Splintercell Double Agent


Does anyone have/play this game? I have it and honestly it's my favorite game to play online. I've never gotten as much of a rush playing a multi-player game then when i play this one. My girlfriend who isn't really much of a gamer got into it and she agrees it gives you such a rush.

If you are into stealth games and like being tactical and trying to outsmart your opponent you have to get this game. Its a must!

Right now if you buy it used it will probably run you like $15. I got mine like 3 years ago and it was $28 used. A lot of people still play the online and its such a blast to play.

If any of you have it and want to play add my gamer tag. Mischief2013

For anyone who doesn't know, the mutliplayer is like this

There are two teams, the spies and the mercenaries.
The spies have to infiltrate the complex the mercenaries are guarding and you have to spend time hacking these terminals and get a complete file without getting killed. You then have to take that file back to your base. You have to do this twice to win the game. You can shut off lights and make areas of the map almost completely dark so you can sneak around and pass by the mercenaries and they'll never know. The mercenaries play as a first person shooter would and they have grenades, a gun, flashlights and an explosive gadget called a drone that they can fly around and kill spies with.The spies have flash bangs, smoke grenades, health needles, and detection jammers. You can kill mercs by getting behind them and snapping their necks.

All in all this game is a lot of fun and if that description already sounds fun then you'll have a lott more fun playing online. I see new people getting on all the time who are complete noobs at the game which means if you start playing you aren't going to get murdered the second you leave the base.

IF you have the game or have questions then DISCUSS
yes! i mean its no call of duty but there's always people on. The community is kind of small so you get to see the same faces but recently i've encountered a ton of people i never even saw before. I would say around 150 or so people still play this game regularly.
Thats awesome that this game still has a online community, while small its still alive.

I loved this game at one point online, the spies vs mercs was so original in the earlier SC's....While i liked the new SC, i was pissed that they didnt have spies vs mercs. If one day i decide to throw it in again, i will hit you up! Enjoy your spy/merc hunting.
bread's done