Splinter Cell HD Trilogy (PS3) $15.99 with FS - Newegg

[quote name='aTaRiFrEaK223']I own the originals for Xbox, is it worth rebuying? I mean, they are great games, but goes the HD quality? Any extras?[/QUOTE]
All I can say is:

If you play games with inverted camera/aiming controls, don't bother. The option is unfortunately absent from this release, and AFAIK, hasn't been patched to include it.


Patch for inverted controls is out, as confirmed by 'thingsfallnapart'. Thx for the heads up.
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Thanks OP Just ordered one. Missed the 17.99 price newegg had last month. Also since i do play inverted I did check if that problem was patched and apparently it has been. The patch hit sometime in November. Edit psn versions are patched at least I can't confirm if retail is patched as well. I sure do hope so...
[quote name='NuclearPorkchop']All I can say is:

If you play games with inverted camera/aiming controls, don't bother. The option is unfortunately absent from this release, and AFAIK, hasn't been patched to include it.[/QUOTE]

What the? That's ridiculous.
[quote name='NuclearPorkchop']All I can say is:

If you play games with inverted camera/aiming controls, don't bother. The option is unfortunately absent from this release, and AFAIK, hasn't been patched to include it.[/QUOTE]

Appreciate it, as I do play with inverted controls. Guess I'll be skipping this one, doesn't make any since why it's not there. Thanks though.
thingsfallnapart says retail disc was patched a few posts up. Some other cags confirm a patch in another forum. So I'm gonna keep my order. Once again thanks OP
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I don't suppose this ever got released on 360, did it?

/sorry if that's a silly question, I've been outta the loop for a while
Thanks op! 3 of my favourite original Xbox games in HD for less than $20. great deal.
[quote name='NuclearPorkchop']All I can say is:

If you play games with inverted camera/aiming controls, don't bother. The option is unfortunately absent from this release, and AFAIK, hasn't been patched to include it.[/QUOTE]
Wow, people are so misinformed and will not hesitate to spout their nonsensical wrongness.

Game was patched a while ago. Don't know what this person's problem is why he posts wrong information. Looks like his misinformation already caused 1 person to not buy a fantastic game.

what the f is wrong with people?
[quote name='tortamus']I don't suppose this ever got released on 360, did it?

/sorry if that's a silly question, I've been outta the loop for a while[/QUOTE]i would like to know as well. will it ever come out on xbox 360?
I missed this the past few times, especially since the patch was released to fix inverted controls. Picked one up. Thanks OP!
I'd say it's pretty unlikely, since the PS3 version came out a while ago.

[quote name='tribalnoise']i would like to know as well. will it ever come out on xbox 360?[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the heads up OP, ordered.

I was originally going to get this when I got the Deus Ex Augmented back in December with the Newegg/Google offer, but that day it went from $20 back to normal price so this $16 price is even better.
[quote name='astr0boy']Does this have Spies vs. Mercs?
Man, Spies vs. Mercs is what Convictions multiplayer should have been.[/QUOTE]

There is no multiplayer functionality in the Splinter Cell Trlogy.
[quote name='neuropunk']Wow, people are so misinformed and will not hesitate to spout their nonsensical wrongness.

Game was patched a while ago. Don't know what this person's problem is why he posts wrong information. Looks like his misinformation already caused 1 person to not buy a fantastic game.

what the f is wrong with people?[/QUOTE]

QFT. I can guarantee the US disc based version is patched with inverted controls. Hopefully people will do their own research rather then listen to one misinformed yahoo.
[quote name='neuropunk']Wow, people are so misinformed and will not hesitate to spout their nonsensical wrongness.

Game was patched a while ago. Don't know what this person's problem is why he posts wrong information. Looks like his misinformation already caused 1 person to not buy a fantastic game.

what the f is wrong with people?[/QUOTE]

The part where I say AFAIK = as far as I know, just FYI. This was true last I checked, back in November. Only news out at THAT GIVEN TIME was that the PSN version (EU even, as I recall) 'might have gotten a patch', with people reporting that the retail version had not. Those 'people' being members of the ps3trophies board, gamefaqs, and here on CAG.

Looks like the patch came out at the tail-end of that very month, which the same person who took my apparent misinformation at face value could have easily done their own fact-checking, which I didn't even realize I'd needed to do until you pointed that out. I honestly did not know it had been released.

That said, I'm wrong, the patch is out, fantastic. So excuse me for trying to help people out. Ubisoft STILL hasn't patched Beyond Good & Evil HD, and I guess I had just assumed they were ignoring that feature altogether for other games. So to those folks:

Sorry, my bad.

But being an arrogant, self-righteous dickbag about it just makes you into a pissant instigator, which has infinitely less worth that someone making an honest mistake.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people? :roll:

*edit* I looked back and see 2-4 people already caught my mistake, and provided the updated correct information politely and without being a passive aggressive jerk about it. Kudos to those folks.
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I have all three of the older Splinter Cell games on original xbox discs, but haven't played them yet. For anyone who has this, is there any reason to spend the money on the HD collection? I mean, the graphics will be better, but I read not much better...and it will be full screen instead of in the center of my screen, but is that really it?
[quote name='ferris182']Is this game coming out for 360?

Or is it a PS3 exclusive?[/QUOTE]

It's a PS3 exclusive and thanks to the extra storage space afforded to this collection by Blu-ray, will most likely remain so.
[quote name='abhinav']I can't buy these without the stellar multiplayer, feels wrong to do so.[/QUOTE]The multiplayer could have easily stood as its own game. It's disappointing that Conviction had a watered-down version, and then Ubisoft took it one step further and just abandon the idea all together with the next game. I guess even the PC servers got shut down. This collection would have been a day one purchase had they included the multiplayer. Some gameplay balance issues aside, IMHO it was the most innovative thing to hit shooters since Wolfenstein 3D.
[quote name='mightymek']For anyone who has this, is there any reason to spend the money on the HD collection? I mean, the graphics will be better, but I read not much better...and it will be full screen instead of in the center of my screen, but is that really it?[/QUOTE]

Trophy support?
[quote name='abhinav']I can't buy these without the stellar multiplayer, feels wrong to do so.[/QUOTE]

This. I still don't know what they were thinking in taking out the multiplayer. Did they think it wouldn't have been cost effective? That people would buy the collection anyway?

Screw that. I won't buy this out of principle.

Now, you know what sounds like a good idea? An XBLA/PSN Spies vs. Mercs game. Just the standalone multiplayer. I would buy the shit out of that.
[quote name='Lord Chabelo']Trophy support?[/QUOTE]

correct me if i am wrong, but i think all the HD remakes have trophy support
[quote name='proKoyeon']correct me if i am wrong, but i think all the HD remakes have trophy support[/QUOTE]

This is true, there were no HD remakes released before Sony required developers to include trophies, unless you count Ninja Gaiden Sigma as an HD remake
[quote name='proKoyeon']correct me if i am wrong, but i think all the HD remakes have trophy support[/QUOTE]

And this is comments that come from not reading... Lord Chabelo was responding to the quote not asking a question about it. I'm sure he is well aware the HD collection comes with trophies. He is just responding to justify repurchasing it.
Bought a copy... Always meant to play these, cause I've only played the first, back when I still gamed on PCs. Never bought the second one.
Thanks for the info guys. I think I'll pass if trophies are the main difference between the old versions I own and this new version.
[quote name='astr0boy']Does this have Spies vs. Mercs?
Man, Spies vs. Mercs is what Convictions multiplayer should have been.[/QUOTE]

NO online multiplayer is the only reason why I didn't buy this at release. I hope they bring that back eventually, so awesome.
[quote name='gregnied']I decided to get in on this deal. Does new egg typically use USPS for free shipping?[/QUOTE]

Usually they use UPS Mail Innovations for egg saver shipping, so yes, USPS does make the final delivery.
stop buying this. You're encouraging future gimped rereleases. You should not buy this due to the lack of multiplayer features.
bread's done