Star Ocean 4 coming to the PS3 in 2010 (02/04/10 in Japan).


They're porting Star Ocean 4 for the PS3. A director's cut on top of it.

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[quote name='Saint Noir']I've not played the series at all, but find this interesting. I will definitely keep an eye on it. Any fans of the series?[/QUOTE]

4 is probably the worst one.
Not a fan either in all honesty. Square sucks ass this generation. FROM SOFTWARE is superior to Square now.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Poor microsoft Sony cannot keep any exclusives =([/QUOTE]

Fixed that for ya. ;)

Personally, I've enjoyed multiplatform games on my PS3 far more than I've enjoyed any of the exclusive ones.

I'm just now getting into Demon's Souls, since I made a Royal character and the Soul Arrow makes some of the battles SO much easier.
Finally. I own both systems but I find it kind of BS that 360 gets Gears, Halo, Mass Effect and other great games and Playstation has to share theirs. Metal Gear Solid Rising, Grand Theft Auto IV, Final Fantasy XIII.. all games started on the Playstation and now have moved consoles. I think it's crappy that Sony doesn't get any deals and only Microsoft.
[quote name='JoeyDemon138']Finally. I own both systems but I find it kind of BS that 360 gets Gears, Halo, Mass Effect and other great games and Playstation has to share theirs. Metal Gear Solid Rising, Grand Theft Auto IV, Final Fantasy XIII.. all games started on the Playstation and now have moved consoles. I think it's crappy that Sony doesn't get any deals and only Microsoft.[/QUOTE]

Well, if Sony would actually grease a few palms, (like Microsoft did to get the GTAIV DLC that's exclusive) then I could see game developers actually changing their minds and making some stuff for the PS3.

But Sony thinks that it should be on principle that these companies that're just trying to make a profit(same as them) should remain loyal and keep their IP's on Sony's machine.

If you were making a game and one of the console manufacturers offered to give you money to make some content JUST for them, would you say no? You have to think of it that way.

I know if I were in the same position as Rockstar(Rockstar's parent company Take Two is in financial trouble and was almost taken over by EA) I would say 'show me the money' and make some exclusive stuff for whatever company would pay me for it.

That's what it's going to come down to in time I'm sure, is who has the most marketshare and who is willing to pay devs to make stuff for their console. If Sony balks, I see more IP's going for the 360.
[quote name='JoeyDemon138']Finally. I own both systems but I find it kind of BS that 360 gets Gears, Halo, Mass Effect and other great games and Playstation has to share theirs. Metal Gear Solid Rising, Grand Theft Auto IV, Final Fantasy XIII.. all games started on the Playstation and now have moved consoles. I think it's crappy that Sony doesn't get any deals and only Microsoft.[/QUOTE]

God of War? Ratchet and Clank? Killzone? Uncharted?

There's not much to complain about, both systems have their own games.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']God of War? Ratchet and Clank? Killzone? Uncharted?

There's not much to complain about, both systems have their own games.[/QUOTE]

That they do. Personally, I've preferred the multiplatform games more than the exclusive ones though.
me and my wife loved 3. the whole reason i got a xbox 360 was for star ocean 4 so me and my wife could play through it. I get the game home and its a 1 player game. Anger disappointment... grr...
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']God of War? Ratchet and Clank? Killzone? Uncharted?

There's not much to complain about, both systems have their own games.[/QUOTE]

I know that, it just depresses me that Sony isn't running their company right. Sony is losing BIG exclusive titles. MGS, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, those were games that made a playstation worth every penny.

I wonder how the 360 is going to be able to handle the new MGS game though because it's supposedly maxed out a blu-ray disc. I heard that if it were on the 360, it would have equalled like 5 discs o-O. I also heard that the 360 is planning on getting a blu-ray drive so idk.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Well, if Sony would actually grease a few palms, (like Microsoft did to get the GTAIV DLC that's exclusive) then I could see game developers actually changing their minds and making some stuff for the PS3.

But Sony thinks that it should be on principle that these companies that're just trying to make a profit(same as them) should remain loyal and keep their IP's on Sony's machine.

If you were making a game and one of the console manufacturers offered to give you money to make some content JUST for them, would you say no? You have to think of it that way.

I know if I were in the same position as Rockstar(Rockstar's parent company Take Two is in financial trouble and was almost taken over by EA) I would say 'show me the money' and make some exclusive stuff for whatever company would pay me for it.

That's what it's going to come down to in time I'm sure, is who has the most marketshare and who is willing to pay devs to make stuff for their console. If Sony balks, I see more IP's going for the 360.[/QUOTE]

No, i know that =P. I'm just expressing my anger towards Sony at their actions. They need to get it together because as of the moment, the gamer favorite is the 360. The PS3 is doing about the same if not better in sales though.

How you might ask?

Well the 360 came out I believe November 22, 2005. It has like 30million sales worldwide. The PS3 came out a whole year late on November 11, 2006. It's worldwide sales are at like 23million. That's definitly impressive. I'm just surprised that the Xbox got so big so fast. They'll be squeezing all that's left out of Master Chief until fans turn (which i doubt.. at least for now).
[quote name='Paco']They're porting Star Ocean 4 for the PS3. A director's cut on top of it.


Sony got a port of Eternal Sonata also. How does it show that SE is losing money to Xbox?
[quote name='Paco']They're porting Star Ocean 4 for the PS3. A director's cut on top of it.



The fact that it's called "Star Ocean 4: INTERNATIONAL" hopefully means that it'll have English voice-overs for importers.
[quote name='JoeyDemon138']I know that, it just depresses me that Sony isn't running their company right. Sony is losing BIG exclusive titles. MGS, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, those were games that made a playstation worth every penny.


But really only Final Fantasy was a Sony console exclusive, but it was a Nintendo exclusive before that. And FF7, 8, 9 and 11 were all on the PC. RE 1 - 4 were on Nintendo consoles and the pc and MGS games appeared on the Gamecube, Xbox and PC.

What I'm saying is that the only games that anyone should ever consider permanent exclisives would be the games developed by the console makers themselves. And now with development costs so high, I wouldn't expect any third party big name series to be exclusive to any one company.
Can the console wars stay out of any threads. Who cares if the game you want is coming out on both, it means everyone can play it, and sony first party studios are putting out plenty of great games (in fact most games that I own are first party I think).

I liked both SO 2 and 3 (yes maybe I'm nuts). Although if this isn't a good bit better I don't know that I'll play (or buy) it. A shame they don't have some kind of online co-op.
[quote name='JoeyDemon138']No, i know that =P. I'm just expressing my anger towards Sony at their actions. They need to get it together because as of the moment, the gamer favorite is the 360. The PS3 is doing about the same if not better in sales though.

How you might ask?

Well the 360 came out I believe November 22, 2005. It has like 30million sales worldwide. The PS3 came out a whole year late on November 11, 2006. It's worldwide sales are at like 23million. That's definitly impressive. I'm just surprised that the Xbox got so big so fast. They'll be squeezing all that's left out of Master Chief until fans turn (which i doubt.. at least for now).[/QUOTE]

Honestly, the hardcore fans will NEVER usually abandon a game series, no matter how rehashed it becomes(look at Street Fighter, for example), so they know they have eternal fans of Halo that'll buy every incarnation of the game and pay full price for them too.

Now me, on the other hand, since I joined CAG I think I've paid full price for maybe 5-6 games in 4 years and those purchases were pretty spread out. Although three of those purchases were within the last year or so(LBP, GTAIV and Mercs 2, though 2 of those 3 were from cheap credit).

As to why the 360 became so big so quickly, look at it this way, Microsoft completely abandoned the original Xbox as soon as the 360 came out. I believe the last game for it was Madden 09. So those who loved the original Xbox jumped on board with the 360 and those who wanted the games it was/is getting bought one as well.

If not for the hardware issues, I would've been a 360 owner and not a PS3 owner this gen, since it seems like the 360 is getting most of the games I want anyway. The only one that would've had me also wanting a PS3 would be God Of War III, but that's going to be a clearance buy for me this time around. I hated the ending to part 2 and I refuse to pay full price for part 3 since I feel like part two was a major middle finger to those not yet ready to upgrade to a PS3, as if to say 'ha ha you wanna see how this ends, buy a PS3'.

Don't get me wrong, it was a shrewd marketing move on their part, but if the third part isn't the 'best game evar' there's going to be alot of pissed off PS3 owners.
I think Sony seems like the smarter company this gen with their strategy. They have stuck to their guns of not paying third parties and focusing all their money on first party development which at the end of the day seems to be the only exclusives. This is now starting to show it's upside with so many 360 so called exclusives coming to ps3, not just games but dlc also. Not only that but the PS3 version turns out to be superior in most cases because of the extra development time. Even though they don't pay 3rd parties they've still gotten great 3rd party exclusives. People forget that Insomniac and Sucker Punch are 3rd party so through them sony has gotten ratchet and clank series, resistance series, infamous. Then theirs Valkyria Chronicles, Yakuza, Disgaea, oh and of course a little game called Metal Gear Solid 4, last I checked thats not on 360, and coming soon FFVersusXIII, FFXIV, Yakuza 4, and Agent.
I'm sure if the GTAIV DLC suddenly shows up on PS3, Sony and Rockstar are going to have a nice lawsuit courtesy of Microsoft to contend with.

As for PS3 versions of games being better, if you mean the visuals(as in how purdy a game is) then who cares? A game is meant to be played, not gawked at because of how beautiful it is.

Besides which, there have been comparisons of some multiplatform titles(Ghostbusters was one, I believe) which have shown that the PS3 versions are actually the crappier version of the 2 or 3 out.

As I've said for a while, loyalty is for suckers, if third party companies were smart they'd be trying to get their games into as many hands as possible to get the most back for the money they've put out to develop them.
Big surprise there. Square Enix just follows the money this generation and game quality comes a distant second. Maybe the Director's Cut will be better than the original, but it sure as shit did not help SO3.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I'm sure if the GTAIV DLC suddenly shows up on PS3, Sony and Rockstar are going to have a nice lawsuit courtesy of Microsoft to contend with.


Well R* is releasing the Ballad of Gay Tony + the first DLC on a retail disc next month.

What's to stop them from releasing this same retail product for the PS3?

If the deal with MS is for DLC, well this isn't DLC, it's a retail product.

I think we will see these GTA IV expansions for the PS3 on a retail disc. Maybe not the same day Gay Tony hits the 360, but maybe early next year?
Apparently this one will be import-friendly:

Updates includes:
- Both Japanese and English voices
- Improved targetting in battles
- Improved menus and interface
- New Characters
I don't know what is up with Square this generation but all they have been making are so-so and crappy games. I was excited for SO4 since I really enjoyed the first 3 but damn 4 really sucked. I don't know if I will even give the PS3 version a chance, it depends on how much they really "improve it".
[quote name='Puffa469']Well R* is releasing the Ballad of Gay Tony + the first DLC on a retail disc next month.

What's to stop them from releasing this same retail product for the PS3?

If the deal with MS is for DLC, well this isn't DLC, it's a retail product.

I think we will see these GTA IV expansions for the PS3 on a retail disc. Maybe not the same day Gay Tony hits the 360, but maybe early next year?[/QUOTE]

So essentially, you think they'll try and bring it over to PS3 on a technicality, huh? Personally, I wouldn't pay more than $5 per episode for DLC, since to me it's just ridiculous to pay so much for add-on crap. But that's just me, I guess.
Multiplatform games = everybody wins. I wish every game was multiplat. Why would anyone begrudge someone else the chance to play a game that they enjoyed?
Precisely. But yet people always whine about 'waaaa we lost an exclusive game to Shitbox 360'. It can never be 'cool now more people will be able to play this game and we can ALL enjoy it'.

Favoritism/fanboyism crap sucks. Period.
[quote name='Paco']Not a fan either in all honesty. Square sucks ass this generation. FROM SOFTWARE is superior to Square now.[/QUOTE]

I really wish Ninja Blade would be released for PS3 ... then I would sell my Xbox:bomb:
Thanks for the news. My friend is a big fan of the Star Ocean series. He has 2 copies of Star Ocean Second Story (PSX version and PSP version) as an indication. :D So he probably would go for this version also given it has some additions. He does already have the Xbox360 version of this game, but hasn't even played it yet... too backlogged on games I guess. :D
I'm a big fan of JRPGs, but I've heard the gaem sucks so I won't be buying until it gets to $20 range and has been improved.
Normally I dont have a problem with switching disc but Star Ocean had one of the worst system since Legend of Dragoon
[quote name='62t']Normally I dont have a problem with switching disc but Star Ocean had one of the worst system since Legend of Dragoon[/QUOTE]

You do know it's been called Legend of CRAPPOON since it came out right? DO NOT CALL IT BY ITS NAME.
[quote name='62t']Normally I dont have a problem with switching disc but Star Ocean had one of the worst system since Legend of Dragoon[/QUOTE]

Hopefully, Blu-ray solves that!

I was putting off this game (360) until I acquired an HDTV. It was too difficult to read on my SD. It seems like I may just have a ps3 and HDTV by the time this gets stateside. So I am pretty excited.

I am a huge fanboy of SO1/SO2 (I even played SO3 twice!) but even I have to admit that I have never seen a story worse than SO3. There is no way SO4 can be worse than SO3. Just no way.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I'm sure if the GTAIV DLC suddenly shows up on PS3, Sony and Rockstar are going to have a nice lawsuit courtesy of Microsoft to contend with.

As for PS3 versions of games being better, if you mean the visuals(as in how purdy a game is) then who cares? A game is meant to be played, not gawked at because of how beautiful it is.

Besides which, there have been comparisons of some multiplatform titles(Ghostbusters was one, I believe) which have shown that the PS3 versions are actually the crappier version of the 2 or 3 out.

As I've said for a while, loyalty is for suckers, if third party companies were smart they'd be trying to get their games into as many hands as possible to get the most back for the money they've put out to develop them.[/QUOTE]
Nope, I didn't mean that at all. I'm talking about more content and bug fixes. Bioshock had an extra difficulty level and some exclusive dlc, Ninja Gaiden 2 will have co-op, new playable characters, and they say they'll fix all the annoying bugs that couldn't be taken out of the xbox version cause they had to release it before mgs4. Eternal Sonata has changes to the story and new mission (not completely sure of that one). I can almost guarantee that gta iv dlc is a timed exclusive. I'm gonna say 6 months after the ballad of gay tony comes out they announce it for ps3. Personally I wouldn't pay 2 cents for that dlc cause gta iv was absolute crap. I don't see how you can connect the price of something to it being digitally distributed. If they took months of development time and the game takes 20 hours to complete, adds new online modes, and you enjoy it, then why should it be limited to 5 dollars just cause it's a download. Should Siren be 5 dollars because it's a download even though it's a full retail game?
Ah, so it's finally official. I don't really follow this series, but I'd heard a lot of people suspecting it would be ported to PS3 eventually, guess they were right.
[quote name='62t']Normally I dont have a problem with switching disc but Star Ocean had one of the worst system since Legend of Dragoon[/QUOTE]
Just out of curiosity what was wrong with it?
[quote name='jrsmaster411']Nope, I didn't mean that at all. I'm talking about more content and bug fixes. Bioshock had an extra difficulty level and some exclusive dlc, Ninja Gaiden 2 will have co-op, new playable characters, and they say they'll fix all the annoying bugs that couldn't be taken out of the xbox version cause they had to release it before mgs4. Eternal Sonata has changes to the story and new mission (not completely sure of that one). I can almost guarantee that gta iv dlc is a timed exclusive. I'm gonna say 6 months after the ballad of gay tony comes out they announce it for ps3. Personally I wouldn't pay 2 cents for that dlc cause gta iv was absolute crap. I don't see how you can connect the price of something to it being digitally distributed. If they took months of development time and the game takes 20 hours to complete, adds new online modes, and you enjoy it, then why should it be limited to 5 dollars just cause it's a download. Should Siren be 5 dollars because it's a download even though it's a full retail game?[/QUOTE]

Hell yeah. Aside from ONE of my PSN games(Spyro PS1 classic), I haven't paid more than $5 for ANY DLC, be it a game, a theme or whatever.

For the longest time I had a photo of Robin Meade:drool: that I copied/pasted from the net for free and sent myself on AOL/AIM that I copied to my PS3 as my background/desktop.

Why should I pay for themes and other shit when there's plenty of interesting items out there that you can use as one without shelling out a cent?

I had a Transformers lithograph copied/pasted to my PS3 background for the longest time, but that thing was too fuckin' 'busy', it was making my eyes bug out looking at it.

As for me, I agree with you that GTA IV was total crap. They butchered the controls(made it like the XBox last gen games), made a lean towards 'realism'(yet they had a giant beating heart in the Statue Of Happiness, who looked suspiciously like Hillary Clinton holding a coffee cup btw)and just kept in lotsa crap that I couldn't STAND in San Andreas.

Yet I find myself playing the online still, but that's because my friends play it regularly still. If not for that, I would've left my two SE copies I got from Blockbuster for $30 each(originally $90 each) sealed.
This and that other Tales game are going to piss off a lot of Japanese gamers who bought 360's just to play JRPG exclusives. Isn't there already a petition to Namco for the upcoming port that was exclusive to 360?
bread's done