Starcraft 2 is now a trilogy....

I forgot who brought this up originally, but Blizzard is about as fan-friendly as you can get. Even assuming Blizzard isn't really the bad guy here, what makes you think that they would reverse this decision AND then magically reduce the price to 50 bucks?

I mean seriously. How do you know they wouldn't plan on selling it for $120 when it finally releases 10 years from now just to recoup losses?

How about we all shut the hell up and wait for some hard info. Damn.
[quote name='Strell']I forgot who brought this up originally, but Blizzard is about as fan-friendly as you can get.[/quote]

I completely agree - they have scrapped nearly-finished games that would have sucked - instead of releasing them for a quick buck like other companies.

Also the arguement that "they make enough off WOW that they can afford to lose money on Starcraft 2" is completely ridiculous.
indeed, talking and bitching about it really won't change a single thing.

We're not seeing it till after D3 right?

Or is that changing because splitting it up, we'll get the Terran part sooner? maybe around xmas...
the fact that there was no accompying release date announcement with this makes me skeptacle as well. Sounds like they're just milking it. If they actually were content on doing an episodic release you'd think they'd put all resources into pumping out the first one ASAP and could provide a difinitive release date. That doesnt appear to be the case. Hope they dont create a new trend of greed in RTS games.
I don't think there's anything wrong with doing this. Instead of getting three mediocre campaigns of maybe 10-15 missions we're going to get three awesome, well fleshed out campaigns of 30-45 missions each. To assume that Blizzard was going to originally release the game with THAT much content is ridiculous.

Let's assume that each of these campaign expansions has 35 missions. What some of you are saying is that 105 missions (and this is only single player) is should only be worth 50 dollars.

If you play through each campaign only once then basically what you're saying is each of blizzards levels they've meticulously created is worth less than 50 cents. I'm more than willing to put in a 1.50 a mission (estimation of what you end up spending with the three separate games) over a period of time to have a quality gaming experience
[quote name='dwhelan']We just don't know. All that has spoken about is the Zerg game will have RPG elements (possibly like Heroes from WC3) so there is potential for heavy modification of game, post engine development. But in addition, you have testing, balancing, art/model development, engine updates. I doubt one $50 dollar purchase for the Human campaign (first release) will recover the development cost.

As for balancing, new units are introduced in each game (according to my sited sources above), so balancing will always be an issue.

Also, no business should be required to stand on one tower for success to accept loses on other (selling Starcraft cheaply because WOW is a success). There are many hidden costs for MMOs, that I doubt any of us really have a total perspective on.[/QUOTE]
You just stated what I think might be a big problem for splitting the game into three parts. What happens if all those modifications happens but some user don't/can't buy the next installments? Isn't that potentially going to make it SC 2 (Human), revision 2 (Zerg) and revision 3(Protoss)?
[quote name='winterice']You just stated what I think might be a big problem for splitting the game into three parts. What happens if all those modifications happens but some user don't/can't buy the next installments? Isn't that potentially going to make it SC 2 (Human), revision 2 (Zerg) and revision 3(Protoss)?[/quote]

I think the game will be the same overall, but game changes will be made in patches.

really why not release 4 different versions...

one MP

Then the three campaigns.

It's not the game that makes these difficult, it's the stories and cinematics and the story that also takes time.

If they can crank out the MP only, and leave the story left for epidodic releases, we'll see SC2 faster...
Blizzard has never made a bad game, and they're not going to start now. If any company has put quality first it's them. I've never played WoW but judging from its success i'd say they haven't lost their touch :)
[quote name='Gentlegamer']So, where does this leave StarCraft: Ghost?[/quote]

That'll be a pre-order bonus at GS for SC2 :bouncy:
bread's done