Spider-Man 3 - Gen. Discussion & Discussion

[quote name='RedvsBlue']:bomb: God damn it, this game just pisses me the fuck off. The main combat mechanic is just: watch for yellow, hit "bullet time", dodge, hit, repeat. I mean jesus christ how is this game this fucking bad? Did they only have 5 months to produce it or what?!?![/QUOTE]
I love how, while dodging another enemies attack in "bullet time", a shit stain enemy behind you can still attack you... and you rarely only fight one enemy at a time. Thus eliminating the entire point of the slow-down horseshit.

Most of the time, I find Spidey getting gang-fucked by an onslaught of enemies, with no chance of blocking or escaping, until the enemies decides to stop.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']:bomb: God damn it, this game just pisses me the fuck off. The main combat mechanic is just: watch for yellow, hit "bullet time", dodge, hit, repeat. I mean jesus christ how is this game this fucking bad? Did they only have 5 months to produce it or what?!?!

I like comic books, I like Spider-man, I like sandbox games, you'd think they'd be able to give me something decent for my money but it looks like I'm gonna be out almost $30 cause I'm trading this fucker in (normally I'd ebay it but used copies on ebay are already going for as low as $20). fucking shit.[/QUOTE]

Seriously, CML. You might not be out of luck.
[quote name='Brak']I love how, while dodging another enemies attack in "bullet time", a shit stain enemy behind you can still attack you... and you rarely only fight one enemy at a time. Thus eliminating the entire point of the slow-down horseshit.

Most of the time, I find Spidey getting gang-fucked by an onslaught of enemies, with no chance of blocking or escaping, until the enemies decides to stop.[/QUOTE]

Not only that but Spider-man's recovery time after a hit seems like days compared to the enemies recovery time. There's absolutely no balance at all to this game. I was super-hyped about this game but now I wish I had never heard of it so I could have saved myself $60. I just don't understand how they made it this much worse than Spider-man 2. The combat wasn't anything spectacular in SM2 but it wasn't this fucking bad and I don't remember nearly this many glitches in it.
I really believed some of us were being a little harsh on the game. I enjoyed the first 3 or 4 hours, ignoring some minor problems. But after tossing my controller in digust because I could not photograph the fake spider-man doing tricks on a helicopter for Robbie, I'm really to call it quits.

This game blows. Thumbs down.
[quote name='terribledeli']I really believed some of us were being a little harsh on the game. I enjoyed the first 3 or 4 hours, ignoring some minor problems. But after tossing my controller in digust because I could not photograph the fake spider-man doing tricks on a helicopter for Robbie, I'm really to call it quits.

This game blows. Thumbs down.[/quote]

That's exactly how I felt...except I was able to photograph him all 3 times after an hour of trying :roll:, then the helicopter malfunctions, the stupid turd falls and you have to catch him in mid-air. I couldn't do it.
[quote name='terribledeli']I really believed some of us were being a little harsh on the game. I enjoyed the first 3 or 4 hours, ignoring some minor problems. But after tossing my controller in digust because I could not photograph the fake spider-man doing tricks on a helicopter for Robbie, I'm really to call it quits.

This game blows. Thumbs down.[/QUOTE]

It really seems like the further you get into the game the worse the glitches and crap get. Apparently people on Gamefaqs have beaten it but considering they're posting on Gamefaqs in the first place, they must have infinite fucking patience. Me? I'll take my licks on the trade-in value and learn my lesson about blind-buying games.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']It really seems like the further you get into the game the worse the glitches and crap get. Apparently people on Gamefaqs have beaten it but considering they're posting on Gamefaqs in the first place, they must have infinite fucking patience. Me? I'll take my licks on the trade-in value and learn my lesson about blind-buying games.[/QUOTE]

Why not trade it on Goozex for 900 points? Might have to wait for the particular game you want but its better than taking the hit on trade in.
I am waiting to get this game on Goozex, play it for the 3-4 hours it will be enjoyable, and then trading it back to goozex for 900 points. Total cost for me is $1 plus shipping it out (~$2).... it may be bad, but I will take my chances for $3.
[quote name='Weedy649']Why not trade it on Goozex for 900 points? Might have to wait for the particular game you want but its better than taking the hit on trade in.[/QUOTE]

I've never done anything with any of the game trading sites.

I already traded it in a few days ago and got Dead Rising. Oh how I missed that game...

I would have sold it on Ebay but the price for used copies is already as low as $20.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']
I would have sold it on Ebay but the price for used copies is already as low as $20.[/quote]

I'm not doubting you, but it seems like most of the ones now are going for about $35 plus shipping....

I just got my $15 paypal credit from a promotion a while back... may be worth it if I could get the game for around $10. Any hints as to where the cheap ones are?
[quote name='captmurphy']I'm not doubting you, but it seems like most of the ones now are going for about $35 plus shipping....

I just got my $15 paypal credit from a promotion a while back... may be worth it if I could get the game for around $10. Any hints as to where the cheap ones are?[/QUOTE]

Well I guess its gone back up then but a few days ago I was noticing that some were definetly closing as low as $20 for a used copy. I wasn't gonna take the chance at having my auction end that low.
Ok thanks... I suppose I will just watch it for a couple of days and pounce when/if the time is right. If not, I can wait for Goozex (I'm 5th in line).
[quote name='LinkinPrime']That's exactly how I felt...except I was able to photograph him all 3 times after an hour of trying :roll:, then the helicopter malfunctions, the stupid turd falls and you have to catch him in mid-air. I couldn't do it.[/QUOTE]
All I can say is, HA!

I played that photo mission last night and after 5 tries I was getting pissed. Mainly because Spidey wouldn't respond and I kept falling off of the building so I wouldn't make it to the last yellow spot. But on sweet #6 I jumped over there early and waited for the heli to start breaking down and I just jumped. I never saw the fake Spidey but when I pressed the RT to start swinging I had him over my shoulder and just took down to the street and put him down.
If you use the slow-down thing during the Fake Spider-Man mission, he's easier to catch.

(I actually did it on the first try.)

I finished the game this morning. After finishing it, I can give it a solid 7 out of 10.

It starts out rough, but it picks up steam and grows on you.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Damn...I forgot about slow down. Do you have to press anything to catch him?[/QUOTE]
Nah. You just have to touch him.
im actually having fun with this game..sure the camera is annoying and the fighting is kinky but i like the game anyway.

maybe its cause i live in NY, everything is so familiar and it seems like home.
Anybody beat the second Dr. Connors mission? How in the hell are you supposed to stop the lizards on the third canister. This is the only mission I can't complete and am stuck on. Otherwise the game has been fairly easy and quick. I have 4 days left on a rental and I only have to finish one stupid mary Jane mission, the end, and then the rest of the stuff.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Anybody beat the second Dr. Connors mission? How in the hell are you supposed to stop the lizards on the third canister. This is the only mission I can't complete and am stuck on. Otherwise the game has been fairly easy and quick. I have 4 days left on a rental and I only have to finish one stupid mary Jane mission, the end, and then the rest of the stuff.[/QUOTE]

Remind me what that mission was? I think I beat it, but it was a couple months ago.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Remind me what that mission was? I think I beat it, but it was a couple months ago.[/quote]
Actually it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I think I was simply tired and frustrated from the day when I played that part that night. The Doc Connors part 2 mission is where you have to feed some canisters into these aromatic dispensers to stop the lizard outbreak in the sewers. The first two parts are pretty easy, but the last part is a bitch because they throw every lizard there is in the game at once. The slo-mo doesn't do jack shit because you'll dodge one lizard only to get hit by another because I guess your reflexes aren't that good to ward off two at one time. The strategy I figured out for that part was pretty much to spam the helicopter attack combo and than to use the rb+a move. A couple of attempts and I finished it up. I actually beat the game yesterday and am now just trying to get the bomb squad achievement and the 200 miles around the city achievement. All in all a very fun game that I can't wait till it drops in price so that I can pick it up on the cheap. On a rental you can pretty much get 700 points which is what I've done already and I still have it till Sunday.

And Cochese, send me a friend invite/request. It would be cool to play some games with more CAGs.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Actually it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I think I was simply tired and frustrated from the day when I played that part that night. The Doc Connors part 2 mission is where you have to feed some canisters into these aromatic dispensers to stop the lizard outbreak in the sewers. The first two parts are pretty easy, but the last part is a bitch because they throw every lizard there is in the game at once. The slo-mo doesn't do jack shit because you'll dodge one lizard only to get hit by another because I guess your reflexes aren't that good to ward off two at one time. The strategy I figured out for that part was pretty much to spam the helicopter attack combo and than to use the rb+a move. A couple of attempts and I finished it up. I actually beat the game yesterday and am now just trying to get the bomb squad achievement and the 200 miles around the city achievement. All in all a very fun game that I can't wait till it drops in price so that I can pick it up on the cheap. On a rental you can pretty much get 700 points which is what I've done already and I still have it till Sunday.

And Cochese, send me a friend invite/request. It would be cool to play some games with more CAGs.[/QUOTE]

Next time I'm on, I'll do just that.
bread's done