Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void

[quote name='Clak']Voids aren't all that great against lots of small enemies, especially if they aren't charged up. Lots of marines can easily take out a group of voids that aren't charged, even if they are charged it can still happen.[/QUOTE]
They're pretty damn insignificant if you can engage them uncharged. I've been playing a lot of team games lately, which apparently means a 90% chance of reaper harass, so a few stalkers are more-or-less a permanent addition to my mineral line, anyway.

When they do get charged... yeah, you're pretty much choosing between letting your base die and letting your army die.

I don't use 'em, anyway. That's HotShot's job. Though I am looking to start using phoenixes more often.
Phoenix are a fun unit to use.. as evidenced by my use of them in our 3v3/4v4 games recently, though they are more a parlor trick than an effective strategy, in most cases. Cost-for-cost, void rays are more effective than phoenix against everything but mutalisk.

I wish phoenix were more viable in normal play.. perhaps give them a wraith-like weenie ATS attack that can't be used while moving..?
[quote name='Clak']Voids aren't all that great against lots of small enemies, especially if they aren't charged up. Lots of marines can easily take out a group of voids that aren't charged, even if they are charged it can still happen.[/QUOTE]
voids with speed upgrade can easily kite marines

you need a combination of turret / marine or marine / viking to take them out.

[quote name='The Crotch']Well, now we know Kain's name.

We just need the number.[/quote]
that's what all the ladies say

nah jk i'll post the number, i don't know what it is
[quote name='The Crotch']I don't use 'em, anyway. That's HotShot's job. Though I am looking to start using phoenixes more often.[/QUOTE]

After the display of all those Phoenix's versus one of HotShot's carriers... I'm not so excited about using them. I know they're great against large ground units (Thor, Colossus, Ultralisk) and what not as they immobilize them into the air but still.
[quote name='Draekon']After the display of all those Phoenix's versus one of HotShot's carriers... I'm not so excited about using them. I know they're great against large ground units (Thor, Colossus, Ultralisk) and what not as they immobilize them into the air but still.[/QUOTE]

actually.. phoenix can't pick up massive units, I believe. The most baddass stuff you can pick up are immortals, marauders, and queens - both of which the phoenix will deal crappy damage to because they aren't light units.

Phoenix seem to exist purely as an anti-mutalisk, anti-peon, and anti-seiged tank. I've seen people do cool things with them - hell, *I* have done cool things with them - but you'll never see them enmass unless they're against zerg.
[quote name='BattleChicken']Phoenix seem to exist purely as an anti-mutalisk, anti-peon, and anti-seiged tank. I've seen people do cool things with them - hell, *I* have done cool things with them - but you'll never see them enmass unless they're against zerg.[/QUOTE]

Ghosts, HTs and Infestors make fairly good targets for Graviton Beam, too. Particularly if you get a chance to break a Nuke calldown or Neural Parasite.

And yeah, massive units are immune.
I've been wanting to get in on some team matches, I play with friends sometimes, but they're pretty slow, I usually end up doing the initial attacking and letting them come in and clean up.
Well, that was quite possibly the most hilarious game I've had yet. I don't think I've never seen such a high tenacity in cannon rushers before.

[quote name='Magus8472']And yeah, massive units are immune.[/QUOTE]

Damn, I thought that may of been true while I was posting it. Oh well. At least they can actually hit Colossus.
[quote name='BattleChicken']actually.. phoenix can't pick up massive units, I believe. The most baddass stuff you can pick up are immortals, marauders, and queens - both of which the phoenix will deal crappy damage to because they aren't light units.[/QUOTE]
Doing heavy damage to an immortal is not particularly relevant until its shields are down, so that's not big loss. And it pulls that big +30 to armour out of the fight for a while, too.

As for queens? Queens are the first AA a zerg gets, and unless they go crazy with spores (in which case, back off and call it a win on account of their wasted minerals) or get their hydras up, you can deal with one or two of those.

Also, ovie hunting. Not always as good as corsairs, but still.
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i just played an epic 3v3 that lasted 50 minutes...

but watching the replay we totally screwed so many things up so it was really us failing to kill over and over.

-put casters and drop ships in a separate control group
-use HSM against zerg air

god, 1-control-group syndrome is killing me
[quote name='The Crotch']HSM? Why not PDD? Undodgeable, and it nullifies all their air, no?[/QUOTE]
what was killing me was the brood lords

PDD works on corruptors and mutas but marines can deal with those. they can't deal with brood lords, and brood lords are too slow to dodge HSM.

in 3v3 chaos they probably wouldn't be able to see the HSM anyway, and i had 3/4 ravens out. i put down like 5-6 PDDs but they were eaten by the stalkers.
I've been having spotty luck in my 2v2s the last couple days. I'm not playing 100%, but not playing terribly either, so I'm AOK with the losses.

I'd much rather be playing SC2 today than working.
i love it when bad players lose to my team in team games, and they blame their partner when they're not that hot either
I had some fun 2v2Rs last night. I think I won 3, lost 1. I think the SC2 matchmaking system is drunk.

I seem to draw the short straw as far as partners go a LOT in my 2v2r games. I don't mind getting paired with someone who doesn't know what they're doing (example - seeing that both terran enemies are going pure marine, and making only immortals despite my warnings. Seeing terran making mass thor, and making only muta despite my warnings- both happened last night) but something seems off about the matcher when the majority of my random games I'm paired with someone drastically below my skill level while I am very rarely paired with a diamond, or even a platinum.

I've been checking my games the last few nights, and almost every game I've had in the last couple nights the enemy has been "favored" - not "slightly favored". In my last ten games, I think only one or two of them was my team "slightly favored" and very few were even teams. I get that Diamonds need games too.. but it seems really, really strange to put a bronze with a gold/platinum against two diamonds.. what the heck is the matchmaking system doing..? Other than heroin, I mean.
i usually play with less skilled partners in arranged teams. it's actually pretty cool, the stuff i can pull off.

played 2v2 games with a friend.
in one of them i stopped a dual 6 pool by myself with some crazy micro and last minute adjustment!
the next one i outmacroed like a beast. the last battle i had more supply than the other 3 combined. muhahahah i love my macro skills
Being a SC1 player since the late 90's, and after playing SC2 since day one, I can officially protest that I am a below mediocre player. Something about getting beat in the first 10 minutes multiple times gives me the hint. Even though I use different strategy's, I never seem to be able to prepare quick enough.
[quote name='MightierToaster']Being a SC1 player since the late 90's, and after playing SC2 since day one, I can officially protest that I am a below mediocre player. Something about getting beat in the first 10 minutes multiple times gives me the hint. Even though I use different strategy's, I never seem to be able to prepare quick enough.[/QUOTE]

You might actually not have enough gatherers and a bad build order. I've found getting better at gatherering advances your game tremendously. Start checking resources at the score screen or watching replays.

A lot of times during SC2 match commentaries they often will compare gatherer count, showing how important of a metric it is.
[quote name='MightierToaster']Being a SC1 player since the late 90's, and after playing SC2 since day one, I can officially protest that I am a below mediocre player. Something about getting beat in the first 10 minutes multiple times gives me the hint. Even though I use different strategy's, I never seem to be able to prepare quick enough.[/QUOTE]

What race do you play and what's your approximate BO?
does the computer cheat on brutal?

i wanted to try Zerg so i fired up a cpu game on brutal.
by the 4 minute mark, the computer rushes me with 5 zealots and 2 immortals?!
and i thought i was doing really good too. i didn't miss injection timing at all!

[quote name='BattleChicken']I've been trying to do that with my friends, but two who are really, really terrible are afraid to multi, and one likes doing 3v3s and 4v4s exclusively[/QUOTE]
well, they're less skilled, but they're not godawful.
they're probably around your level. they know all the basic counters, build orders, etc but they don't have the game sense or mechanics.

speaking of which, if i can get past the first attack, usually the game is in my favor because of my multitasking. just gotta learn to handle the early game and i'll be fine.
You mean on Insane difficulty? Brutal is campaign-only.

And yes, the computer cheats on Insane difficulty. I believe it's estimated that the computers speed and gains on everything is +40% higher.
I need a good Zerg build order... time to start watching some of Husky's and HD's videos and hopefully can find some good strategies.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']I need a good Zerg build order... time to start watching some of Husky's and HD's videos and hopefully can find some good strategies.[/QUOTE]

probably better to watch actual replays if you want to learn this type of stuff
[quote name='The Crotch']"Insane", you mean?

Yes. They get extra resources, as I recall, and I don't know what else.[/QUOTE]

2 additional per trip and they have vision hacks. They still send a scouting worker to simulate though.

Just played a P and after a pretty awesome mid game I lost, so I was about to quit then he dropped. He thought I drop hacked him and got really upset, but then he messaged me back later apologizing because it had just happened to his opponent. seems shaky today.
Yeah, you're right Oktoberfest, lol. I'm just going to get my 5 placement matches over and see how I do on my own for now.

Get SC2 a day before I go on vacation for a week.
Come back, have to attend baby shower for best friend's sake (i.e., escape the house of womans).
Finally get chance to install.
Why the fuck are there eight patches WHEN YOU'RE ONLY 1.03?
Loads up game - awesome.
Crashes in three minutes, taking entire computer down with it.

I can hear TC laughing from here.
Probably was due to that Graphics Card overheating problem people were having, Strell. They posted some fix for it though.
[quote name='Strell']
I can hear TC laughing from here.[/QUOTE]
This surprises me.

I'd have thought my laughter would have been drowned out by the sudden blaring of The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again", which, as I understand, spontaneously began playing the world over when I heard this news.

Have you seen the video of TLO winning his placement matches with a raven rush (he spelled his name with auto-turrets in his enemy's base), a spine crawler rush (he fast-expanded to his opponent's natural), a ghost rush (EMP'ed the enemy comsat so his ghosts couldn't be de-cloaked), a double planetary fortress rush (almost lost the first PF), and a mothership rush?
had a couple of frustrating games yesterday with friends.

in one of them, me and my friend were attacking a guy who opened 3 barracks. i had a bunch of marines and tanks, my friend had marines+marauders. a lot of marauders. like 20+.

by his cliff i get slammed by tank shots, so i scan and see 3/4 tanks there. i siege my tanks in a lost cause. ally says over vent, "uh oh they have tanks." and i'm screaming "ATTACK. ATTACK. ATTACK." and he backs off! we could've smoked that guy's tanks. ughhh. we eventually win the game but it takes longer than it should have.


in another game, we're all terran. i go for marine+ghost, one ally decides to go air, the other decides to go mech. early game, mech-user builds a couple reapers. terran opponent builds more, and just outmanuevers him and kills him. the next game, he was griping about our lack of scouting and that his normal build couldn't hold it off. checking the game, he had 1200 minerals when the 5 reapers rolled into his base. hmm.

later in that game, the air user gets proxy DTed. he says "oh man i got DTed, this game is over, it's over, it's over." but on vent i'm yelling "LOWER YOUR DEPOTS. LOWER YOUR DEPOTS. LOWER YOUR DEPOTS." he doesn't lift his CC so it gets killed, i have a scan waiting, and ghosts outside ready to EMP. he just quits. sooo frustrating.
Man, just had my biggest "I can't believe we won" game last night.

It was my second round of 4v4 qualifiers. At the loading screen, one teammate was taking a long time to finish. Once the game started, it was revealed he left. Another teammate left seconds later, not wanting to even try. So, it became a 2v4, TZvTZPT. We immediately set to work harvesting stuff at both our bases and the fallen allies bases. Since everything got split into just two resource pools, we were able to tech high and fast (protip: this makes getting those "build X in Y seconds achievements stupid-easy).

Fast teching led to fast expanding. We built up an army, with each person responsible for the half of the map. Our goal - prevent them from ever expanding, and bleed them dry of resources. We were able to survive everything they threw at us, and walked away victorious an hour or so later. The other team probably should've won, but I guess our shift+clicking and well-funded war machine turned the tide in our favor. Or maybe they just got sloppy and lazy when they saw we were two people short.
My favourite game remains the 4v4 where Chicken - the one guy without a headset, and therefore the one guy who can't really communicate with us, especially when all four protoss are 2gating us - actually cannon rushed the enemy.

Just exiting "jesusfuckthisisalotofzealots" mode, hear "Your ally's base is under attack!" and... wait, that's on their side of the... Chicken, you magnificent bastard.

By the end of the game, I had taken their gold expansion and HotShot was in an abandoned enemy main (this on a shared base map). Don't suppose one of you guys saved a replay of that, did you?
i'm not going to read this entire thread, but did many of you have problems installing/running/connecting? I had to DL the game from blizzard since my disc errored out every time I installed. Once finally installed, I couldn't connect to to create my character. after changing a billion settings with stuff that I didn't really want to mess with, i finally connected. i play the first level and my GPU temp skyrockets to over 90 degrees C, and now I have to RMA my card. i figure F it, i gotta exchange my card anyway, I'll check out multiplayer. THINK AGAIN DICKHEAD, can't connect to no matter what I do. I've checked a billion faqs, sites and contacted blizzard, and i still can't get this goddamn game to run the way it's supposed to.
I had a lot of trouble downloading patches during the beta, but I've yet to have any trouble in the retail game. Okay, Bnet is a cunt sometimes, and the overheating bug is a well-known issue (dodged that bullet), but otherwise fine.
I'm hoping that once I get a replacement card I can get it going. First PC game I've purchased in a long time and I didn't even get to play it for more than five minutes. stupid, cunty battlenet
[quote name='The Crotch']Don't suppose one of you guys saved a replay of that, did you?[/QUOTE]

It still may be listed in your recent replay folder which is located in the directory:

C:\Users\\Documents\StarCraft II\Accounts\\1-S2-1-
bread's done