Speeding Tickets

68 in a 45 is nothin'. Especially when you consider where I was doing it (wide three-lane highway at around 8:30 in the morning with no traffic). The limit there should be 65 period. What is laughable is that as you go down further, the lanes condense into two, and the speed limit THERE becomes 65. Also, that part of the highway becomes an incline, so there is a natural compulsion of speeding up to get past it.

Guys that live around Route 18 in NJ should know what I'm talking about...it was right by the 6th Ave electronics store.

All highways should be 65 period.
[quote name='Sideswiper']Why are there low speed limits around middle schools and high schools?

If you've reached that age and you haven't learned to not suddently run into the road, civilization may be better off without you.[/QUOTE]
its because there are still school buses and a lot of these fast driving idiots don't know the full rules of the road...i've seen plenty people pass up a bus when the STOP sign was ejected going the other way!

and i bet you big money there would be a problem with accidents because when a bus is turning it can't stop, and people always try to go around them or pass them without stopping. this creates a bad situation.

and middle school can be potentially a 11 year old....most don't have the best judgement by then and still can think they can out-run a car going 45 at them
Utah has some messed up highways. The speed limit is typically 65, but traffic flow is between 75 and 80. If you're not moving with traffic (i.e. you are going around 60), you can be pulled over for holding up the flow (I forget exactly what it's called), but if you move with the rest of the pack you run into the problem of getting picked off. Granted, you'll most likely get lost in the mess before the cop has the chance to pull you over, so he just pulls over someone else instead.

I just go between 65 and 70 and let folks weave around me as necessary. It's technically illegal to pass on the right, but even if you're in the slow lane some idiot is bound to use the shoulder to get passed. :roll:
One highway in South Dakota was literally a gravel road with no speed limit. My extended family and I were all driving across the country and I think we did 80 or 90 on it.
Everytime I get on the highway around here everyone is doing like 80-85. Speed limit is 65 I think, I'll be driving in the slow lane going 'bout 75 and getting passed like I was sitting still.
[quote name='homeland']got out of 4 speeding tickets so far.. very easy.. Just show the cop a military ID =)[/quote]

I always wondered how this worked...

Cop: License and registration please.
You hand over driver's license and military ID.
Cop: Why did you give me this?
You: Um... I don't know, accident?
Cop: *smirk* You're free to go!
You: Thanks!

If I was a cop and someone gave me a military ID.. I'd think they were trying to get over on me. :\
Ah, West Virginia and 70mph speed limits :)

What I really hate is on I-81 in Pennsylvania with the safety corridors that bring I-81 traffic down to 55mph with double the fines. Granted, PA drivers have a infuriating inability not to hit one another, but still for non-PA'ers who know how to drive its annoying.

I blame clinging to guns and religion.
[quote name='PhrostByte']I always wondered how this worked...

Cop: License and registration please.
You hand over driver's license and military ID.
Cop: Why did you give me this?
You: Um... I don't know, accident?
Cop: *smirk* You're free to go!
You: Thanks!

If I was a cop and someone gave me a military ID.. I'd think they were trying to get over on me. :\[/quote]

I am more subtle. I have my id ontop of my license, so in order to get at it my ID is visibe. and I just take my time, making sure the cop makes eye contact w/ the id and then get the license out. Never dealt w/ a cop that wasn't pro military.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Well, obviously... it's good to have speeding law, but here in Kalifornya it's just to get their quota as well for the money. My proof, the cop that was waiting at the bottom of a hill on the freeway and then how he pulled someone else over without looking that was "speeding" as well. Anyway, since there's not much you can do when you have to do the traffic skool make sure you pick online. It's soooo much more 1337 compared to the actual class.[/QUOTE]

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