Star Wars Over Rated?


Star Wars is probably the biggest franchise their is when talking about movies and games. I never watched a star wars movie till today....and boy is this what people dress up and go to conventions for? Spend two months in front of the chinesse theater just to watch it at 12 am? A guy came to the store where I work dressed up as Obi Wan Kenobi and tried to use a credit card im like "Sir Obi Wan who is this Charlie mitchell(cant remmber the name on this credit card)" Pleas I must be missing something here, I really want to enjoy it, Episode 1 is a AVG movie at best(only one I saw so far, scared to watch the others or just to lazy because of the dissapointment that lies ahead. Are people in love with Star wars because of the special effects? because damn that movie has great special effects. Any input of your feelings on the franchise is welcomed.

P.S Darth DEW is better then Episode one well at least I enjoyed it 10x more :)
I knew this thread was coming sooner or later. And I knew it would be a newbie that would start it too.
[quote name='Xevious']I knew this thread was coming sooner or later. And I knew it would be a newbie that would start it too.[/QUOTE]

Im not trying to downplay how good the star wars franchise, I just want to know what Im missing, because EPisode one is not very good.....Should I watch 4,5,6(any better?)
Def. watch 4,5,6 first. Then you'll see what the whole fuss is about. Star Wars kicks ass man...
[quote name='8ballGuy']Im not trying to downplay how good the star wars franchise, I just want to know what Im missing, because EPisode one is not very good.....Should I watch 4,5,6(any better?)[/QUOTE]

Oh I thought you were trying to start a flame war.

Your right, episode 1 did suck ass. Episode 4 is what you should of started with.
[quote name='Xevious']Oh I thought you were trying to start a flame war.

Your right, episode 1 did suck ass. Episode 4 is what you should of started with.[/QUOTE]

Trust me I want to love this franchise like everyone else, and something told me episode one wasent the way to do it
Yep, big mistake starting with Episode 1 (although I am in the minority of people who actually like the newer movies). But you can't beat Episodes 4, 5, and 6. Best sci-fi trilogy ever.
It only becomes overrated when you consider it overrated, just watch the movies and dont become a fanatic then you wont have an opinion on it and wont have the urge to bitch about it on a message board.
Indeed, you watched the wrong one. Phantom Menace is definitely the worst of them all. In fact, I can't imagine watching it without liking Star Wars first...must have been torture.
Star Wars as a whole is overrated...Episodes 4, 5, and 6 aren't as great as people give them credit for. Still though, they are better than the most recent episodes.
[quote name='8ballGuy']Im not trying to downplay how good the star wars franchise, I just want to know what Im missing, because EPisode one is not very good.....Should I watch 4,5,6(any better?)[/QUOTE]

I'm nowhere near a Star Wars fanatic/buff/nerd -- whatever you want to call it -- but I'm really capitvated by the lore behind the Star Wars universe.

I enjoyed Episodes 4, 5, and 6 when I was a kid, but didn't fully appreciate Star Wars until I played the game, "Knights of the Old Republic." Viewing it from a first-person or role-playing perspective, I began to understand the vastness of this universe and the magnitude of the story therein.

After playing through a different era of Star Wars -- set long before the episodes 1-6 take place -- I went back and watched episodes 4, 5, and 6 and soon realized how intricately each story was linked in this never-ending universe. Prequels and sequels galore could be spawned off this single idea.

I'd suggest watching 4, 5, and 6 before 1, 2, and (soon) 3. These movies were the foundation which all previous and forthcoming Star Wars stories would be based. Much of the storyline in 1, 2, and 3 is a huge reference to the trilogy, though it doesn't require you to watch the trilogy first.

If you can get your hands on "The Empire of Dreams" (documentary about the making of episodes 4-6, found in the trilogy box set) I'd suggest watching that after you've seen the trilogy, then move on to episodes 1-3.
yea, you made a huge mistake starting with 1.....1 sucked....4,5,6 are probably the 3 best movies in the history of the world.....go watch 4, 5, and 6 now......2 is excellent as well, but 4, 5, 6 are amazing
I may be a bit picky here, however I do love the English Language.

[quote name='8ballGuy']Star Wars is probably the biggest franchise their is when talking about movies and games.

Their===should be there.

I never watched a star wars movie till today....and boy is this what people dress up and go to conventions for?

Arg. I hate dangling prepositions.

Spend two months in front of the chinesse theater just to watch it at 12 am?

Sentence Fragment... Do you mean, "Do people really spend two months in front of the opening theater just to watch it at 12:00?"

A guy came to the store where I work dressed up as Obi Wan Kenobi and tried to use a credit card im like "Sir Obi Wan who is this Charlie mitchell(cant remmber the name on this credit card)"

He 'tried to use a credit card'? was he unable to figure it out?

Pleas I must be missing something here, I really want to enjoy it, Episode 1 is a AVG movie at best(only one I saw so far, scared to watch the others or just to lazy because of the dissapointment that lies ahead.

Are you actually 'scared' to watch a movie? Why would one be scared to watch a movie based on a prequel or sequel?

Are people in love with Star wars because of the special effects? because damn that movie has great special effects. Any input of your feelings on the franchise is welcomed.

P.S Darth DEW is better then Episode one well at least I enjoyed it 10x more :)[/QUOTE]

Has C.A.G. jumped the shark?
Am I the only person who is completely sick of Star Wars? People would buy dog shit in a box if it was official Star Wars dog shit.
[quote name='wastedyears']Am I the only person who is completely sick of Star Wars? People would buy dog shit in a box if it was official Star Wars dog shit.[/QUOTE]

DOnt talk about Episode 1 like that lol
[quote name='wastedyears']Am I the only person who is completely sick of Star Wars? People would buy dog shit in a box if it was official Star Wars dog shit.[/QUOTE]

I'd have to know more about the box first.
I think if you look back at the special effects and stories movies had back in the 70's it really shows how far ahead Star Wars was. Sometimes franchises are built on special effects (e.g. Jurrasic park, Matrix) but it still had a good story. I was born in 1979 so I vaguely (sp?) remember ep.VI and the marketing for that, but it was enough to be cemented in my memory for this long.
I was never really a big fan of the series but I am more excited now than I ever was about the movies. I saw the original 3 for the first time in 1995 and I kinda felt the same way op did. I actually could not believe the big deal that was made about the re-releases in 1997. I thought what the hell?!? you can own these movies and watch them at home (I love movies but hate the movie theatre)
I did watch ep. 1 after it came to dvd as well as ep. 2 and thought they were just o.k. but after I watched the trailor for ep.3 I got real excited bout the series for some reason. I bought ep. I & II and the trilogy and watched them allthese past 2 weeks and enjoyed them more than I ever thought I would. I guess its one of those things that when it is hyped so much you have super high expectations and naturally it is a disappointment when you see it but when you watch it sometime later you have low expectations and it is pretty good (everybody still with me???----good). I cant wait to see ep. III it looks good and did anybody else notice the PG-13 rating? that surprised me. Sorry for the rant but I am bored.
maybe the op should watch the other movies as every person in 1977 watched the original with no expectations
I dont think anyone today can begin to watch any of the star wars movies. I was started to become a fan in 94 when i was 5 years old. My cousin had the original VHS ones (not the remastered ones) you could see the outlines of the drawings and stuff on the monsters. People today wouldn't accept the crappy effects like that and if they started with Ep. 1 than they dont know what the hell was going on.

Am I the only one who enjoyed Ep 1 more than Ep 2? Ep 2 was atrocious IMO, Ep 1 was actually entertaining somewhat.
[quote name='whiteboy']Am I the only one who enjoyed Ep 1 more than Ep 2? Ep 2 was atrocious IMO, Ep 1 was actually entertaining somewhat.[/QUOTE]

Jar Jar Binks. Nuff said about episode 1.
Most good movies are overrated simply because not everyone will love them. However that doesn't distract from the fact that you are still an idiot.
[quote name='atreyue']Jar Jar Binks. Nuff said about episode 1.[/QUOTE]

Jar Jar Binks = most annoying movie character in any movie......EVER!
The original trilogy is far, far superior to both episodes 1 & 2! The only way to like 1 & 2 is to already like the Star Wars Universe, so see 4-6 and you'll at least enjoy Star Wars.
[quote name='whiteboy']Am I the only one who enjoyed Ep 1 more than Ep 2? Ep 2 was atrocious IMO, Ep 1 was actually entertaining somewhat.[/QUOTE]

I agree, although they both had their downfalls. Ep. 1 had Jar Jar Binks and that annoying little kid who played Anakin and read his lines as if he was a robot. Oh no, wait...that was Natalie Portman. Then Ep. 2 had some pretty bad acting, a less-thrilling storyline, and a non-convincing love story. Hopefully, Ep. 3 will remedy all of these problems.

Overall, however, I did enjoy both movies and don't think they're as horrific as people make them out to be. Sure, they don't compare to the original trilogy, but they're enjoyable nonetheless. Plus, lightsaber duels just rock.
The kids really worship the star wars mythology, and it just shows how hungry they are for a new mythology and ethos to believe in.

It's actually exciting - these kids are more fanatic about star wars then most of the people who goto church grumbling in their sunday suits.

I mean, when was the last time you saw someone outside the church at noon on a saturday dressed in a halo, toga, and sandals, just waiting for the front seats at sunday mass?
[quote name='Maverick CRV'] Plus, lightsaber duels just rock.[/QUOTE]

Its worth the price of admission. Thats probably my favorite part of Ep 1, excellent light saber duel. Ep 2's light saber battle was a joke (and a hilarious joke but a joke none the less). Maybe thats why i like Ep 1 more...
[quote name='whiteboy']Its worth the price of admission. Thats probably my favorite part of Ep 1, excellent light saber duel. Ep 2's light saber battle was a joke (and a hilarious joke but a joke none the less). Maybe thats why i like Ep 1 more...[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the duel between Qui-gon & Darth Maul was kick-ass.
Also -- Darth Maul just looked like a bad-@$$ Mother-f***er.
I have been a star wars fan since 1979...My grandmother bought me some of the toys, while going to the hospital for my younger brother to be born...I loved the original trilogy. I thought episode 1 was ok, and I really liked episode 2. It isn't for everyone
Hello, 8ballGuy!

Only Episides IV and V, Star Wars (1977), and The Empire Strikes Back (1980), are truly worth watching. Star Wars is great fun, but Empire is a genuine masterpiece, remaining among the elite few of the best films Hollywood has produced. It's undoubtedly the best of its kind.

Both movies were made at a time when creativity and a sincere desire to achieve one's full potential were paramount motivators. Episode VI, Return of the Jedi (1983), was released during the start of a transition period, when those factors were already becoming less important. Money is now almost the only goal.

If you see Empire, be sure it's the original version, not the 1997 "Special Edition."

Eps 1-3 are about backfilling the story up to Ep 4. You MUST watch Eps 4-6 first to have any appreciation for the semi-crap Eps 1 & 2 (at least if they were standalone movies).

If you have this view, everything will be ok, I promise.
I grew up with Star Wars, and as far back as I can remember, the idea of being a Jedi has just been cool. Episode 4, "A New Hope", while isn't the most orginial of ideas when it comes to stories, was still unique in it's own way. Star Wars has paved the way for so many copy cats, and some have done a great job of building on many of the things the Star Wars franchise was weak at. Alot has changed since Star Wars first came out; people aren't as easily amused as we once were. Still, for me, the mythos of the Jedi and Sith is just appealing. Who wouldn't want to be either a Jedi or Sith?
[quote name='legion_stxds']I grew up with Star Wars, and as far back as I can remember, the idea of being a Jedi has just been cool. Episode 4, "A New Hope", while isn't the most orginial of ideas when it comes to stories, was still unique in it's own way. Star Wars has paved the way for so many copy cats, and some have done a great job of building on many of the things the Star Wars franchise was weak at. Alot has changed since Star Wars first came out; people aren't as easily amused as we once were. Still, for me, the mythos of the Jedi and Sith is just appealing. Who wouldn't want to be either a Jedi or Sith?[/QUOTE]

The Kwizatz Haderach is where it's at
one reason also why it such a pop cultural phenomena.. as mentioned before the special effects were ahead of its time. When it first came out.. it blew people away.. since nothing that "spectacular" was seen before, sure there were other space movies but it had the action and the story to go with the speical effects.

i am no starwars fanatic, but I enjoyed 4-6 and take episodes 1&2 just as extra to add to the background of 4-6. (i really didn't like episodes 1&2, but appreciated them for the info and the background they provided to the full story)
The original series is a classic movie series that works on multiple levels. The new movies are disappointing. They're one dimensional and weighted down.
For the time, yes. You can watch the old movies with an appreciation for what they were, and they're still enjoyable today.

But milking the cash-cow just isn't doing the series any favors. Wookies, for example, were fine in the 70s but look rediculously cheesy now.
i cannot stand star wars. thats just me though. ive seen all the movies (except ep.III) and i still hate it.

Randall Curtis PWNED George Lucas.
[quote name='nickmad']i cannot stand star wars. thats just me though. ive seen all the movies (except ep.III) and i still hate it.

Randall Curtis PWNED George Lucas.[/QUOTE]

Wouldn't that make you the one who was PWNED? You wasted 10 hours of your life watching crap you can't even stand.:lol:
The Old Trilogy is great. It deserves all the praise and acclaim it has recieved, so it's not overrated.

The New Trilogy is not overrated because no one rates them that high. The general consensus is that they suck and that seems to be about right.

So, Star Wars is not overrated, it's rated just right : OT is good, NT is bad.
[quote name='guyver2077']i still dont understand how come so many ppl dont like the new trilogy....[/QUOTE]

The New Trilogy did not really need to be made. You get all of the info on Anakin that you need in the Old Trilogy.

It would have been better if he started the New Trilogy with the events that happened in Episode III. That's what we all want to see, so why did we have to wait 6 fuckING years for it. Who the hell cares if Anakin raced pods and was a slave? I sure don't. The New Trilogy has made me not care about Star Wars and I used to love it.
[quote name='zionoverfire']Wouldn't that make you the one who was PWNED? You wasted 10 hours of your life watching crap you can't even stand.:lol:[/QUOTE]

no. i tried to give the series a chance before ragging on it.
bread's done