Star Wars Saga Blu Ray Review: Nerd Rage Inside!


13 (100%)
Ok, now that the Star Wars Saga has been released for the first time in Blu-Ray format, I have decided to do an FAQ for those who are wondering if it's worth it.

-What is Star Wars?

Its a sci fi movie with action, cheesy lines, explosions, droids, weird creatures, clones, a guy in a black suit of armor, a scary evil guy in a cloak that plunges the galaxy into war so he can rise to power and so on.

-What is the Star Wars Saga Blu Ray?
This is the first High Definition Release of all 6 movies on the current home HD format on Blu Ray. The release contains all 6 movies with editional bonus discs with bts footage, deleted scenes, interviews and so on.
-What does the SWS BR package look like?

-Who is selling this?
Pretty much every retailer that sells Blu Ray's.

-I heard that Lucas has changed/added stuff for the Blu Ray Release, do you have a list?
From wikipedia:

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

  • A new blurring effect is used when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan use Force Speed to escape the droidekas.
  • The medium shot of Nute Gunray and Rune Haako observing Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan escaping the droidekas has been replaced with a long shot.
  • In a scene with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan discussing Anakin's fate on Coruscant, the sun has brightened from orange to white.
  • All scenes with Yoda depicted by a puppet have been replaced with a CG model.
Episode II: Attack of the Clones

  • During Anakin's nightmare scene, a voiceover of his mother Shmi has been added.
  • After Yoda saves Obi-Wan and Anakin from Dooku's falling pillar, the reaction shots of Yoda and then Anakin and Obi-Wan are moved up before the shots of Dooku escaping on his ship and Padme and the clonetroopers arriving and firing at him.
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  • The scene transition from Padme's ship to Anakin on Mustafar has been changed from a straight cut back to a wipe, restoring the original theatrical release.
Episode IV: A New Hope

  • Obi-Wan's Krayt Dragon call has once again been changed.
  • In the scene where Obi-Wan discovers R2 hiding in an alcove, rocks have been digitally inserted into the frame to hide the droid.
  • The shot of Han and Greedo firing at each other has been shortened by several frames from the 2004 DVD version.
  • Luke's green light saber aboard the Millennium Falcon from the 2004 DVD has been corrected and is now blue.
  • The audio errors during the Battle of Yavin in the 2004 DVD have been corrected.
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

  • In the shot when the wampa mauls Luke's tauntaun, the puppeteer's arm can no longer be seen.
  • In an exterior shot of Cloud City featuring Leia waiting for Han in her apartment, a reflection can now be seen in Leia's window.
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

  • A static long shot of Artoo and Threepio approaching the door to Jabba's palace has been replaced with an extreme long shot revealing more of the door, as the camera zooms in on the droids.
  • There are now brighter flashes of light when Han is released from the carbonite.
  • A CG Dug has been added to the scene in Jabba's palace which features sleeping partygoers.
  • A new closeup shot of Han striking Boba Fett's jetpack has been added.
  • Wicket's eyes now have CG eyelids, allowing him to blink.
  • When Artoo is shot by a stormtrooper, additional CG gadgets fly out of his body as he malfunctions.
  • The lightsaber errors from the 2004 DVD have been corrected and Luke and Darth Vader's lightsabers now have white cores.
  • Darth Vader now says "No" while Luke is tortured by the Emperor's Force Lightning attack, and then screams "Nooooo!" as he picks Palpatine up and hurls him into the Death Star's reactor core.

-Will there ever be an unaltered release of the OT on Blu Ray?
Unfortunately Lucas will never release an unaltered version of the Original Trilogy at this time.
-Are there any Screenshots comparing the OT/PT DVD releases to the BR releases?

Yes! The good folks over at have released a number of screen shots comparing the DVD release and the BR release.

-Will there be a 3-d Release of the Saga on Blu Ray?
At this time plans are well under way to release Star Wars: Episode 1 in 2012 , with the other movies released every year in 3D format. It is unknown if a 3-d blu ray will be released that same year as the 3-d theatrical release or after all the movies have been released in 3-D.
-Are there any reviews?
-Should I buy this now or wait for a sale (Weeks from now/Black Friday)?
It's really hard to say at this time. This could be a good price and then next week it could be double that price. It is unknown if it will be on sale on Black Friday.

-Should I buy it anyways?
Honestly it's totally up to you. There are a number of unnecessary changes to the OT that has caused controversy on the Internet. If you can tolerate these changes, then go for it.
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Gotta say... watching ep 1 and because it's blu ray I think it makes this and probably 2 and 3 worse. You can see the CG much more and it looks out of place even more since it's a lot clearer picture.
Still waiting for my set from Amazon. I don't think we'll ever see the unaltered movies again. :( Good thing I still have laserdisc copies. ;)
[quote name='ITDEFX']Caved in as well... Used a 35 dollar reward zone certificate to help bring it down a bit! :p

Almost bought Thor and Conan O'brien Can't Stop (You have no idea how many WTF is that looks I got from all the BB employees who claimed it didn't exist until they found it in their systems). Thor wasn't a movie that required first week purchase and Can't Stop was a bit too pricey for me at this time.[/QUOTE]

I'd love to buy Conan O'brien Can't Stop for about $15. I'm dying to watch it. But I can't pay the amount they are asking for it right now.
[quote name='SonictheHedgehog1337']I'd love to buy Conan O'brien Can't Stop for about $15. I'm dying to watch it. But I can't pay the amount they are asking for it right now.[/QUOTE]

Because there was barely any marketing for it, no one knew it was playing in the theaters for a very short time nor does anyone know that it's now for sale or on Netflix. I was able to snag it as my last disc title before I cut off 1 disc fairly quickly. Yea I would wait for under 20 for this one.
[quote name='ZForce915']Buying it supports his decisions. If you KNOW he tinkered with the originals (and pretty much everyone here does) then giving him money AGAIN says you are ok with it.[/QUOTE]

Hey, this is the most similar these movies will ever be to their original versions from here on out. If you wait even longer, he'll just change even more shit.

With that said, I'm a casual fan of the films and I can say with 100% certainty that none of the changes will bother me, save for maybe the "Nooo" additions. Even then, I can endure one cringe-inducing moment in a total of 6 films.

Well, not counting the cringe-inducing moments that were already in the movies (like almost all of Episode 3 in its entirety).
[quote name='akathatoneguy']Hey, this is the most similar these movies will ever be to their original versions from here on out. If you wait even longer, he'll just change even more shit.

With that said, I'm a casual fan of the films and I can say with 100% certainty that none of the changes will bother me, save for maybe the "Nooo" additions. Even then, I can endure one cringe-inducing moment in a total of 6 films.

Well, not counting the cringe-inducing moments that were already in the movies (like almost all of Episode 3 in its entirety).[/QUOTE]

out of the prequels you hated Revenge of the Sith the most? Really?
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']out of the prequels you hated Revenge of the Sith the most? Really?[/QUOTE]
"I have seen a security hologram... of him... killing Younglings."

"You are so... beautiful."
"It's only because I'm so in love."
"No, it's because I'm so in love with you."
"So love has blinded you?"


Shall I countinue?
[quote name='Allnatural']"I have seen a security hologram... of him... killing Younglings."

"You are so... beautiful."
"It's only because I'm so in love."
"No, it's because I'm so in love with you."
"So love has blinded you?"


Shall I countinue?[/QUOTE]

"Master Qui-Gon, what are midichlorians?" trumps all of these listed.
[quote name='Vader582']"Master Qui-Gon, what are midichlorians?" trumps all of these listed.[/QUOTE]
That was from TPM, wasn't it? Not so much a bad line as a bad retcon. I was listing some of the more insipid dialog from part III.
[quote name='Allnatural']That was from TPM, wasn't it? Not so much a bad line as a bad retcon. I was listing some of the more insipid dialog from part III.[/QUOTE]
It was from TPM.
Ah I see.
The prequels are littered with odd, misplaced, awful dialogue but RotS seems to be the least offensive. Pick any of the scenes with Padme and Anakin "falling in love" in AotC to best RotS.
Also, the best scene in all of the prequels was the first 10 minutes of TPM. I almost shit my pants with excitement after they melted the goddamn door and were doing all sorts of badass Jedi shit to those battle droids. It was all downhill from there (however, I do like the prequels a lot even though they are completely inferior to the OT in every conceivable way).
the best scene from TPM was the battle with Darth Maul at the end in my opinion. The fight scene was choreographed well and it worked really nicely with the score.
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[quote name='ssjmichael']the best scene from TPM was the battle with Darth Maul at the end at the end in my opinion. The fight scene was choreographed well and it worked really nicely with the score.[/QUOTE]

Not only is that the best action sequence in TPM but its the best action sequence in the entire prequel trilogy. For me, it makes watching the previous hour and a half worth it.
[quote name='Allnatural']"I have seen a security hologram... of him... killing Younglings."

"You are so... beautiful."
"It's only because I'm so in love."
"No, it's because I'm so in love with you."
"So love has blinded you?"


Shall I countinue?[/QUOTE]

Ill take that over "Wizards!" and Jar Jar
TPM is tolerable if you start when they leave Naboo. The first hour or so is such a waste.
AoTC is pandering BS, and the love stuff is horrible.
RoTS was the best of the PT, but still isn't great. Padme's death scene is probably the dumbest thing in all six movies other than Jedi Rocks.
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']Ill take that over "Wizards!" and Jar Jar[/QUOTE]

Indeed. No doubt, the awful/cheesy dialog of the emotionlessly acted love scenes are crap, but Jar Jar trumps all. "MEESA POO!!!" and all the other Songs of the South house slave nonsense. TPM is by far the worst simply for Jar Jar, "only moneeeeeeey" Watto the fluttering raging stereotype of a middle eastern/Arab/Israeli/Semitic businessman, and the "sneaky" Asian stereotyped trade federation aliens. Bonus points for midichlorians. Although as noted it has the excellent opening and ending. And the kid who plays Anakin shines/connects in his emotion scenes.
Sadly I'm not sure I've ever seen the OT all the way through and will def do so when my set gets here. I did think ROTS was the best of the prequels though, but that's just me.
[quote name='ssjmichael']the best scene from TPM was the battle with Darth Maul at the end in my opinion. The fight scene was choreographed well and it worked really nicely with the score.[/QUOTE]

This is exactly what I do not like about it.
Seeing it for the first time was cool because Darth Maul was mysterious and had a wacky lightsaber.
Now it looks and feels like three guys dancing. There's no tension. Just choreography.

Still ordered the full set anyway, despite my disappointment in the prequels. It wouldn't feel right not owning it all.
Can't wait to watch them. The set came in on Friday, right when I was stepping out the door for a week-long trip.
Such a tease.
[quote name='Javery']Also, the best scene in all of the prequels was the first 10 minutes of TPM. I almost shit my pants with excitement after they melted the goddamn door and were doing all sorts of badass Jedi shit to those battle droids. It was all downhill from there (however, I do like the prequels a lot even though they are completely inferior to the OT in every conceivable way).[/QUOTE]

[quote name='ssjmichael']the best scene from TPM was the battle with Darth Maul at the end in my opinion. The fight scene was choreographed well and it worked really nicely with the score.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='RedvsBlue']Not only is that the best action sequence in TPM but its the best action sequence in the entire prequel trilogy. For me, it makes watching the previous hour and a half worth it.[/QUOTE]

I agree the first 10 mins of TPM was pretty bad ass. The "Duel of the Fates" was AWESOME... it honestly felt out of place when it was used during the Anikin/Kenobi/Yoda/Sidious fight... I remembered reading earlier that it was suppose to be used exclusively at the end for ROTS, but we got something a bit more powerful.
[quote name='hufferstl']Padme's death scene is probably the dumbest thing in all six movies other than Jedi Rocks.[/QUOTE]
That one made me rage.

"Medically, she is completely healthy. For reasons we can't explain, we are losing her."
"She's dying?"
"We don't know why. She has lost the will to live."


And...AND, the worst is yet to come. No, not the "NNNOOOOO!" That was awful, but far worse imo was seeing a scrawny Hayden in the Vadar costume.
[quote name='Allnatural']That one made me rage.

"Medically, she is completely healthy. For reasons we can't explain, we are losing her."
"She's dying?"
"We don't know why. She has lost the will to live."


And...AND, the worst is yet to come. No, not the "NNNOOOOO!" That was awful, but far worse imo was seeing a scrawny Hayden in the Vadar costume.[/QUOTE]

I agree, Force Choak should have done serious damage to her throat..but for her to just loose the will to live? Come on could have just stabbed her in the upper chest.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I agree, Force Choak should have done serious damage to her throat..but for her to just loose the will to live? Come on could have just stabbed her in the upper chest.[/QUOTE]

my personal favorite scenario: she died from a heart attack caused by the stress of worrying about having an Ewok baby......that they cut outta the movie.

Can you see the connection.....

[quote name='ITDEFX']I agree, Force Choak should have done serious damage to her throat..but for her to just loose the will to live? Come on could have just stabbed her in the upper chest.[/QUOTE]It's Force Choke, BTW. ;)
[quote name='Seasick Pirate']Available instantly on Netflix if you want to check it out.[/QUOTE]

Son of a bitch..... Netflix is very sneaky with this shit.

So it's been over a does everyone like their star wars saga so far?
[quote name='ITDEFX']:bomb:

Son of a bitch..... Netflix is very sneaky with this shit.

So it's been over a does everyone like their star wars saga so far?[/QUOTE]

I think it looks very good, I don't really care about the 4-6 changes and the model works hold up pretty well under scrutiny (as compared to Spaceball 1 looking clearly like a model on the Spaceballs Blu-ray). The CGI for the prequel trilogy looks like it's lacking definition which is explainable for the time but they should have made it more detailed using modern rendering techniques.

Overall I am happy with the presentation and don't regret buying it.
Just a heads-up, you can get this on Glyde for cheaper with the code SURVEY2011

A new copy of the original trilogy is $23.68 shipped for instance, or the complete Saga for $68.68 shipped
It's still blowing my mind that the bonus discs are selling so much on ebay. Some people are either illiterate or plain stupid. One just went for $72 and the seller wrote out in huge bold letters that it's the bonus discs only.
I was going to pass on these but then B&N had them a while back for that $45 price, and I couldn't say no. I spent this last week watching harmys despecialized editions and they were awesome. Sort of dreading seeing the blu-ray changes. I actually find it in very poor taste of Lucas to CGI the movies up. The way the films were made was either for budget constraints, tech constraints, or original vision. Either way it's what was made and that deserves a place to be remembered for what is was, not what it could be. I would be fine with special edition director's cuts, if he would only release the actual OT. Its a matter of destroying history that I don't understand.
Buuuut its still star wars on bluray and was super cheap and I bought tthem. I also don't believe any amount of petitioning, complaining or bad sales will ever change Lucas mind. Look what he did with the 05 DVDs to "please his fans". He will have to realize his mistake before this is made right, and I dont believe he ever will.
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[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']I spent this last week watching harmys despecialized editions and they were awesome. [/QUOTE]
Me too! They had their problems (Harmy, by his own admission, is no professional) but it was great to see the versions I grew up with, warts and all.
bread's done