Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void

[quote name='BattleChicken']The roach range increase, if it is an upgrade, is a great idea - i love it.[/QUOTE]
If it is an upgrade, I'm cool with it. If it's on by default... damn.
Yeah.. roach have huge HP and reasonable DPS. the low range is the trade off for that bonus. Giving roach greater range out of the box might make them too powerful. we'll have to see, i guess.
Depot before rax is definitely a slap in the face, we're gonna see a lot of Terran losses due to early game rush cause we cant get out a marine before a single zealot or lings are sent out -_-
I don't see how they can do this without adjusting the build time of the spawning pool to compensate for the additional time delay for what is already the slowest race.
I don't play but I love to see the competition. Going to be heading to the aftershock tournament after the NYCC tomorrow.


Thermaltake to sponsor the insomnia41 Starcraft 2 tournament

We are very pleased to announce that Thermaltake are now sponsoring the Starcraft 2 tournament at insomnia41!

As part of this amazing sponsorship deal, the tournament will have a fantastic prize fund of £5,000.

In conjunction with the insomnia41 LAN tournament, well be running online qualfiers starting next Thursday, providing you the opportunity to win free entry to insomnia41.

Well be releasing more information, including instructions on how to sign up soon.

Also, due to only being able to announce this today, we will be extending our insomnia41 Early Bird promotion, giving you 20% off, until Friday 8th at 23:59.

Starcraft 2 gave us some amazing coverage at our last event, and were pleased to once again be supporting a new community returning to the iSeries events.

We will also be announcing details on our live coverage both online and at the events in the coming days, and for the latest information dont forget to follow @iseries on twitter!

Make sure you dont miss out on your chance to get yourself a discounted ticket for insomnia41 at only £72. You can purchase your insomnia41 ticket here to secure your place at the event.
What the horse-cocks are you two on about?
[quote name='BattleChicken']I think it would be fun to play some games with CAGs this evening.. anyone game for that? Chances are I'd be around to play between 10 pm and 11 pm Central.[/QUOTE]
For Aiur, of course.
The entire time I've been involved in this thread, nobody except Kilm has acted like a dickbag by insulting the other people in it.. Can you please tone it down Kilm? There is no reason to be so hostile when someone does something you disagree with.
[quote name='BattleChicken']The entire time I've been involved in this thread, nobody except Kilm has acted like a dickbag by insulting the other people in it.. Can you please tone it down Kilm? There is no reason to be so hostile when someone does something you disagree with.[/QUOTE]

It's not so much Mega doing something Klm disagrees with...just that Mega is doing something to begin with. It's almost pavlovian at this point. Mega makes a post, Kilm makes a hostile post towards Mega.
[quote name='Salamando3000']It's not so much Mega doing something Klm disagrees with...just that Mega is doing something to begin with. It's almost pavlovian at this point. Mega makes a post, Kilm makes a hostile post towards Mega.[/QUOTE]

Some ppl just like to be controlled.

Onward to digital goodness!
Not super interesting, but:

Still incapable of playing. This has been a weird saga. It killed my power supply way back when I got it. Ordered a monstrous power supply. I measured before I got it - it would fit in my case. Get it with glee a month ago. Determined that my case has a "cage" of sorts around the PSU, and that there was literally a centimeter or so worth of metal bending down on the edges that caused the new power supply to sit in it awkwardly. So I decided that was no good, and I needed to fix these flaps. Initially I just tried to bend them upward with pliers, but this didn't work. Then I tried hammering them flat - also didn't work. They were too thick to bend back and forth until they broke off, so I resorted to buying a Dremel, which I've always wanted anyway. Today I finally sat down and managed to cut one of the flaps off. There are two other shorter ones I need to eliminate, and then I'll need to sand down the edges so they are smooth.

So a lot of trouble, but in a somewhat amusing way.
[quote name='BattleChicken']The entire time I've been involved in this thread, nobody except Kilm has acted like a dickbag by insulting the other people in it.. Can you please tone it down Kilm? There is no reason to be so hostile when someone does something you disagree with.[/QUOTE]

Hey, look, yet another hypocrite.

I haven't insulted anyone in this thread. Try to find a post where I insult other people in this thread.

It's not so much Mega doing something Klm disagrees with...just that Mega is doing something to begin with. It's almost pavlovian at this point. Mega makes a post, Kilm makes a hostile post towards Mega.
This isn't true.

I like how despite my being on his ignore list, he still loves to talk about me. Can't ignore me, he loves being controlled. Ah, moar hypocrisy.
Sorry dude, I know I kept lagging behind, just don't have the time to really practice much and get any better.
[quote name='Clak']Sorry dude, I know I kept lagging behind, just don't have the time to really practice much and get any better.[/QUOTE]

Nah its straight, I'm not that good.

I hate mass voids in 2s.
[quote name='Clak']I can get on now if anyone is planning to play.

Crotch, Hotshot?[/QUOTE]
Sorry, was playing with HotShot and a dirty, dirty hippy.

And trying to figure out what the cocks is going on with this microphone.
Sorry i missed you guys, especially since it was my idea to play... but family comes before the game.

Maybe later this weekend. I'm now diamond in every league I play..! Now I never have to play a random 4v4 game again. Ever. EVER..!
I don't know what it is, when I'm playing against the AI, even on higher settings, I seem to be able to concentrate better. Every time I play against a live person I start forgetting things and making stupid mistakes.
True, I've done shit to the AI I know I probably couldn't do to a live player. Plus the AI rarely seems to attack via air much, so I usually just concentrate on defending my entrance from ground forces.
New patch update today:

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.1.2


-Players will no longer receive achievement toasts while their status is set to "Busy."
-The messaging when attempting to load a saved game or replay from a previous version has been clarified
-Adjusted the amount of points earned and lost by random team participants to properly reflect the strength of a player's teammates.


-Nexus life and shields increased from 750/750 to 1000/1000.
Void Ray
-Damage level 1 increased from 5 to 6 (+4 armored).
-Damage level 2 decreased from 10 (+15 armored) to 8 (+8 armored).
-Flux Vanes speed upgrade bonus decreased from 1.125 to 0.703.

-Barracks requirement changed from Command Center to Supply Depot.
-Supply Depot life increased from 350 to 400.
-Acceleration reduced from 2.315 to 2.25.
-Speed reduced from 2.75 to 2.5.
-Nitro Packs speed upgrade now has a Factory Requirement.
-Energy bar removed.
-250mm Strike Cannons is now cooldown-based on a 50-second cooldown. Ability starts with cooldown available (useable immediately after upgrade is researched).

-Hatchery life increased from 1250 to 1500.
-Lair life increased from 1800 to 2000.
-Spawning Pool life increased from 750 to 1000.
-Spire life increased from 600 to 850.
-Ultralisk Cavern life increased from 600 to 850.
-Energy bar removed.
-Corruption is now cooldown-based on a 45-second cooldown. Ability starts with cooldown expired (must wait for full 45-second cycle before usable).
-Fungal Growth now prevents Blink.
-Range increased from 3 to 4.

Bug Fixes

-Fixed an issue where players could not cast the Feedback spell on Point Defense Drones.
-Fixed an issue where the Phoenix would continue to channel Graviton Beam after the target died.
-Fixed an issue that would cause Larvae to spawn and be hidden behind Zerg eggs.
-Fixed an issue where players were unable to navigate to the Single Player page or watch replays after canceling map downloads from the queue.
-Fixed a desync that could occur on user-created maps with custom mod dependencies.
Whoa, the void ray change will really change the dynamic of how the unit is used, I think. I like it...

Removing the energy bars from corruptor and thor is a good thing, also. I expect that protoss will not a be a fan of the thor change, mind you. The zerg building health increases were needed.

All around, good changes.
Pachinko - 913 US server

looking for casual practice partners and starcraft 2 enthusiasts :)

also if any1 could tell me how protoss should deal with mutalings >.>
Like: fixed feedback Vs PDDs.
Ambivalent: Void ray changes (never used the bastards anyway), removal of energy from corruptors (never saw the bastards much)
Afraid of: removal of energy from thors, fungal growth buff, roach range being on by default and not an upgrade.

As far as mutaling? I'm-a come right out and say that I can't really deal with it unless I have phoenixes. Stalkers get shredded by lings without heavy zealot support, and if you're doing a heavy gateway mix, you're ceding the whole damn map to the mutalisks. Phoenixes get you perfect scouting (and unlike terran, zerg don't have a whole lot of shit you need obs for, so no need to hurry to that robo), you can harrass with them, and they will ground those mutas hard unless you fall behind in numbers. Zealots should be able to handle any lings; make sure you get +1 weapons if you expect a lot of zealot vs zergling battles.

If the game continues on, expect to see hydras and/or corruptors out of the enemy.
lings and mutas hit fast but light. I think far too many people overlook armor upgrades to increase unit longevity, as they increase armor for both tos mech and gate units.

I typically make sure to get armor upgrade, and do 3/4 gate, heavy stalker, with collosi against most zerg. Also, archon deal splash damage and extra to bio, and in SC2, detection isn't a given so DTs are viable a lot of the time.

Phoenix are also pretty cheap, and can be used to snipe zerg supply, which should slow them down.
Eh. Because of the way protoss armour is split in two - not to mention just how fucking awesome +1 attack is for zealots against lings - I really favour my weapon upgrades in that matchup.
thx for the advice.

I've basically been going 2 gate stargate against every zerg i face now just to make sure I won't get destroyed by mutalisks. I've also tried blink stalkers before but mutalisks are just so mobile :S
guess i just gotta work on my macro to make sure the zerglings don't kill me
I goofed around with and found a viable PF fast expand build in my terran game. Now I'm going to fiddle around with finding a decent archon build... This'll be fun.
I just tested out the voidrays in the unit tester and wow what a change. An equal value of stalkers will always beat an equal amount of voidrays(6) with minimal micro, as long as they dont get stuck behind each other in a cramped area. This is the case while they are uncharged and engage AND pre-charged and engaged.

The pre-charged and charged damage is way too similar, further killing its original concept of destroying high hp units. They've lost their speed and their damage and maintain their expensive cost. At this point I'd like to see how they could be used effectively.
voids have to not be shot at now to be effective, meaning they'll be seen as a mixed in support unit rather than one thats massed, and unable to be assailed once they hit critical mass; That, or we'll see carriers because they now look way more appealing than void rays.

Speaking of units that shouldn't be able to be massed and see wins.. I was goofing around and played some FFAs, messing around with zerg to try and get the achievement for winning with each race, and I was beaten by a 2 base terran who just made marines and medivacs - he didn't even tech shield! he just hit a critical mass with marines such that my banes and lings couldn't even assail him. it shouldn't have worked.

I had corruptors, I had hydra, lings, banes and muta all in great numbers. he was just able to kill most of my units before they got a chance to do any real damage. to the huge ball of marines with healing support.

I still can't believe I lost to that.. he caught me while i was out of my base and blew up my tech twice, I fought it off, then he just hit me with a group of 14 or so medivacs filled with only marines.. fully upgraded (but still no shield) and stim. Considering I had killed everyone else, I'm irritated that I lost like that, especially since I built all the proper counters and even used them well.. he just stimmed and then attack moved. Such crap.

I'm starting to think marines need a nerf... they need to be changed such that they can't stack as well as they do. I also think their range should be nerfed, as in SC1, and they should require and upgrade to get the current range.
Burrowed banelings to catch him off guard? Ultras with armor upgrades and then move the Banelings in once the Ultras are engaged or just use the Ultras. 10-15 Ultras vs marines shuold be cake. Marines will do what, 2 damage a hit?
Nooooo not my voids! :(

I was messing with dark templars yesterday and I can't believe I've ignored them so long.
[quote name='DarkRider23']Burrowed banelings to catch him off guard? Ultras with armor upgrades and then move the Banelings in once the Ultras are engaged or just use the Ultras. 10-15 Ultras vs marines shuold be cake. Marines will do what, 2 damage a hit?[/QUOTE]

or broodlords, which is what I was intending to do.

The problem was he killed my tech with a drop in my main, so I was limited to midrange units. Infestors I had JUST gotten when he dropped in with the stupid amount of marines.

He kept catching me while I was out killing the other players. In any case.. if I had unfettered ability to tech, I would have brood lorded him.
Well, I have to do a complete reinstall. The new patch borked up during the download, causing all kinds of issues. I couldn't even the repair tool to start. Flipping lame.
I really hate playing 1v1s. I'm in the Gold league currently and I either murk, or get murked, not much fun. I try studying the game, trying BO's, watching vids. Its just frustrating.
[quote name='suko_32']It was nice playing some games with you and your friend, Clak.[/QUOTE]
Yep, was fun. It's funny, I can beat the hard AI easily 1v1, in teams though they gang up together. I wish people were that organized, always massing together and attacking at once.
[quote name='The Crotch']Chicken... are you really complaining about unit balance in an FFA?[/QUOTE]

Not really. I've seen a lot more mass marines in my games lately, and the result of that game just happened to be what made me vocalize it. I was more chastising myself than complaining that it wasn't beatable; the grapes may have been sour at the time also.

The strategy was beatable. I had thought I had properly countered the strategy, and was annoyed when I didn't. Thinking and writing about it made me contemplate better ways to handle it, so the next time something like that comes up I'll counter it better.

That said, I still think marines stack a bit too close together.
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[quote name='BackInBlack']I really hate playing 1v1s. I'm in the Gold league currently and I either murk, or get murked, not much fun. I try studying the game, trying BO's, watching vids. Its just frustrating.[/QUOTE]

Just relax and don't worry about it much. Keep playing and you'll eventually get better with all your losing :p. I absolutely hated 1v1s at first, but I just stopped caring if I won and eventually got better. I'm in Platinum and I'm not doing much other than just playing for fun. I'm not really taking the game too seriously, but I do watch a lot of HDStarcraft, HuskyStarcraft, PsyStarcraft & Day9 vids which help a lot.
Chicken, Crotch, Draekon: You guys want to get on SC2 on a regular basis (like 2-3 times a week) and work on our 4v4 rating? I'm sick of playing with randoms.

I would love to get together with a regular group, but BattleChicken Jr. makes it difficult to do fun things at planned times.

If we try and pick a time to do it, I'll give it my best to be around. For me, after 10 pm central is best, but depending on when Jr. goes to sleep, It could be alter or earlier than that.
bread's done