spun.com - 20-25% off all new and used games - $50 min.


Works on pre-orders. MAY20 = 20% off, MAY25 = 25% off for all spunclub members (free to join so it's a no-brainer). Believe they are a sister site to wherehouse.com and secondspin.com. 1st class shipping is reasonable (4.95 usually). Good until the 28th.

[quote name='xfade']you got authorized for the full amount?? and did they charge it back? instantaneously? or it take time? I currently still have a $1 charge and a charge for the whole $140+. 15 minutes away from heading to my bank and cencelling my debit card.[/QUOTE]

Never use a debit card for an online transaction. Your course of actions are far more restricted - and the cash is already gone.


Good luck to all dealing with this.....I am anxious to find out the results. If anything, I think I only would have done an order with the 25% off and used my CC.
I made two separate orders and right now I just have the two $1 authorizations. I ordered on Saturday. I hope everything gets worked out with your account.
Sometimes you take a chance on a good deal. It's part of being a CAG. The games I'm selling are sealed so i'm curious if they'll end up 'scratched'.
I'm headed to the bank and dispute this charge. I really wanted this order to go through. The prices I got for these games are soooo good, but I can't afford to drop any $$$ at this time, so I'm forced to cancel this order through my bank ( I bet the order might still go through if I only dispute the charge for the full amount. I'm thinking if the $1 authorizing charge stays on there they'll continue to ship my games.)
This whole deal has turned shady really fast. Mystery scratches appearing on games and people getting "authorization charges" for the full amount. Cancel your orders or avoid. I canceled mine and requested a return of my trades. I'm out $4 ...live and learn.

I doubt they sold out of ALL their copies of Infamous in 1 day.

FYI. My trades were valued at $33.00 by Spun, then knocked down to $8 because of mystery scratches. I just checked eStarland and they value them at $40. And starland only takes off a dollar or two if there are any scratches. Not 75% of the full value. That's nuts.
Hmm, well you guys are scaring me but I'll see what happens; I just shipped my trades out today. None of them have any scratches whatsoever; 2 of the 3 I played once after opening.

If it goes through, great, if not, I'll ask for my stuff back.
I ordered UFC Undisputed for 360 on saturday. I was hoping it would be shipped out today since they say anything after 11:30 that day will be shipped the next business day anything ordered by that time will be shipped same day. I just checked my order status and it still shows in progress not shipped. I didnt use my real credit card number as my credit card lets me generate virtual ones. If it is a scam I can just talk to the credit card company about it and get my money and cancel that virtual number. I will post when/if I recieve my game. Good Luck!!
[quote name='carbontiger']yep seemed too good to be true.

I was supposed to get $33 in credit and they emailed me saying that they'll give me $8 and that my preorder for Infamous is now on backorder. My total went from about $12 to about $45 and I had absolutely NO scratches on my trades. Nice rip job! Spun indeed.

anyone else feel like burying them?[/QUOTE]

Not cool. All of my DVDs and games have no scratches too. Hopefully, I get the full amount.
[quote name='carbontiger']yep seemed too good to be true.

I was supposed to get $33 in credit and they emailed me saying that they'll give me $8 and that my preorder for Infamous is now on backorder. My total went from about $12 to about $45 and I had absolutely NO scratches on my trades. Nice rip job! Spun indeed.

anyone else feel like burying them?[/QUOTE]

Oh that's some serious gheiborg... my kid bro suggested I take pictures of my mint games and maybe a video of the games being secured in there cases before I send my shipment in...
I ordered inFamous, came out to ~$50. What is this about people complaining about them not having inFamous in stock?
Yeah, my credit card was charged the full amount as well ($223) when it should have been $82.00 as I have like 141 in trades.

wow this deal did get shady fast. esp after looking at some reviews for the website.
[quote name='slimin1122']Yeah, my credit card was charged the full amount as well ($223) when it should have been $82.00 as I have like 141 in trades.

wow this deal did get shady fast. esp after looking at some reviews for the website.[/QUOTE]

This doesn't seem that odd to me. If they are authorizing the full amount, they are making sure you have enough funds to cover the cost if you don't follow through with the trade ins.
I got my order, I only ordered games with the 25% and didn't trade in anything and was charged the correct price.

Sounds like I will never trade in any games to them
Well, lets keep this page updated, I pre-ordered a couple games, and they consider them backordered until they have them I guess.
I don't think it's actually a bad idea to document the games cd movies you're sending.
They've shipped the few cheap used games i ordered to get free shipping, and if worse comes to worse i'll just cancel my pre-orders..
Yeah, my preorders were backordered as well prototype, little kings story, batman, and conduit. Infamous was still backordered for me too.

My order was on 5/22, and it still says the status for my Klonoa Wii is "in progress"

Hopefully its just the fact they are getting a lot of traffic with the 25% off.
The negative reviews of the website i've found have only had to do with people saying they sold their stuff in perfect shape and spun.com rejected it, which they have the right to do. That's why I did two small orders and did use hardly any of the 'credit' i would be receiving for my trades.
I don't think anyone should worry about not getting the games you've ordered, as i haven't found any complaints of that.
Since spun.com is connected to FYE, and their disc policy is butt-pucking anal, I'm really not surprised. Next time, go to an FYE and get the gift card and then order stuff online.
They better not claim that my DS cartridge game is scratched... I'm taking photos of that too... perhaps they're just knocking down the trade-in values for games with really high trade-in values $20 or higher, I can understand the loss, but still seems scandalous.
Seems like they've raised the prices on some of the games.

And my Infamous is on backorder...
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[quote name='unclenebber']Well, lets keep this page updated, I pre-ordered a couple games, and they consider them backordered until they have them I guess.
I don't think it's actually a bad idea to document the games cd movies you're sending.
They've shipped the few cheap used games i ordered to get free shipping, and if worse comes to worse i'll just cancel my pre-orders..[/QUOTE]

You ordered cheap used games from them to get free shipping? It was my understanding we had to trade $30 worth of games to them to get free shipping. Could you explain what you did, or was that a typo?

What I'm also wondering is let's sayI trade them games to get free shipping, and they say my games are scratched, offering me 25% value. If I choose to pay $4 to have my trades sent back to me, will they retroactively charge me shipping on all the stuff I've ordered from them? They probably would.
Will have to check this out, there are a lot of new games I want to get, and old ones I want to get rid of. Amazingly, I haven't bought a new game in almost 2 months. Though I did break down and buy inFamous this week. I have been so good lately ...
This site is run rather poorly. They've now charged my card twice for the same transaction, and it still hasn't been processed. I'm about to just cancel my order all together.
yea I have not received any charges on my card yet? I am going to wait until Friday if nothing has happened at that time. I am going to cancel the order. This is crazy, and just wait until gamestop gets a used copy.
Just received an e-mail from spun.com (12:30 at night...) confirming they have shipped the inFamous that I ordered. Good thing that back-order didn't take long and hopefully my stuff gets here fast.

I'm selling stuff to them so I wonder if they've already charged my credit card, and if they will return credit to my credit card once I send back the stuff I'm selling to them, or I will end up getting store credit...

Anyway just wanted to post a heads up.
I'm pretty sure there's an option in your checkout to either receive store credit or money through paypal. Just so you guys don't take credit if you don't want it.
[quote name='gacktplays']Just received an e-mail from spun.com (12:30 at night...) confirming they have shipped the inFamous that I ordered. Good thing that back-order didn't take long and hopefully my stuff gets here fast.

I'm selling stuff to them so I wonder if they've already charged my credit card, and if they will return credit to my credit card once I send back the stuff I'm selling to them, or I will end up getting store credit...

Anyway just wanted to post a heads up.[/QUOTE]

I got the same email, but i had canceled the same order the day i set the order...their customer service or lack of is really frustrating. I emailed them 3-4 times a day for them to cancel the whole thing and this happens! now ill have 2 copies of infamous and no way to return it to spun without taking a massive hit
I'm so done with this site. So much BS. I tried to cancel my order two days ago, didn't hear anything til an email just now saying "sorry, we can't cancel, its already shipped." Plus there's a charge on my credit card for an amount that's not even close to the total I owe them. Unbelievable.

[quote name='RandomRudy']I got the same email, but i had canceled the same order the day i set the order...their customer service or lack of is really frustrating. I emailed them 3-4 times a day for them to cancel the whole thing and this happens! now ill have 2 copies of infamous and no way to return it to spun without taking a massive hit[/QUOTE]

Lol. I'm getting my second copy from them too. I figure I'll eBay it. I'm not dealing with their return dept. No fucking way!
Here's an update with my situation:

Spun.com charged me the full amount of my order (when it shouldn't have)

I disputed the charge with my bank and they fixed me up.

Spun.com contacted me about having shipped the items.

So now I gotta go through with trading with this shady little operation, and I'll fill you guys in with how many BS quality rejections they're gonna give my titles.
I haven't had a huge issue with Customer Service..

Its not great, but I've had my order canceled within 12 hours and I've had a question answered about the release date of Prototype, however it took about 48 hours.

I was also charged the quoted amount for my original purchase of 44.77, the price after trades.

It hasn't been absolutely terrible for me personally, but its definitely something I'm not going to do EVER again.

[quote name='xfade']Here's an update with my situation:

Spun.com charged me the full amount of my order (when it shouldn't have)

I disputed the charge with my bank and they fixed me up.

Spun.com contacted me about having shipped the items.

So now I gotta go through with trading with this shady little operation, and I'll fill you guys in with how many BS quality rejections they're gonna give my titles.[/QUOTE]

Make sure to document your games, take some pictures or even movies. Turns out my high-def camera can see blemishes on my games 10x better than me. I'm only shipping two discs, the rest are complete DS games (praying that there is no way they can dispute a cartridge), but I took at least ten pictures of each at different angles, so when things inevitably blow up in my face, I at least have a tiny bit of security knowing that I can recognize what gets sent back to me as mine.
[quote name='RandomRudy']I got the same email, but i had canceled the same order the day i set the order...their customer service or lack of is really frustrating. I emailed them 3-4 times a day for them to cancel the whole thing and this happens! now ill have 2 copies of infamous and no way to return it to spun without taking a massive hit[/QUOTE]

Why would you e-mail them 3-4 times a day? The site says specifically not to clog their mailbox with your shit :lol:

Well all these double charges, and more expensive charges are getting me worried. I better check out a statement from my bank. Hopefully my transaction doesn't get FUBAR'd

EDIT: Apparently my copy of inFAMOUS has been shipped according to the site. It was backordered a few hours ago when I initially checked on my order today. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing, haha.
Well, my copy of inFamous also shipped out 2 days AFTER I had sent them an email asking them to cancel my order, based upon the comments on here. Had the $1 charge appear and disappear from account, and thankfully they haven't billed me the entire total. They even have a notice like this on their site:

We never charge for an order until it's been made as complete as possible. If an item needs to be canceled from the order, we'll change the order total BEFORE we charge your card.

All I know is this is more than likely the last time dealing with them. Their trade-in prices on some items are hard to beat, unfortunately. Too bad the whole experience thus far has been middling to negative. Maybe once the game arrives and the trades go thru, it'll all be kosher. But who knows?
Another pair o' questions:

Has anybody actually mailed in their trades and gotten a response from them yet?

And did you use your own box/their shipping label from the website? There's no way the dozen items I'm trading will fit in the box they mail inFamous out in.
i emailed on tuesday about getting my order canceled as well, but instead of canceling they sent me a shipping notification at 2am this morning, with a "sorry it's been shipped" email immediately after. grrrrrrr.
Mine shipped today too... I'm really worried about my trade-ins... my Mario Kart DS, DMC4, College Hoops 2K7 (got for $5), and DMC (Greatest Hits)... they better not knock down my trade-in values...
I placed three orders last Saturday: Ghostbusters (Blu-ray), Prototype (PS3) and Ghostbusters (PS3). For each order, I chose to trade-in several items; as I had never purchased from Spun, I decided to only send the first batch of trades, which were all CDs.

I sent the trades on Saturday and I just received an e-mail from Spun that they received my trades. It should be noted that I only live about an hour from Chicago, so that probably explains the quick turn around time. They provide a full rundown of everything received and the credit given for each item.

I sent in 31 CD's, of those six were reduced for scratching and one was not accept due to "heavy" scratching. They're pretty tough on their grading policy, there's no doubt about that; I looked at each disc before I entered them on the website and there may have been a surface scratch or two on some of the discs, but a 75% reduction in trade value seems a little steep to me. I can't comment on the condition of the rejected disc, as I may not have checked that one, it was a last minute addition.

For any item that they reject, they offer to send back to you for a $4.00 shipping or for free if you order a used item within 30 days. I might order a used DVD or something and have the rejected disc sent back to see what their definition of "heavy" scratching is.

All-in-all, after the reductions I'll get Ghostbusters (Blu-ray) and $24.21 sent to PayPal as opposed to the movie and $34.32 to PayPal. No real complaints, but they are tough on trades...the bright side is that if you order anything used from them, it should be in mint like condition. Now that I know how they grade, I will take a second look at the items I'm trading to see if there are any scratches at all on those items, if so, I'll probably just keep them instead of getting 25% of the original estimate.
Yeah, just so you guys know, I just received one used game i ordered. Hot Shots 3, it's in mint condition. I guarantee only the absolutely best games cds or dvds you're sending in are in this good of condition.
Wow, I got my order today. I ordered just a couple days ago. And they charged teh right amount taking my trade in's. I dunno about some of the bad luck you guys have buty I ended up with six games for an average of $20 including Infamous, Patapon 2, Steal princess, Knights in Knightmare, Shin Megami DS, and Indiana Jones Wii.
Finally decided to give in, shipped my games this morning and now I can finally stop worrying about it. Sent in at least $30 worth of DS games, so I can at least keep my shipping.

I'll return when I get my quotes. :D

Either way, Prototype and KOFXII for $22 each is a pretty good deal.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Wow, I got my order today. I ordered just a couple days ago. And they charged teh right amount taking my trade in's. I dunno about some of the bad luck you guys have buty I ended up with six games for an average of $20 including Infamous, Patapon 2, Steal princess, Knights in Knightmare, Shin Megami DS, and Indiana Jones Wii.[/QUOTE]

I'm glad it worked out for somebody. If you really want to try your luck, trade with them again. Lol.

[quote name='helmet']Finally decided to give in, shipped my games this morning and now I can finally stop worrying about it. Sent in at least $30 worth of DS games, so I can at least keep my shipping.

I'll return when I get my quotes. :D

Either way, Prototype and KOFXII for $22 each is a pretty good deal.[/QUOTE]

I don't think you should have a problem with DS carts. That would be crazy.

OT, but I'm pretty psyched about Prototype too!! :bouncy:
I received an e-mail just before from Spun apologizing for InFamous being on backorder. They said they located more stock from another distributor and because of the wait, they gave me another $10 in credit for a future purchase.

That was pretty nice of them.
[quote name='Spun CS']Hi!

We are contacting you regarding your recent order with Spun.com.

We wanted to let you know that the Pre-order game, Infamous, is listed as backordered with our primary distributor. We have been able to locate additional copies at another distributor and your order is on its way.

We understand that this delay may have caused you an inconvenience so we have placed a $10 credit in your Spun account which you can use towards a future order.

Thanks for shopping at Spun.com!

[email protected]
www.spun.com - The Entertainment Exchange
I am decidedly less confident about my order now... It did not include Infamous.

EDIT: Popped an email off to customer service, will report back if/when I hear anything.
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Spun.com shipped out Sacred 2: Fallen Angel (PS3) with e-mail/delivery confirmation. They haven't even charged my debit card a SINGLE penny, and I didn't even ship out the games yet.
Got my games yesterday, so that's cool. Now here's the moment of doom or glory sending my games in. I should be OK with at least 8 out of my 10 games. All have manuals and box art. I'll update with results.
bread's done