at the beginning, didnt work out very well. Not used to all her changes yet.
[quote name='kainzero']dang. mario kart be killin' them.

played around with amy some more. i can't figure out what attacks hit low when they're on the ground. maybe she doesn't have any, but i'm stuck with a mixup of throws and 33B or 66A+B, with the occasional 4A+B unblockable to techtrap. 6BB is still great but i wish i knew the mixups you get from that. i wanna check frames but i don't have a friend to.

i like cassie but she doesn't seem to have a lot of variety. it seems like everything is followed up by 4BB:A. and i'm not sure but is 1A 236B an NC? that's sick.

also i was playing story on hard mode and... why does it seem like X's story mode was really hard? i had no problems with anyone else until then. maybe because i don't know how to play X.

i really like the graphics though. and i'm not really a graphics person.[/quote]

Really? I thought story mode period wasn't much different from Normal and Hard. I thought there would have been a difference but except for the CPU being a little more psychic at defense, it was still easy.
I was just CF'ed online. I feel shamed.:lol:
When using Amy's AB, does anyone know how long the window is for automatic GI effect is? It seems totally random everytime to me.
[quote name='sprintsucks5892']Exactly. Most of the levels in SC4 are just plain boring and uninspired (The only ones I really like/recall are the Ship Level, the level that looks like an arena with walls that get knocked down, and a carousel). It's alright to have a small amount of stages if they're both memorable and fun, but SC4's are just boring. I want levels like the castle courtyard level from SC2 (With a river on one side, and two little pools in the corner) and the church level from SC2 also. Hell, I want all of the levels from SC2. They were easily my favorites of the series.[/QUOTE]

Ah, the good ol' Chruch stage, it was my favorite.
Good games, Mana and Rolento. That was an epic Siegfried battle we had. And SHEESH. I should have gone and made some toast or something when you picked Tira, Rolento. I really need to practice with her.

Anyone have tips for 45/46F in the tower? They're the floors where you're supposed to clear them without skills (right) and you just barely chip away at their health.
I'll sign up for fun, I totally suck though :p

Cag Name: ZerotypeX
System: 360
XBL Gamertag or PSID: ZerotypeX
Time Zone:

I'll be working tomorrow until 6, so I prolly won't be home until 6:45
[quote name='metaly']Good games, Mana and Rolento. That was an epic Siegfried battle we had. And SHEESH. I should have gone and made some toast or something when you picked Tira, Rolento. I really need to practice with her.

Anyone have tips for 45/46F in the tower? They're the floors where you're supposed to clear them without skills (right) and you just barely chip away at their health.[/quote]

I'm not as good as you make me out to be with Tira, but I'm throwing around the idea of switching my main from Lizardman to Tira.
I would have signed up even though I play like shit at this game. I will say that I do button mash however I try to learn atleast 3 combos then try to get one to work online. Usually it doesnt work so I start smashing or mashing what ever you call it till it works. Then move to the next one. I also try random things to see if they work from combo to combo. Maybe we can get a tournament going on the 360 that is during the week. I work weekends during the day from 6am to 4:30pm Central. So I'm JWF on this one. By the next one maybe I will have goten better online and will be able to get the harder combos to work with out trying it 4 or 5 times before I can get that damn thing to work.
[quote name='metaly']Anyone have tips for 45/46F in the tower? They're the floors where you're supposed to clear them without skills (right) and you just barely chip away at their health.[/QUOTE]

I took someone powerful (Astaroth) pumped up his Attack, gave him the Soul Gauge Damage A ability, then played keep-away and wore down their gauges and Critical Finished all 3. Was the hardest part of the Tower in my opinion.

Clearing without skills is just for the bonus, but to do that, I kept the same strategy just minus the SGD A ability.
bread's done