Stardew Valley Video review


Howdy guys, gonna start posting some reviews of games I have been playing lately. Check them out and let me know if you are interested in the game. First one I am gonna post is Stardew Valley. Here is the Video Review.
Here is a Transcription of the Review just in case you were interested.
Stardew Valley - I have been living most of my recent life gaming in a harvest moon-esque paradise. I should say I'm absorbed tittering on obsessed. Stardew Valley has all the great qualities of the game it pays homage to but then ups the ante and takes the title for farming life sim by allowing each and every player to tackle this game how they see fit. My own personal old fashioned farm feels good to me but I have witnessed and watched others form breweries, hatcheries, or extravagantly detailed hybrid farms and the occasional non farmer cave dwelling monster fighting player.This game is splendid. You are given the reins to a family farm and start you simpler life away from you 9-5 desk job to get in touch with nature and begin to have a happier more eventful lifestyle. Each day I spent with Stardew Valley was filled with purpose and goals. From watering my plants, feeding my chicken, having geodes prospected, placing new items in the museum to gifting presents to prospective spouses and new friends or occasionally fishing. Each activity has worth and once you stop worrying about how fast you have to go to make money or more and just stop to learn and play smarter with leisure. Your time in Stardew Valley will be extremely enjoyable. This was the only thought process I had to try and understand and the main reason why this review didn't get uploaded the prior week. I have been taking my time with Stardew Valley and loving every minute of it along the way. Stardew Valley has a deep progression system of relationship building which require interaction on birthdays and gift giving and attending social events. Social events are especially nice because its where they stop the clock and you can take your time talking to everyone and not have to worry if you will make it to sleep on time to keep the pickpocket away from you goods when you pass out. This game is truly a amazing accomplishment since it was develeoped by a single developer Eric Barone. Eric has put together a game that is deeper and more rewarding then practically every other life sim/builder genre type game in the last 10 years. Prepare to lose yourself and for you own sake don't attempt to race through this game. Take your time just living the simpler life that we all could use just a little more of. Stardew Valley is a no brainier at any price. Whether you by it on steam or but the console version on the PS4. You are getting a instant classic. I will be playing alot more Stardew Valley and as a trophy hunter Stardew Valley have done something quite astonishing to which when I play it I not even slightly tempted to push to accomplish a specific trophy and just leisurely play this title. That is a testament to just how much game play mechanics and satisfying progression and social interaction can at anytime take you to another view on how to enjoy you gaming experience.
Looking forward to this game to games release on the Switch, even though I already own it on the XB1. I agree with you in that achievements/trophies weren't a priority while playing through. Either way, I know I'll never get 100% anyways with the Joja Cola achievement. 

Great review! This will definitely be a must play when I pick up a Switch. Also thank you for providing a transcription of the video, I appreciate it!

Looking forward to this game to games release on the Switch, even though I already own it on the XB1. I agree with you in that achievements/trophies weren't a priority while playing through. Either way, I know I'll never get 100% anyways with the Joja Cola achievement.
Actually there is a workaround for the jola cola using save files. There is an explanation on playstationtrophies website that goes into more detail. Hope this helps

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