Splinter Cell: Conviction - Delayed to Winter/Spring '08


170 (100%)

Update 7/24: Delayed till 1st qtr 2008

Ubisoft announced today during its financial report for the the first fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2007, that Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction has been delayed. The game, which was originally scheduled for release in the third fiscal quarter of 2007-08, will now be released in the fourth fiscal quarter; that means it will ship sometimes between January and March of 2008.
Update 6/19: Release Date announced

November 16th 2007
5/23: Teaser Trailer

First Screens of the Exclusive to X360/PC sequel:



The game will this time be taking place in broad daylight. Gone are the goggles then, however this is still all about stealth. A close friend of Sam, Anna Grimsdottir is in danger (she is also in charge of gathering data for Third Echelon). However, things aren’t quite as they used to be when Sam joins up, who continually receives the wrong equipment as well as some duff data for the mission. When it turns out that the threat to Anna is coming from the inside, Sam becomes a fugitive in order to find out the truth.
In a nod towards Dead Rising, Sam can now use items as weapons, put furniture at doors to stop people getting in and so on. The AI will also react to how you play, so their reaction will differ depending on what you do. The crowd will work as ‘Dynamic Cover’, so Sam will probably blend in to remain anonymous. Sam won’t be able to kill civilians and guards like you can in Grand Theft Auto, but Mercenaries will be able to suffer at Sam’s hands.

Looking good. Wonder how bad this will hurt Sony fans...unless its "timed" exclusive.
hmmm... sounds totally different from past SC games, but I'll give it a play. Looks pretty cool so far though.
I thought the appeal of Splinter Cell (and Tom Clancy games in general) were the amount of detail put into equipment, guns, etc.

But now we've got chairs. how great.
[quote name='getmyrunon']I hate night time sneaking. If I can just beat the shit out of people in this one, I'll be happy :)[/quote]

hahaha same here, and nice av.
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Hmm, I thought DA was a flop (it dropped in price at an incredibly rapid pace)[/QUOTE]

All Ubisoft games do.
Whoa! I had no idea a new SC was being developed so soon. Smashing people with chairs = awesome. I think Double Agent was getting a bit TOO gadgety with all the upgrades and fancy weapons, so I'm looking forward to a more low-tech Splinter Cell.
Bleh. I disliked Double Agent because of the All Broad Daylight levels. I liked the First and Second since they mostly took place int he darkness.
[quote name='terribledeli']I thought the appeal of Splinter Cell (and Tom Clancy games in general) were the amount of detail put into equipment, guns, etc.

But now we've got chairs. how great.[/QUOTE]


I think the SC series needs to take a break.
I kinda like the idea of Sam walking among a crowd of people, all incognito and the like, and then BAM, knocking Ahab the A-rab unconscious with a lamp.
i've been waiting for linkin prime to do his thing for splinter cell conviction. now we cant talk about it. being a long time splinter cell fan i can't wait for this game, even though i still haven't picked up DA yet i'll make sure you play it before this is released.

there's a lot of potential here and it seems like the splinter cell team has been talking to the assassin's creeds people.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']People beg for innovation, and something new from established series, and when they do it with Splinter Cell, people boo it.....[/quote]

Thats because theres a difference between innovation and completely going away from the series which is basically what they are doing. I wish they would make it more like the books
[quote name='slickkill77']Thats because theres a difference between innovation and completely going away from the series which is basically what they are doing. I wish they would make it more like the books[/quote]You know what I like about the games more than the books? You can play the games.
[quote name='Graystone']Fisher went emo with that haircut. Looks good though.[/quote]His daughter got killed and he's got no one he can trust...he's got reason to, at least. :roll: He kinda looks like Snake now, though.
Looks like the SC series is going downhill, Should have never gone away from the chaos theory type setting.
[quote name='slickkill77']Thats because theres a difference between innovation and completely going away from the series which is basically what they are doing. I wish they would make it more like the books[/QUOTE]

I would argue that completely going away from the series defines innovation. Otherwise its the same game, new setting.

I really enjoyed SC: DA, and am really glad i got in on a deal near launch which made it cost me like $30. Its one of the games i still play to this day. The single player was pretty decent and the multiplayer is just such a blast to play.

That being said, im really looking forward to Conviction. Seems like it might be a little too soon, series should start churning out every other year instead of every year >.
[quote name='Weedy649']I would argue that completely going away from the series defines innovation. Otherwise its the same game, new setting.

I would agree with that, espionage is more than just sneaking into buildings undetected and tom clancy covers the gamut of espionage. Does anyone remember the range of jack ryan books to movies? If this is a ubisoft montreal game it will probably be great but the shanghai games are always sub par ie double agent and pandora tommorrow.
[quote name='ighosty']Looks like the SC series is going downhill, Should have never gone away from the chaos theory type setting.[/quote]

Bingo! Tell em what's he's won Johny.

I love the SC series, huge fan, Chaos Theory on-line was IMO the best online experience you could ever have. I got a 360 last November and the first game I bought was DA, the graphics were amazing, the single-player was the best of the series, but the on-line was horrible.

No co-op, the fact that the spies move like fucking ninjas, and the maps were way to huge.

I'll still buy it, some of the online parts were cool, like analyzing data with your armband x amount of feet away.
Looks cool, but I'm not digging Fisher's new do. Shave that damn head again man! SHAVE IT.

Well, see the "Hair Style & Accessory" subset of the Ubisoft marketing research department looked at early promo shots of Peter Parker and the current music scene (as opposed to the Neanderthal mook-metal of the first half of the decade)* and realized that "Sam" is a three-letter word, just like "emo". Also, they wanted to make ABSOULTELY SURE that the kids don't mistake him for a "space marine"!

I wonder if there will be a pivotal 'dilemma decision' point where Fisher has to decide whether to cut himself or not.

EDIT: Word of Honor, I did NOT read Graystone's post first.

*--Mind you...I'm not 'taking sides' in that Battle of the Crap.
You know what other game went completely away from it's roots, and ended up being great? Metroid Prime.

Honestly, why are so many people ripping this game, just because it exists? It's not as if the Splinter Cell games have dropped off in terms of quality. Sure, they might not be as great as before, but they are still really good games. And I applaud Ubi Soft for trying something new, instead of just making the same old SC game, with a couple new stealth moves.
Yea but like the description says they are basically making splinter cell rising....Thats not what sc is about. Thats what made sc inovative. THe sneaking googles thing. Like i said about the books they should make guards more dynamic. Not just throw 20 guards in a random place have a couple but make them smart. Make the player thing on his feet about how to get away not just run to a shadow
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']You know what other game went completely away from it's roots, and ended up being great? Metroid Prime.

Honestly, why are so many people ripping this game, just because it exists? It's not as if the Splinter Cell games have dropped off in terms of quality. Sure, they might not be as great as before, but they are still really good games. And I applaud Ubi Soft for trying something new, instead of just making the same old SC game, with a couple new stealth moves.[/QUOTE]

You know that if Ubi had made another Splinter Cell game that was the same as Chaos Theory or Double Agent, fans would complain that they hadn't done anything different :)
More info from the article:

No more sneaking around in the shadows. Apparently you're going to be more like James Bond and infiltrate buildings in plain daylight. You won't have to use force or sneak around as long as you don't act suspiciously.

- According to the article, every single object that is rendered on screen has physical properties and most of them can be used by Sam. For example, Sam can pick up furniture and use it as a weapon, or throw printers at enemies or papers in the face of enemies to gain the upperhand in fights.

- Melee fights are much more than "press this button to hit" this time around. There's different context sensitive attack buttons and as mentioned before lots of environmental interaction.

- Some pretty negative comments about the PS3 made by the devs. They state the fact that they are exclusive to the 360 allows them to do much more than if they were multiplatform, but they also state they doubt they would be able to achieve what they're doing with the game on the 360 on the ps3 even if it was ps3 exclusive.

Those are the most important things in there. Ubi also claims the AI is really good and the magazine says the AI for example makes cover out of chairs and tables.


I guess it's not coming out for the PS3.
Ha, more of this "we couldn't do this game as good on the PS3 than the 360".

Funny, Rockstar said the same type of thing about GTAIV on the 360. The GTA series biggest bread-and-butter system? The PS2. Now Ubi is saying this about the PS3. The Splinter Cell series biggest bread-and-butter system? The Xbox. I guess we are starting to see where some of these 3rd party developers loyalties lie....
Well, I've always thought, "Shooting sticky shockers off my SC20K at enemies is so lame. Why can't I chuck a Canon Inkjet instead?" Seriously, I'm quite interested to see where this goes.
Adding environment interaction and changing the time of day doesn't make it a different game, you know. I doubt this will be Splinter Cell Rising, as some of you are putting it.

I imagine it will be the same old stealth espionage action, but instead of sneaking up behind a guy and shooting him in the head with a silenced pistol, you'll sneak up behind a guy and push a locker on top of him. Hopefully, this will make execution options much more diverse than shall I shoot him, stab him, or break his neck????

Also, that screenshot where Sam is throwing a chair at the terrorist is the coolest screenshot I've seen in months.

And besides, who's to say that there won't be some levels in dimly-lit warehouses or dark basements?
fucking hell. Whatever happened to the classic STEALTH night-time vision-goggle gameplay of the good old games?

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory ruled, but everything I've seen since then has been doing this fucking "daylight" shit that drives me up the fucking wall.

Oh well, I guess Chaos Theory the end of real Splinter Cells, and now their just making this shit to appeal to dickwad "run around and beat up people" pseudo-gamers.

Hopefully MGS takes a page out of Splinter Cell's book for MGS4, because obviously Splinter Cell isn't going to. *sigh* Where have all the decent stealth games gone? Long time passing. *sigh*
It's not splinter cell without the stealth suit and goggles and rifle damnit!
That being said I'll still buy it since im a crazy SC fan, but I don't predict I will enjoy it as much : (

I don't see why they cant just release a bunch of "side story, or old case file" games when he was with 3E and doing SC style missions to appease tards like myself.
That way they don't have to focus on the timeline and they can churn out as many old style games with new style graphics as they want without messing with the core plot.
They could also build up more of a backstory for him that way.

I'm glad they want to try something new and go in a new direction, but it seems like too radical of a change from what made the series so great. I hope it works out for them, but unless I get to run around in a stealth suit with 3 glowing eyes and shooting sticky shockers at puddles, I don't think I will enjoy it as much. :(
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']You know what other game went completely away from it's roots, and ended up being great? Metroid Prime.

Honestly, why are so many people ripping this game, just because it exists? It's not as if the Splinter Cell games have dropped off in terms of quality. Sure, they might not be as great as before, but they are still really good games. And I applaud Ubi Soft for trying something new, instead of just making the same old SC game, with a couple new stealth moves.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. It's not like they're making the Sam Fisher Gardening Sim here, people. They're just trying to find new ways to incorporate stealth.
Does anyone know what the general consensus was when the initial shots and reports of Double Agent came through? The first pics, IIRC, were of Sam in jail without any of his equipment. Then it turned out, it was only one level in the whole game, but you still got use of guns and other gadgets in that level, nonetheless. These screens could very well be just the opening level to Conviction.
Message board banter when Double Agent releases -

"I'm so tired of this franchise... it needs something new."

Message board banter when "something new" is unveiled -

i could go either way, but the improvements i want to see in the splinter cell series is in the story. yes they are all filled with political intrigue, but the characters in the game are all under developed including sam. i mean does any one even care about redding, anna, or lambert? the latest splinter cell games seem to be focusing more in on sam now and his relationship to other characters, which i think is a good thing. this is probably the reason for these different scenarios because its difficult to develop characters only through radio transmissions and not have it all unrealistic and overwrought like the codec in metal gear. not that i'm bagging on metal gear, the codec works fine for their sense of realism.
[quote name='captmurphy']Message board banter when Double Agent releases -

"I'm so tired of this franchise... it needs something new."[/QUOTE]
Whatever dumbass fuck said that once Splinter Cell finally hit its stride with Chaos Theory (actually, only the SP aspect of Splinter Cell hit its stride with Chaos Theory), needs to be gutted, strung up, and let to bleed dry.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']You know what other game went completely away from it's roots, and ended up being great? Metroid Prime.[/QUOTE]
That's an absolutely laughable comparison to make.

Metroid did the same thing that practically every other side-scroller had done before them: entered the 3rd dimension. It's hardly "moving away from its roots" to take a series that hasn't seen an entry in 6 years, and make another entry into it as a 3D game.

When the latest Splinter Cell is 6 years old, and videogames have long since entered into some newly discovered 4th dimension, and someone decides to bring back the series as a 4D action game, then you can call me up and make the comparison. But for now, I'd like to try whatever it is you're smoking.
bread's done