Square Enix Fail

[quote name='Halo05']Agreed. The general macho banter in some shooters is annoying but it's generally drowned out by the shooting, dodging, killing, etc. that is occuring at the same time. With a cut scene like that, you just have to sit there and soak in it.[/quote]

This cutscene makes Rico talking about Garza's mom look like an Oscar worthy performance. To quote Calculon "That was so bad, I think it gave me cancer"
I'm with you on SE sucking the big one, but I think this gen has great RPG's, they're just not coming from SE lol.

Tales of Vesperia was good. I thought the voice-acting was a little TOO exaggerated but it was more in sync with older RPG's than anything. you can't say SNES/PS1 had better RPG's, when Lunar came out on Saturn and later on PSX and it had the same type of voice acting.

Lost Odyssey is good, Mass Effect is good, Star Ocean is okay (I expected more out of it, and I definitely didn't expect freezing).

SE on the other hand. Don't even get me started.

And no, the head of Square and the head of Enix disappearing won't fix the problem. Sakaguchi has been long gone (He made Blue Dragon on the 360).
I think the Square-Enix merge didn't help at all. Instead now the company has too many titles to focus on rather than a few to put the resources into. I'm sure Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts (if that even comes out this decade) will be top notch.....but the rest will go basically unnoticed.

Plaing this game right now....had no idea Square was partly responsable for it ...
Super Mario RPG
[quote name='heavyd853']You're all going to buy FFXIII, don't lie.[/quote]
I'm not going to buy an interactive manga.
[quote name='naes']I'm not going to buy an interactive manga.[/quote]

I find that statement offensive. Everybody knows that interactive mangas have more gameplay then Square Enix stuff nowadays. REPENT FOR YOUR FALLACIES!
Honestly this game sounds pretty weak, so if you don't own a PC or 360, I don't think you're missing that much.

Be glad you've got the actually good Valkyrie Chronicles whose name I can't spell!

I do wonder what this means for their use of the Unreal Engine though. I thought it seemed kind of weird they were supposedly switching to it. I mean Square has ALWAYS had really strong engines, all the way back to the NES. I assume the White Engine, at least when running on its native Playstation 3, would be-well probably a lot better than the Unreal Engine, at least for the types of games they make.

I mean their engine on the Playstation 2 could do characters that were actually more or less on par with most current generation games, frankly. They looked good, could emote, etc. Current gen can do *MUCH* better, but most games don't.
Have any of the recent FF DS games turned out decent? I've seen a ton of them lately and kind of hesitated to touch any of them for fear of playing total crap.
Personally I hate the art style. I like what they did with Final Fantasy 1 and 2 on the PSP, where they look and sound like super versions of the originals. They did SUCH a great job with that. I prefer the original graphics to the low-end 3D they did in the DS.

Apparently they're fine though, since people buy them. I tried FF3, but I hated how slow it was to enter battles, and just didn't feel like going through it. I would have really preferred it gotten the same treatment as 1 and 2. (Not to mention gotten a Playstation release too.)
Oh I've already gone through FF3 and 4 on the DS (and I did enjoy going through them), but yea, I would've preferred them be remade just like FF1&2, those were so awesome it was the first time I actually went through FF1 and was just engrossed in it the whole time.

I meant the other ones like FFTA2, Rings of whatever, and all those other FF titles.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Have any of the recent FF DS games turned out decent? I've seen a ton of them lately and kind of hesitated to touch any of them for fear of playing total crap.[/quote]

They are great. FFIII is awesome.
Oh, gotcha. personally I thought they were all pretty bad. I don't like Final Fantasy Tactics though. Probably well worth if if you're a fan though.

I played Ring of Fate recently, and started off liking it, but...I can't remember. Probably got frustrating, or just repetitive.

I'm actually not sure I've liked anything from Square/Enix since the Final Fantasy remakes on the PSP and Final Fantasy 12 (I mean the real Final Fantasy 12, not the hideous DS spin off).
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']And yeah, that scene is goofy but I don't see it as any worse than the testosterone fueled BS spouted in games like Gears of War or Halo.[/quote]

You can't be serious...

Anyways, OP you fail for choosing that terrible font. I forgive you for referencing that hilarious rap battle however.

Your failure aside, wasn't The Last Remnant supposed to be, as many have already said, mediocre? Maybe Square Enix is doing you a favor.

And to that other guy saying this gen has been terrible for RPG's, Mass Effect and Fallout 3 bro. I can't comment on most of the JRPG's as I haven't played them or haven't opened my copies yet, but Eternal Sonata was really fucking good and all I played was the demo.
Yeah, Mass Effect was awesome. We've got Alpha Protocol coming up, Mass Effect 2, Fable 2, Fallout 3, Lost Odyssey, Final Fantasy 13 will probably be good, Bioshock (and its sequel and Deus Ex 3), Dragon Age, etc.
[quote name='lolwut?']You can't be serious...
Very serious. While SO4 does annoy me at times, a lot of the time I find it cute.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Very serious. While SO4 does annoy me at times, a lot of the time I find it cute.[/QUOTE]

Okay, I had to watch that clip to see what the fuss was about, and I'm sorry but I'm 100% with the other guy. I mean I know the dialog in the typical FPS is bad, and Gears is about as complex as an episode of G.I. Joe, but OH MY GOSH. That clip from Star Ocean or whatever it is is...I mean every part of that is so wrong I can't believe it. Someone actually animated that, voice acted it, wrote it. EVERY ONE OF THEM should haven known how hideous that was.

I mean unless it's TRYING to be stupid beyond belief...

And someone earlier mentioned Lunar-I'm sorry but Lunar is nothing like that. You can like or not like it, but it is NOTHING like that scene there.

It's funny, but paaaainful :D

I don't know, other than Sakaguchi, I kind of feel like the Japanese don't know how to make an RPG (I'm sure there are tons of exceptions I'm not thinking of) but...Mass Effect...and then that?!? Wow.

Okay, I'm trying to make it through the rest of that clip...and that makes episodes of Sonic X look good :hot: That makes Indiana Jones 4's script look brilliant.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Have any of the recent FF DS games turned out decent? I've seen a ton of them lately and kind of hesitated to touch any of them for fear of playing total crap.[/QUOTE]

FFIV and FF tactics A2 are amazing. FFCC got some decent review.
bread's done