Starship troopers

[quote name='ryosnk']Hey I enjoyed Starship troopers the movie but is starship troopers 2 worth getting? :roll:[/quote]

Not unless you're buying it for the ironic value.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I'm interested in this too, but all signs point to "no" when a movie goes direct to video.[/quote]
my thoughts exactly
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I'm interested in this too, but all signs point to "no" when a movie goes direct to video.[/quote]

Thats a really good point. Just look at all the Jean-Claud VanDamme movies. They all go straight to video now. A shame if you ask me.
I was just thinking about this question myself. Great timing ryosnk.

The $20 price I've seen adverstised doesn't make it that attractive. If it was cheaper I may pick it up. If anyone knows of a cheaper price please post.
I will always remember Starship Troopers even though I've never seen the movie because of that song. "Woo hoo! blabla blabla blabla bla" "Woo hoo! blabla blabla blabla bla."
I heard this second movie is nothing like the first one. It's suppose to be more like Aliens, aka horror and action. Dont know if it's gonna be good but I might pick up that 2 pack since I've been meaning to pick up the first movie on dvd.
Starship troopers one was pretty decent, but this one looks quite cheap. But I may buy it if I can find it for $10-$15 just to check out it.

Van Damme's most recent movie "In Hell" was actually pretty decent and that was direct to video.
I remember seeing the trailer for ST in the theaters before it came out. I thought it looked incredibly lame and couldn't believe how stupid the name was (Starship Troopers?....c'mon!). I eventually watched it when it came to DVD and was amazed how good it was! Lots of black humor and political undertones (like how the "good guys" commanders are dressed like Nazi officers). Pretty violent too. It was directed by the guy that made Robocop, so you know it's gotta be good.

I don't know about ST2 though. If Paul Verhoeven didn't direct it, it's probably shit.
I remember hearing about how they wanted to make starship troopers 2 more like the book, with the mech suits and all. I thought it would be the coolest. But it looks like the direct to DVD movie won't have any of that cool stuff.
ever notice how on the cover of both movies the men look determined and in an "angry yell" expression while the women look like they are laughing? it just kinda pisses me off.
[quote name='norkusa']I couldn't believe how stupid the name was (Starship Troopers?....c'mon!).[/quote]

Actually, that was the name of the book it was based on, which was written in 1959 by Robert Heinlein.
It wasn't directed by PV, and Ed Neumeier didn't write it. Thus, stay far far away.

The first one is awesome, though (though not as good as the director's cut of RoboCop).
I TiVo'd ST2 off of whatever channel it was playing on.

One word: HORRIFIC.

It wsn't worth my time and it isn't worth your money.
The budget is very low on this one, but I am going to rent it. No large battles and such. It is alos missig a lot of the sublte humor from the first one. DVDfile had a good review of it. I also heard that this is more like Aliens. A small crew stranded and fighting a large bug force. I am going to rent it because I was such a huge fan of the 1st one.

It looks like there is a new Roughnecks coming out today as well. The Roughnecks is the animated series that came out a few years ago. I completely missed it, but have picked up most of the videos. Very good series.
Take the money you would spend on the movie and light it on fire and use it to light fireworks for the 4th of July. That would be better spent and at least you would get some enjoyment out of it. All I can say is that I will never get the time back from watching this piece of crap and I already regret it. The first movie was okay, just read the book instead. The animated series was great but it got screwed over.
[quote name='Stryffe2004']The budget is very low on this one, but I am going to rent it. No large battles and such. It is alos missig a lot of the sublte humor from the first one. DVDfile had a good review of it. I also heard that this is more like Aliens. A small crew stranded and fighting a large bug force. I am going to rent it because I was such a huge fan of the 1st one.

It looks like there is a new Roughnecks coming out today as well. The Roughnecks is the animated series that came out a few years ago. I completely missed it, but have picked up most of the videos. Very good series.[/quote]

A comparison to Aliens is kind beyond words.

There was NO humor.

There was stock footage from ST.

Rent away, but don't say you weren't warned. Anything that can be said to explain away the mess this movie is a mistake and misguided.

Aliens is a classic. What an insult to connect the two. The only common thing is that they are fighting aliens in space.
I rented it, and while the beginning was pretty cheesy in the lines, while it went on I liked it better. At the end I actually looked back on it and really liked the movie, and while it doesn't compare to the first, it is a pretty good experience all-in-all. The thing that disappointed me most, is that the guns weren't the ones used in the first, these seem to be close to the same model but use a flashlight kind of effect when a round is fired off, they also used one of the guns similar to the game released like 4 years ago.
And, there are breasts in the movie, 'mo breasts beats no breasts.
[quote name='ryosnk']Well has anyone rented or bought ST 2? :?[/quote]

I was rather clear that I watched it on TiVo.

Perhaps if you bothered to read the thread you would see the comments that not only I, but others, who have seen it made.

It was horrible, one of the chicks I think she was a captian was in the first one(she died), was also in the second after I saw that it was clear they didnt have much of a buget.
its just basically trying to cash in on the somewhat cult following of starship troopers. its awful, cheesy and in every way bad. and every review the only good points i see written are how much they liked the first or the "chicks". so if you are lonely but too afraid to buy porn, but this instead.
The novel Starship Troopers is indeed excellent, especially considering Heinlein's political views, and the fact that we were deep in the "Red Scare" at the time.
The movie, while certainly omitting portions of the novel [the combat suits, for example], was still good in its way, although it seemed to be more mocking Heinlein's views or at least exaggerating them ironically than reiterating them.
But even standing alone, ST the movie made its own social commentaries.
IIRC ST2 didn't even go straight to video, it played on SciFi first, then to video. I haven't seen it, but I've heard horrible things about it. Plus, I liked the first so much, odds are against the second being anywhere near as enjoyable.
Side note: something like the last 5 movies Elizabeth Hurley has been in, have gone straight to video. She
s going to be looking for a new job soon.
I saw this movie on cable, after 30 minutes, I had to turn the tv off. This was the most wretched piece of crap I had ever seen. Your average episode of Enterprise has a budget 10 times bigger than this turd movie. Buy this movie only if you want to torture yourself. I cannot believe that something this bad was ever made. This is coming from someone who totally loved the first Starship Troopers.
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