Star Wars Episodes 4-6 Walmart Exclusives with packed in Graphic Novels 9/12


54 (100%)
Saw this in todays Walmart AD. Eps 4-6 packed in individual large boxes that say "Limited Time Only". The Ep 4 GN looks like the original Marvel run of comics. Ep 5 looks to be an oldschool GN adaptation. And Ep 6 looks to be a Darkhorse GN. The price just says Everyday Low Price and also says ep 1-6 everyday low price. If this is a repost you can delete.

So here are my questions: Will eps 1-3 also come in a package like this with a large GN? But mainly are these the new untouched original release versions that we all heard were coming out? Will there be other versions with extras and a bonus disk? It's a nice package but depending on price I'm not sure...
I thought the re-releases weren't coming out for another couple months. I'm surprised it's already in an ad.
i have to get them for the GNs so i'll probably have to buy each separately i doubt they'll be in a triology box type thing.. (judging from the looks of it.. )
I'm completely passing on this release. Sorry but there is NO excuse for the original versions to be given such a cheap transfer that is NOT Anamorphic.

I highly recommend all of CAG to simply boycott this like I am. Period.
[quote name='Demolition Man']I'm completely passing on this release. Sorry but there is NO excuse for the original versions to be given such a cheap transfer that is NOT Anamorphic.

I highly recommend all of CAG to simply boycott this like I am. Period.[/quote]

Sorry, my friend. My disgust for the tampered version of these movies and desire to see the original versions on dvd outweighs my need for seeing this in a re-mastered / anamorphic release.

(although I'll probably be sorry I said this when I get a super nice hdtv)
[quote name='niceguyshawne']I gotta go with Demo on this one. Pass.[/quote]

I'm willing to pay a premium for at least Return Of The Jedi. ANYTHING is better than the 5-minute song scene he threw in there with that worse-than-Jar-Jar CGI "character" he ruined the movie with. It boils my blood just thinking about it.

FYE still has that $7 rebate going, so they're only $12.99 each AR.
My guess is Wal-Mart will charge $19.8 if it comes with a special deal.
[quote name='Demolition Man']I'm completely passing on this release. Sorry but there is NO excuse for the original versions to be given such a cheap transfer that is NOT Anamorphic.

I highly recommend all of CAG to simply boycott this like I am. Period.[/QUOTE]

Yup. There are several torrent sites on the net that have edited versions of the new DVDs to make them the original movies, albeit with excellent picture and anamorphic transfers, I'll just stick with those "bootlegs" cause they have better picture than this pathetic official release and don't force me to buy something I ALREADY BOUGHT.
[quote name='Maklershed']Sorry, my friend. My disgust for the tampered version of these movies and desire to see the original versions on dvd outweighs my need for seeing this in a re-mastered / anamorphic release.

(although I'll probably be sorry I said this when I get a super nice hdtv)[/QUOTE]

There is absolutely NO excuse why Lucas couldn't spend a little cash and do a proper remastered version of the original versions. By not doing this its telling me as a consumer that he doesn't care about the quality of his own product yet he wants us to buy it regardless. That is why I am outright boycotting this release and I strongly recommend everyone else on CAG to do the same.
Can someone please explain to me why people are pissed about not getting the orginals....

Btw I have never seen any Star Wars movie, ever, so I really would love to know why this version blows compared to the orginals? Also when were the movies redone or why are they different.....

Yeah I know, noob questions, but I would like to buy these but are these new dvds even worth a purchase for a Star Wars noob?
I'm not buying them since I already own the "newer" versions that came out awhile ago. I have no problem with the newer versions and have my old VHS copy incase I ever care enough to watch han shoot first.

Besides you know the HD versions are only going to be here in a few years.
I had the Empire GN when it orignially came out. I imagine the other two are also copies of the originals.

I'm definitely getting these. I'll get all the SW collectibles I possibly can. Besides, I can finally prove to my fiancee that Han shoots first!!
Okay folks the first screenshots from the original version have surfaced...

Here is a sample from the "new" original version DVD.....

In comparison here is a comparison screenshot from the Moth3r Laserdisc transfer....


And for a REAL comparison sake the 2004 SE of the same shot....

[quote name='Demolition Man']I'm completely passing on this release. Sorry but there is NO excuse for the original versions to be given such a cheap transfer that is NOT Anamorphic.

I highly recommend all of CAG to simply boycott this like I am. Period.[/QUOTE]

And you just know they did it on purpose too, cuz they're waiting to remaster them in HD.
Pardon me, but isn't it anamorphic, because all three screenshots above look exactly the same to me.

So wouldn't the screen ratio be correct on this upcoming release? The only extreme downside is that awful blurry quality.
[quote name='Requiem']Pardon me, but isn't it anamorphic, because all three screenshots above look exactly the same to me.

So wouldn't the screen ratio be correct on this upcoming release? The only extreme downside is that awful blurry quality.[/QUOTE]

Shot 1 is from the "new" transfer of the original versions that Fox/Lucas did for the new release. They used the same D1 tapes that they used for the last Laserdisc releases however for this. Its a Letterbox *not* Anamorphic Widescreen transfer as well. The aspect ratio is still correct but however the picture quality is not going to be anywhere near as good as the 2004 SE versions.

Shot 2 is from one of the numerous LD to DVD bootlegs. It looks slightly sharper and a little more detailed compared to Shot 1.

Shot 3 is obviously from the 2004 SE Official DVD release.
so anyone know where you can get 4-6 that are not crappy remastered, but the 2nd release that was remastered ..not the one w/ crappy extras?

Or should I just wait? Anyone know what I should search for title wise? (for the 2nd versioN)?
They could have taken the time to remaster them and make them "Anamorphic" but then if they had, these would no longer be the "original versions" and would not be the way fans originaly viewed them! Some people are just never happy no matter what...
Well technically they could have made it anamorphic and left off the remastering, then they could undisputably be "original versions" while still taking advantage of widescreen TVs.
Honestly, I'm not a Star Wars "purist" or anything. I don't give about whoever shoots first or if I can see Jabba's fat ass jiggling as he moves. All I see in those three comparison shots is that the last one, the SE2004 DVD, looks much better than the rest. I think I'll go ahead and keep mine and skip this release.
What Lucas can't get through his thick skull is that we fans wanted the trilogy without any of the added crap from 97 and beyond. I'm 99% sure there was a copy of the Star Wars trilogy somewhere that wasn't the special edition that they could have restored and put on DVD in a properly mastered, anamorphic copy, but instead they throw the transfers from the Laserdiscs onto DVD, which kills the whole point since those Laserdiscs were already the best transfer of the old trilogy availible already, so it's almost pointless for people that have the laserdiscs to upgrade!

I'm still debating if I'm gonna pick these up, because I do have a desire for the unedited original trilogy on DVD, but now the rumor mill is catching stuff about a big boxset next year for the 30th anniversary of Star Wars, with all six flicks and even more changes to the films (Even the prequels, as I hear they replaced puppet Yoda from Episode 1 with CGI Yoda from the other prequels, although that's a change I like.). I'll probably buy them as a huge Star Wars fan, but I really don't want to find out there's a better version on DVD coming out next year after I do.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']and even more changes to the films (Even the prequels, as I hear they replaced puppet Yoda from Episode 1 with CGI Yoda from the other prequels, although that's a change I like.)[/quote]
Look at Episode III's special features disc, there a feature that includes a clip from Episode I that has the digital Yoda. Honestly, I wouldn't miss the puppet for Episode I cause it looked nothing like the one in the original trilogy. Hopefully he'll cut a lot of the Jar Jar clips out too :).

As for this box set, I'll pass on it. I bought the 2004 box set(not the one released last year w/ no special features disc) a few months ago and that's the only one I'm buying. The only problem I had with it was the Greedo shooting first, other than that, I had no problem with the changing(especially with the Emperor in ESB).

BTW, WTF is with the prices of the box sets? The 2004 release is $55 new anywhere I look, but the one released last year is $35 new.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']I'm still debating if I'm gonna pick these up, because I do have a desire for the unedited original trilogy on DVD, but now the rumor mill is catching stuff about a big boxset next year for the 30th anniversary of Star Wars, with all six flicks and even more changes to the films (Even the prequels, as I hear they replaced puppet Yoda from Episode 1 with CGI Yoda from the other prequels, although that's a change I like.). I'll probably buy them as a huge Star Wars fan, but I really don't want to find out there's a better version on DVD coming out next year after I do.[/QUOTE]

:bomb: Damn George Lucas.
Can Lucas CG Jake Lloyd out of the picture? I'd rather him go than Puppet Yoda. That boy was outacted by a puppet.
looks like Walmart has the best exclusives but the BB tin version looks like the best overall package. I think I'm going with the BB version since these GNs may be able to be purchased somewhere else. Anyone know if these are new printed material just for WM?
bread's done