Star Ocean: First Depature - Out Now!

[quote name='fatbeer']Is that the place after you beat the pirate and set sail to new continent? My save file is bit after that. I'm in the next city with the arena. I think I have another save near the pirate boss.

Here is save file if you want it.[/quote]
Awesome man, thanks.

You're right where I was at... same level and everything else is similar. Looks like you even went through the cave, which I had skipped by taking the river boat up.
are you
running CFW? if so thats gotta be running at 333, i had some slow down going at default speed.

I don't recall the rules on its mention, so I'm playing it safe.
yeah, just set it the speeds to 333 and you should be good. Also if you don't have 5.00 then there's a bug that makes the speed reset to default if you change the light settings, i believe.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Due to it being on sale for $30 at Circuit City, looks like I'm going to Circuit City to buy it today.[/QUOTE]

picked it up today at best buy for 40... going to take ad in tomorrow and get 11 back

Total price 29 bucks (i was driving past this today and will tomorrow so its not going out of my way)

Now to keep it or not that is another question

How good of a game is this


ANY replay vaule

Anyone who has beat it How long is this game... One site says 15 to 20 another says 30 to 40
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[quote name='slidecage']picked it up today at best buy for 40... going to take ad in tomorrow and get 11 back

Total price 29 bucks (i was driving past this today and will tomorrow so its not going out of my way)

Now to keep it or not that is another question

How good of a game is this


ANY replay vaule

Anyone who has beat it How long is this game... One site says 15 to 20 another says 30 to 40[/quote]

at 29 bucks it's freakin worth it.

Not sure about the first one cause my... cartridge kept crashing, but the 2nd game has EIGHTY fucking endings. The time to beat really depends on if you do any cooking or crafting or anything, which, you should. I imagine you can blow through the game quick, but I refuse to.

I still tring to decide whether or not to import the SO2 remake. I don't wanna wait.
Just started playing this and I'm really enjoying it. The music video cut scene before the first menu was a bit over the top but it's all up hill from there.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']at 29 bucks it's freakin worth it.

Not sure about the first one cause my... cartridge kept crashing, but the 2nd game has EIGHTY fucking endings. The time to beat really depends on if you do any cooking or crafting or anything, which, you should. I imagine you can blow through the game quick, but I refuse to.

I still tring to decide whether or not to import the SO2 remake. I don't wanna wait.[/QUOTE]

is that something wrong with your system or is there a major bug in the game that causes the game to crash

Still i found out the game on other sites say its only like 12 to 15 hours long VERY SHORT.... dont know if worth the 29 bucks
[quote name='pete5883']$2 per hour is too expensive for entertainment? Better stay away from the movie theater.[/QUOTE]

i already do : )
[quote name='slidecage']is that something wrong with your system or is there a major bug in the game that causes the game to crash

Still i found out the game on other sites say its only like 12 to 15 hours long VERY SHORT.... dont know if worth the 29 bucks[/QUOTE]

It's 20+ hours depending on how much of the bonus shit you do.
After Playing though Star Ocean: The Second Story years ago on PS1, I've been ready for the original game to be released for us to play. I used to buy up all of the RPGs without reading anything about them much like Xenogears, Grandia, and Legend of the Dragoon so this is awesome getting to play the 1st and 2nd installments of this game on PSP...guess that means more 20-30 minute dumps during work...err..I mean breaks, lol.

I'd say any game that brings me at least 15-20 hours of enjoyment is worth whatever I pay for it...Though I suppose it means less seeing as I normally wait for a used copy or price drop, lol.

I stay away from the theaters as well.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']It's 20+ hours depending on how much of the bonus shit you do.[/QUOTE]

thanks. probally keep it... got it for 29 + tax after price adjustment

bad thing i got so many freaking games i need to stop buying


Dragon quest 4 (just started on 5th chapter)

final fantasy 4 (picked it off ebay for 20 bucks after MSFT cash back)

Spectrobes: Beyond The Portals picked it off ebay for 15 after MSFT almost craped when it came sealed

Disgaea DS still sealed

Izuna 2: the Unemployed Ninja Returns need to beat the final 3 dung.

Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer sealed

and that is just on the DS lol
LoL seems gamefly will be pushing the release date back once again.. they said they have 0 copies of this game and have no clue when it ships...

Man i was going to open this tonight but then popped in RONDO of swords and now im hooked playing that game.... If Masters of monster lair dont come tomorrow i hope to open this up tomorrow and play it..

Got 4 movies coming from netflix tomorrow so i need something to do while im watching some bad moveis : )
[quote name='slidecage']is that something wrong with your system or is there a major bug in the game that causes the game to crash

Still i found out the game on other sites say its only like 12 to 15 hours long VERY SHORT.... dont know if worth the 29 bucks[/quote]

By cartridge i meant
I just didn't want the looks some people give for mentioning that.

Also- How could you not want to open a game the gamefly can't keep on hand?!
Main storyline isn't quite as long, but the extra content in this game is very long. I think max level is around 250. Dammit, I just figure out you can only get a maximum of 8 characters in your party out of the potential 13, so you need multiple play through to get all of them. I don't really mind that at all, but having no game plus or new cycle really sucks.

I hope someone upload all those unique endings to youtube. It looks like a lot of work. No have figure out the private action or battle point scale.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']By cartridge i meant
I just didn't want the looks some people give for mentioning that.

Also- How could you not want to open a game the gamefly can't keep on hand?![/QUOTE]

now that i got my refund coming from rosenqueen for the Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure game i figured i just swapped out that game for star ocean so im keeping it... its just a matter of time when i have time to open it..

probally tonight since im stuck on RONDO of swords Map 29 is a ass kicker stupid team running and getting killed ... and the only people i can control i never used so their levels are like really REALLY low

if nothing happens today i probaly pop in this game tonight *unless my monsterlair from gamefly comes) if that happens then hopefully by this weekend
Max level is 255, like in SO2. Basically this game is SO2's gameplay and shitty voice acting with SO1's storyline and characters. So I love it.
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LoL monster lair came today and now im hooked on that...


Nightland card battles coming by the weekend maybe i wont have time to play this game
You hold your copy of Star Ocean and slide your finger along the tight plastic as if you to peel it off, but then murmur, "Maybe next weekend," as you place it back on the shelf. Isn't that right slidecage?
Can someone tell me if the combat system is based around button mashing or are the different buttons mapped to different attacks? I'm thinking about picking this up since I've been looking for a good RPG for the PSP.
There are two hot keys mapped for different attacks, both left and right shoulders buttons. But for most part it is a button masher. I won a great deal of battles just by jamming the attack button. If you want more variety of attacks, you should lean towards the Tales Series, their combat is more refine and AI is much smarter. I know it's not fair to compare this to recent Tales series ,since this is a remake of 10+ year old game.
Beat the bonus dungeon. Only added a few hours onto the gameplay, about 25 total. I actually wish there was more bonus stuff and/or the bonus dungeon already there was a bit harder, as the deep customization system was somewhat underused by me just cause most of it wasn't necessary.
Finally got this game, and the sequel last friday. The local play n trade finally got copies of them in. So far loving this game. And unlike some others I really like most of the acting (minus the one of Kenny (whatever his first name is) he has a VERY boring and uninteresting voice) Yes, his voice is supposed to be crisp and proper but there are better english voice actors you can get that have crisp and proper ways of speaking like Illich Guardiola. He is an excellent VA who I imagine wouldn't cost too much, and I think he would've made an EXCELLENT whatever his name is.
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I didn't really read through to see what times people had before I finished, but I was quite shocked at how short it was (just under 20 hours for me and I did a few of the optional things). I didn't really use any of the customization stuff either.

Guess I'll try to use the customization stuff when I get around to a second playthrough so I can nab some of the characters I didn't pick up the first time.
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Being 20-25 hrs is actually good news for me. I bought it from the Amazon Lightning Deal for $26 back on Black Saturday and haven't had much time to play it or anything else. Knowing that I might be almost halfway done with the main story gives me more incentive to prioritize finishing Star Ocean over the other games I'm juggling. Too many RPGs are just too long these days.
Bumping this thread since I finally got a copy. I was wondering what were your favorite characters? I'm not far in and I'm thinking of going to an earlier save, so I can try for Erys. A guide labeled her as the best mage in the game. It also said that Millie was the best healer. I think I might prefer a good healer, but I'm not sure.

It's been a year since I played SO: The Second Story, so I forgot about their being conditions to picking up certain team members. I'm trying to plan things out.
[quote name='erehwon']Bumping this thread since I finally got a copy. I was wondering what were your favorite characters? I'm not far in and I'm thinking of going to an earlier save, so I can try for Erys. A guide labeled her as the best mage in the game. It also said that Millie was the best healer. I think I might prefer a good healer, but I'm not sure.

It's been a year since I played SO: The Second Story, so I forgot about their being conditions to picking up certain team members. I'm trying to plan things out.[/QUOTE]

I haven't Star Ocean: The Second Story for awhile. I do remember I have tons and tons of text or spread sheets information for that game. I mainly use them to aid my goal of obtaining all the endings since no one was uploading it on youtube. The problem is the formula is so freaking complication. It seem like no one is even close to crack it. I tried my best, but those freaking invisible friendship/relationship meter is so annoying. I lost count the amount of times I beat the last boss to see if my formula work or not. At least it wasn't all that bad. I did cheat a little. I used one of those hack gamefaqs saves. One of save files you start off with every equipment at beginning of the game. I only did it on my 2+ playthrough since there's no game plus in this game. Plus, it really annoying you can only have 8 party slot. Your bound to miss some endings.

I think I found the information on obtaining all the characters. Quote from guy at gamefaqs. I think it was sticky in that message board.
2. Characters and How to Get Them

Q: How do I get Celine?
A: You will meet her automatically in the town of Cross, and will later get a choice on whether you want her in your party permanently or not.

Q: How do I get Ashton?
A: Play the game up until right before you go to Lacour,
you'll see an old man and a sailor talking in Harley right before you get to the boat.
Talk to them, and they will tell you of a dragon problem in Salva.
Run to Salva then and head to the Salva Drift, head off to the left once your inside and keep going left,
you will eventually encounter Ashton fighting the dragon, and a little later he will ask to join you
because of a 'certain reason'. Note you cannot get Opera if you get Ashton

Q: How do I get Opera?
A: First, make sure you have seen the private action in Cross where you see a three-eyed man, this happens early in the game so don't miss it.
Then after the Lacour Tournament head to Hilton and go to the bar, you'll see a three-eyed woman
and eventually she'll ask you if you've seen the man you saw in Cross,
she will then run off after you tell her yes. You must then go talk to the king back in Cross and ask about her,
the King will say she went to the mountain palace and he will give you access to there along with some money.
Go then to the Mountain Palace and enter it, the guard will let you in now. Head up, then to the left and you will find Opera, and she will join you.
Note you cannot get Ashton if you get Opera.

Q: How do I get Precis?
A: Do a Private Action in Linga, if you are playing as Rena go to the house in the bottom left of the map.
If you are Claude, find Precis up at the item shop where Bowman lives. After a semi-long scene she will ask to join you.

Q: How do I get Bowman?
A: He will ask to join automatically as long as you do not get Precis.

Q: How do I get Ernest?
A: He will join you automatically after the Hoffman Ruins quest if you got Opera,
but only if you went to the forest in Arlia with Opera in your party and saw her crashed ship. If you did not do this, Ernest will never be found.

Q: Welch is in this game? How do you get her?
A: First off, you must get past the "Arms Tournament" part of the game,
as well as have at least four party members in your group.
You then must do a private action in the Lacour Castle Town and you should see her when you head towards the castle.
If you hope to get her though you must do so before staying the night in Bowman's house in Linga, or you most likely won't be able to get her.

Q: How do I get Dias?
A: Play as Rena and he will ask to join later in the game.

Q: How do I get Leon?
A: Play as Claude and he will ask to join permanently later in the game.

Q: How do I get Noel?
A: He will ask to join automatically later in the game.

Q: How do I get Chisato?
A: When you first get to Central City, leave the mayor's building and run to your left, do not go straight.
You will encounter her then. You will then see her several times after that, and then when you are in the Cave of Red Crystal
and you get to an area with a treasure chest that is on a lower level and past a bridged section, go to it and you will see her run by and drop her ID card.
Take this ID card to Central City later and find her in the News Room 3rd floor in the Mayor's building. You can then have her join you there.
[quote name='fatbeer']I haven't Star Ocean: The Second Story for awhile. I do remember I have tons and tons of text or spread sheets information for that game. I mainly use them to aid my goal of obtaining all the endings since no one was uploading it on youtube. The problem is the formula is so freaking complication. It seem like no one is even close to crack it. I tried my best, but those freaking invisible friendship/relationship meter is so annoying. I lost count the amount of times I beat the last boss to see if my formula work or not. At least it wasn't all that bad. I did cheat a little. I used one of those hack gamefaqs saves. One of save files you start off with every equipment at beginning of the game. I only did it on my 2+ playthrough since there's no game plus in this game. Plus, it really annoying you can only have 8 party slot. Your bound to miss some endings.

I think I found the information on obtaining all the characters. Quote from guy at gamefaqs. I think it was sticky in that message board.
I was only referring to SO: the second story since it appears its character recruiting and relationship systems are also in First Departure. I'm trying to figure out what are the better characters to get in First Departure. I really haven't decided much on the relationship part.
[quote name='erehwon']I was only referring to SO: the second story since it appears its character recruiting and relationship systems are also in First Departure. I'm trying to figure out what are the better characters to get in First Departure. I really haven't decided much on the relationship part.[/QUOTE]

I can't help you there. I only play that game in one play through without any sort of research.
bread's done