Postal 2: Complete (Desura code)

(then go to for your Steam key)

(fyi..the ghost behind you pee'd on you)
dang missed... postal is absolutely hillarious
Lame..Desura still say who claimed the key? I'm intrigued :)
Normally it does say the username, but not in this case..odd it just states that it has be redemeed but not by who...hum =/

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Anyone familiar with the Indie Royale bundle and Desura, I read somewhere if you give out the Desura keys to someone it gives them access to your Indie Royale purchase page, is this true?  I have no experience with Desura.  Also are the Steam and Desura keys mutually exclusive or can both be redeemed?

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Anyone familiar with the Indie Royale bundle and Desura, I read somewhere if you give out the Desura keys to someone it gives them access to your Indie Royale purchase page, is this true? I have no experience with Desura. Also are the Steam and Desura keys mutually exclusive or can both be redeemed?
If they have your Desura key then they can also see your IR key page with the Steam keys. They view the Steam keys similar to Humble Bundle did with the Desura keys in their old bundles, you only own 1 license with multiple ways of accessing the game. Which is why I don't give out the Desura keys.

Thanks.  Why do some of the games list a cd key as well as a steam key, desura key, and direct download link?  Is that for if you use the direct download link?

Thanks. Why do some of the games list a cd key as well as a steam key, desura key, and direct download link? Is that for if you use the direct download link? some cases it's just for multiplayer access in DRM-free games

If I remember correctly they automatically redeem your Desura key now so they can't be sold.

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Good to know, thanks for the answers.

A Valley Without Wind 1 and 2

?YY8R-8IDXY-XGIQF     ?=3+3

Shattered Haven

6ZWLT-Z??Q2-5I2WI     ??=66+11


5972Z-Z9E57-?IGE0     ?=3+3-3

AI War: Fleet Command

6NZZJ-QNKNV-MD?X6     ?=18-9

If you get AI war tell me and I will PM codes to you for 4 expansions as well.

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If AI was taken by a lurker I wonder if he'll actually sign up for an account to get the expansions, those expansions are half of the bundle.

To whoever did take it if by the time I wake up tomorrow you haven't claimed them I'll attempt to give them to someone else.  Hopefully I can find someone who has the main game but not the expansions.

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Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals

Post Apocalyptic Mayhem+DLC

Syberia 2

Trapped Dead

Wasteland Angel

Request one and you shall receive.

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hah sorry but had to troll the lurkers
That made me think of this pic I saw earlier today :)


first person that quotes this today (thursday) at 12:27AM [so i guess it would technically would be Friday but you get what i mean] will get the new weekly humble sale, whatever that is going to be.

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first person that quotes this today (thursday) at 12:27AM [so i guess it would technically would be Friday but you get what i mean] will get the new weekly humble sale, whatever that is going to be.
Lol it ain't even out yet. Don't count this if number one, I'm gonna be buying multiple of my own.

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Anyone want a sig Design while im chilling in here?? Bored and the baseball game blows im watching right now 

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Ill take them LMAO jk but really i dont want a lurker to take them if you have them leftover just give to me and ill give them to my friends at school

If AI was taken by a lurker I wonder if he'll actually sign up for an account to get the expansions, those expansions are half of the bundle.

To whoever did take it if by the time I wake up tomorrow you haven't claimed them I'll attempt to give them to someone else. Hopefully I can find someone who has the main game but not the expansions.
In order for me not to get depressed by this I'm gonna pretend they don't speak English

Just Syberia 2 now.  1 per each time I drop codes limit.  If it comes to it you gotta throw the lurkers a code sometimes.  How are we gonna give them a chance to crawl out of the shadows if we never throw them a bone.

bread's done