Stan Winston - Dead

[quote name='pimpinc333']Stan Winston.[/quote]

OK, by clicking on the link I see he was some sort of special effects guy or something. Oh well, R.I.P.
A damn shame. Truly a legend in the film industry, right up there with Ray Harryhausen and Rick Baker.

He's done lots of movies and plenty of big-name movies, and with CGI taking over more and more, I think artists like him are going to be getting fewer in films.
[quote name='javeryh']OK, by clicking on the link I see he was some sort of special effects guy or something. Oh well, R.I.P.[/QUOTE]

If you really wanted to know who he was, you could have just Googled him, so forgive me for thinking this ("Some kind of special effects guy or something. Oh well.") sounds more than a little bit dismissive.
Looking up his list of work, gotta say he has had a hand in a lot of films i've liked over the years, heck guy even did something in Roots, RIP
[quote name='trq']If you really wanted to know who he was, you could have just Googled him, so forgive me for thinking this ("Some kind of special effects guy or something. Oh well.") sounds more than a little bit dismissive.[/quote]
Not everyone cares if someone they don't know personally dies.
[quote name='javeryh']OK, by clicking on the link I see he was some sort of special effects guy or something. Oh well, R.I.P.[/quote]

holy crap! This is the guy behind some major non-computer generated special effects as seen in the Terminator movies, Jurassic park, Aliens, Iron Man and so on. This is horrible news. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. :cry:
Damn, this sucks. Stan Winston has done the special effects works for so many great films, and has created many iconic creatures. He will be missed.

Do we know what he died from?
[quote name='Rusty Ghia']Do we know what he died from?[/QUOTE]


Winston died at his home in Malibu surrounded by family on Sunday evening after a seven-year struggle with multiple myeloma, according to a representative from Stan Winston Studio.
This is bullshit. This guy is someone that should never be able to die. This guy has always made cg look like crap to me. Well in some ways.
[quote name='Poor2More']How do you guys know who a SPECIAL EFFECTS guy is???? i must be out of the loop[/QUOTE]

He was one of the best.

It's the same as if Tom Savini died tomorrow.
[quote name='myxyplik']You people who say "who cares about Stan Winston?" either just don't like movies or haven't seen too many good ones. Stan Winston was a legend who'll be missed.

I was going to post a Hulu clip from Aliens, but it doesn't look like it's possible. So here's the link instead. Thanks for the memories, Stan![/quote]

Stan Winston was one of the founding fathers of modern day special effects.

I hope the an issue of Cinefex pays tribute to him.
[quote name='Koggit']Who had honestly heard of the guy before he died?

People I've never heard of die every second.[/quote]

OK, we get it. You guys don't know who he was. Move on.

[quote name='Xevious']Stan Winston is a God among special effects types. His company is here in Berkeley, CA.[/quote]

The only person I think can even come close to his work is Phil Tippitt (sp?)
[quote name='ITDEFX']The only person I think can even come close to his work is Phil Tippitt (sp?)[/quote]

You know what...I made a mistake. Phil Tippett Studios is here in Berkeley. Stan Winston studios is in Van Nuys, CA

Sorry about that!
[quote name='keithp']Sad day for movie fans indeed. He was a true pioneer in special effects.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't have said it better myself.

CGI might be the present & future of Special Effects, but they'll never really match what Winston could do with props and whatnot in real life.
He was THE special effects guy. I'm shocked so many people never heard of him. Along with people like John Williams, he's one of the few who work behind the scenes and has their name known for it. Look him up on IMDB and you'll see one of the most impressive list of movies anybody on that entire site could have in their bio.

The true sadness of this is not so much his death, but that the craft he dominated is being obliterated by generally inferior CGI. Tangible is always more effective than greenscreened. Computer generated creatures are not scary. Watch Aliens when Hicks climbs up to peek over the ceiling tiles. Case closed.
Shit I didnt know he did some with ironman and now I see he was working on terminator 4. So I wonder what is going on with that now. It is sad that the world lost Stan Winston and that everything is going to end up going to cg.
bread's done