Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void

Forgot to post here when I uploaded this, but I did my first StarCraft fanart! :whee:

Currently entertaining the idea of sending it to Blizzard, but the vast majority of the fanart they post on their community sites is waaaaay different from the style I work in.

Did the first three challenges in SC2 recently. Also tried a game against the computer (too rusty to play online), but got bored and quit :razz:
At least it's only your mouse, Crotch. My keyboard's CTRL key only works whenever it pleases so hotkeying shit can be a bitch. BlackWidow arrives Wednesday. Can't beat $75 for a mechanical keyboard.
[quote name='BattleChicken']Logitech MX518 is still my favorite mouse design ever. they carried it over to the G5, G7, and now i think the G500.. all good mice.[/QUOTE]
I've been using one of those for years - or something based on that design - actually, and it's served me well, but it's damn near useless for Starcraft now 'cause half the time it translates a single click to a double click. Trying to move a probe? TOO BAD YOU MOVED EVERY SINGLE PROBE ON THE SCREEN. Trying to cast a series of psi storms on those hydras? TOO BAD BECAUSE THE MOUSE MADE YOU CLICK ON A HYDRA AFTER THE FIRST STORM SO NOW IT'S SELECTED INSTEAD OF YOUR UNITS.

Pissin' me off something' awful.
[quote name='The Crotch']I've been using one of those for years - or something based on that design - actually, and it's served me well, but it's damn near useless for Starcraft now 'cause half the time it translates a single click to a double click. Trying to move a probe? TOO BAD YOU MOVED EVERY SINGLE PROBE ON THE SCREEN. Trying to cast a series of psi storms on those hydras? TOO BAD BECAUSE THE MOUSE MADE YOU CLICK ON A HYDRA AFTER THE FIRST STORM SO NOW IT'S SELECTED INSTEAD OF YOUR UNITS.

Pissin' me off something' awful.[/QUOTE]

that happens often with wear and tear on mice.
Yeah I've gone through 2 of these Microsoft Intellimouse optical mice. Surprised they still make them considering how old they are.
I'm on a fair amount, particularly on weekends, so feel free to msg me anytime. CornFlakeZ 156.

I see some of you guys online but you guys are always away or playing already.
That was a good watch, mostly because I have to keep telling my partners to not quit when they got knocked out...
[quote name='The Crotch']In that case, "me" is the video.

Just thought 'twas relevant information for when you want to know why I ain't saving your base.[/QUOTE]

Definitely good information, but I read "watch me", I expect to see you in the damn video!

It's hard to get teammates synced enough so that everyone is ready to attack at the same time. I tend to lag behind and it gets frustrating, I hate feeling like everyone is waiting on me. Then I'm sure they get pissed too.
[quote name='HotShotX']Definitely good information, but I read "watch me", I expect to see you in the damn video!

Aye, I realize that, but I didn't want to mess with the "Attention: X, Y me." format of my posts.

Also, after mostly playing team games and 1v1ing only in custom, I'm finally god damn diamond. I landed in, like, 19th place in my league, lost a game, and logged back on hours later in 70th place or something.

Also, I fucking hate PvP. PvZ? I can open phoenix and transition to robo or HT. PvT? I hate banshees, but I still feel comfortable going robo into high templar. PvP? It just... it doesn't feel right, dammit!
I've had so many PvP games lately. Seems like everyone went from using only terran to protoss. I was using protoss back when terran was cool, dammit!
Getting an awful lot of PvP too, and good GOD were the last ~8 games I played bad. I was just all over the fucking place in every single game. Managed to sneak a few wins, but it was still a horrible showing for me.
[quote name='The Crotch']Getting an awful lot of PvP too, and good GOD were the last ~8 games I played bad. I was just all over the fucking place in every single game. Managed to sneak a few wins, but it was still a horrible showing for me.[/QUOTE]

I'll be on later tonight if you want to get a few games in.

So is anyone still playing tonight? Like soon?

Edit: unfortunately i have to go to sleep soon...sorry hotshot :(
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[quote name='suko_32']So is anyone still playing tonight? Like soon?[/QUOTE]

I'll be on soon.

EDIT: On Now.

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The GSL finals were lagging on GOM, but was still pretty interesting. I am glad
won. I like his play style, and matches throughout the GSL. Only two more weeks until the start of GSL Season 3.
I think I just played my favourite 1v1 so far. It was pvp (my most hated matchup), my macro was pretty bad, and my opponent was far worse.

But it was just so god damn ridiculous.

First off, buddy went cannon rush on a four-player map. Since his scout probe was within vision of my base for all of half a second, I know something was up, and by the time he started a pylon up below my cliff (he was doing that "start it outside their base, then creep it up their cliff" method of cannon rushing), I had a zealot. So, cannon rush repelled, pylon dead, probe running, good work, me. I head back inside my base and kick myself for how much I let that cannon rush fuck up my macro.

But most importantly, I forgot to reset the rally point on my gateway, which still pointed to where the pylon was. So when my next zealot popped... is that another fucking pylon? It is! This time, he's got more probes, he's calling cannons in, and he's even bringing in zealots. They buy him enough time to get the cannons up, so I retreat to my base... where my stalkers kill it effortlessly from high ground. He tries to run a probe up to get them vision, but no dice. I charge ahead with six zealots, six stalkers, a sentry, a robo bay just built, and an expansion at my natural coming in. He has... two cannons in the middle of the map and two zealots, two stalkers, and a half-finished immortal at his base.

I get to his base and he says, "fuckin asshole", "make more gateways", and "I hate these fucin map". He then quits.

His name his Champs, and he has one thousand more points (diamond) and five hundred more 1v1s than I do.

He built his first pylon at 10/10 - in his base, not at mine to facilitate the cannon rush, in his - and used his first chrono boost on a 100% supply blocked nexus.
[quote name='The Crotch']
He built his first pylon at 10/10 - in his base, not at mine to facilitate the cannon rush, in his - and used his first chrono boost on a 100% supply blocked nexus.

Great story. I laughed. It's quite sad that someone can get up to a 1600 pt Diamond with just cannon rushing and cheesing other people. What's worse is that someone will do it game after game and not get bored...
[quote name='Strell']Implying the machine I bought with mine somehow isn't my own?

Implying the one you're using right now isn't your own, which is broken, because you're stupid and mean and wrong.
[quote name='DarkRider23']Great story. I laughed. It's quite sad that someone can get up to a 1600 pt Diamond with just cannon rushing and cheesing other people. What's worse is that someone will do it game after game and not get bored...[/QUOTE]

I do it when i play team games, when i random protoss, and when its a map where its favorable to do it in my end. I've had very high levels of success with it. I wouldn't dare do it in a 1v1, but then again, I've yet to play a 1v1 league game since beta.
Oh, hey, I wholeheartedly support doing utter bullshit in team games - like, say, muta planetary fortress contain against two protoss' worth of proxy warpgates - but 1v1? Get that pylon the fuck outta my base, comrade.
Just played the biggest game of bullshit ever. 4v4 and I was the only one on my team that actually did something. By the time I was at 200/200 food, my teammates were at 50-60 food each. The enemy had 3 players at 200/200 food. We got roflstomped. Yay.
[quote name='The Crotch']Oh, hey, I wholeheartedly support doing utter bullshit in team games - like, say, muta planetary fortress contain against two protoss' worth of proxy warpgates[/QUOTE]

Awesome game, btw.

I've had a lot of fun with my PF Builds; PF in main, fast expand with PF to thor or banshee/viking.

You'd think you would be hurt bad by doing it, but so long as it isn't against terrans early aggression is handled by the gun, so you can focus on heavy econ. I've had a lot of fun doing that against 6 pool zergs.. they don't know what to do most of the time when there's a PF in the main, and by the time they can get muta, I'll have at least one, more likely 2, thor out.
[quote name='kainzero']Why is planetary fortress included in any discussion with HotShotX?[/QUOTE]
Why wouldn't it be?

EDIT: Oh, and those were proxy gates pumping out dark templar.

fuck yeah.
[quote name='BattleChicken']You'd think you would be hurt bad by doing it[/QUOTE]
actually you are, mules are so broken...

but yeah most people don't know how to respond.
if i saw that i would expand and turtle up, the economic lead is too good.
bread's done