Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void

[quote name='Draekon']Except a while back he said that he'd be gone from the forums a few months if I remember right, along with changing his user title to "I'm gone". Plus:

Last Activity: 05-27-2010 03:53 PM[/QUOTE]

...So everyones favorite commie is out fucking trees again? Great... this always happened to us on UrbanDead too... damn those trees.
[quote name='Strell']Don't know if you know that video is like the "Hitler rants" videos, where someone wrote bogus subtitles over what is actually being said (in this case, the kid is ranting about the music being played in the club).[/QUOTE]
Yea, it just makes me laugh.
Finally beat 7x Insane AI in FFA. Unfortunately I couldn't do it without using the cheap Terran turtle technique. Good to see that achievements trickle down too (meaning I got the Very Hard, Hard, and Medium 7x FFA achievements too).
[quote name='gargus']All it is is your name. They even said you dont have to use your real one and no one is forcing anyone to post on the forums. Its the players choice. They can use a fake name or not post. I dont see the problem.

Besides it all comes down to the fact no one cares what your name is. Just like no one cares whats in your sig, what your avatar is, what your trophy list is. Our of millions on a forum I dont think anyone is going to see a name on there that doesnt already know you and make a big deal out of it. Besides its like they are asking you to put your name, social security number, address, blood type, phone number, favorite color and such on there also. hell I looked and there are 5 people in my city which isnt very big with the same name as me and I didnt know till now.[/QUOTE]
Look, I grew up during a time when posting personal info online was a big no-no. That was before identity thieves started trolling for info, before employers started checking out applicants online etc. You think I'm going to start doing it now that all that is going on?

Glad Blizzard came to their senses on this.
I haven't seen "The Crotch" in a while, he needs to update the CAG Beta names.

Mine; Darknessbear. Character code 280.

Can someone tell me how Character codes are better than identifiers? Wtf?
If any CAGs looking for a Zerg partner send me a friend invite. Itztitoyo is my name and I mainly love playing 2v2. I have a headset and use STEAM to do voice chat instead of the in-game option (same user name for STEAM). Send me a PM if anyone wants to get a few games going!
[quote name='ItzTitoYo']If any CAGs looking for a Zerg partner send me a friend invite. Itztitoyo is my name and I mainly love playing 2v2. I have a headset and use STEAM to do voice chat instead of the in-game option (same user name for STEAM). Send me a PM if anyone wants to get a few games going![/QUOTE]

I tried to use Steam for voice chat the other night to play with a friend in SC2; it locked my machine up pretty good. When i killed one or the other, I was OK, but when both were running it was terrible.

I'm wondering if it was a Windows 7 thing, a new steam client thing, or a SC2 beta thing.. I know SC2 didn't pick up my mic/headset after I plugged them in.. so i'm leaning towards SC2. I guess i'll give it a try again later this evening.

Then again.. doesn't SC2 have voice built into it? I'll be damned if I've ever seen it work though...
STEAM is a bit wonky sometimes, but nothing too bad for me. Sometimes I have to plug in my headset and restart STEAM so it can pick it up. All in all it works great in game and is much better than the mess Blizzard calls voice chat. Try it out again.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I haven't seen "The Crotch" in a while, he needs to update the CAG Beta names.

Mine; Darknessbear. Character code 280.

Can someone tell me how Character codes are better than identifiers? Wtf?[/QUOTE]

I think Blizzard said that the concept of the old identifier wasn't clear enough and that people didn't understand exactly what it was when they made their account name. Kind of a dumb reason imo, they should just explain it better then.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I haven't seen "The Crotch" in a while, he needs to update the CAG Beta names.

Mine; Darknessbear. Character code 280.

Can someone tell me how Character codes are better than identifiers? Wtf?[/QUOTE]

Think they're just throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.
PATCH 17 Release Notes:

Character names are now more easily identified by Character name, identifier number, identifier string, favorite color, birth month, and height in inches.

Sweet! Feel free to add me guys!
[quote name='BattleChicken']I tried to use Steam for voice chat the other night to play with a friend in SC2; it locked my machine up pretty good. When i killed one or the other, I was OK, but when both were running it was terrible.

I'm wondering if it was a Windows 7 thing, a new steam client thing, or a SC2 beta thing.. I know SC2 didn't pick up my mic/headset after I plugged them in.. so i'm leaning towards SC2. I guess i'll give it a try again later this evening.

Then again.. doesn't SC2 have voice built into it? I'll be damned if I've ever seen it work though...[/QUOTE]
I've used steam while playing SC2 quite a bit and it's never caused trouble, aside from having the SC2 voice chat turned on at the same time.
I was gold/plat.. err.. whatever the two highest tiers were before they created diamond... before the first hiatus of the beta..

Right now, I'm firmly in Silver and bronze.. Bah. I need to figure out what I'm doing wrong..
Interesting little flub on the part of the ESRB.

The disclosure came in a mass email response to the complainants, which openly listed the addresses of all its 961 recipients in its header. The offending message -- which you can see at Joystiq -- concludes with a helpful reminder that the ESRB, through its Privacy Online program, “helps companies develop practices to safeguard users' personal information online while still providing a safe and enjoyable video game experience for all.” Sounds like they’re doing a great job with that.
[quote name='jarvis307']anyone know if there's gonna be a bay area midnight release event? i went to the warcraft 3 one at frys in palo alto many yrs ago.[/QUOTE]

most gamestops should have midnight launches
[quote name='KhaosX']I guess blizzard is back on track with buffing terrans over other races...[/QUOTE]

I think that the terran needed the build time reduction for the barracks. Very early game (like rush time) a protoss and zerg can have out a lot more units a lot faster. Terran didn't (still don't really..) have a smart way to play without turtling in a choke, most of that is the squishyness of marines and their slow build out of one barracks.
looks like frys will have a midnight event at sunnyvale after all. too bad it wasn't like a few yrs ago w/ free t-shirts, posters, and blizzard employees signing their work.
[quote name='Soujiro_Seta']I went by gamestop to try and pre order the collectors edition but they weren't taking pre orders anymore :( Is online the only place now?[/QUOTE]
That might be the case. Sorry to hear that :cry:. Do you have a Best Buy or Fry's in your area?

And YESSSSS! My GameStop is doing a midnight release. My inner nerd is pleased, pleased indeeeed.
I got an email today letting me know I was invited to the Beta. It seemed weird, but all the links look like they check out, but I can't log into my account to add the game! I'm on hold with Blizzard right now.

I don't even really like RTS games too much, but I really want to try the creation tools.
[quote name='ZasKuLL']That might be the case. Sorry to hear that :cry:. Do you have a Best Buy or Fry's in your area?

And YESSSSS! My GameStop is doing a midnight release. My inner nerd is pleased, pleased indeeeed.[/QUOTE]

I do have a best buy near me I'm planning on swinging by on Sunday to see if I can pre order there. If not I'll just put in an order online and cross my fingers it doesn't get canceled.
I was wondering if the Starcraft 2 beta was still active. I just got an email about being accepted into the beta but I get TONS of spam email for playing WoW. I don't want to click on any of the links without knowing first lol
[quote name='Snuckles']I was wondering if the Starcraft 2 beta was still active. I just got an email about being accepted into the beta but I get TONS of spam email for playing WoW. I don't want to click on any of the links without knowing first lol[/QUOTE]

Yes, it's up and running. Not sure when it'll exactly end, but I expect it to end before the game itself releases in a week and a half.

[quote name='Soujiro_Seta']I went by gamestop to try and pre order the collectors edition but they weren't taking pre orders anymore :( Is online the only place now?[/QUOTE]

They're back up at Amazon currently with free release date shipping to Prime users.
[quote name='Draekon']Yes, it's up and running. Not sure when it'll exactly end, but I expect it to end before the game itself releases in a week and a half.

They're back up at Amazon currently with free release date shipping to Prime users.[/QUOTE]

The Beta ends on July 19.
[quote name='ZasKuLL']The Beta ends on July 19.[/QUOTE]

Really? Why are they sending new invites to people with only like 2-3 days to play? You sure its the 19th?
[quote name='TravistyOJ']Really? Why are they sending new invites to people with only like 2-3 days to play? You sure its the 19th?[/QUOTE]

The game is out in 10 days.
I had a bunch of gift cards for Best Buy so I went that route... they also gave me $10 off my order because they accidentally canceled my online preorder...

but I'm also going to go to a local Gamestop midnight release and get a copy there (since my BB isn't going to have a midnight release), then do the whole return switcharoo when I get my 2nd copy
[quote name='TravistyOJ']O shit! Really!? Oh man, wow, thanks![/QUOTE]

I was suggesting only that the date made sense. Relax.

On a more pertinent note, does anyone know if they're going to stick with the whole "character code" business or change the ID system once again for retail?
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']I dunno why at this point anyone would buy from anywhere but K-Mart with the incoming $20 off coupon.[/QUOTE]

Is the coupon going to be $20 off of SC2 or $20 off of a future gaming purchase?
[quote name='Lokki']Is the coupon going to be $20 off of SC2 or $20 off of a future gaming purchase?[/QUOTE]Unfortunately, the latter. I'm going with Amazon simply because I have credit there, and no KMart that close to me. Seems to be the only deal for SC2 though. A Kmart gaming coupon wouldn't be bad though, they seem to really be doubling their deal efforts.
Forgive me if I sound like a noob or if this has already been asked, but I heard that you get a digital copy of the game if you the buy the boxed retail version. Is that true? Cause if not, I'd rather buy it directly from Blizzard's site cause I dont wanna carry the dvd around just to play it.
[quote name='TheRock88']Forgive me if I sound like a noob or if this has already been asked, but I heard that you get a digital copy of the game if you the buy the boxed retail version. Is that true? Cause if not, I'd rather buy it directly from Blizzard's site cause I dont wanna carry the dvd around just to play it.[/QUOTE]

not sure what you mean, but I would expect that you won't need the DVD to play it (after you install it). All the latest Blizzard games don't require the CD to play (Starcraft, Warcraft III, WoW, possibly Diablo II as well)
[quote name='Oktoberfest']not sure what you mean, but I would expect that you won't need the DVD to play it (after you install it). All the latest Blizzard games don't require the CD to play (Starcraft, Warcraft III, WoW, possibly Diablo II as well)[/QUOTE]

You're right. The DRM is tied to logging into, so CD authentication is unnecessary.
[quote name='Oktoberfest']not sure what you mean, but I would expect that you won't need the DVD to play it (after you install it). All the latest Blizzard games don't require the CD to play (Starcraft, Warcraft III, WoW, possibly Diablo II as well)[/QUOTE]

Ok, thanks guys.
[quote name='TravistyOJ']OK, I just have to say this. The latest SC2 trailer is fucking awesome. That is all.[/QUOTE]

I was really better off not seeing that. God damned anticipation.
bread's done